They were one of the favourites in Israel’s national selection and a few days ago won a spot at the final of The Next Star for Eurovision 2019. But now The Shalva band has decided to withdraw from Israel’s national final, as no solution was found regarding their request to not perform during Shabbat.

However, YNET reports this morning, that the band will perform at Eurovision. KAN has invited the group to perform during the second semi-final and the EBU approved the decision this morning.

Speaking about the decision Kan said:

“The slogan of Eurovision 2019 is ‘dare to dream’, Shalva dared to dream and KAN is happy to help them to fulfill their dream to perform on the Eurovision stage.”

Sounds of Silence by The Shalva Band

"The Sound of Silence" as you've never heard it before.Sung by The Shalva Band ???? ???? on Israel's Rising Star, the band's ethereal performance won the hearts of the audience, judges and audiences at home.Listen to the full song and be transported to a land of possibilities.Footage courtesy of mako and ????? ???Song and lyrics by Simon & Garfunkel

Posted by Shalva National Children's Center on Monday, January 21, 2019

Who are The Shalva Band?

Shalva in Hebrew means serenity and it is also the name of a non-profit organisation for people with special needs. The Shalva band’s members are people with disabilities.

Currently there are eight members in the band. Three are blind: The female lead singers Anael and Dina, as well as the keyboard player Guy. The other members that play the instruments and provide backing vocals (Tal, Yosef, Yair, Naftali) suffer from Down syndrome, Williams Syndrome and Pervasive Developmental Disorder. The eighth member is Shay, the band’s manager.

The band has been performing professionally for the last couple of years, including at concerts abroad and in collaboration with Sarit Hadad (who represented Israel at Eurovision 2002).

The Shalva Band Auditions for The Rising Star – with English Subtitles

Watch the entire broadcast of The Shalva Band ???? ???? on Israel's The Rising Star. ????? ???.Footage courtesy of mako

Posted by Shalva National Children's Center on Wednesday, November 28, 2018

When the judges first met the group in their auditions, they had their doubts about a possible gimmick, but after their auditions they said that they are not a gimmick at all, but full of talent, harmonies and emotions.

The affection, compliments and tears only got bigger from one episode to the other, as their performances scored quite high each time and have made most of the judges and the viewers quite emotional.

????? ??????? ????? ??? ????? ?????? ???? ?? ??? ????.. ???? ???? ????? ?? ????? ???? ???! ?#????….

Posted by ????? ???? – Harel Skaat? on Sunday, January 27, 2019

The Shabbat Issue

In the recent days there have been many reports in the Israeli media regarding the band, as the band didn’t expect to reach the final and have a problem regarding possible participation at the Eurovision Song Contest.

A few members of the band are religious and therefore can’t attend the rehearsals during Shabbat (Judaism’s day of rest which is from the sunset on Friday evening until the appearance of three stars in the sky on Saturday night). Friday’s rehearsal is a critical jury rehearsal, where juries watch the entire show by satellite and cast their votes. That rehearsal is also recorded as a back-up for the live show in case of technical difficulties or problems.

The band’s members knew the Eurovision rule from the start and didn’t expect to reach the final stages of the national contest. But once the band was announced as a finalist, they told the show’s production that they can’t go to Eurovision due to the Shabbat issue.

An Original Song by the Shalva Band

Watch the spellbinding performance of The Shalva Band performing an original song, "I See Something Good Within You".The song talks about Annael's journey with disability and how she 'looks' in the mirror and sees something good, something close, something worth loving. ????? ??? Eurovision 2019 – ?????????? 2019 Eurovision Song Contest 2019: Grand Final

Posted by Shalva National Children's Center on Tuesday, January 29, 2019


The show’s production crew have tried to find a solution, consulted with Jewish rabbis and even sent a query to the European Broadcasting Union (EBU), that is in charge of the Eurovision Song Contest, in order to find a solution for the problem.

Yesterday it was reported by The Jerusalem Post that The Culture and Sport Minister Miri Regev has also sent a letter to the EBU and asked if it would be possible to allow the Band to take part at the Eurovision in Tel Aviv this year and to find a solution for the Shabbat rehearsals:

“I strongly urge you, true to the spirit we all believe in, to reconsider an exception to your rule and to enable the Shalva Band, if it wins the local contest, to participate according to their freedom of conscience and without violating their most sacred religious practices.” 

????? ?????

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Posted by ?????? ???? on Sunday, February 3, 2019


The EBU’s have responded to the issue: “All broadcasters commit to abide by the contest rules when agreeing to participate. These rules include the obligation of attendance across all rehearsals and live shows, for delegation members and contestants.”

This is not the first case where Shabbat is holding back artists from performing at Eurovision 2019, as we’ve previously reported that the Israeli singer Omer Adam, that was offered to perform as an interval act at Eurovision 2019, declined the offer for the same reason.

The Next Star for Eurovision 2019

We will update you soon regarding the last stages of the Israeli selection show, The Next Star for Eurovision 2019, as the grand final is only one week away.

The grand final will take place on February 12 at 20:15 CET, where only the artist will be chosen. The Israeli song for Eurovision 2019 will be decided by a special committee, as in previous years.


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Posted by ?????? ???? on Tuesday, February 5, 2019


Are you sad that The Shalva Band have withdrawn? Or excited to see them perform at Eurovision 2019? Tell us your thoughts below!

Read more Israel Eurovision news

Photo credits: Ronen Akerman / The Next Star for Eurovision

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6 years ago

I’d be excited to see either Maya or Shefita on the Eurovision stage, but good luck to all participants! 🙂

6 years ago

The Shalva band had the greatest chance of wininng the 2019ESC as its lead dsnger Anael has an outstanding firm voice,she reminds the clear voice of Renissanse mid age rock band of the early 70’s, along side her partner Dina they make the perfect vocal match , all supported by briliant talented band members not withstanding their disability. No gimick at all they are graet, lf they chose to drop out , Maya Buskila is the other best choice as her uniqe vocal abilities and fine performance could easily show the world of the new look alike Shirley Basey .… Read more »

6 years ago

From the judge’s comments and scores it’s about 60% chance Maya will be chosen and 40% chance Ketreya will be chosen (everybody else has no chance). I hope they choose Ketreya but I understand if they take Maya.

6 years ago
Reply to  gilpgilp

If that how it would have been decided. Sure. We would have had Mergui or Rikki in Eurovision 2018, and Eurovision 2019 would have been in Cyprus. Luckily, the Next Star production team wants another win. So Kobi is the obvious choice. Everyone that’s left is a very good singer. Kobi is the only unique yet not too risky choice. Kan on the other hand does not want another win, so they might push for Maya/Ketryah. (Ketriyah is the better choice of these two)

6 years ago
Reply to  NoGeoblocks

Of course Kan and Israel want another win! If Israel wins, they don’t even have to host again (as in 1979). They can get all of the glory and none of the responsibility. You are already setting yourself up for conspiracy theories when Kobi loses and gets eliminated for the second time. Look, I know that you want Kobi to win and that’s fine. It’s your right and he’s a very talented singer in his own way. But he won’t and shouldn’t win for many reasons. I’m reposting someone else’s post here because it perfectly describes why he has no… Read more »

6 years ago
Reply to  gilpgilp

Is this your first season of the Next Star? Because you sure act that way. And again, you’re rooting for a safe choice. i’m rooting for an ‘all or nothing’ contender. Saying Maya is a good choice doesn’t help your case either. Maya is by far the worst and most predictable choice. Avraham, Shefita, kobi and Ketriyah are all a better choice than that old school scary singer.

Anyways… i wonder if your watched last season, i wonder if you thought Netta was the right choice during the season. Judging by your current choices though, i doubt that.

6 years ago
Reply to  NoGeoblocks

We will agree to disagree. 🙂 You predict Kobi will be chosen. I say most likely Maya but possibly (and hopefully) Ketreyah. Let’s see how the judges decide and who is right. 🙂 I will admit I am wrong if Kobi is chosen.

6 years ago
Reply to  gilpgilp

Just to be clear. I’m not trying to guess anything. Just saying what I believe is the right choice. Last year I knew Netta was the right choice from her first audition. I didn’t expect her to win. She only won because the production wanted her to win. I don’t expect Kobi to win, but I believe he’s the best man for the job. I wouldn’t mind Ketreya. I would be upset if it’s Maya. But I’m not guessing or betting. Just saying

6 years ago
Reply to  gilpgilp

And welcome to your first year of the Next Star, where the format is flexible, rules are made to be broken, and the production sends whomever they want.

6 years ago

Shefita Is my favourite, she would stand out from others as Netta did. There’s nothing special about Maya, she is just average singer, while Ketreya would be great with right song, but people have to high expectations and I think it will not happen.

Loin dici
Loin dici
6 years ago
Reply to  Dubravko

If Shefita wins she would be the perfect Mira Awad 2.0, but it’s a thin, thin chance she would get picked for the final.

6 years ago
Reply to  Loin dici

Except that she is not an Arab Israeli and people will think it’s racist?

Loin dici
Loin dici
6 years ago
Reply to  gilpgilp

Yes, gilpgip, this would happen.

6 years ago

Kobi is the obvious choice.
Maya – old fashion screamer. Good for eurovision 2006. Ketreya – excellent singer… Each eurovision has about 4 or 5 female singers like her. She should have a career, but she can not make an impact on a Eurovision stage.
Kobi or Shefita are both amazing singers and they stand out. Choosing Shefita is taking a risk.. Kobi for the win!

6 years ago
Reply to  NoGeoblocks

If you post the same thing over and over it does not make it true. Zero chance of kobi or shefita. Zero.


6 years ago
Reply to  gilpgilp

If you post the same thing over and over it does not make it TRUE. shame that the Israeli public to go again with a safe choice. Remember the Israeli public did not choose Netta.

Kobi is the obvious choice.!

6 years ago
Reply to  NoGeoblocks

Hello Ms. Marimi – your son is really great but just not good enough for Eurovision this year. Come back in a few years when he refines his voice.

6 years ago
Reply to  gilpgilp

Hello Ms Ketreyas mom, a winning eurovision performance is much much more then perfect singing. Come back when Maya and Ketreya find a personality.

As I said before. Everyone that’s left is a very good singer. It’s not about that. It’s a shame you can’t keep the discussion up to a cultured level.

6 years ago
Reply to  NoGeoblocks

I don’t understand how Ketreyah is the “safe choice”: she’s just the right choice. I’m having a hard time thinking of any Eurovision entrant in recent years with stronger vocal skills, and R&B (her strongpoint) is completely unrepresented at Eurovision.

None of that is to say that Kobi is a bad choice: he’s unique (though somewhat unreliable, since his performances have been hit or miss) and could do well with the right song. I just think Ketreyah has a real international career ahead of her.

6 years ago
Reply to  Yotam

I agree with this. But you can’t discount Maya who is also fantastic and has a more mature and stronger voice, but without the charm.

6 years ago
Reply to  Yotam

It’s the safe choice because she can do well. I have no doubt. She can’t blow your sock off. She doesn’t make you say ‘wow, that was insane’. Shefita and Kobi can finish in one of the last places or they can do so well they can win the whole thing. Out of the two, Kobi is the better, even safer choice.

6 years ago
Reply to  NoGeoblocks

I don’t know, the raw talent and professionalism in almost every single one of Ketreyah’s performances has made my jaw drop. On the other hand, I don’t see any world where Shefita finishes first or even on the left side of the scoreboard (there’s a reason the judges have had to save her five times already), but Kobi could do pretty well with a good song. Still, none of his performances really scream “winning material” to me, whereas with the right song, Ketreyah could absolutely bring the double win. She’s likable, she’s an incredible singer, she’s a great dancer, and… Read more »

Loin dici
Loin dici
6 years ago
Reply to  NoGeoblocks

Wildcards usually don’t have good fares at Eurovision, so picking Kobi, even if it was interesting, could be quite dangerous. But it’s still a song contest anyway, so as long as the right song is composed I’m pretty much indifferent with the artists.

6 years ago
Reply to  Loin dici

Just reminding everyone here that Netta didn’t pass many and many of the Next Star stages and was saved by the judges more than once. Even at the final, Netta LOST at the first duel, and LOST the public vote on her final performance. Yet she won Eurovision. A strong personality is much much more important than a ‘flawless’ performance.
I agree, a strong song is must. a singer that can stand out is a bonus. Kobi is the obvious choice.

Loin dici
Loin dici
6 years ago
Reply to  NoGeoblocks

Well, Kobi’s timbre was unique but it limits the choices of songs they could work with him. So for Ketreyah and Maya, it’s easier.
Bonus: A singer that stands out doesn’t have to be a bonus. Take Michael Schulte or Blanche, for example.

6 years ago
Reply to  Loin dici

Both a respected 4th place if I remember correctly. Ketrya can definitely bring a 4th place finish . maya can finish 14th easily (she is not relatable) . Kobi can finish last or first. I prefer that over a 4th place finish. It’s a matter of taste. Unfortunately some people here write their opinions as if they are facts.

6 years ago
Reply to  NoGeoblocks

Kobi reminds me of David D’or in 2004 who did not even make the final.

Loin dici
Loin dici
6 years ago
Reply to  NoGeoblocks

“Unfortunately some people here write their opinions as if they are facts.”
Yes, NoGeoblocks, you just don’t want to admit it, do you?

Loin dici
Loin dici
6 years ago
Reply to  NoGeoblocks

Kobi can finish first or last, but seeing the climate of the current competition, he would probably get stuck in the middle.
And again, there are some other singers that doesn’t stand out. Take Jamala or Salvador for personality, and take Emmelie, Kristian or Lena for the voice. The all had great songs.

Loin dici
Loin dici
6 years ago
Reply to  NoGeoblocks

Just to remind you, Kobi lost once and he didn’t get saved by the juries. That means, they didn’t search for him.

6 years ago
Reply to  gilpgilp

Thank you for the shut up

6 years ago

It’s obviously between Maya and Ketreyah. Everybody knows this. They have the top scores throughout. Nobody else is even close (sorry Kobi or Abraham fans – they have zero chance). Maya is the best singer but Ketreyah has the most charm and I think will provide the best place at Eurovision. She’s fantastic. Maya would be a fine choice too and can’t go wrong between these two. Maybe they will sing together (they received 95% when they did this on stage).

6 years ago
Reply to  gilpgilp

Haha…kobi will win easily…wait and see

6 years ago
Reply to  Gili

Hi Gili – When Kobi loses will you come back and admit that you are wrong?

6 years ago

Hope Abraham will win! :))

6 years ago

If Ketreyah won , she would end up in the bottom in Eurovision. Now that the shalva band has withdrawn. The only one that could do well is Shefita now .

6 years ago
Reply to  SHIJIE

true, europe deserves shefita.

Alon I srael
Alon I srael
6 years ago
Reply to  jojo

Shefita won’t win … the audience( and so people at home) didn’t vote for her as they voted for others…Avraham will do a great job with a powerfull ballad…
i wish that this year there will be a song in hebrew but i doubt it-Avraham’s hebrew isn’t good, Kitriyah is better in english and Maya loves singing in english….

6 years ago
Reply to  jojo

Shefita’s a novelty act that will either be lost on Europeans or give a really bad look for Israel. She’s the only competitor I could see giving us a last place finish regardless of the song.

6 years ago
Reply to  Yotam

That is exactly what some of the Austrians said about Conchita

6 years ago
Reply to  Shijie

That doesn’t make it wrong. Plenty of novelty acts have failed, and “Israeli Jew making a mockery of Arab culture” is a great way to fail while offending pretty much everyone. It’s Orientalism at its finest.

6 years ago
Reply to  Yotam

Wait Shefita is Jewish? I thought she was an Israeli Arab?

6 years ago
Reply to  gilpgilp

She’s 100% Jewish! Half Ashkenazi and half Yemenite.

6 years ago
Reply to  Yotam

I just read that. Wow. Didn’t realize.

6 years ago
Reply to  gilpgilp

Yep, her name is Rotem Shefi and she’s from the Galilee, but she cosplays as an Arab named “Shefita” from Dubai. If we send this, “Israeli racism” is going to overshadow the entire contest. I’m actually really worried about it.

6 years ago
Reply to  Yotam

I completely agree with you on that. But I don’t think you need to worry about Shefita winning. Not going to happen.

6 years ago
Reply to  Yotam

Totally agree Yotam. But the judges know this too. Shefita won’t even make the final.

6 years ago
Reply to  SHIJIE

Kobi will win I think.

6 years ago
Reply to  Isr

Zero chance Kobi wins.

6 years ago
Reply to  SHIJIE

Hi Shijie you are 100% wrong. And Shefita has no chance. I would be very surprised if she made the final. Her scores are hovering around 60%. It’s either Maya or Ketreyah and both are excellent.

6 years ago
Reply to  gilpgilp

Maya – old fashion screamer. Good for eurovision 2006. Ketreya – excellent singer… Each eurovision has about 4 or 5 female singers like her. She should have a career, but she can not make an impact on a Eurovision stage.
Kobi or Shefita are both amazing singers and they stand out. Choosing Shefita is taking a risk. Kobi is the obvious choice. Kobi for the win!

6 years ago
Reply to  NoGeoblocks

NoGeoblocks – ” Each eurovision has about 4 or 5 female singers like her” how do you explain Austria’s second place last year? Ketreyah is a better version of Austria 2018.

100% it will be either Maya or Ketreya (or both). Nobody else comes close to these two. If you look at the scores and listen to the judges it is fairly obvious.

6 years ago
Reply to  gilpgilp

1) female. There are almost always more female singers than male in eurovision
2) so… She’s not unique! We had her last year in the form of Austria!

6 years ago
Reply to  NoGeoblocks

With all due respect to Cesar Sampson (who’s a great singer), Ketreyah is infinitely more talented. She sings a completely different style of music and does it better.

6 years ago
Reply to  Yotam

I was not the one to compare. just using Gilpgilp’s ridiculous arguments and statements.

Loin dici
Loin dici
6 years ago
Reply to  NoGeoblocks

That Hebrew ballad sung by Ketreyah proves something else, though. There’s potential.

6 years ago
Reply to  Loin dici

Her uniqueness only comes in Hebrew. That’s true. But it’ll be lost on Europe. Ketreya is talented. She just doesn’t stand out. Kobi for the win.

6 years ago
Reply to  NoGeoblocks

Didn’t you get a clue when Kobi was eliminated once already? Is this Kobi’s mom posting?

6 years ago
Reply to  gilpgilp

Shefita will be in the final..this is your first mistake…and the second one is that kobi will win the final? Wanna bet???

6 years ago
Reply to  Gili

Sure let’s make a friendly bet that Kobi will not win. 🙂

Corn Unicorn
Corn Unicorn
6 years ago
Reply to  Gili

Hey Gili, I see that you’re rooting for Kobi, which is fine, but I’m sorry you’re a bit delusional. I’m not saying this to offend you, but there are a few things you fail to understand. Maybe it’s your age, I don’t know. Maybe you’re like the teenage girls who root for the hottest contestant but don’t really understand the objective of this competition. So I’d like to put some things on the table. First, while I agree that Kobi is unique and talented and sweet, that’s just not the kind of unique that’s right for this specific objective. For… Read more »

6 years ago
Reply to  Corn Unicorn

Corn Unicorn you are 100000% correct. I completely agree with everything you said. Well written. What you are saying is fairly obvious to everyone watching who has been listening to the judges and understands what the show is about. The judges have not been hiding the fact that Maya and Ketreyah are the two they will choose between.

My own perception is that the judges came into the show believing that Maya will win it easily but Ketreyah (and Shalva to a lesser extent) came from nowhere to present some difficult choices for them.

6 years ago
Reply to  SHIJIE

Agreed about Ketreyah. Talented and generic. She can have a great career. Not for winning Eurovision.

6 years ago

Great! That’s an interval act I prefer over inviting western star with no connection with Israel or contest at all.

6 years ago

I hope Ketreyah will win

6 years ago
Reply to  Juna

I hope so too. But it might be Maya. It’s going to be very close between these two.

Loin dici
Loin dici
6 years ago
Reply to  gilpgilp

When will Rising Star Final be, though? The Wikipedia page said the artis would be picked in 6 February but it’s already 7th here in my country and nothing else comes up.

6 years ago

I’m happy a solution was found, thank God (pun intended).
Now nothing can stop Kobi from takin eurovision 2019 by a storm!

6 years ago
Reply to  NoGeoblocks

Except for his inconsistent vocal quality and the fact that he only sings one type of song.

6 years ago
Reply to  Yotam

And except for the fact that Kobi has zero chance of going to Eurovision.

6 years ago
Reply to  gilpgilp

Fortune teller found? Go play the lottery. Kobi is the only unique artist left in this competition (besides Shefita. She’s not likely going anywhere though)

Many talented singers this year. But only Kobi can WIN eurovision

6 years ago
Reply to  NoGeoblocks

Kobi is not unique and he would not win. He needs to work on his voice for a few years – it’s not mature enough. I know you love him but there’s a reason he has already been eliminated once. The judges know what they are doing.

6 years ago

An interesting related anecdote: Boaz Mauda (Israel 2008) was interviewed this week by Israeli media about the Shabbat issue, given that he is an observant Jew who participated in Eurovision. He said that he regrets participating in Eurovision and violating the Shabbat. He also claimed that he was so uncomfortable performing in the 2008 final because of this issue, that it affected his performance. Sounds like this is his explanation for his off-tune moments in the final.

6 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

That’s a shame. I always liked that song. Begs the question of how many other Israeli performers felt the same way (no way was he the only one).

6 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Forgive my extreme ignorance, but how big of a “sin” is it to break Shabbat? Is there any way to redeem yourself? I was raised Catholic, so all we have to do is confess and hey presto our slate is wiped clean.

6 years ago
Reply to  Jonas

Great question! In Judaism there is no concept of confession. Shabbat is in the ten commandments, it is very important to religious Jews. If you knowingly break Shabbat, it is a significant sin, from the category of sins between Man and God (as opposed to between man and his fellow man). It is extra problematic if you do it in public. There is repentance in Judaism, where you admit your sins to God and honestly try to do better, but there is no guarantee of a spiritual slate wipe like in Catholicism. (If you sinned against a person, you need… Read more »

6 years ago

I have written this elsewhere but wanted to make sure it doesn’t get lost as I saw no such reporting on wiwibloggs. We’ve had additional news from Israeli outlets last week on interval acts. First, Israel Hayom confirmed that Ilan Peled (better known by his cross dressing alter ego Miri Paskal) will be part of the show. According to some reports he is likely to pull a Lynda Woodruff (Sarah Dawn Finer) and star the comedic acts during the commercial breaks. Also will grace the stage with their presence, beyond Madonna and now Shalva Band, are the Balkan Beat Box.… Read more »

Loin dici
Loin dici
6 years ago

I love having Shalva as an interval instead of competing. I mean, with the conditions that they have, extra pressure by competing aside of performing for almost 200 million spectators would not be good for them. Shalva Band would be an amazing interval but I hope the production team won’t waste their chances and make it boring.

As for now, as Idan has said below:

Idan Cohen
Idan Cohen
6 years ago
Reply to  Loin dici


6 years ago
Reply to  Loin dici

Totally agree!!!

6 years ago

I’m very glad they have withdrawn because I expected a generic, boring peace ballad from them. With this solution, it’s a win-win-situation for Israel and the Shalva Band IMO. They should have thought about it in the first place, though. They might have just participated for the promo.

Unknown Melody
Unknown Melody
6 years ago
Reply to  Paule

Someone didn’t read the full article

6 years ago
Reply to  Unknown Melody

They knew about the rule and “[they] didn’t expect to reach the final stages of the national contest”. Sounds exactly like participating for the promo for me.

6 years ago

This is sad. Israel would have a great result if Shalva were chosen. They probably would be, if they didnt have to withdraw. EBU should review their rules, or at least the dates of the shows in order to avoid situations like this in the future. Everyone has the right to have their believes. And the host city this year being Tel Aviv makes it even harder to understand… It’s not like they never open exceptions (countries choosing the semifinal they want to participate or broadcast; pre-recorded vocals; political songs allowed; Australia being invited multiple times; …) Then again… Shalva… Read more »

6 years ago

Omer Adam can’t sing on Shabbat, but he can sing about party, gambling and drinks in the rest of the week. What is this?

Alon I srael
Alon I srael
6 years ago
Reply to  gary

you don’t loose anything….

6 years ago
Reply to  gary

He’s not religious. Observing Shabbat is just a custom that’s important to him.

6 years ago

Yes. Shalva knew the rules. That they were required to perform on Shabbat. Therefore, the current solution is amazing.
It saddens me though, that Eurovision, the shinning star, that constantly shows us the importance of accepting everyone, couldn’t find a way to accept and include those of a specific religious faith.

Israeli guy
Israeli guy
6 years ago
Reply to  Elisheva

Oh PLEASE… They are including anyone and everyone, regardless of their faith. But it’s a huge production and they have a set of rules (all seem very reasonable and well based as well as very hard to work around). There are a million sets of religious practices, beliefs and ideologies in this world and trying to satisfy all of them will just turn an already complicated production into an impossible chaos. And if you’re expecting workarounds from the EBU, wouldn’t it be easier and more reasonable to ask the band to find something? I mean the rabbis are champions of… Read more »

6 years ago

Get it right people. Sabbath is sundown on Fri to sundown Saturday. NOT starting at noon on Fri (lol at getting this wrong given article).

6 years ago

This is hilarious. How are people so religious in 2019, it’s beyond me. I just hope Eurovision in Tel Aviv is not gonna be filled with religious references and Bible reenactments. Leave entertainment to viewers and practice your religion at home.

6 years ago
Reply to  Yva

This is hilarious. How are people still gay in 2019 with everything the doctors provide, it’s beyond me. I just hope Eurovision in Tel Aviv is not gonna be filled with gay people and LGBT slogans. Leave entertainment to viewers and practice your sexuality at home.

Israeli guy
Israeli guy
6 years ago
Reply to  Copycat

Copycat bad answer. Yva is saying religion is a negative and obsolete thing, which you can agree or disagree with. Fact is, many people in history and unfortunately still today are hurt by religious institutions and their followers. How is being gay a negative thing? Who has ever been hurt by LGBT rights movement or LGBT people?

Polegend Godgarina
6 years ago
Reply to  Copycat

the only thing doctors have done about homosexuality is removing it from the list of illnesses forty years ago….. expose yourself as a homophobic rat tho

6 years ago
Reply to  Copycat

Not the same situation by miles. Like, seriously?

6 years ago
Reply to  Marcelo

Haha, it is fascinating how I got you pissed off and how you made up my own conclusions. Nowhere have I hinted my own opinions nor do I plan to go into discussions (although I could, because you made some serious logical flaws there). Just learn to accept and love everyone instead of labeling and excluding people before you even meet them. Cheers! <3

6 years ago
Reply to  Yva

What makes you think it’s going to be “filled with religious references and Bible reenactments”? The fact that one religious group competed in and dropped out of Israel’s national selection?

Loin dici
Loin dici
6 years ago
Reply to  Yva

You’ve never seen Indonesia, Yva, you’ve never seen it…

Polegend Godgarina
6 years ago
Reply to  Loin dici

indonesia and malaysia have adopted the strict arabic interpretation of islam in the past ten years and they’ve become really oppressive countries….. thank goodness they’re LOIN D’ICI

Loin dici
Loin dici
6 years ago

But if the both joined Eurovision Asia, these rules won’t be LOIN D’ICI again (eventhough I love my country’s participation I can see this happening too clear). BTW THAT PUN MADE ME LAUGH

6 years ago
Reply to  Yva

Israel is a differennt place! Judaism is both a Religion and a nationality and the two can not be separated. With that said their are realigios people and secular people. Israel is a place of inclusion and tolerance for all people regarding their faith or their nationality!

6 years ago
Reply to  galit

sorry.. regardless

6 years ago
Reply to  Yva

Israel is the land of the Bible – That’s where all of the bible stories have happened…That’s part of who we are more than 3,000 years. Israel=Bible – if we want it or not

6 years ago
Reply to  Maya

That’s where they say the bible stories happened. Most of it didn’t really happen.

Roy Moreno
Roy Moreno
6 years ago

Guys – it has just been announced that Shalva will perform as an interval act during semi final 2!
I think it’s such a brilliant solution which makes them keep their belives yet lets them perform at the contest!
Well done to all who decided on that and we will get to see them on the 16th of May!

Polegend Godgarina
6 years ago

aww, sucks for them.

6 years ago

They had to many members anyways, i did like those songs tho!

6 years ago

Unfortunate but as an Israeli and a Jew I dont expect the EBU to change its rules. Especially after reading what’s written here and how crucial the rehearsal is

Idan Cohen
Idan Cohen
6 years ago

I love and respect them, but there are better contenders than them.

Kitriaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh!!!! (For the win, of course)

6 years ago
Reply to  Idan Cohen

Kobi wil win easily!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

6 years ago
Reply to  gili

Well… I don’t have good news for you.

6 years ago
Reply to  Skiwalko

What do you know?

6 years ago
Reply to  NoGeoblocks

He’s been eliminated already.

6 years ago
Reply to  Skiwalko

Oh, production is bringing him back! For a good reason too

6 years ago
Reply to  NoGeoblocks

Thanks for the information then 🙂