Today it emerged that Bosnia is looking for sponsors to help it fund its effort at Eurovision 2014. Perhaps they can find inspiration in nearby Croatia. Severina, Zagreb’s 2006 representative, amazed us—and shocked us—today when we learned that she’d be appearing nude in (and on) Elle magazine.  The red hot issue will hit Croatian newsstands this Wednesday.

Severina, who was recently awarded a style award by the same magazine, wears only a crown crafted by Dolce & Gabanna. Bling bling! Some say that the crown is worth 10,000 euros. Judging from her glamorous gold fetish in the video for ‘Hurem’, that’s probably true!

Crowns are a Severina trademark. She has sported them before at concerts, social events and in her music video for ‘Ostavljena’.

Mario Saucedo contributed this report from Croatia. Follow the team from on Twitter @wiwibloggs. And while you’re at it, like our Facebook page to stay up-to-date with the latest Eurovision news and gossip.
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11 years ago

Severina looks like the Croatian Blair Waldorf