The first nine of the 18 competing acts in Destination Eurovision have been announced. The line-up has impressed fans, with both the quality of artists, songs and the wide range of genres. But which is your favourite? Vote in our Wiwi Poll and tell us what you think!

So far, only short clips have been released of the competing songs — but it’s enough to give a taste of what to expect at Destination Eurovision. Watch clips and vote for your favourites in the poll. As always, you can vote for as many acts as you like, but you can only vote once, so make sure it counts.

Malo’ – “Ciao”

Malo – Portrait

#Malo' ?Qui est-il ? Que va-t-il interpréter ? Ouvrez grand vos oreilles et découvrez son portrait en exclu, avant de le retrouver dans #DestinationEurovision, à partir du 13 janvier 2018 sur FRANCE 2 ! Malo'

Posted by Eurovision France on Friday, December 29, 2017

June the Girl – “Same”

June The Girl – Portrait

#JuneTheGirl ?Qui est-elle ? Qu’est-ce qui la fait vibrer ? Mettez le son et regardez son portrait en exclu, avant de la retrouver dans #DestinationEurovision, à partir du 13 janvier 2018 sur FRANCE 2 !June The Girl

Posted by Eurovision France on Saturday, December 30, 2017

Louka – “Mamma Mia”

Louka – Portrait

#Louka ?Quel est son univers ? Que va-t-il interpréter ? Découvrez-le en exclu, avant de le retrouver dans #DestinationEurovision, à partir du 13 janvier 2018 sur FRANCE 2 !Louka

Posted by Eurovision France on Sunday, December 31, 2017

IGIT – “Lisboa Jérusalem”

Igit – Portrait

#Igit ?Qui est cet artiste ? Que veut-il faire ? Ouvrez grand vos oreilles et regardez son portrait en exclu, avant de le retrouver dans #DestinationEurovision, à partir du 13 janvier 2018 sur FRANCE 2 !IGIT

Posted by Eurovision France on Sunday, December 31, 2017

Emmy Liyana – “OK ou KO” (OK or KO)

Emmy Liyana – Portrait

#EmmyLiyana ?Qui est-elle ? Quel est son univers ? Activez le son et découvrez cette artiste en exclu, avant de la retrouver dans #DestinationEurovision, à partir du 13 janvier 2018 sur FRANCE 2 !Emmy Liyana

Posted by Eurovision France on Monday, January 1, 2018

Madame Monsieur – “Mercy”

Madame Monsieur – Portrait

#MadameMonsieur ??Qui sont-ils ? Que veulent-ils nous transmettre ? Mettez le son, et découvrez leur portrait en exclu, avant de les retrouver dans #DestinationEurovision, à partir du 13 janvier 2018 sur FRANCE 2 !Madame Monsieur

Posted by Eurovision France on Monday, January 1, 2018

Sweem – “Là-haut” (Yonder)

Sweem – Portrait

#Sweem ?Qui est cet artiste ? Qu’est-ce qui l’anime ? Ouvrez grand vos oreilles et regardez son portrait en exclu, avant de le retrouver dans #DestinationEurovision, à partir du 13 janvier 2018 sur FRANCE 2 !SWEEM

Posted by Eurovision France on Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Noée – “L’un près de l’autre” (“One close to the other”)

Noée – Portrait

#Noée ?Qui est-elle ? Quel est son style ? Découvrez-la en exclu, avant de la retrouver dans #DestinationEurovision, à partir du 13 janvier 2018 sur FRANCE 2 !Noée

Posted by Eurovision France on Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Pheno Men – “Jamais sans toi” (Never without you)

Pheno Men – Portrait

#PhenoMen ?Qui sont-ils ? Que veulent-ils nous transmettre ? Mettez le son, et découvrez leur portrait en exclu, avant de les retrouver dans #DestinationEurovision, à partir du 13 janvier 2018 sur FRANCE 2 !Pheno Men

Posted by Eurovision France on Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Who is your favourite of the first nine acts in Destination Eurovision?

[polldaddy poll=9910151]

And don’t worry — we’ll cover Lucie, Enea and the other half of the competing acts in another poll.

You can follow the official Eurovision France 2 Facebook page for the latest updates.


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7 years ago

I really don’t understand why Mercy is so hyped. It’s actually pretty boring in my opinion and has nothing special to it that will make it stand out at eurovision.. So choose wisely France.

7 years ago

1. Louka “Mamma Mia”
2. Malo “Ciao”
3. June the Girl “Same”

7 years ago

I see I’m in the minority, but Jamais Sans Toi is my favorite. They would be awesome in ESC.

7 years ago

All nine are either kinda good or kinda ok for me – I don’t hate or dislike any of them, but at the same time I don’t really love any of them. I guess Mercy is the best of the bunch and also Lisboa Jérusalem and Jamais sans toi stand out a bit. I could change my opinion when I heard entire songs – actually I’ll definitely will, but now I voted for those three songs I mentioned.

7 years ago

Louka is hot

7 years ago

my top 9:
1. madame monsieur- mercy. I absolutely adore this song and would love if it would represent France
2. Louka- mama mia
3. Sweem- Là-haut.
4. Emmy liyana- ok ou ko
5. Noée – l’an près de l’autre
6. Malo- ciao
7. June the girl- same
8. PhenoMen- jaimas sans toi
9. Igit- lisboa Jérusalem

7 years ago

As a French person, I think that Mamma Mia is really cliché, the lyrics are not meaningless but neither meaningful… We have French variety with Noée, more modern songs with Monsieur Madame or June The Girl, but I find the studio version of “Same” too messy, her voice is not natural, we’ll see the live ! Emmy and Sweem have radio-friendly songs I guess and Igit have a really Parisian entry like Alma last year which can be good or bad ^^’ “Ciao” is my favourite so far with “Mercy”, I found these song really international with some French touch… Read more »

7 years ago

I ‘m happy to see, for now, 9 excellant ongs to represent my country: my favorites, in disorder:

June the girl
Madame Monsieur
and Louka

Of course all can change with the full songs and the live.

irish esc
irish esc
7 years ago

i voted fo 7 of them but they all really good going be a nightmare for france to choose a winner

7 years ago

So snippets are supposed to be teasers to wet the appetite, it is not the main meal yet. So it is a little bit early to say if the dish was tasty. Let’s wait for the full release.

However. Did this wet my appetite? Not really I am afraid. I listened diligently to all of them several times but at the end of each repeat I just wanted to go back to Albania and to enjoy Eugent Bushpepa instead. But I reserve my full judgement until we hear them in full

Non Merci
Non Merci
7 years ago

Tbh, I love all of them. So proud of our NF. France is back, finally.
I think “Mercy” really stands out at the moment. “Same” is good too but I’m affraid the live version won’t be as good as the studio version. “Mamma Mia” could be either so freakin good or really bad.
“Ciao” and “Jerusalem” could sound so good live and become the dark horses of the NF. I’m waiting for the full version.
As for “OK ou K.O” it reminds me “L’enfer et moi” (2013).

7 years ago

Madame Monsieur, June the Girl, Noée got my votes!
Can’t wait for the full song! Absolute quality!

7 years ago

None of them can really stand out and none of them is really known in France, there is only Lisandro who won the last edition of The Voice, which had a hit song with his first song “Danser” and Nassi who also had a very big hit this summer with his song “La Vie Est Belle” (which has some Stromae vibes), all hopes are wagered on them, fingers crossed…

7 years ago
Reply to  EVSC18

I think Mercy can stand out in ESC with the full song and help France to get a good rank. She gives a real message

Non Merci
Non Merci
7 years ago
Reply to  EVSC18

How can you know that none of them will stand out ? These are only short clips of few seconds ffs.
As for Lisandro, it’s a joke, right ? He maybe had a hit song this summer but his album flopped big time. And I don’t think he would be a great representative (too young, too full of himself). In addition, we don’t know his entry yet. There is not guarantee that his song will be great.
Same thing for Nassi – even though I love him.

7 years ago
Reply to  Non Merci

The whole song will not be so different from those clips, we can have an idea of ??the vibe just by those clips and it’s not glorious so far… Also, who has talking about chart sales? what it has to do with the ESC? Even that, the song shouldn’t be on his album, it’s a new song so your point is invalid. And being “too young” or “too full of yourself” isn’t necessarily a bad thing, look at Sweden, they are the best example but every time they end up in the top 5… this is the goal of the… Read more »

Non Merci
Non Merci
7 years ago
Reply to  EVSC18

1. Yes you can have an idea. But not a definitive idea based on a 10 seconds clip. What would be “1944” without its insane bridge or its staging ? I don’t think it would have stood out in the Grand Final. You need to evaluate the whole package. 2. Well, you said that “none of them is really known in France” like it’s a bad thing. You also added that his song was a summer hit – which does not guarantee that his entry will be good. 3. What Sweden has to do with anything ? I’m talking about… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  Non Merci

Yeah…Remember Cascada in 2013 ? WOW she was so know that she finished in the bottom XD

7 years ago

I’ve only voted for Mercy and Mamma Mia.
Mercy clearly stands out here. It sounds less generic and forgettable.
Mamma Mia is just the most enjoyable one.

7 years ago
Reply to  Marc

Mamma Mia has more chances to flop in ESC 2018 than Mercy. Mercy is a song who gives a real message. Mamma Mia is a good song but too classic for participate to ESC while Mercy is more likely to stand out in ESC. Mercy is really good.
Mamma Mia will do bottom 5 while Mercy can do as well as Alma this year
(ITs my personal opinion)

7 years ago

I voted for Igit and Malo. These are my two favourites si far, but all of them Sound very promising! ^^

7 years ago

They’re all decent choices but the 4 I voted for were (in the order I like them):
1. Noée

I think France has really done a great job with their national selection this year a lot of promising talent but I’m #TeamSweem

7 years ago
Reply to  Kaz

Oops didn’t mean to write TeamSweem it just cam out I guess #TeamNoée

7 years ago

Will the full songs be revealed before the Semifinals? I’m a bit lazy to review snippets from tweets 🙁

7 years ago
Reply to  Héctor

No we’ll discover them with the SFs!

7 years ago
Reply to  Étoile

Yes, and for me this is maybe the only mistake from this “destination eurovision” format. For me, a song cannot be judge by a single listen …

Sometimes, I like a song and after 2-3 listening, It become boring and sometime the opposite.

Be able to review in advance the potential of each song with few listen and then judge the live version would guarantee a better choice.

7 years ago
Reply to  Jeremsback

In Eurovision everyone expect the eurofans judgea song based of their first listen so this is a creíble way to send an act to Eurovision

7 years ago

very happy with the first choices of my country! I’m a fan of june the girl, Madame Monsieur and Emmy Liyana

7 years ago

The 9 songs look good but the act that I anticipate the most is Emmy Liyana. She has so much personnality and stage presence but still very subtle, can’t wait to see her selling it.

7 years ago

I am a bit shocked by the poll’s result ! My favourite tops at the 9th position only ! The leading entry won’t win in my opinion because it’s by the less famous artist here…

7 years ago
Reply to  F@b

besides maybe Emmy who participated in the very last edition of The Voice, any of these 9 artists are famous in France…

7 years ago
Reply to  Alex

Igit is, Louka and Malo become a little famous as well…

7 years ago

IGIT and Emmy are just amazing. Can’t wait to listen to the full version of their entries.
Really hope that IGIT can pull a good performance on stage. I think Lisboa Jerusalem would be great singing live.

7 years ago

I voted for 6 of them, I cant wait for the full versions

Purple Mask
Purple Mask
7 years ago

They’re all good. What a nightmare for the selectors! As I said before, perhaps some neighbouring countries could grab the runners-up in this process? 😀

7 years ago

My favourites ——> Madame Monsieur

7 years ago

I voted for all of them, cuz we only have the snippets and they all seem to be good 😉
My fav snippet is Sweem’s tho.