Last year we all missed that beautiful blue and yellow flag in Vienna. But thankfully Ukraine was merely resting up so that it could drop a major bomb at Eurovision 2016! After three long weeks and two semi-finals, broadcasters SBS and NTU have finally chosen their Eurovision 2016 song and singer. Six exciting acts sang-it-out on live TV, and amazing Jamala has emerged as the winner with her heartbreaking song “1944”.

The result was determined by the combined votes of the jury (50%) and the televoting public (50%).

Jamala — who has been talked about non-stop since the first semi-final — delivered an unforgettable performance. She mixed dramatic lighting with flowers blossoming in the background and, of course, her dramatic facial expressions and powerful voice. When she sang all of Ukraine seemed to stop and listen.

Ahead of the contest she was a favourite of the Wiwi Jury. As one of our jurors wrote:

This is dark, direct and at times nihilistic: “They kill you all and say, ‘We’re not guilty’…everyone dies.” In lesser hands it would come off as melodrama. But Jamala delivers it with conviction and soul, resulting in a strangely intoxicating and other-worldly sound. “1944” defies convention, mixing traditional Ukrainian music with soul and R&B, and yet it somehow remains universal and accessible. At the end of the song she channels the pain of a thousand victims in one single cry. This is a gift that can’t be taught.

JAMALA — “1944”


The results couldn’t have been closer at the top, with The Hardkiss and Jamala tying with 11 points each. However, the televote breaks all ties in Ukraine, handing victory to Jamala.


1 point — Brunettes Shoot Blondes

2 points — NuAngels

3 points — Pur:Pur

4 points — SunSay

5 points — The HARDKISS

6 points — Jamala


1 point — Brunettes Shoot Blondes

2 points — Pur:Pur

3 points — NuAngels

4 points — SunSay

5 points — Jamala

6 points — The HARDKISS


2 points — Brunettes Shoot Blondes

5 points — NuAngels

5 points — Pur:Pur

8 points — SunSay

11 points — The HARDKISS

11 points — Jamala

What do y’all think of the results? Did your favorite win?



The nerves were followed by relief and joy. Congratulations Jamala! #Eurovision #ukraine

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9 years ago

I have not listened to the other songs from Ukraine’s final, so I cannot compare it with them. I personally think she’s a great singer, but I don’t get the excitement over this song. The only thing I can say is that for sure I listened to it until the end, while ‘Suus’ I tried 4 times and I could never convinced myself to get to the end…as for the message…everything is political even if there is no message 😉

9 years ago

From Russia – my top 10:
7.Bosnia Herzegovina
13.Malta ( they wili change the song)

9 years ago

@Osterrike, I’m sorry I can’t type O um blaut (or whatever name has your German O with dots), and while thinking about this O I recalled new Russian fascists’s slogan that can be roughly translated as “Fascism won’t get thru” so we, Ukrainians, usually finishing this slogan with “…because it needs bigger pathway to do so”. When you person with German O in name trying to accuse Ukrainians in being nazi, I wonder, if you guys, fascists and communists tied with blood of innocent nations as brothers forever? Do you think you can shout about nazi government and all that… Read more »

to Österrike 6:57 p.m

So what about Ribbentrop- Molotov pact were USSR and Nazi Germany signed a treaty of friendship and divided Europe for future enslavement in 1939? Please be critical to yourself as well. Everyone knows about Jewish Genocide, everyone heard or read Anna’s Frank diary or watched Schindler’s List, had lessons at school. But how many people heard or read about Holodomor in Ukraine were millions were starved to death?, how many people heard about Soviet terror in Baltic States or forced expulsions of Tatars, Chechens and many other nations. Or the total genocide of the Circassians ? and the worst genocide… Read more »

9 years ago

My “ignorance” does not matter at all, because EBU is going to disqualify her anyways. There have been victims on every side, but history tells us that Nazis and their friends are beyond evil.

And do not forget that Ukraine is currently run by a far right-wing government that kills there own people who identify as Russians. And Crimea is a big pain in their a$$.

I would be very surprised if EBU will let Jamala go to Stockholm. Hardkiss is the better song, more original, uplifting and not controversial.

9 years ago

@Österrike You’re so ignorant. Your taste is awful and you need to learn some history. So you’re telling that thousands of kids and women that died during the deportation were guilty and they deserved this?? There’re more russians who were collaborating with Nazis!

9 years ago

Besides that the song is utterly horrible, gloomy and negative, it is a troll song. Crimean Tartars weren’t deported by Stalin for no reason. They were deported for collaborating with the Nazi Germany. And Jamala is bewhining and bescreeching this event to remind all Europe and particularly Russia of this injustice.

If Germans would send a similar song about the bombing of Dresden by the Allied Forces, everyone would be upset and outraged about the insensitivity of the song, as it was the German Reich which got to be defeated. Crimean Tartars were partners in crime with Germany back then.

ESC 4ever
ESC 4ever
9 years ago

My new top 14:
12-Bosnia & Herzegovina

9 years ago

I don’t wanna be too serious but it’s a CONTEST….it’s not just your own playlist…it’s ONE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT SONG CONTESTS. I’m sick & tired of meaningless songs…And JAMALA’s powerful song is like a breath of fresh air! Just Believe this song deserves to win the top place. Good luck everyone!

9 years ago

I even prefer Denmark above this song.

The Hardkiss was amazing live… just… amazing, those vocals, the performance was so powerfull and perfect! Instead in may there’s a screaming woman with an annoying voice in my opinion. Ukraine lost their eurovision spark by being absent, so a final? yes. Top 10? Nope, not with west europe and people with ears.

9 years ago

Can you imagine what would have happened if Polina sang her peace song this year? It would have been worldwide news if these two songs clashed in the same year. And the drama if they sang next to each other in the running order (I can see the producers totally doing this)…

p.s The song is amazing. Top 5 is assured.

9 years ago

I’m so Ukraine but this does nothing for me. I always find Ukraine overrated at ESC any ways but this is extreme. The song is terrible, but nobody seems to care because of its political message, which is blatantly about the Russian involvement in Ukraine. This reminds me Georgia’s banned 2009 attempt, only its Ukraine so it’s okay, because we wouldn’t want our Eurovision fans to miss out on female divas singing a dark song while using some sort of prop like a hamster wheel or shirtless men in refrigerators now would we? This does nothing for me Ukraine sorry,… Read more »

9 years ago

There is something I don’t like on her.

9 years ago

A Ukrainian singing in Crimean, in the middle of a war with Russia and after Crimea was taken away from them? That’s Eurovision at its best: overly political message, but still pretending to be innocent. 😀 Back to the song: sometimes I’m annoyed to see Ukraine in the top 10 every single year. But god, they’re good at this… This song reminds me of Loïc Nottet, in the sense that it sounds weird at first, but then you realize how awesome it is. Italy is still my #1, but this jumps directly to my number 2. With the political symbolism… Read more »

9 years ago

She wasn’t as good as in the semi, but still, what a voice that woman has. This is folkloristic elements done well (take note, Bosnia). I’m just afraid Eurovision will turn into a referendum on Putin again, which it has basically been for two years in a row now.

Nicky Byrne was dreadful again. But yeah, Westlife fans worldwide will keep on rigging the polls 😉

9 years ago

With Jamala sure Ukrain will stay in finals but Hardkiss is the BESSONG OF THE YEAR. KIEV 2017 IS FAR FAR AWAY

9 years ago

i don’t like her final performance compared to the semi-final but it is indeed a great song and i can’t wait for it to slay all the basic songs from other countries. 🙂


9 years ago

Armenia- take a note. This is how you do it!

As someone who is of crimean tatar origins, but not Ukranian, this touched me in a way that no ESC song has ever touched (and I am a fan since 1981!!!!) I do not think it will win (too deep for nantsy-pantsy generation Y), but i hope it goes all the way up to top 5.

9 years ago

Pure quality!!

1. Italy
2. Ukraina
3. Spain
4. Iceland
5. Ireland

9 years ago

Is this a great and touching song? Indeed it is! Is this song will fight for the best place in the final? For sure! Is this song political? As Hell! That’s true that it’s about political crimes that are acknowleged by Russia, and victims was even rehabilitated by soviet government. But why again playing with so difficult memories now? About CRIMEAN tatars and with lyrics in CRIMEAN-tatar language about forgivness and peace – but always remember. It’s good that some nations are remember about it’s own history, but it’s not a justification to poke with it without a reason.

9 years ago

“Amazing, dramatic, beautiful.” – Wait, I thought you were talking about Jamala, not Hardkiss hahaha.

Helpless is a better song, and Hardkiss gave a better performance. Should be the winner, would be one of my top favorites. C’mon, we need some rock in Eurovision

Ivan Browdy
Ivan Browdy
9 years ago

Ukraine and Jamala amazed me tonight.
Love Ukraine and its singers
My top 1

9 years ago

The duduk – which I believe is the instrument used in the beginning is stunning. The rest of the song not my cup of tea. Will most likely qualify but not sure if it will make the top 10

Pork Loin d'Icee
Pork Loin d'Icee
9 years ago

Although the show was too long, thank you Ukraine for a great show and thank you for having English translation for the live stream. All six songs were wonderful and it’s always a good thing to see talent from other parts of Europe. Best luck to Jamala in Stockholm.

9 years ago

I wish SunSay had won, but overall I think that all 6 were great songs.

9 years ago

No complaints here (even though my bets were on the Hardkiss). Both of them (Jamala and Hardkiss) had outstanding songs, and would instantly score 100 points at ESC…BEFORE the real scoring begins! Of course, there could only be one. Who would have guessed a tie? Of course, in that scenario, the people come first; and therefore, the televote decided it. Did I miss something, or is there an official music video out there? If done right (and I can imagine the imagery), we could be headed for Kyiv 2017. I hope the song doesn’t run into any REAL problem with… Read more »

9 years ago

It’s a pleasure, that you consider Islamic music of Crimean Tatars to be “traditional Ukrainian music”, but usually by those words people mean traditional folk music of Christian Ukrainians. Therefore “traditional music of Crimean Tatars” is the more proper way of naming those folk influences in this song.

9 years ago

I’ve watched it over a few times and I think I prefer the semi performance. In this one she controls the big notes better but lacks the drive she had through the first two minutes of the semi performance, with the explosive percussiveness that doesn’t quite happen here. It feels like in the semi there was some anger, which has been replaced by trepidation. If she can find her way back to that huge confidence she’ll enthrall the world.

9 years ago

I don’t understand everyone’s love of this song. Her English is barely inteligible. It’s bound to be top10 because it’s Ukraine but can’t see a regular viewer sitting at home wanting to vote for this. It’s a bit of Sous.

Slightly Biased ESC Fan
Slightly Biased ESC Fan
9 years ago

FINALLY, someone decided to show up in what is looking to be (so far) a year of bland entries! It may be a bit too underground for the average taste but whatevs..LOL

9 years ago

in my opinion I said before the comeback of Ukraine is futile all the artist are great but all of the songs are ugly so whoever won to represent I don’t care much. I thought Svetlana Loboda is worst but then this entry way more worst, I think this the first time I don’t like the Ukrainians entry. As I listen to her repeatedly she reminds me on how awkward her English pronunciation and it’s not fitting on the background tune then suddenly she gives a horrific scream.

9 years ago

For the first time ever I see Ukraine giving me something I just need to listen to to feel and understand and be moved about … and not a desperate attempt to stupidity gain votes for no reason …. and the fact that Ruslana and that Serduska-dude couldn’t keep their mouths shut for one minute is pretty much the metaphor of an Ukraine that in Eurovision (like Russia or Azerbaijan) wanted to win this all the time to fill in some sort of ego …. for no reason whatsoever. Jamala comes from the other spectrum … the musical spectrum …… Read more »

9 years ago

Now this is what Bosnia should have done, this is being different and edgy.
I like it but I think it loses it’s steam after some time, something is missing. And the stage presentation needs some work to do.
But knowing Ukraine always deliverer on that I am sure it will be a new top 10 spot, probably even top 5. But will it win?

9 years ago

Despite the subtle political content that people kept on saying about 1944, this is the most dramatic and graceful song for this year’s contest so far. It’s just the perfect flavor that the contest needs.

Omar - Mexico
Omar - Mexico
9 years ago

1)From the selected entries, this is the only one that looks like will fight for the title in Stockholm, good choice Ukraine! 2) It’s sad that the Hardkiss and Jamala were competing the same year, maybe next year the band could be internally selected, they really create brilliant music. 3) Ukraine had a good production overall, but, GOD, why do the juries want their 4 hours of fame??? Ruslana always reminding everyone else that she won in 2004 (WE GOT IT), Andrei and Constantin throwing shade and talking over and over the same thing with Sunsay and the rules. This… Read more »

9 years ago

at the moment I (think I) have and outstandingly talented top 5:
1. Italy
2. Spain
3. Ukraine
4. Georgia
5. Iceland

9 years ago

So we’re in Keiv next year? I think this is going to win.

9 years ago

The only thing wrong with the NFs were the juries trying to steal the spotlight from the entrants. Above that, Jamala’s “1944” is worthy to be the winner of the NFs and though the song seems political in nature, it’s the “Face The Shadow” kind of political (as in it is subtle) and nothing like the “We Don’t Wanna Put In” kind of political.

9 years ago

Thank you so much Ukrainian ppl for sending such an authentic and refreshing song from a world class singer! I watched the NF online for Jamala and fell asleep after the juries had a quarrel on SunSay for 10 minutes ugh.

9 years ago

Really really AWFUL, what a horrendous song and ugly screamy voice, one of the worst chosen entry’s till now…

9 years ago

The thing is, Ukrainian loved Jamala for years and many people wanted her to represent long ago. Her last album was a huge success in Ukraine. And, of course, no surprise that her story resonates so well with the Ukrainians. I don’t get how is her looking back and sharing her family story is too political? In my opinion, this entry is will represent Ukraine the best.

9 years ago

The juries should be ashamed of themselves.
Jamala should have ran away with this. They almost lost this potential winner and for what? A mediocre, gloomy rock song? Thank goodness for the Ukranian people!

9 years ago

What a mess of a show, but what a brilliant outcome.

1. Ukraine
2. Italy
3. Iceland
4. Switzerland
5. Georgia

9 years ago

An outstanding song and singer.

9 years ago

Wow I see a lot of love for this song, I find it terrible..

David Who
David Who
9 years ago

First the good points: Jamala’s performance was emotionally moving and vocally spectacular. In my opinion it was a close call with The Hardkiss, but Jamala deserved the victory in the end. Not forgetting the others, there were good performances all round tonight. I particularly liked Pur:Pur as well. The bad points: The Ukranian National jury were inappropriate, and have done the country and the ESC a disservice. One of the jury members effectively bullied Jamala into talking about whether or not her song was eligible, and then went onto criticize her dress! If the jury had real questions about eligibility… Read more »

9 years ago

Juries did a bit of swing to the votes with their opinion. SunSay was literally drilled by Ruslana on the subject of his political stance, Andrey Danilko raised a valid point concerning the release date.
The final went so long for a mere 6 songs

9 years ago

wow, that was tense, last minute and the winner decided on people’s choice. I voted for Jamala – it’s her year, her story to tell, her unique chance to give her all for a victory. There’s many comments that said it’s gloom, bad choice, etc. People, don’t forget that it is a choice that has been made by people of Ukraine, please respect it. Actually, we never claimed that we’ll run for ESC this year for a #1, did we? We’ll participate with Jamala’s song, and even if it won’t score #1 or even some decent spot that can keep… Read more »

9 years ago

Finally a right song won (after missing out at Denmark’s and Belgium’s). Just hoping that the performance at Stockholm will be worth as the hype.

Maybe some lyrical changes because some people do not like politic nuance? (Even though it is political and historical song at its best, comparing with Armenia last year which was… ugh).

9 years ago

Sometimes it annoys me that Ukraine occupies the top 10 every year… But god, they are good at this game!

She somehow reminds me of Loïc Nottet, in the sense that it sounds a bit strange at first but then you realize how awesome it is. Italy is still my #1, but this is my number 2! 🙂