In recent weeks fans have labeled the first semi-final of Eurovision 2018 as “The Semi-Final of Death”. But we’ve noticed in our comments section a growing number of people who think Semi-Final 2 is as difficult to call. While Australia, Ukraine and Sweden are generally considered locks, things get much more interesting when you try to predict which “borderline qualifiers” are going to push through.
Little will be clear until rehearsals take place next week. But we thought we’d look into our crystal ball and try to take a guess anyway. You can watch William and Deban thinking out loud in the video above as they endeavour to choose their 10 qualifiers. And while you’re at it, why not let us know which 10 countries you think will go through (note: who you think will go through isn’t always the same as who you want to go through).
My Prediction:
1. Sweden
2. Australia
3. Russia
4. Denmark
5. Norway
6. Serbia
7. Malta
8. Slovenia
9. Moldova
10. Ukraine
Australia,Denmark,Hungary,Poland,Romania,Ukraine,The Netherlands.
Heres my prediction:
The Netherlands
San Marino
1. Australia
2. Netherlands
3. Denmark
4. Sweden
5. Ukraine
6. Slovenia
7. Malta
8. Norway
9. Romania
10. Moldova
My thoughts about these countries’ chances of qualifying (Q-most probably a qualifier, q- will struggle): Sweden (Q)- 100%. As always. Ukraine (Q) – 100%. It’s Ukraine and Melovin delivers a memorable show. Australia (Q) – 99%. Australia is very overrated everywhere, but I don’t see a reason why the juries or the televote would vote for it except for the country. It’s still Australia, so this will definitely qualify. Hungary (Q) – 95%. Full of energy and power, the staging “leaked” is amazing. I already though this would qualify, but now I’m even more convince. The Netherlands (Q) – 80%.… Read more »
Sweden as “always”. Dont you remember 2010 and 2008? 2010 11th and 2008 12th. The jury saved us.
So no “always” on Sweden thank you. Its about the song. By the way. Why even have a song contest if everyone just votes on Australia anyway? I think that opinion is wrong because Australia hasnt had San Marino bad songs yest. Not even close. They have Quality and thats why they get votes. Very simple. Quality = Votes San Marino bad = No votes
Semi 2 is open, which gives room for surprises. However, my 10 qualifiers are:
6.The Netherlands
10. Russia
Romania doesn’t have a song good enough to go through, despite their qualification record.
Denmark won’t go through in my opinion, despite the hype about it.
I think Denmark will sail into the final and possibly win this semi…
I think the 10 qualifiers from the sf2 will be (random order):
Australia, Sweden, Ukraine, Russia, Norway, Poland, Serbia, Moldova, the Netherlands, Denmark. Personally I like all of these songs except Denmark. It’s not bad but it lacks epicness. I would rather see Georgia qualify although I know it’s a long shot.
Romania and Hungary will qualify. 2 AMAZING songs
Hungary could, but Romania probably won’t.
My guess (random order):
1 Hungary
2 Russia
3 Serbia
4 Australia
5 Poland
6 Ukraine
7 Denmark
8 The Netherlands
9 Sweden
10 Norway
However, I wouldn’t be surprised if Moldova would qualify
Ukraine, Sweden Netherlands!
For Semi-final 2, these are the countries that I WANT to qualify (according to my Top 43 rank): – Sweden, The Netherlands, Australia, Norway, Denmark, Poland, Ukraine, Serbia, Latvia and Moldova. These are the countries that I THINK EUROPE will send to the final (in order from #1 to #10): – Sweden, Australia, Norway, The Netherlands, Denmark, Poland, Ukraine, Hungary, Moldova and Russia I think that both Russia and Romania will be fighting for a place in the final, although Russia is the only country in the SF that is a “Sia-like” ballad which gives them an advantage plus some… Read more »
These are the countries I believe will qualify: Definitely: Sweden, Australia and Ukraine Likely: Denmark, Poland, Hungary and The Netherlands Borderline: Malta, Slovenia and Norway Just missing out: Serbia, Russia and Latvia Unlikely; Romania and Georgia Almost no chance: San Marino, Moldova and Montenegro These are the countries I want to qualify: Love: Ukraine, Australia and Slovenia Like: Sweden, Denmark, Poland and San Marino Don’t care a lot about (I don’t mind seeing any of them qualify but I won’t be sad if they don’t): Latvia, The Netherlands, Malta, Moldova, Hungary and Serbia Don’t like: Montenegro and Georgia Hate: Norway,… Read more »
These are the ten countries that I think will make it to the final: Australia, Ukraine, Russia, Poland, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Romania, Montenegro and the Netherlands.
These are the ten countries I’d personally like to make it to the final: Netherlands, Latvia, Hungary, Montenegro, Ukraine, Denmark, Sweden, Australia, Norway and Russia.
My 10 are: Sweden,Hungary,Australia,Denmark,Ukraine,Montenegro,Netherlands,Norway,Poland,Malta
I would be happy if Norway missed.
Maybe: Russia if she are great live, Romania if she kills it. Serbia if they do an awesome job with staging
No: San Marino,Georgia,Latvia,Slovenia,Moldova
There are 8 countries on lock: Sweden, Ukraine, Australia, The Netherlands, Russia, Norway, Poland and Hungary. The rest could literally be anyone except San Marino and Georgia. I cant Wait for the rehearsals.
Ukraine will qualify for sure! Melovin is a great performer and I’m sure he’s going to do well! My votes go to him this year!
I think this is my top 1-10, difficult. Not in order:
Sweden, Slovakia, Denmark, Montenegro, Australia, Georgia, Norway, Hungary, Serbia, Moldova.
Good luck to all from Sweden.
Dont you mean Slovenia;)?
yes! ?
Too early to tell, the rehearsals will give a better picture. Some songs will flop other will stand out.
it’s sad to see that slovenia is underrated again…… lea is a great performer good voice and truly not that bad song i just don’t get it why so much hate whyyyy i mean whyy the hell will norway qualify just because it’s rybak omgg and russia i mean i’m realy sorry to see her because of her situation but sorry even tho she’s lovely she just can’t sing and you know what i really like australia this year really amazing everything about it but what if slovenia sends this kind of song they will just sad its good but… Read more »
it’s true no matter how unique lea try’s to be or how hard slovenia try’s to be in eurovision they will always have to except the semi final, but if they make it to the final probably between 10-20 place but never top 10…. slovenia is the most underrated country in eurovision history……… there they have the 1th place well done 🙂
If Portugal can win. Slovenia can win. It depends on the song, live and staging. No Slovenian victory this year. Its the song. Maybe it qualifies but not near the top 10 in final.
Malta will, 100%! Wait and see. I bet Australia will win the semi or come close, I bet it will surprise in the televote!
all eastern countries in the same semi who will vote for each other just wait and see.. moldova receive points from romania and viceversa , hungary from romania and , poland from hungary and viceversa
Hungary and Romania rarely vote for one another
Romania televoting! gave them 10 points last year, they were just under Moldova! When they get emotional they vote in droves! And Hungary delivers emotion this year too, so….
One or two secure sets of 12 points is barely enough for qualifying, and some stray points from a few other countries won’t help much. Last year nr. 10 in Semi1 earned 115 points and from Semi2 an amount of 101 points was needed to get through to the grand final.
I dont think Moldova and Romania both qualify. do you? yes some of the eastern jurys and the balkans vote exactly the same some years and some have been DQ. But i dont think its enough with 24 points to even come close to qualify :). The televoting and jurys must like you both. I hope both fail.
yes i think both will qualify.. on 10 may you will see
Do you like their songs? Moldova is super dated if we are honest and Romania will we over shadowed by Hungarys rock song with 1000000%. So if we are honest it could happen they miss. Jurys and voters dont always vote for bad songs because they love the country. It cost money to so the song should deserve a vote. They dont.
i dont like their songs .. ok moldova lets say will dont qualify but romania is 100% in final.. they never missed a final plus huge diaspora plus good live
I could see Romaina Q. I agree she are good live. The armenian disaspora is the biggest. I dont think romania has that big support. ps i hate diaspora voters who only vote for their homecountry when they dont like the song . I hope the romanians dont do that this year who live abroad.
I don’t think people learned from Latvia last year, re: Hungary.
My picks for qualifying:
Ukraine, Sweden, Norway, Australia, Denmark, Netherlands, Moldova, Serbia, Latvia, Russia. Just about in that order for the top 10 – Montenegro missing out, Malta last.
I don’t really see the comparison between Latvia and Hungary. Last year, Latvia had an amazing current electro-pop song with incredibly cool visuals in the official video. For whatever reason, they decided to turn it into a Lisa Frank on acid stage performance, where all the coolness of the song got lost in the hysterical and nonsensical staging. This year, Hungary is sending a moving metal song with a message that seems to translate to even the diva-hungry Wiwi-crowd. Their performances at the pre-parties have gone down well too. Who knows what they’ll do on stage in Lisbon, but I… Read more »
If it were up to me:
1) Australia – 2) Sweden – 3) Denmark – 4) Ukraine – 5) Moldova – 6) Romania – 7) Netherlands – 8) Slovenia – 9) Malta – 10) Hungary
What I think Europe will do:
1) Sweden – 2) Australia – 3) Ukraine – 4) Netherlands – 5) Norway – 6) Poland – 7) Russia – 8) Denmark – 9) Russia – 10) Hungary
I guess europe so excited till russia qualify twice
Whoops! ?
I’ll swap Russia at #9 for Serbia…
You now have edit button
Why is Sweden so overrated?
Because they who have ears can hear quality:) Thats why:) I dont like y our name. Its offensive.
I think these 10 will qualify. 1. Ukraine (This one is obvious. Solid staging and performer) 2. Hungary (Very good feeling this one will place very high this year) 3. Norway (This will steal the fun vote from Moldova because it’s Alexander Rybak) 4. Sweden (If Isaiah taught us anything last year, the jury will push through good production and staging) 5 Russia (Returning country, Russia always performs well, Has the story going for it) 6. Netherlands (It stands out too much to be ignored imo) 7. Denmark (The Game of Thrones viking style will win over a lot of… Read more »
Very good analysis! I agree with most points.
i agree , your view is spot on i think
i only doubt the qualification of serbia, maybe montenegro will steal their place
Most likely qualifiers are – Sweden, Norway, Denmark (All three have each other and songs/shows which will draw attention), Australia (because of who they are and the song is catchy), Ukraine (qualification record, closing the show, Melovin’s charisma) Probably qualifying, but may surprise – Hungary (song with a very passionate group of fans, but not sure about the juries), Netherlands (good qualification streak and many love it, but I can see it as a surprise NQ), same goes for Poland A toss for – Russia (bad song, not many support from countries apart from Moldova, but they are who they… Read more »
Based on my rating, my personal qualifiers (for now) are – Hungary, Denmark, Montenegro, Latvia, Serbia, Moldova, Georgia, Norway, Poland and Netherlands
Here is the latest ranking by the algorithm. 1 Israel 2 France 3 Australia 4 Bulgaria 5 Belgium 6 Sweden 7 Austria 8 Czech Rep 9 Estonia 10 Norway 11 Belarus 12 Finland 13 Spain 14 Ukraine 15 Cyprus 16 Germany 17 The Netherlands 18 Italy 19 Greece 20 Denmark 21 Azerbaijan 22 Portugal 23 FYR Macedonia 24 Latvia 25 Switzerland 26 Lithuania 27 UK 28 Moldova 29 Poland 30 Ireland 31 Albania 32 Russia 33 Armenia 34 Hungary 35 Malta 36 San Marino 37 Serbia 38 Croatia 39 Georgia 40 Romania 41 Iceland 42 Slovenia 43 Montenegro Based on… Read more »
Yes, soon they will take over Czech Rep. I think algorithm is working better than last year. It is really a two-horse race between Israel and France now, with Australia and Bulgaria with an outside chance. Others need epic staging just to have any chance at all.
Keep dreaming!
Uk can no come 27. It is only 26 in the final.
I hope the juries do their job and keep Russia,Romania, and Borway from qualifying and reward worthy entries like Hungary,Serbia, and Slovenia.
Yesss Those 3 are so good but I feel like the only one that will definitely qualify is Hungary
I WANT.- 1.- LAT 2.- DEN 3.- SLO.- 4.-SWE.- 5 POL.- 6.- SER 7.- NET 8.- AUS 9.- MOL
BUT WILL GO TO FINAL.- 1.-SWE, 2.-NOR, 3.-UKR, 4.-DEN, 5.-AUS, 6.-SER, 7.- POL, 8.-RUS, 9.-HUN, 10.-NET
I’d say Australia (even though I’m not a fan), Sweden, Norway, Denmark (hey, look, three Scandinavian countries in one semi! Wonder if that means anything for the results.), Poland, Ukraine, Netherlands, Hungary, Latvia and Serbia. I think this might be the first non-qualification for both Russia and Romania (both depending on the live performance – especially the former).
You wonder?!
100% sure:
The Netherlands
75% sure
Russia: they will need a big televoting result;
Georgia: might surprise, but I don’t think so;
Montenegro, Slovenia, San Marino, Latvia: out;
Romania: Could qualify instead of Malta and Serbia. Tbh, I think they will;
Hungary: killed by the juries.
Thank you so much for not making me feel so alone on Hungary.
In other news, Estonia is out of the Top 5 of the betting odds. It has been replaced by France who sits at #4. According to eurovisionworld.
I guess Australia, Norway, Sweden and Ukraine are locks for most people. I believe Denmark, Hungary, the Netherlands and Poland will join them also. If I had to place a bet right now, I would complete the list with Moldova and Russia. I wonder if the jury can give the push that Latvia and Georgia deserve.
I agree with this concise post. And so do bookmakers
I could see San Marino qualify because they will get points from Germany, Malta, and Italy plus they have a generic pop song which can get some televotes.
They will get points from Malta, but I don’t think Germany will give them many. Jennifer is from Germany, sure, but she isn’t as big a deal to Germany as Jessika is to Malta
I think Sweden, Australia, Norway and Ukraine are definite qualifiers. The Netherlands, Hungary and Denmark seem pretty safe to me too. Then we have Romania, Moldova, Latvia, Malta, Russia, Serbia, Poland who are all borderline. I’d say Poland and Russia will probably make it. Then at the time being I’d say Romania, though Moldova and Serbia are really close. It really will depend on staging.
Can’t see Montenegro, Slovenia, San Marino qualifying.
Wouldn’t be totally shocked if Georgia somehow made it.
Many songs that will NEVER qualify if they were on semi 1, now they will… and many good ones will stay out…
The ones that I think ( not want) will go through (random order):
1. Australia
10. Serbia
Only one I disagree with is Latvia
Australia, Ukraine, Latvia, Russia, Sweden, Slovenia, Norway, The Netherlands, Poland and shocking San Marino
You guys should add a poll where you can pick up to 10!
About the rest 2 countries that will may also qualify
I can’t predict with certainty which ones will might be…
1st stage rehearsal. 🙂
Ukraine,Sweden, Australia, Hungary,Poland,Denmark,Norway,Netherlands, Russia,Malta/Latvia
My prediction: Norway, Romania, Denmark, Russia, Netherlands, Australia, Poland, Hungary, Sweden, Ukraine.
My qualifiers I think are pretty solid.
Ukraine Sweden Australia Slovenia Moldova Denmark Netherlands Malta Latvia Hungary
I genuienly think these will be the ten. Norway shouldnt qualify. If he does it is simply due to him being Rybak.
If Norway qualifies, it’s because he is one of the best PERFORMERS this year! He can sell any song on that stage, and that is a talent. People get too butthurt about the fact that he’s coming back with a song that suprisingly enough isn’t Fairytale. He has a big fanbase for a reason, so the fact that his name is well know, is deserved.
For sure the Netherlands Denmark Norway Sweden Australia Ukraine. Then I would say Moldova Hungary Russia and Poland as borderline…fingers crossed for Slovenia which is my guilty pleasure but I am afraid it aint making the cut.
My prediction for the qualifiers: Australia, Ukraine, Hungary, Schweden, Netherlands, Denmark, Moldova, Poland, Russia, Norway
I would love to see Slovenia and Serbia as qualifiers but I guess they won’t qualify. And I have some love for Georgia too and thought that they were one of the best live performers in Israel.