William: Monika and Vaidas have survived a psychedelic explosion! During their first rehearsal at Eurovision 2015, Monika looked like a bird of paradise in a blue-and-purple-and-pink and white dress, and Vaidas resembled a posh man-on-the-town in a light blue waist coat. The colours worked well with the LED backing, which is a tornado of neon pastels. It starts with sun rays that eventually give way to sprouting flowers, no doubt a symbol of their blossoming love. This felt more dynamic than at the Lithuanian national selection and had a lot more energy. It also felt less cheesy and more authentic — probably because they’ve developed more chemistry. Some of the press corps — aka my fellow wiwibloggers — say this felt less spontaneous. But I think that’s down to us having watched it 90 million times on YouTube, not Monika & Vaidas’s performance. This has grown in my estimation. Their famous on-stage kiss felt really long today — I hope they both brushed their teeth!

Lithuania’s first rehearsal at Eurovision 2015

Padraig: I’ve always loved “This Time”. Its simplicity and spontaneous energy was infectious. However, much of that seems to have been lost today. Monika and Vaidas’ vocals are perfect, but their interactions feel forced and over rehearsed. The Eurovizijos spark is missing. Then there’s the use of the LED screen. For me it feels too garish for the song. It would have been perfect for Katy Perry’s superbowl show, but it just swallows Monika and Vaidas up. On the other hand it’s eye catching and memorable, and is unlikely to impact hugely on their qualification chances.

Chris: I have to agree with Padraig here – it’s all just a bit forced. The spontaneity that seemed to help the song so much in Lithuania has gone. Maybe we’re all a bit jaded having seen the original, so for new eyes watching Eurovision, this will still have the same magic. Right now though, I’m not feeling as confident about “This Time” as I might have been. Full credit to Monika & Vaidas for giving a great performance regardless though, with some very confident vocals, particularly from Vaidas.

Monika Linkyte & Vaidas Baumila: Reviews and Reactions

Lithuania #eurovision #review

A video posted by wiwibloggs (@wiwibloggs) on


Photo: Elena Volotova (EBU)

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9 years ago

Guys when you’re saying “Eurovizijos” that’s not the way how you should pronounce it. It is actually “Eurovizija” (en.: Euro+VISION) (lith.: Euro+VIZIJA).
love your work, keep doing that!! Love from Lithuania. :*

9 years ago

Everything is fine with me, I was just giving an opinion on lithuania’s performance just like everyone else does here and I was replying to somebody else who questioned me about my dislike of the song. I don’t like it some people do, that’s just how it works.

9 years ago

I’m always surprised when people write negative feedback with so many efforts – not only telling what they disliked, but also wishing the performance to be unsuccessful. Why, people, why? Just choose songs you enjoy and skip performances you don’t like.

Darren, is everything okay in your life? I guess that you may have some problems when you express so much hate…

9 years ago

I like this performance very much. I like their style too. I found out that it was made by really famous Lithuanian fashion house “Kristi Andress” and Vaidas bespoke suit was made in London, Sevile Row. I like it very much

9 years ago

@playingwithboredom smart name! Actually, for your information, an upbeat song doesnt always mean its going to be good, just as a slow song isnt always going to be bad. A true music fan, would like music of all genres, not just upbeat ones. The problem with Lithuania is its sickening, like one of those annoying teenage couples , I dont like the staging either and I think the woman sings out of tune. There is upbeat songs in the contest that I like and yes when comparing Ireland and Lithuania, I pick Ireland, because Lithuania is dull, a cheap common… Read more »

9 years ago

No, thank you! I hope I won’t have to see / hear this twice!

9 years ago

The song is so fun and the same for their staging.

Playing With Boredom
Playing With Boredom
9 years ago

Darren, the fact you think an upbeat song like this is dull yet continue to champion the dirge that is Ireland’s ballad speaks volumes about your lack of taste.

9 years ago

You know, at one interview they told that they didn’t show everything yet, so maybe same-sex couple kisses are in their minds… 🙂

9 years ago

I don’t adore this song, but I think they come across as bright and cheerful. I like the way they dressed and the backdrop, even though a tad loud, screams springtime which is good in my book. The contest is in May so I’d take spring flowers over naked trees being blown apart by the wind (Armenia) or a whirlwind of autumn leaves (FYRoM) anyday 🙂 I think it’s nice that William always has something nice to say about every contestant, however they are not all equally good and some of them are going to fail. There’s nothing wrong with… Read more »

9 years ago

This song is so incredibly happy and that background looks so happy too. I’m not really a fan of it but it’s hard not to feel good when you watch it!

9 years ago

I think Vaidas needs a darker clothing. Both should have the same enthusiasm they had in the Lithuanian National Finals.

9 years ago

Hmmm., can’t decide whether I like it or not. Well, it also depends on camera works, so we still need to wait

9 years ago

@ Oh *Fatima* 🙂
Indeed possibly <3 😉

9 years ago

Well in the music video on youtube they have a same sex kiss, and Vaidas was defending the kiss in the comments from homophobes, so (at the risk of sounding like mario) maybe theyll do a same sex kiss here!! That would go down well with the televoters haha

9 years ago

They are cute with a cute song. I’m not sure about their chances of qualifying though. And Vaidas ain’t that hot! 😉

9 years ago

From the main photograph it looks as of the two pairs of backing singers are each doing a same-sex version of the main song. That would be a clever twist!

9 years ago

I seriously hope that Lithuania do not qualify! The song is dull, flat and seriously annoying…Its like the common linnets took a load of peyote! No Europe..please dont! This is one of the worst songs of the year, along with Moldova, Finland, Armenia and Israel.

9 years ago

Such a trippy background.

9 years ago

It is decent….. Better than “Attention” last year and that one almost qualified so…. They have a shot….. The background reminds me of Anmary’s “Beautiful Song” (Latvia 2012).

9 years ago

I’m living for the day that Chris and Padraig will say a good word about anyone. William is like yeah yeah yeah of course you would say something negative. Even he is bored of them!!!

9 years ago

I will be so upset if this qualifies to the final, the song is just so terrible and simple and dull. I hate the woooah, woooah sounds, it just makes the song even sillier.

Mario My Vision of Gay Love
Mario My Vision of Gay Love
9 years ago

The opening song of the 2nd Semifinal 🙂
{Much better than the opening song of the 1st semifinal! 😛 }

Lithuania with the hot sexy babe Vaidas & the pretty woman Monika will most likely pass to the big final i guess.. 🙂
{Although their song is not currently in my personal top10 of qualifiers of the SF…I have them just 11th..}