Salut! The Wiwi Jury — our in-house panel of music unprofessionals — has landed in Bucharest. We are now boarding a train to the Carpathian mountains and humming along to the Romanian entry for Eurovision 2017 — “Yodel it!” from Ilinca feat. Alex Florea. Does it enhance or spoil the scenery? Read on to find out!

Ilinca feat. Alex Florea – “Yodel It!”

About Ilinca feat. Alex Florea

The two former singing competition alumni were brought together by Timebelle‘s producer Mihai Alexandru. He had written “Yodel It!” for the Swiss-Romanian band but ended up giving it to this fresh-faced Romanian duo. Ilinca Bacila, 18, achieved viral status in 2014 with her Voice of Romania blind audition. She went on to reach the semi-final of that competition. Similarly, Alex Florea, 25, advanced to the semi-final stage of the same show one year later. With “Yodel It!”, the duo won Romania’s Selectia Nationala 2017 and will represent the country in Kyiv. Their off-kilter and totally original performance, which melds Alpine realness with hip-hop, saw Romania shoot as high as sixth in the betting odds to win Eurovision.

“Yodel It!” reviews

Robyn: It’s the most unexpected combination — rock, rap, pop, R&B and yodelling — and yet it works. Ilinca and Alex each bring their own talents to the song and elevate it beyond the novelty of its genre(s). They have great chemistry and seem capable of delivering a fresh and enjoyable performance. Ilinca just needs to ditch the “sexy leprechaun” Halloween costume of the national final.

Score: 7.5/10

Chris: “Yodel It!” has all the hallmarks of terrible 2000s “joke” entries, yet it inexplicably works in the context of 2017. Why shouldn’t a rap-yodel-pop song work? The driving force behind why it works is 100% Ilinca and Alex, whose chemistry sells this one entirely. They genuinely look like they’re enjoying every minute of being on stage and that’s infectious. It’s not very Romanian, but it is very Eurovision.

Score: 6/10

Deban: There are many reasons why Timebelle rejected this song. Despite what many fans claim, there is no fusion here. It’s an overlapping menagerie of distinct musical genres. Individually, both Ilinca and Alex are solid performers, but collectively, “Yodel It” is an aggressive melting pot of hard rock and nonsensical wailing that is lacking in sophistication or musical reasoning. At best, I can only endure a minute of this.

Score: 3/10

Natalie: Ah, Romania – they’ve been looking very closely at Eurovision history to find what’s yet to be seen at Eurovision. Vampire countertenor? Yes. Circular piano? Yes. Act expelled due to broadcaster’s debts? Yes. Yodeller? No? Right then! I challenge anyone not to smile at this — it’s just pure fun. The backing instrumentation is light and cheerful to add to the happy mood. I was never a fan of yodelling and Alex is taking this song far more seriously than he needs to. But it’s still very entertaining. Love your comeback Romania. But it’s just not my idea of a great song.

Score: 5.5/10

Forrest: I’ll admit, “Yodel It!” is an interesting idea. A conversational duet with rap with yodelling is intriguing, but it unfortunately just doesn’t work. There’s too much going on as the song stumbles between its rap and yodel sections, while seeming to throw in some familiar pop sounds into the pre-chorus and chorus for good measure. My suspicion is the song was penned specifically with the yodel gimmick in mind, but a decent track failed to materialize around it.

Score: 2/10

William: When life has you down, don’t stress — just yodel! That inspirational message comes to life in Romania’s Eurovision entry, which has more character than a clown on an acid trip. Beautiful Ilinca schools us on Alpine tradition, serving pitch-perfect wails along with plenty of sass and attitude. Her soaring vocals work well with Alex’s hip-hop leanings, creating a bizarre but delightful mix that makes me smile every time. The backing track could be jazzed up a bit — at times it feels completely lacking. But ultimately this slays for its flair and originality.

Score: 7.5/10

Angus: Contrary to popular belief, yodelling has a place in pop music and isn’t limited to being an Alpine greeting call. Unfortunately “Yodel It” isn’t an example of yodelling working well in pop. The base stadium rock track has had one too many elements bolted onto it for it get off the ground. The rap would have been fine in isolation, or the R&B guest vocal, or the yodelling. But all together, the integrity of the song buckles under so many elements. This is attention grabbing, but for all the wrong reasons.

Score: 2/10

Bogdan: It may be a bit nonsensical for Romania to send a song about yodelling, but why not? It goes hand in hand with the #CelebrateDiversity slogan. Ilinca and Alex are charismatic, they have amazing chemistry, and they are competent singers. The song itself is fun, instantly grabs your attention, and is highly memorable — all necessary ingredients for Eurovision success. Hate it, love it, yodel it — you just can’t ignore it.

Score: 8/10

In our Wiwi Jury, we have 38 jurors but only room for eight reviews. The rest of our scores can be found below:

Anastas: 3/10

Andy: 6.5/10

Anthony: 6.5/10

Antony: 7/10

Antranig: 6/10

Bernardo: 6.5/10

Dayana: 7/10

Edd: 9/10

Erdi: 4/10

George: 3/10

Jacob: 9/10

Jason: 8.5/10

Jordi: 5.5/10

Josh: 6.5/10

Jovana: 6/10

Kristin: 8.5/10

Luis: 7/10

Marek: 6/10

Matt: 1/10

Mikhail: 4.5/10

Padraig: 7.5/10

Patrick: 5.5/10

Renske: 6/10

Rezo: 3/10

Sami: 5/10

Sinan: 7/10

Stanislav: 7/10

Steinunn: 2/10

Tobias: 1/10

Zakaria: 8/10
















Before calculating the average score, the highest and lowest scores are dropped. This is to remove outliers and reduce potential bias. We have removed a low of 1 and a high of 9.

Wiwi Jury verdict: 5.69/10

What do you think of this song? Share your own score and review below!

See our current Eurovision 2017 reviews and rankings

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7 years ago

So much hate could only come from the jury persons. They go amok when there is a song that defies their procrustean standards, that they cannot label properly and throw it in their petty drawers. Chill out and just enjoy music and show in any forms it comes – but yeah, we all know you can’t.

7 years ago

Yodel and Rap and Rock. So stupid! This is Eurovision Song Contest ! Romania is so cheap this year… Sorry Romania.. No final..

7 years ago
Reply to  KittyKatt

You must be another old person that don’t like this song. Only old and lonely persons can dislike this song. Don’t you see that this is the most contemporary song in this poor ESC. If this song does not qualify Romania should never return to ESC and not pay the EBU fees any longer.

7 years ago
Reply to  KittyKatt

it’s called celebrating diversity this year i think and that is what Romania is doing

and Ilinca sings this lyric, if you never try, you’ll never know

it’s okay for you to have your own opinion, but just try to laugh at this seeing it as a joke, don’t take it too serious, the message of the song is about having fun 🙂

7 years ago
Reply to  KittyKatt

Sorry, kitty. Yes final :))))

Moscow Time
Moscow Time
7 years ago

Romanians don’t accept people not like their song. No surprise their country is one of the most corrupt in the world, they don’t accept other opinions and they are only happy when people say things they like to hear. They have no respect for diversity of opinion.

Also they talk like they are the king of Eurovision, but they never won and they always are on the right side of the board ahahahah!

Purple Mask
Purple Mask
7 years ago
Reply to  Moscow Time

1. Wiwibloggs comment threads have recently been “attacked” by new “profiles” who seem intent to make the site break its own rules. So, the attacks aren’t limited to this thread or to Romania. 2. Most “regular” commenters from Romania on Wiwibloggs in the past have been nice people. 3. Romania have finished in the top 10 of the ESC a number of times over the past 13 years; that’s the LEFT-hand side of the scoreboard. 4. I personally do not like nationalism at the Eurovision- I would prefer that every song was judged as a song title with no references… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  Moscow Time

I thought Russia is the most corrupt country in the World or am i wrong?

7 years ago
Reply to  adriana

Well, what about North Korea? Just for fun hhh

7 years ago

Dear Wiwi i would like to ask you a favour to investigate these new trolls with negative attitude ,because everytime i see a negative coment on here or any other topics the trolls tend to be with new user names but actually they are not and im very aware that you know about that.
On this site should be allowed one user name from the same ip not thousands.Thank you and apologies if i sounded to blunt.

7 years ago
Reply to  adriana

Absolutely. Thank you for that comment.

Purple Mask
Purple Mask
7 years ago
Reply to  adriana

Indeed, thank you. I have my suspicions that these attacks are organised from a group that is trying to discredit Wiwi and get it shut down. I know that’s a conspiracy theory with no evidence, so sorry if that’s not true. Please don’t take anything you see seriously, and @L’oiseau (the real blue one) you can change your name if you like; you shouldn’t have to, but for goodness sake don’t tell anyone what the new name is, otherwise we’ll be right back where we started. Thanks. If you need help or advice, it might be best to e-mail Robyn… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  Purple Mask

Hey! Thank you so much for your support!!! Yes it might be that. And if that is true that would be really sad. As for me, I don’t take that seriously. But thanks a lot for your concern and keep up the excellent work. BTW, I really enjoy your expert comments on the songs.

7 years ago

Come on people, give the poor guy a break. He’s an old man, you can’t expect someone old fashioned to like a modern song. L’oiseau – you don’t like the song, fine. This is a place for people who like the song. You have expressed your feelings, now go and make lobby for the song(s) you like! Good luck, man

7 years ago
Reply to  Catalin

Of course, you are being ageist. And unlike you I don’t do lobby for anyone.

7 years ago

L’oiseau maybe you are the ignorant mate..go and learn some history about how big jewish community was in portugal.until today there are lot’s of Portuguese jewish who don’t know they are jewish becouse back then the gavrament made lot’s of Jews to convert.

7 years ago
Reply to  liron

That was more than five centuries ago and the big majority of Jews had to flee very unfortunately.

7 years ago

Dear Wiwi, are L’oiseau and Racal some kind of editors or how come are they allowed with so many abusive and disrespectful posts about Romania’s song and to us, the ones who support our song? Please take some measures. Both of thess users are spamming, with over 50 posts each….

7 years ago
Reply to  #Andrada

I challenge you to find and copy-paste one disrespectful and abusive comment Romania or the song that I have said. Disrespectful and abusive is to use my nickname and do ageist comments in this and other wiwi posts. Many of the comments were not written by me. And yes, I have commented a lot today because I have been attacked by many Romanian fans of the song and I had to defend myself.

7 years ago
Reply to  L'oiseau

Please accept my apologies on behalf of Romanians here. We are not some jackals, not haters or frustrated. I don’t think that if someone insulted you it’s supposed to be Romanian. Maybe it’s just an European fan of the song. But it’s a posibility to be a Romanian. In any case, sorry! 🙂

7 years ago
Reply to  Robert

Thank you very much for that. I know that Romanian people are fantastic as I have said here. It must really really passionate fan of the song that is saying all those things. But as the Germans say: the cleverest one gives up.

7 years ago
Reply to  #Andrada

Dear Andrada, I have the same request as l’Oiseau: can you please copy-paste these so called “abusive and disrespectful posts about Romania” that you’re referring to?

The only thing I commented about was the hateful comments that I’m reading here (both against Romania and against random commenters like me). And yes, I have answered all the offensive comments I have read, and I will keep doing it.

7 years ago

L’oiseau, hurry up! There’s a brand new song with music on your good, refined taste. It’s Valentina Monetta’s Spirit of the night. It reminds you of being teenager, all those gay disco clubs you were partying in late 80’s. See you on San Marino’s post, OK? I want to see the good side of you, saying only good things, like.. Spirit of the night being a masterpiece, and also song of the year. Please, be clever and use high words, we only want to see you being kind… Valentina is reading the page, and she needs all the support she… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  Theo

No I don’t like Valentina’s song. And yes I think it is old fashioned and yes apart of some fine moments I think Ralph Siegel has not brought much quality to the history of Eurovision. And no I was not dancing in clubs in the late 80’s but I would have enjoyed it. And about old fashioned if you were so in tune with contemporary music you would know that many young artists to which I listen to seek inspiration in the eighties and nineties. But apparently you are stucked in the 2000’s and seem not want to evolve. Talking… Read more »

Herminia Brasil
Herminia Brasil
7 years ago

So many angry comments over a song. It’s a cheerful song, people! You don’t like it, fine! But don’t spam the whole page with your nevrotic comments! L’oiseau and Rascal, are you for real? You guys have a life? I scrolled down and the page is full of your comments! This is spam. Get a life, guys!

7 years ago

Nope, I have no life. Happy? 😉

I started commenting yesterday evening out of shock at all the hate, and yes I answered all the comments I found offensive (and I’ll keep doing it). anonymous91 has posted way more comments than me under this article but he likes Yodel It, so I’m guessing the spamming doesn’t bother you in his case?

I’m going to go and try to get a life, thanks for your contribution. 😉

7 years ago
Reply to  Racal

talking behind my back now are we, i was posting on here trying to get people to stop arguing, OMG

7 years ago
Reply to  anonymous91

This was absolutely not against you. I was just pointing out that you’re posting just as much as me, yet you’re not accused of spamming and nobody is telling you to “get a life”. I know your posts have been very peaceful (and thank you for that, that shows intelligence)! 🙂

7 years ago
Reply to  Racal

He shows intelligence by his peaceful posts, comparing to your posts (vengeful and resentful ~ all of these just for a song). Some people are so frustrated and show how bitter their lives are.

7 years ago
Reply to  Joanna

Yes, I’m vengeful, I’m resentful, I’m frustrated, I’m bitter, my life is sad, I’m just a horrible, horrible person. Feeling better? Have a nice day, te pup. 😉

7 years ago
Reply to  Joanna

aw thank you Joanna 🙂

7 years ago

Actually there are people using my nick… Many of the comments were not made by me.

7 years ago

I love the song! This is the winer, ya’ll! From USA

7 years ago

Thank you wiwibloggs for erasing some of the comments made here.

7 years ago
Reply to  L'oiseau

yeah i agree, some comments didn’t make any sense at all 🙂

7 years ago

A really good song doesn’t need that kind of promotion.

7 years ago
Reply to  L'oiseau

are we talking about Yodel It, then a yes i agree 🙂 it just needs 2 confident performers i think, and live performance is way better than studio version

7 years ago
Reply to  anonymous91

🙂 No, I was not obviously… That would be too schizophrenic. And I think we have our share of crazy stuff going on here lol. It was meant to be a reply to @Cemil. But it is valid for any song, for that matter. And I agree that the life performances are better because Ilinca is a very good singer and the chemistry does work between them. It is just a pitty that they didn’t come up with a better song. And I am sure it will qualify.

7 years ago
Reply to  L'oiseau

yeah despite some haters i’m also still a bit confident about the chances 🙂

and about the juries well never say never with them i’m praying for them for liking the originality and diversity of this 🙂

7 years ago
Reply to  L'oiseau

And a really good person doesn’t have that kind of behavior… Just saying…

7 years ago
Reply to  L'oiseau

stop hating a song just because you hate a country/nation .. if this wass Sweden you would say its a very good song.. always Romania wass treated with ingorance and negativity ,, iven when they had the winner song like 2005 , 2006, ,2010 , ecc

7 years ago
Reply to  N.Stark

As I said in other comment, Romania should have won in 2010. Oops that was seven years ago, that must make me a very old person…

7 years ago

This song is original, it’s like no other song this year and both artists are great and they fit well together!

However, I don’t like it! I didn’t like it from the start! It could be easily a hit in 2000’s and do great at Eurovision, but now it’s 2017!

I couldn’t agree more with @Deban! This is exactly my opinion about the song!

I’ll give it a 3!

7 years ago
Reply to  AngieP

it’s your right to have your own opinion, anyway thank you for appreciating the originality of this song 🙂

but please don’t be mad if it qualifies to the final 🙂

7 years ago
Reply to  anonymous91

No, I won’t be mad if it qualifies!
I think it happens to everyone (watching a song he/she doesn’t like getting through)!
I’ll be frustrated of course, like “WTF!” or “You’re kidding me!” (first reaction)
But, no, I won’t be mad!

7 years ago
Reply to  AngieP

aw Angie, if you like to know they will release a music video with revamped version today 🙂

7 years ago

@ L’oiseau and Racal if you like Salvador like you said…why don’t you write there, I don’t remember to read many posts (if any) of yours there. Salvador will not win this way…you must do something to help him, promote him, send the link on social media, make lobby, countries spend money for promotion, is not 1976 anymore, modern life has new rules, without promotion you don’t exist. Instead you spend your precious time writing about a song you don’t like. It is not working that way…don’t just wait for the semifinal, hoping jury will like that cry from Portugal…you… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  Cemil

yeah i agree, Salvador needs support

7 years ago
Reply to  Cemil

1. I haven’t made a single comment about the actual song, I’m just shocked at all the hate and rage pouring from everywhere every time there’s an article about Romania. There’s hate against Romania, there’s also hate against people who don’t like the Romanian song: none of it is acceptable. That is my one and only point. 2. Promotion? So this is what you think it is, “promotion”? 😀 Man, no one cares about the comment section of Wiwibloggs and no one will change their votes based on what they read here. People know which song they like, it won’t… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  Racal

Have you tried to say anything negative about Portuguese entry at their topic?…for them Salvador is already a saint (!!!!)…not just his sister’s puppet…(what he really is).

7 years ago
Reply to  Cemil

A really good song doesn’t need that kind of promotion.

7 years ago


bt comi
bt comi
7 years ago

L’Oiseau/Racal, you should not use Romanian letters if you don’t know Romanian language, don’t you think?…because will appear a question mark.
You all like to write at this article because you know you will get an answer (like at the ones about Russia), other articles are a little boring.
Racal said that the hate against Romania is because diaspora voting that s/he saw first hand, because s/he had Romanian friends. Don’t pretend that is about just a song.
Please fight and make many comments at this article!


7 years ago
Reply to  bt comi

“Racal said that the hate against Romania is because diaspora voting that s/he saw first hand, because s/he had Romanian friends”

… Huh? I never said that. There’s no justification for hate and I’m not supporting any hateful speech (be it against the Romanian song or against people who don’t like Yodel It).

PS: I’m not using any Romanian letter, I’m not sure where your question marks come from.

7 years ago
Reply to  Racal

I’m sorry but I have no idea what are you implying….

7 years ago
Reply to  L'oiseau

Again, this was not written by me, as anyone can see by the little picture before the nickname… Childish games…

7 years ago
Reply to  bt comi

Yes I used the Romanian letters doing copy paste. So I couldn’t control the final outcome. Sorry if I offended your language. But I was just illustrating that I liked several Romanian entries in the past… (We are offending the English language all the time and no one seems to care, so you are little but touchy there, no?…) About other articles, I find many to be very interesting. But maybe there about better songs?… Racal hasn’t said anything about the diaspora. But yes, the Romanian diaspora is a factor for the televoting, sorry. There is nothing wrong with it,… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  bt comi

Camelia, you guys should send real Romanian artists like: Corinna Chiriac, Dida Dragan, etc. This is real music!

7 years ago
Reply to  L'oiseau

@pseudo-L’oiseau. I am so happy that my nickname enchants so many people… Apparently you misspelled the name of Corina Chiriac. It’s Corina with one “n” and not “nn”. As I assume you are Romanian, you should at least know how to spell. Ah wait you are in the third grade of primary school… You are not? Ah but you certainly act like one. Ok then, you are excused. Ah yes, and why not? Any problem with that? If it is a good song…

Purple Mask
Purple Mask
7 years ago

Dear Wiwibloggs. Parts of this comments thread contain direct personal insults. This should not be tolerated. Please take the appropriate action.

7 years ago

To all romania haters , you will eat your hat in the will be amazed from the high score this song will get..its original great, fun (and not boring like many others) song who fit to the eurovision completely..a few words about romania I’m israeli but my mom born in romania I can tell you that romania is one of the beautiful countries in with europe, Romania has a rich cullture, and romanians are very educeted and’s not the pepole falt that they had dictatorship regin for many years.also the romanian food is amazing I like mamaliga and… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  liron

well Imri also has a beautiful song this year 🙂

i can still remember Ilinca getting emotional in Jerusalem when they were there for the pre party

7 years ago
Reply to  liron

Well, I couldn’t agree more! In wish Romania all the best. I like very much their Latin origin language, it is always a pleasure to understand some whole sentences and indeed Romanian people are very creative, smart and knowledgeable. As I said, Romanian cinema is one of the best of the world. I just don’t like the song, and we all are entitled to express our opinion. I also have to endure many nasty comments about my favourite this year, which for once is from my home country. That doens’t make me a maniac bashing all the ones that express… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  L'oiseau

As a Romanian I absolutely dislike our movies. I am ashamed, we are far away from US movies class. Surprisingly you say the opposite which is quite interesting.
Because some of you make some statements about this, Romanians are not haters, probably few are overreacting because some of the users make us to look like a crap country, but we respect every comment and we nicely reply. I observe that most of the users are not Romanians. That’s nice, I guess 🙂

7 years ago
Reply to  Robert

I am sure of that. I don’t generalize.

7 years ago
Reply to  liron

Well of course Romania will get lots of votes from Israel, just like every year: Israel has one of the biggest Romanian diaspora in Europe. There are more than 200,000 Romanians (or people of Romanian origins) in Israel, for a population of around 8.6 million: that’s 2% of the population, this is huge! Israel is the 3rd country that has given Romania the most points in the history of the contest. So yes, Israel will give points to Romania but this has nothing to do with the song, it’s just business as usual. And I think everybody here knows that… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  Racal

@racal well israel also have big dissapora from france, poland, russia, spain, portugal, and almost every europen country..yes israelis pepole are jewish with roots from all over Europe and from more places..israelis are not stupid and we do not vote automatically just becouse its romania or other country.. we vote first because of the song and yes romania deliverd over the years very good songs and this year its not love with yudel.. And romania has a rich culture and brillient pepole..the jewish pepole who come from romaniato israel are very smart and secssesful in israel in areas like:… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  liron

You don’t need to convince me: I have multiple Romanian colleagues (and a couple of Romanian friends), I know very well how brilliant they can be (just like citizens of any country). 😉 I know about French or Spanish people in Israel, but people in Western Europe don’t give a damn about Eurovision: viewing figures are lower and lower every year so I highly doubt these expats even know that Eurovision is on TV. On the contrary, I know that Eurovision is a matter of national pride in many Eastern European countries. Hence my comment. In any case, may the… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  Racal

really nice to hear this, mate

but yeah may the best win in May 🙂 and no more drama on this topic please or any other Ilinca and Alex topic still to come, cause their music video will premiere one of these days with the revamp as well 🙂

7 years ago
Reply to  anonymous91

I agree!

7 years ago
Reply to  liron

Portugal has a very small jewish community. Once again ignorance showing up…

7 years ago

I have to say this: I am not Romanian. But I happen to know some Romanians and I have the best impression of them. I also was in Bucharest twice and enjoyed it. In ESC there were many entries I really enjoyed. I remember very well M?lina Olinescu’s song “Eu cred”. Taxi’s “The moon”, Nico and Vlad’s “Pe-o margine de lume” and of course my dear Paula Seling and Ovi, “Playing with Fire” (who should have won that year) are examples of good entries for my taste. So, I have absolutely nothing against the country, quite the contrary. But this… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  L'oiseau

I was about to post a similar comment: I have a couple of Romanian friends here in London and they are lovely people. Thank God I know them; if I were to base my opinion on what I’m reading in the comments here, I would think Romanians are the most hateful, aggressive people on Earth.

7 years ago
Reply to  Racal

Absolutely! Good to remember our lives outside the ESC bubble.

7 years ago
Reply to  Racal

i also know a few romanians on a few forums i’m on, and they are also really sweet and lovely people

but i agree with you, some on here are a bit too vile but i understand how they might be a little frustrated by such low scores, but that isn’t a reason to be nasty themselves

i love Ilinca, she’s so sweet and lovely to the eurovision fans, she also follows Wiwibloggs, i don’t think she likes these vile and nasty comments either

7 years ago
Reply to  anonymous91

Well, yes, this is really sad. People are voicing their frustrations in here, which is really not the place… Cheers

7 years ago
Reply to  L'oiseau

It’s really sad for you, living your life on o page about Romania’s song and have two nicknames, writing from both of them (sometimes in the same time).

7 years ago
Reply to  Danuta

Oh really Danuta?… It seems that you are enjoying reading them… It was not my comments that got erased…

7 years ago
Reply to  L'oiseau

And of course, many entries were sung in Romanian, which for me is a great advantage. Actually this entry in Romanian could work better and be funnier.
PS: Ah yes!!! And I adore Romanian cinema.
So stop this attack!

7 years ago
Reply to  L'oiseau

You are probably an old man, or at least in your mid 40s or 50s (if not 60+). Except Paula and Ovi, the other 3 examples you gave are (in my opinion) the worst Romanian Eurovision entries ever! Malina Olinescu (ranked 22 nearly 2 decades ago, in 1998. We’re in 2017 for God’s sake, music evolves!!!), Taxi (ranked 18 in 2000) and the awful Nico and Vlad Mirita (ranked 20 in 2008 Final). Your musical taste is obviously oldfashioned, that expalins the reason you don’t like modern songs. This year the logo is: #CelebrateDiversity, and it’s for shallow people like… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  DeLuna

Yes you guessed it I am over 40. So what? I have been following the contest since 1976. So, am I not allowed to watch it or to have my own opinions? This is another kind of racism – it’s ageism. And no, I don’t like Ralph Siegel. And no, you are completely wrong about my musical tastes. I like many new things, that you probably don’t even dream of. And I was being nice, because I didn’t mentioned the ones I didn’t like, which I guess you prefer… And there are many very young people that dislike the song,… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  L'oiseau

Thank you Wiwibloggs for deleting all these shameful comments! 🙂

bt comi
bt comi
7 years ago

@The Dark Side of DeMoon
Are you home alone again? You are stupid as wood and you are not doing your country any favor. Your stupidity matches only the stupidity of Racal and you two need a special section…in a clinic.

7 years ago
Reply to  bt comi

leave this person alone, i think she’s just getting a bit emotional from the low scores from the haters

and i agree with you, we shouldn’t be arguing with each other, please everyone just like their own faves, and let us like our faves 🙂

7 years ago
Reply to  bt comi

Great, some more insults. Just what this article needed. 😉 Cheers love.
Yours sincerely, Racal, stupid and clinic-worthy.

7 years ago
Reply to  Racal

this is getting out of control, i feel so sad right now

bt comi
bt comi
7 years ago
Reply to  anonymous91

@ anonymous91

You forgot to say ”Ha Ha Yeah”

7 years ago
Reply to  bt comi

definitely i forgot that 🙂

7 years ago

Original at least it is…
It tries to be the fun and carefree entry, issue is you can’t try that. Golden Boy wasn’t Golden Boy for that reason and, while Yodel It! is unique, it feels somewhat barebones, as if is hoping to coast along on its gimmick, and as such abandoned musical complexity, the beats sounding kinda simple and just… there.

Romania could qualify, but if it does, I heavily see it doing it a Spzak or a Cezar, other than that… it might just be place #11 and the first Romanian NQ

7 years ago
Reply to  Pablo

no first romanian NQ please, not Ilinca and Alex, any other romanian singer can be first romanian NQ except them, i find them so likeable and genuinely nice

7 years ago

Cute couple, positive song – good package but depending on my mood I tend to say it’s either cringeworthy or fabulous. Quite unnecessary for me but I can see them in final. My 25th. | 26. Izrael | 29. Poland

7 years ago

Of course, it is good that it is in the competition and will definitely bring something to the contest but this song is not for me. Ilinca is a good vocalist with a unique talent. I think she deserves a song that shows her off a bit more for both of these reasons, not just the gimmicky one.

7 years ago
Reply to  Briekimchi

But what song should that be? As far as I noticed, everybody was criticized :
– Lindita, Tamara, Lucie because they ”scream”
– O’G3NE because is too much about ”harmonies”
– Jacques because has opera
I like all the artists above, but all have their critics that say is still not good enough.

7 years ago
Reply to  Jumbo

Bulgaria is good.

7 years ago
Reply to  Rocco

I like Bulgaria, it has a great song, but is for male voice. Give that song to a female voice and many will say : screaming woman, screaming woman, screaming woman.
Ilinca made a good choice to yodel it.

7 years ago
Reply to  Jumbo

yeah she did make the right choice, cause she also can sing Pop, Rock, Rap, Musicals, Romanian Folk even Operatic, but her heart and passion is with the yodelling, when they were in amsterdam one person said i didn’t know i could love yodelling that much, and Ilinca replied me neither 🙂

7 years ago

I really really this song 🙂

When I first listened to it, I thought it was to messy and all over the place, but then I found some surprising harmony in all that. Plus, Ilinca and Alex have really good chemistry and they are obviously having fun. This song is risky, but not pretentious. They are aiming to have a great time, not to enlighten us with their message. And unlike another duo we have these year, their song, while meant for entertainment, is surprisingly fresh and has some unexpected climaxes and twists.

7 years ago

An article about Romania, so obviously the comment section is full of hate and aggressivity directed at fools who dared express their opinion… This is becoming business as usual.

7 years ago
Reply to  Racal

Thanks, Racal, for making this point. There are a couple of “Yodel fans” out there that just don’t accept that this song is not for everyone’s taste and are very aggressive towards anyone that expresses their opinion. The more people attack me on my opinion, the more I am willing to say that I don’t like the song, although I am perfectly aware that (very unfortunately) it will pass the SF and will probably score high in the Final due to its oddity factor (like Poland last year). Cheers

Education Sentimentale
Education Sentimentale
7 years ago

I actually can understand how someone might think this song isn’t any good. The lyrics are quite nonsensical, the rapping is a bit laughable, the music is rather cheesy. At the same time it’s my guilty pleasure this year, I don’t want them to win, but would be glad to see them in the top 5. For me it’s all about the performance, the sheer joyfulness wins me over every time. They are just to adorable and have a great chemistry on stage. I can’t help it, I think the yodeling is lovely and it certainly is something original in… Read more »

7 years ago

Very diviseve views ,but in the end thats all about Eurovision,otherwise it will become the most boring competition if we dont allow diviseve opinions.What it would be if we all like the songs and cant decide on one.:)

Polegend Godgarina
Polegend Godgarina
7 years ago

It’s very divisive, I get it. But for me this is just great. It’s a catchy and original move to include yodel in a pop song, only Gwen Stefani has done it in 2006 with Wind It Up. This will definitely stand out in Kiev and snatch televotes left and right. I don’t think the juries will doom it either.

7 years ago

exactly, i think juries will have their hate on Croatia, Lithuania and San Marino instead, perhaps Estonia for lack of Chemistry, and a outdated song

at the pre party’s the crowd really loved it, waving along with them, to me real eurovision songs are the crowd-pleasing fun songs, and yeah i like how a song can divide people, for some reason


7 years ago

I’m obsessed with this song!

7 years ago

Watching all these polished and artistic performances, I sometimes think ”gosh, we will never have again that funny ”old” Eurovision, without juries..” and than SURPRISE!! These two coming to the party! At first I was WTF, but now I just love it 😀 I find it hilarious how he firstly make entrance all serious big tough rapper and there she goes after him like a little bird – yodeeeliii, yodeeliii, hahaha.. How this will be scored, frankly I don’t know, all I know is that this performance makes me smile and gives positive energy 🙂 There’s a great chemistry between… Read more »

7 years ago

4/10 Annoying as hell and it’s the kind of song why random viewers regard Eurovision as a joke.

7 years ago
Reply to  Dew

Not more annoying that you are, obviously. U must be a geek with no friends… If I were you I would be so epressed, honestly…

7 years ago

I didn’t like it at first, but now I can’t stop yodelling! It’s very joyful song. Ilinca and Alex seems to be so adorable, I love them, good luck! 🙂

Digital Style
Digital Style
7 years ago

I expected this to get a lot higher, not gonna lie. I think it’s really catchy and fun; if a little irritating. Ilinca has a unique voice, and Alex has a nice flow to his rap. Even if yodel rap-rock is not to everyone’s taste, I’m 100% sure everyone will love this on the night and it will definitely qualify.

7 years ago

Sorry, but it’s very annoying to me. At first I didn’t mind, but now I can’t stand this song.

Given this mix and the fact that we are talking about Romania, they will qualify.

Romania is currently my 31st. 3.5/10

7 years ago
Reply to  Héctor

Who cares about your rank? Keep it to yourself

(J)ESC Fanatic
(J)ESC Fanatic
7 years ago
Reply to  Danuta

Umm, honey, have you ever heard of speech of freedom?

7 years ago
Reply to  (J)ESC Fanatic

(J)ESC , Ever heard of Silenzio Stampa? Use it…

7 years ago
Reply to  Danuta

I care about his rank (and everyone else’s, that’s why we have these forums to discuss)! 🙂 Peace.

7 years ago

This is pure art..ROFL

7 years ago
Reply to  Kobe

Have you ever learn to shut up? Do it…

7 years ago

Appreciate the uniqueness, but my ears are begging me to kill myself after listening to this dreadful nightmare.

02 NOR | 04 UK | 11 SRB | 12 SWE | 14 DEN | 16 POL
18 LAT | 19 CYP | 20 ICE | 23 GRE | 24 CZE | *25 ARM*
26 NLD | 27 BLR | 33 MNE | 34 ISR | *35 GEO* | 36 GER
37 MLT | 38 ESP | 42 SVN | (33 RUS)

7 years ago
Reply to  Lukewarm

Where is Romania?
And what is SVN?

7 years ago
Reply to  Aria

Oopsie, here is the right paste. Romania is right there accompanying Slovenia.

02 NOR | 04 UK | *08 BGR* | 11 SRB | 12 SWE | 14 DEN
16 POL | 18 LAT | 19 CYP | 20 ICE | 23 GRE | 24 CZE
25 ARM | 26 NLD | 27 BLR | 33 MNE | 34 ISR | 35 GEO
36 GER | 37 MLT | 38 ESP | *41 ROM* | 42 SVN | (33 RUS)

7 years ago
Reply to  Lukewarm

After the dreadful 02 NOR | 04 UK in your ranks now we know why your poor ears are bleeding….That explains….

7 years ago
Reply to  Lukewarm

Slovenia is SLO

Polegend Godgarina
Polegend Godgarina
7 years ago
Reply to  Aria

Yeah and Bulgaria is BUL but the good sis doesn’t like vowels

7 years ago

One of the worst entries this year for me. I appreciate the attempt at being original but it just doesn’t work. It will probably qualify tho.

7 years ago
Reply to  Chippaponi

It will definitely qualify, like always, U don’t have to worry about it…

7 years ago
Reply to  Monica

i hope so, first time they are my number 1 fave, Always have been my shadow favourite 🙂

7 years ago

This is a very weird entry, that’s for sure. I love the idea of smashing two different genres of music together, BUT it just doesn’t work for me in this particular song. It sounds annoying, and the rapping is quite bad. Nevertheless, I consider it as a breath of not-so-fresh-but-tolerable air, which is why I wouldn’t mind it being a qualifier.
Overall rating: 5.75/10 (borderline qualifier in my top)

7 years ago
Reply to  SnatchedWigs

Borderline qualifier in your top, indeed! Coz in the 2nd Semifinal it won’t be a borderline qualifier at all, there are some others waiting for that privilege: Serbia, Hungary, Ireland, Macedonia, Switzerland…to name just a few

7 years ago

It’s very fun, but for me it’s too much of a song that everyone are laughing at Eurovision because of it… It gets annoying as well, but they have a very good performance, still Im giving it a 3,5. Only Montenegro is behind it.

7 years ago
Reply to  Erasmus

It will be ironic to see both Romania and Montenegro higher on the Eurovision scoreboard than your actual top 10 in your personal top. You will see….

7 years ago
Reply to  Geo

Romania will be in TOP 10 in final thanks to televote, but Montenegro don t have chance to see final. I think last place with juries in semi in televote some votes from Albania, Slovenia and maybe Australia,UK, Armenia

7 years ago
Reply to  PP

Stop it with your stupid predictions… U are not a mentalist to know what the televoters or the juries will vote… You intoxicate us with your pointless predictions….. Romania will be good in both televote and juries, Montenegro will be a definite qualifier. You will see and after U’ll eat your words!

Roelof Meesters
Roelof Meesters
7 years ago

In the SF they will be around 15th with the juries and around 3rd with the televoting. This is a great return, and their chemistry in ON POINT. I love the yodelling, and this is defenitly the most original song this year with Hungary (poor The Netherlands, drawn in between them) It has like four different styles and they made that into one song, and that works very well. This is a surefire qualifier.


7 years ago

i agree with your post, but to prevent overconfidence the voting is important

as i found that out 2015, when my 2 faves Malta and Iceland didn’t qualify to the final, just on a few points

7 years ago

I would also like to remind you all of that gem from the 1997 UK national final, which finished second place (not too far) behind Katrina and the Waves:

7 years ago

Personal rating: Honestly, I find the song simply annoying. The melody and the lyrics are quite bland and have probably only been added for ornamental reasons. I guess that someone came up with the idea of mixing yodeling and rapping and then they just had to make it work somehow. ANYHOW. However, I find Ilinca and Alex very charming and there is indeed chemistry between them, so I’ll probably enjoy the live performance after all. 4/10 Prediction: It could be a typical “televoters love it, juries hate it” entry. I have a feeling that they’re even going to be in… Read more »

7 years ago

This is great and will be top 5 in the final. Well done Romania for bringing something fresh and up-lifting to eurovision.

7 years ago

When Romania sent a good ballad with one of the best voices in the competition (2008) they weren’t in top 20. When they sent an uptempo song with a flawless live performance and a catchy show – (2009)-19th place while Hadise’s backing vocals sang the entire song.
When Romania sends joke entries like 2013 they win the televoting in the semi and people appreciate it. This is why they risk it.
At least it’s not another boring outdated ballad.

7 years ago

Wow, 5.69 is low – but that just shows how controversial this entry is.

7 years ago

Together with the Croatian song of this year, I want this track to disappear somewhere in hell and burn there. I finally understand what terror sounds like. haha. And reading how Mr. William uses words like “inspirational” in his rating about this song, says it all. As long as there are no electric guitar sounds in it, because that’s so old fashioned. But yodeling, super inspirational, and false yodeling in leprechaun miniskirt is the summit of inspiration. hahaha.

7 years ago
Reply to  rich

If you are referring to Ovidiu Anton, I agree that wiwibloggs doesn’t like rock, but apart from that, there’s no need to hate. You can like both ”Moment of silence” and ”Yodel it!”

7 years ago
Reply to  Jumbo

I think he is referring to “Lights and shadows” from Og3ne, where you can here an Electric Guitar sound… William says in his review that it was oldfashioned..

7 years ago
Reply to  Henry

Thank you for the answer, I don’t think any instrument is old fashioned, Artsvik has also traditional instruments, is that old fashioned, no!

7 years ago
Reply to  rich

We wish the same thing to you dear @rich, crawl back under your rock and disappear. U and your opinions are useless for the humanity. And if U ever come back me in person will Yodel you a lullaby until I’ll teleport you in Purgatory!

7 years ago

I have been so attacked because of this song, so I will have to say it again:
Especially the yodel part gives my an headache! And he is a very average rapper. She can actually sing and the melody could be worse, I give you that. And yes, they seem to be very nice people. But the whole concept is ridiculous, old-fashioned and very distasteful. For all the Romanians and ESC fans out there LOVE this…Don’t worry, it will make it to the final, because of the novelty factor. So, relax…

7 years ago
Reply to  L'oiseau

Is it old fashioned or novelty? Can’t you decide?

7 years ago
Reply to  Jumbo

It’s both my friend… Novelty as in “unconventionality, unfamiliarity, unusualness”, which in this case is not good. A more diplomatic way to say plain horrible

7 years ago
Reply to  L'oiseau

Novelty = The quality of being novel; newness. Something new and unusual; an innovation.

7 years ago
Reply to  Jumbo

old fashion and novelty are antonyms

7 years ago
Reply to  Jumbo

The yodel part is a “novelty” because it is a new element. Kudos for that, if it makes you happy… The sound and the whole concept is very early 2000’s cheesy Eurovision stuff. The point is, that song is horrible and I am very glad that there are many people out there that thinks the same!

7 years ago
Reply to  L'oiseau

The song will do better despite all the haters, in the end we will laugh in your faces! Jaja

7 years ago
Reply to  Theo

Actually I think the song will do very well, indeed, most unfortunately. It will have lots of votes from the televote. So, relax

Llobera 4 Ever
Llobera 4 Ever
7 years ago
Reply to  Jumbo

For all the smarty-pants:

Novelty (noun): an article of trade whose value is chiefly decorative, comic, or the like and whose appeal is often transitory.

On the other hand, I just can’t believe how much free time people has available to just spread insulting comments and deriding the opinions of EVERYONE else who dare to think different. Good God, Get a Grip, Gurl

7 years ago
Reply to  Llobera 4 Ever

Thank you for that

7 years ago
Reply to  L'oiseau

Eurovision is about celebrating music, about positive messages behind the songs. It’s a cheerful, optimistic, fun song. If U don’t like it, good. At least it gets a reaction from U and U’re not indifferent. If a song is meaningful to me I wouldn’t waste my precious time and energy posting opinions about it. Yes, it will pass the semifinal but I don’t know about the rank in the final. After all, it’s not Sweden. We all know if Sweden is sending a similar type of song (and Robin’s song it really is a typical radio trash and not some… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  Monifa

There’s a flaw in you reasoning: Sweden would never send a song like this. 😉

7 years ago
Reply to  Racal

It would if the international jury would vote for it, Robin Bengtsson likes this song, it’s you that needs to get off your high horse.

7 years ago
Reply to  Jumbo

Oh really, Robin Bengtsson likes this song? Everybody, cancel Eurovision already: Robin Bengtsson likes this song! No need for a contest anymore. 😉

7 years ago
Reply to  Monifa

Indeed I am not indifferent to this song, because these kinds of songs give Eurovision its bad name. Thank God this era of silly cheesy songs is now over.
And of course, with so many attacks to one’s opinion it gives me the thrill to continue shouting about it.

Nebi San
Nebi San
7 years ago

The reaction to this song here is the key difference between this blog community and the voting public at large. Although the reception here is tepid I’m confident that this will be very popular in May and will do quite well.

(J)ESC Fanatic
(J)ESC Fanatic
7 years ago

This is fun. I smile every time I hear it, even though the constant yodeling is a little annoying to me. This is going to stand out for sure. I predict top 10 in the final.


7 years ago

This is the stupid song ever.

I like food
I like food
7 years ago
Reply to  Hi

Reading your comment was the stupidest decision of my life.

7 years ago
Reply to  I like food

i agree with you 🙂

7 years ago
Reply to  Hi

@hi – your delusional comment is the most stupid ever!