triana park supernova 2017 semi final

It is coming down to the wire in Supernova 2017, as Latvia searches for its next Eurovision hopeful. Eight acts took part in tonight’s semi-final, with just four spots on offer in the final. Triana Park were declared the winner of the night, with their song “Line”.

The other three spots were filled by My Radiant You, The Ludvig and Santa Danelevica. As always, the results were made through a combined vote of televote/Spotify streams and the professional jury.

Before the live shows, our Wiwi Jury were mostly positive about “Line”. Wiwiblogger Kristin says:

It’s fast paced and deliciously heavy on the techno part. There’s a tiny little techno goblin that lives inside me and he just went crazy. Will it blow the audience away or fall flat live? I don’t know, but I’m excited to see.

Unfortunately, that means the acts leaving us tonight are: Linda Leen, Franco Franco, Lauris Valters and Miks Dukurs. This also meant that only the four acts from the second heat made it through to the final. Talk about a whitewash!

Supernova 2017 — Semi-Final Qualifiers

Triana Park — “Line”

My Radiant You — “All I Know”

The Ludvig — I’m In Love With You

Santa Danelevica — “Your Breath”

Supernova 2017 — Eliminated Acts

  • Linda Leen — Who Is In Charge
  • Franco Franco — Up
  • Lauris Valters — Magic Years
  • Miks Dukurs — Spiritual Priest

Supernova concludes next week with the grand final. Make sure to check back tomorrow for our poll, asking you who you want to see win and represent Latvia in Kyiv.

Are you happy with the Supernova 2017 finalists? Do you think any can send Latvia to the grand final for the third straight year? Shout out your comments on the wiwibloggs app, or let us know your thoughts in the comments section below!

Follow all of our Latvia Eurovision news here

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Leo M
Leo M
8 years ago

I would prefer My Radiant You or Santa, I really don’t like Triana Park Don’t know how the Ludvig got into the final, that song is awful I can see Triana Park winning Supernova but I can’t see them reaching the final with them

8 years ago

My prediction: Triana Park will win Supernova. They will not qualify for the Grand Final in Kyiv. The song is ok but nothing special. Europe won’t be satisfied. Who will really vote for this?

8 years ago

I agree with AL.

I’m very impressed with all the songs this year. Especially knowing they come from such a small country.

Triana Park would stand out the most – agree!

8 years ago

Some of y’all are really weird. The same people who are whining about Toms and Markuss not making it to the final are the ones who hate all the ballads. Both were generic Eurovision songs. As for the finalists, I see potential in 3 of them. Triana could easily get by in Semi-Final 1. They are in the second half, so their show would be a great ending. Also, with tons of ballads and slow songs (expect Azerbaijian, Armenia, Czech Republic etc. to do the same). While her voice isn’t the strongest, it is quite unique and the lead singer… Read more »

most pop sucks
most pop sucks
8 years ago

Polegend Godgarina you dumb? (I don’t need you to answer this, as it is obvious) The hosts only named the first place (Triana Park), and the rest vere RANDOM, so we can’t know which were chosen by public and which by the juries. Just f… off dude (or chick), stop spreading wrong information! The Ludvig is also on Latvian TOP 50 (both – on Viral and the official one), and Edgars Kreilis, Miks Galvanovskis and Markus Riva (yes – him), were the ones who got the most fake streams (noticed how their streams drastically stopped growing after the heats, and… Read more »

8 years ago

she is trakina from Power Rangers Lost Galaxy hahahah

8 years ago

Honestly, the only song I like here is Santa’s.
“Line” stands out because of its unique performance.

8 years ago

@Donna Vey – But Neville is a major hottie right now 😉

I find The Ludvig’s song somewhat sleep-inducing, but I will never participate in making fun of a 16-year-old boy. It’s brave of him to participate with all these older and more experienced acts. If he wins in Latvia, the country will probably not be on the upper side of my scoreboard this year, but any artist this young needs some encouragement to keep performing.

Purple Mask
Purple Mask
8 years ago

Bah, my favourite got eliminated! Ah well. At least Latvia are largely interesting and in the 21st Century with their songs. Go Latvia! 🙂

Donna Vey
Donna Vey
8 years ago

All of the songs in ESC 2017 so far are so tame and dead.

Any of the Top 5 from ESC 2016 would completely completely slay all the songs selected or near-selection so far.

APART from Triana Park and Mariette, with Ace Wilder and Nano close behind.

All the rest need some serious catching up. I see Italy at the top of everyone’s list who is so happy not to see a ballad, but 2017 Italy wouldn’t be in top 5 2016.

Where is the muscle, ESC 2017??? 🙂

Donna Vey
Donna Vey
8 years ago

“The Ludwig”?

It’s like if Neville Longbottom decides to enter ESC, put on some hair gel and trench coat, and call himself “The Longbottom”.

He looks so unready and out of place.
I don’t get it.

irish esc
irish esc
8 years ago

goodbye final for latvia none of those songs will win esc good luck with your entry next year

8 years ago

What a great semi-final Latvia! Listened to all 4 songs and I’m very, VERY inpressed.

My favorite is Triana Park, but all the songs may do well in Ukraine.

8 years ago

Do you think the Spotify streaming gave the second semi finalist an advantage?

8 years ago

My Radiant You is so boring! Triana Park would definitely stand out in a sea of ballads. (Also love Santa)

8 years ago

Santa voice’s was dope, i don”t mind if she won
Triana Park song was very current and the staging was cool eventhought live vocal not convincing
The Ludvig will be always my favourite, i wanna see Polegoofs Badgarina crying if this win
My Radiant You just… nope

8 years ago

The only ones who have a real chance of giving us a good result at Eurovision are My Radiant You and Santa Danelevica. My Radiant You have a well written, catchy and radio-friendly song with enough energy to stand out, while Santa has a very well-trained singing voice, which is something that is generally well recieved by ESC juries (*cough* Jamala *cough). Both are very fitting for a song contest. Triana Park, however, stands out with only one thing and one thing only – the staging. The song also has considerable energy, but the production is quite dated. Avicii-type of… Read more »

8 years ago

What a cool selection of songs… Certainly Latvia has the best National Final by far. I love all these songs. They’re very current and beautifully produced.

8 years ago

Funny how all four of the semi-2 acts are the finalists.

8 years ago

The best songs are “All I Know” and “Line”. But “Line” is too repetitive. I prefer My Radiant You.

8 years ago

Got to be Triana Park. I like MyRadiantU and The Ludvig too, so good final for me. But only Triana Parka could place in the top 10.

8 years ago

“All I Know” is so good! I hope Latvia sends this, although I would be okay with “Line”.

8 years ago

Seriously guys…supernova 2017 was the best national selection competition by far. It reminded me of all the good reasons why i continue to watch ESC and took me back to those times when eurovision was less about corruption and more about making us eurofans happier of what we just watched. Latvia deserves congratulations for being such a small country with such a huge talent.

Music is the key
Music is the key
8 years ago

What a schock Linda Leen is OUT! I thought she could have WON!! Now I hope for Tirana Parks
8 years ago

My top is:

1-2 Triana Park / Santa Danelevica
3-4 My Radiant You / The Ludvig

Can we expect a reaction video soon please?

8 years ago

Yesss! Very pleased with the results! Would love to see Triana Park winning. They improved a lot! If last week I was not sure, then today I’m convinced that they should win. Let’s fight this “ballad year” with something more energetic.

8 years ago

I’d be happy with Triana Park, The Ludvig, or Santa winning, I just don’t like My Radiant You. I expect Triana Park will win, and although I used to not like their song I really like it now. Santa is my #1 favorite though and I didn’t expect she’d make it this far.

8 years ago

Welp, looks like Latvia is, once again, not going to the final :/

8 years ago

The best 4 acts qualified, and it promises to be an all-out attack even more exciting than last year when only Justs and Catalepsia had a real chance. This will be very interesting to watch!

8 years ago

Glag aggressive Linda Leen is out. Still fear these boring Radiants.
I prefer Triana or Santa. Ludwig would be okish

8 years ago

Either My Radiant You or Triana Park for the win.
The Ludwig’s song isn’t bad, but it’s not something I’d wanna listen to repeatedly.
After all this time, I cannot remember what Santa’s song sounds like. Too much going on there, nothing fits. Honestly did not think she would get this far in the competition.

I'll Be Back
I'll Be Back
8 years ago

The Ludvig is easily my favorite.
Triana Park would be fine.
Santa would be ok.
My Radiant U are boring.

8 years ago

Triana Park would be the perfect choice from Latvia, really hoping they win.. How The Ludvig keeps making it through, just dont understand that.. My Radiant You were also very worthy qualifiers!

8 years ago

All of them are AWFUL! Latvians lost their chances when they dropped out Markus and Toms!

8 years ago

They’re all pretty terrible

Polegend Godgarina
Polegend Godgarina
8 years ago

Triana Park are the blatant winners. They’re slaying on Spotify Latvia (currently the only Supernova artists charting in their top 50) and not some random town in Oregon. Real talent and good music don’t need fake streams in order to succeed 🙂

Polegend Godgarina
Polegend Godgarina
8 years ago

This show was a complete mess. The international juror trying hard to find positive things to say about most of the performers, the three radio hosts not wanting Triana Park to qualify, the Ludvig being a jury qualifier once again… thank heavens the final is 100% televote.

8 years ago

Hoping for The Ludvig to win, but it’ll likely be Triana Park.

8 years ago

Guessed 4 out of 4 right, so I am very happy. I did not like Santas song, but I can see why others like it. Triana park should finetune their act and her singing and go all the way to Ukraine.

Matt (EPLN)
8 years ago

Come on Santa !

(J)ESC Fanatic
(J)ESC Fanatic
8 years ago

I’m not a big fan of any of the finalists but please, at least don’t choose The Ludvig!

8 years ago

WOW!! Santa is doing so much better than I have hoped for even in my wildest dreams! ????????????????

8 years ago

This shows how weak was the first heat.