Will Eurovision 2012 take place in Yerevan or Stockholm? According to our semi-final prediction polls, those are two of the leading contenders.
A total of 1,797 votes have been cast in the poll to determine who will win the first semi-final at Eurovision 2011. Armenia’s Emmy still leads with 31% of all votes. Second-place Nikki only has 12%. On the other end of things, Lithuania, Portugal and San Marino all claim less than 1% of the vote.
A total of 994 votes have been cast in the poll to determine who will win the second semi-final. Sweden, Slovenia and the Netherlands are locked in a close race for the top spot. Belgium, F.Y.R. Macedonia, and Moldova are bringing up the rear.
Who Will Win the First Semi-Final at Eurovision 2011? Vote now!
Who Will Win the Second Semi-Final at Eurovision 2011? Vote now!
ARMENIYA V JOPE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Armeniaaaaaaa, Emmy, woow, it is really amazing song!!!
Armenia willl win for sure….you envy us Azerss…go Emmyyyyyyyy