San Marino’s “revolutionary” new selection process, 1 in 360, kicked off in October. As rumours swirl around potential judges, the next step of the contest launched today. Contestants and their entries are now being revealed on the 1 in 360 website — and there are some familiar faces.

First wildcard decided by OGAE

1 in 360’s other big reveal today regards the wildcard vote. Three wildcards in total will progress to the final ten and the live shows. The first of these wildcards will be placed in the hands of the OGAE fan groups around the world.

It’s not the first time OGAE groups have actively been involved in helping with song choices. OGAE UK is heavily involved in the selection process for Eurovision: You Decide.

It might not just be the OGAE who have their say, however. 1 in 360 have said they may allow fan groups on Facebook to have a vote as well. All groups interested in applying must send an e-mail to [email protected] by November 23.

The groups chosen will be revealed in a shortlist on November 24. They’ll then have a week to send in their top 10 acts, with points awarded 12-1 in traditional Eurovision style. The candidate with the most votes from this process will be the first wildcard and be revealed on December 3.

Look who’s entering

As 1 in 360 has started to upload the entry videos, fans have recognised a few familiar faces. Some of these videos have subsequently been removed, however, suggesting that 1 in 360 may not have given each video an appropriate vetting to make sure it was, in fact, actually submitted by the actual singer listed.

  • Icelandic songstress Maria Olafsdottir — who represented Iceland at Eurovision 2015 — had a stripped down version of “Symphony” on the site….but it’s subsequently been removed.
  • Depi Evratesil 2017 semi-finalist Syuzanna Melqonyan appears with a video of her Armenian national selection performance of “The Power of Love”.
  • Prolific Swedish songwriters Ylva and Linda Persson have their own song “Hold Your Colours”.
  • Monika Ivkic, who was in the Irish national final in 2010, has submitted her 2008 German Idol performance of “Hurt”.
  • Sweden’s Got Talent winner Jill Svensson can be found singing the Bond-style “Golden Wings” — an Ylva & Linda composition.
  • Tasha Odi, a finalist in Belarus’ 2015 national final, is seen singing “Empty Hearted”, an Ylva & Linda song last heard as Dominque’s entry in the 2016 Maltese semi-final.
  • Fado singer Yola Dinis made it to the final of Festival da Canção 2015. She’s now on this list with “Canção do Mar”
  • Eurovision 2016 hopeful Margaret has allegedly submitted her own performance as well.

Are there any standout artists for you so far in the competition? Do you like the first wildcard vote method? Let us know all your thoughts about San Marino’s selection in the comments section below!

Read more San Marino Eurovision news here

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Martin M.
Martin M.
7 years ago

Here is the 1in360 entry video of Silvia Vicinelli from Italy. She could be a wise choice for San Marino: A worldclass singer, native speaker and a very experienced stage performer with an authentic and strong personality. She also writes her own music. Silvia recently recorded and released a self-written duet that she wrote for a well known 6time Grammy winner from the US. You can find out who that is and more about her on her YouTube channel.

7 years ago

What are the odds Sasha Bognibov submits an entry?

7 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Already found and upvoted

Vicente Gallo
Vicente Gallo
7 years ago

I am really surprised by one of the candidates, his name is Raylan Arbizu and his country-pop style could work pretty well. I followed him and he’s such a tireless fighter, with a lot of cover videos on You Tube, he’s very nice and really handsome too, and actually is one with the most votes at the moment. I predict he will be one of the finalists, and why not, the San Marino’s representative this year. I invite you to listen him:

7 years ago

These are my favourites so far
I trink these three have the most interssting Voices from the all.

7 years ago

@Robyn Gallagher – ”I’m more impressed by people who can enter live performances in front of an audience.”

Not everybody has a video in front of audience, but I think it should be mandatory to send a video where singer moves, to prove is a real contestant, not just a picture like we saw in Maria Olaf video. A video with a picture can make any fan, a real contestant should record him/herself anywhere (livingroom, park…)

7 years ago
Reply to  Aky

btw, are we sure that Yola Dinis video from that tv show was sent by her?

7 years ago
Reply to  Aky

And is the best way to prove you’re not a troll. That video with Maria Olaf picture was weird, why would Maria Olaf do that, instead of recording herself? At least a video with you in the closet, like Emmelie de Forest did recently (that sounds like a shade).

Talentina Monetta
Talentina Monetta
7 years ago
Reply to  Aky

you can still download someone’s video and re-upload it though (like Margaret’s video)

7 years ago

You are right, but this is why is important to look home-made, because this is what makes it authentic. I guess is a war between artists and trolls. Artists must prove they are not trolls. This is the reality, even if it’s unfair.

7 years ago

You forgot Janet from Belarus in your list. Multifinalist of NS in Belarus.

7 years ago

Hold Your Colours is Solju’s entry for UMK15, Ylva and Linda are the songwriters, not the original artists. (Reminds me of the case of Diamonds written by Sia for Rihanna).

7 years ago

I just think some people are uploading performances of known artists (like Margaret or Maria Olafsdottir) posing as them.

7 years ago

I have a feeling most of the current entries are trolls

7 years ago

This will end like the tourky from Ireland or Chikilicuatre from Spain. But is San Marino, so a troll song would fit just right, like always.

7 years ago

Someone just uploaded Margaret from Poland NF 2015, with her song Heartbeat, must be fake as well

7 years ago

NO WAY margaret from Poland entered

7 years ago
Reply to  EscAU

Might be a fake, They delete Maria Olafs’ entry video, it might be a troll

7 years ago

You forgot Dado Topic (Croatia 2007)!!!

7 years ago

I guess that in regard to most of the submissions it’s appropriate to use the adjective “interesting”.

Looks like it’s going to be a fun selection, even though it’s obvious that it attracts quite a few talent search “hoppers” who simply don’t want to miss a single opportunity to finally, finally, FINALLY get famous. I bet none of them even knows what San Marino is (let alone find it on a map).

7 years ago

1in360 has deleted Maria Olafs entry, I guess it’s not really her send it, it must be a troll :/

Lee Lin Chin
Lee Lin Chin
7 years ago

Jennifer Ellström ??

7 years ago


7 years ago

Too much auto tune in most of the entries, often overproduced and it makes you think someone just submitted someone else’s material since the videos obviously aren’t filtered. I mean one even claimed to be from Greece and the video was of Valentina Moletta. How serious is this really?

Talentina Monetta
Talentina Monetta
7 years ago

Cherry Fung FTW!

7 years ago

Love Cherry Fung! It’s my favourite of the ones I’ve seen.

7 years ago

I wonder if she’s an actual contestant or if someone ripped her video from somewhere and submitted it.

7 years ago

There are so many entries that are trolls, like why did they upload those lmao

me ru
me ru
7 years ago
Reply to  Ali

Because is professional this way, and you can never tell for sure that someone wants to troll. I like how this selection has started.

7 years ago

exclusive info from me…
digging through the HTML of 1in360’s website I found another hidden page 😛

7 years ago
Reply to  EscAU

also zoe saying ‘ready when you are’ in this video source file, she has to be confirmed judge by now!

me ru
me ru
7 years ago
Reply to  EscAU

Interesting. I like how serious they are, just when we thought they are out of money. I like their selection, they accepted even that guy from Ukraine who was singing 1944
That doesn’t mean they don’t have talent too, but I like they are super open and they show us everything.

7 years ago
Reply to  EscAU

also ‘harold taylor’ appears in the promo video with zoe- he’s submitted an entry, but was he involved beforehand?

Talentina Monetta
Talentina Monetta
7 years ago
Reply to  EscAU

BLACKPINK, Adele, Sia and Ariana Grande as participants? San Marino is not playing 😛

7 years ago

wealthy country is to be on another level…

7 years ago

Yola Dinis and Rui Antunes from Portugal are amazing

7 years ago

In my opinion, Jonah Neuser (Luxembourg!) is by far the best. I really hope she makes it through!!

7 years ago

wooow there are so many! and some of them are actually good, wiwi team you should react to them in a video 🙂

7 years ago

jenifer brening and the chinese girl (i think cherry fung was her name) are awesome

No Name
No Name
7 years ago

Come through flop princess

Polegend Godgarina
Polegend Godgarina
7 years ago

Unbroken is my favorite song of 2015 after A Million Bibles by Polegend, the good sis better not spoil her legacy like this.

7 years ago

And guess who also submitted a song? Our old friend, constant liar and serial tone-deaf amateur Vasilije with a cheesy dirge called “We Share the Same World”. I heard part of it on Apple Music (he put it on offer at iTunes and Deezer) and it’s absolutely awful. He apparently submitted the same song to the Swiss selection as well

7 years ago
Reply to  Stephanie

He actually submitted 3 Songs, doesn’t he?

7 years ago

Yeah, he submitted “To The Moon and Back” and “I Just Want to Be Free” as well as the aforementioned “We Share the Same World”.

7 years ago
Reply to  Stephanie

hahaha i went to his youtube channel and shazamed his ‘original’ songs, they’re just him singing over another stock music

7 years ago
Reply to  Stephanie

constant liar?

Tell me more, LOL

me ru
me ru
7 years ago
Reply to  Pablo

Perhaps is about him presenting himself as official choice to represent Montenegro. I guess he did that in more than one year. He likes to bluff this way.

7 years ago
Reply to  Pablo

He stoled a song “Love me stronger” by a singer named Adam jordan. Available on deezer & spotify.

7 years ago
Reply to  Elio22

EscAU, is that true? I know he stole that 2012 yoga music for his 2016 attempt “Zauvijek” but this is insane! And Pablo, yes he’s constantly lied about many things to the members of a Facebook group I co-admin including the talent shows he’s done and getting a “special invite” to participate in this selection process, the last lie being a story about having a throat tumor in which he could possibly never sing again (the day after he told it, he submitted a song to the Slovenian selection)