Moldova SunStroke Project O melodie pentru Europa 2018 song submissions

It’s a perennial dark horse that’s riding high after two successive top ten results. And earlier today, Moldova’s TRM set out its stall for Eurovision 2019 in Tel Aviv.

A total of 28 songs will battle to succeed “My Lucky Day”, while 26 acts will seek to follow in DoReDoS’ footsteps — Viorela and Che MD both have two songs apiece. However, these entries will not be guaranteed a prime time slot on Moldovan TV. First they must overcome the live audition round.

This will take place on Saturday 2 February. Each act will be assessed by a professional jury. Scores will be awarded from 0 to 12 with the experts basing their decisions on factors such as melody, originality, vocal performance and interpretation.

The public will not have a say at this stage, but fans can tune into the live stream on TRM.MD from 12.00 local time.

O melodie pentru Europa 2019 auditionees

Some familiar names include previous OMPE entrants Diana Brescan, Vera Turcan, Che MD and Alex Bognibov — the artist formerly known as Sasha Bognibov. Meanwhile Elena Croitor appeared on X Factor Romania and Pelageya Stefoglo competed in Turkvision.

  1. Ala Zasmenco “Emergency”
  2. Anna Odobescu “Stay”
  3. Tinna Gi “Virus”
  4. Siaj “Olimp”
  5. Gheorghe Feghiu “Laura”
  6. Iana Ghurba “What if we were”
  7. Irina Tarasiuc & Lume “Ca Adriano Celentano”
  8. Chirill Palic “I want you to know”
  9. Pelageya Stefoglo “Mi amor”
  10. Vera Turcanu “Cold”
  11. Iurie Sadovnic & Legenda “Robin Hood”
  12. Viorela “Light up the night”
  13. Viorela “Beggin”
  14. Alex Bognibov “Love me like my daughter”
  15. Diana Brescan “Lies”
  16. Sasha Letty “Bananas”
  17. Iulia Cazaceno “Soulmates”
  18. Elena Croitor “Te voi canta mereu”
  19. Che MD “Sub Pamant”
  20. Che MD “Yarmarokul Bufonilor”
  21. Alister Mars “High”
  22. Aurel Chirtoaca “La cinema”
  23. Maxim Zavidia “I will not surrender”
  24. Limonique “GravitTy”
  25. Coral Reef “Self-destruction”
  26. Marcela Scripcaru “Meteor”
  27. Anna Cucerenco “Do you see me?”
  28. Marina Cudalb “Insieme”

While 28 songs will compete for a semi-final slot, 30 actually entered the process. Two of these were disqualified — one for submitting an incomplete file and the other for containing problematic lyrics which incited hatred and intolerance.

Alex/Sasha Bognibov’s “Love Me Like My Daughter” does not appear to have fallen foul of the same rules. Sample lyrics include: “Touch me like my daughter, girl, / Embrace me like my daughter! / Kiss me like my daughter, oh, / Love me like my daughter!”

The 2019 edition of O melodie pentru Europa will consist of one semifinal and a final. The semifinal will be held on March and the final the day after on 3 March.

What do you think of the shortlist? Which performers are you most excited for? Let us know in the comments.

Photo: EBU

Follow all of our Moldova Eurovision 2019 news.

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6 years ago

My dear friends! If you analyse the lyrics more carefully and deeper, then you’ll find out that they are absolutely innocent. Don’t forget that my artistic role is Everlasting Boy who is about 19. You don’t know me, and despite everything behind the lyrics a person with a big heart and a beautiful dream might be, able to spread pure love. Nobody can judge me without knowing me. I believe in my heart. I’m sorry that some of you aren’t able to observe my true colours and understand everything properly.

6 years ago

Look at this. I… I can’t even. This guy is creepy as hell

6 years ago

Wait a minute, had really someone written a song about Adriano Celentano in Moldova? I wanna listen it right now!

6 years ago
Reply to  Mirko

I did. Don’t.

6 years ago
Reply to  Colin

You’re right

6 years ago

O melodie pentru Europa has always had tones of cringe. Weirdos. But hey, they just need one good song.

6 years ago

Moldovan jury and television are a joke for allowing a song with such lyrics. They want publicity probably but it is the wrong one.

6 years ago

Guys if you’re interested we finally have fan favorite participant in Vidbir 2019 , his name is Andrew KHAYAT,he is currently involved in local The Voice of Ukraine , he is simply stunning performer and singer , so many people in comments on youtube said they gonna vote for him on Vidbir , i think Tayanna could lose it again… here is his performance from yesterday show from The Voive, he sings ancient Ukrainian song in modern interpretation, all four judges wanted him in their team but he choose Tina Carol , song started at 1:30 Now i want… Read more »

6 years ago
Reply to  Tasha

Omg…he is stunning! And he is half Lebanese, like me:)
Ukraine should pick him for Tel Aviv!

6 years ago
Reply to  Tasha

wow! what a sexy and talented guy, he looks like younger version of ZAYN lol
his voice is incredible , though i still root for Tayanna but this guy could win me over if his song will be good enough

6 years ago
Reply to  MikolasFan

He has angelic look, with these blue eyes and smile… swoon…. his performance on The Voice already reached 251 k on youtube just for one day…wow!
Ok. i think im in love with Andrew lol

6 years ago

The song “Love Me like My Daughter” speaks about the love of two people who have experienced tragedy and misfortune in their lives. It just turned out that she is still a teenager, and he is an adult, but both of them are young, although the age difference is officially palpable. She is an orphan practically, so is he. They just fell in love with each other, because they have common grief, common difficult moments. With their love they are trying to block all those difficult moments through which they have passed, to get what they didn’t have in life… Read more »

6 years ago

Hello mister Bognibov (if it’s you). I understand that it’s your artistic freedom to make, share your songs and submit them to the national final, but I think, that this one is unappropriate for Eurovision, as it may lead to unnecessary associations. It seems that has a message, but for viewers who don’t know the context it may be concidered as disgusting, creepy and pedofilic, because of its title and lyrics. Hope you take it into consideration.

6 years ago
Reply to  Skiwalko

It is easy to observe that there are many people who understand the real message and like the song. Some listeners associate it with Green Day.

Purple Mask
Purple Mask
6 years ago

Thank you for explaining. Best of luck. 🙂

6 years ago
Reply to  Purple Mask

Thank you 😉

6 years ago

>not legalizing pedophilia
>totalitarian society

Tja, and soon not even the age will be an obstacle, if there’s “pure love”. Learn something about biology. Sure, everyone can make a song about e.g. flat Earth…Oh, wait, that’s at least legal.

Mr. Vanilla Bean
Mr. Vanilla Bean
6 years ago

So, apparently, this dude is eligible to perform on Moldovan television:
They must sell same really bad quality chrystal meth in Chisinau.
But all joking aside, the authorities should really go check his basement and free any potential hostages.
This country’s selection really is like staring into the abyss. Next, please.

6 years ago

I hope that the disqualified song was in romanian, and this daughter song is in just because nobody knows english in that jury. I’m too optimistic, is hard to believe nobody knows english there, This guy has another song called “I’m in love with a 13 years old girl”. He is sick, why is he still around? Moldova you are embarrassing yourself.

6 years ago

Those lyrics tho…

Purple Mask
Purple Mask
6 years ago

In some languages, “girl” and “daughter” are the same word. Sasha is trying to be linguistically funny, surely. Anyhow…
28 song auditions?!! From Moldova? Wow. I’m on the last train home and somehow that fills me with excitement and dread at the same time.
(By the way, I don’t have a daughter. So no need to go there.)

6 years ago
Reply to  Purple Mask

It is still pretty weird, though. If I were Moldovan, I would not want a song like that representing me. Just my 2c. Who let it compete anyway..

Purple Mask
Purple Mask
6 years ago
Reply to  Rose

Indeed Rose, that is an excellent question.
I don’t know myself, but Padraig might know the answer (*hands over the invisible microphone…)

6 years ago
Reply to  Purple Mask

Well, I have a daughter and I’m just annoyed with the guy for making me write that song title into youtube search.
Already hard enough being a Eurovision fan, you know?

Purple Mask
Purple Mask
6 years ago
Reply to  Briekimchi

Yes, I see your point. I suppose Sasha has intended to “stir the pot” by entering the song into the competition. But actually the fans have kicked the pot out of the room. A bad smell effects everyone. Add another metaphor here…

6 years ago

Is there a possible way we can ask Carla’s Dream to represent Moldova??? They would be a top contender for the trophy!

6 years ago

Btw, it seems like a few authors have made new profile pics and I need to appreciate how good-looking Padraig is on this photo. I mean, this is Irish realness at its best ^^

6 years ago
Reply to  ESCFan2009

yeah he definitely looks hot. Wonder if he is single though <3 <3

6 years ago
Reply to  Rain_God

Is called Rain God but is still thirsty…

6 years ago

There are at least seven of these songs available online (including the cringe incest song). You have no idea how bad this selection is!

6 years ago
Reply to  Colin

This could be a potential winner though. For me, at least

6 years ago
Reply to  Juslin

Yes! I’m glad someone else likes Sub pamint!

6 years ago
Reply to  Juslin

It’s the best one thus far. I think it’s okay. That one and Vera’s Cold were the only ones which I didn’t dislike.

6 years ago
Reply to  Juslin

Moldova always finds one good song, no matter how the nf looks like. “Sub pamant” is the right one. And they are always good at staging.

6 years ago

Yikes, if these daughter lyrics were “okay” enough to just let them pass, I don’t even want to know the lyrics to the songs that weren’t okay, what the-

6 years ago

“Touch me like my daughter, girl, / Embrace me like my daughter! / Kiss m-”

Ew, no.

6 years ago

I’m really disturbed by those lyrics. Moldova, we need to talk.

6 years ago

Bananas ???
LOL ! Will the singer tell us how to spell banana like Gwen Stephanie in the song?

“Touch me like my daughter, girl, / Embrace me like my daughter! / Kiss me like my daughter, oh, / Love me like my daughter!”

And WTF is this? This is way too much…

6 years ago

I am seriously looking forward to this. Based on their track record, about half of these will be abysmal. Bring it on! I need some fun. B-)

Mr. Vanilla Bean
Mr. Vanilla Bean
6 years ago
Reply to  Colin

But not with your daughter, please.

6 years ago

Are those lyrics for real? I already want to barf! With that kind of standard, I have a hunch that Supernova might sound like A Dal in comparison.

Mr. Vanilla Bean
Mr. Vanilla Bean
6 years ago

Really curious where they draw the line when promoting incest is allowed.

6 years ago

It just seems unbelievable to me – how is it possible that after two top 10 places Moldova has only 28 songs submitted? Anyway, seeing titles like “Bananas”, “Robin Hood” , “Meteor” and “Virus” I’m intrigued.