The lady wore white.

We’ve seen variations on white dresses, but Anna Odobescu took us outside of the box at Moldova’s first rehearsal at Eurovision 2019.

That’s because she paired her dress with a rose in a glass box and sand art from Kseniya Simonova.

The projections are mesmerising and seriously elevate Moldova’s package. There was a technical hitch in the first run, and in the second we also lost visuals, but did get to see her belting out the big notes in the climax.

Anna’s vocal was on point from the get go. Some singers hold back in rehearsals but she is not one of them.

There are not a lot of closeups in this performance. Instead the focus is the sand art and the narrative. And with the sand art alone this stands out from the crowd.

What is clear is that Moldova is firmly on course to qualify.

Anna Odobescu — “Stay”: Reviews and Reactions

Moldova: First rehearsal at Eurovision 2019

Moldova: First press conference 2019

Read all of our Eurovision rehearsal reviews

Photo Credit: EBU

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5 years ago

the juries r gonna vote for this non-event!! WELP!! It’s Tako Gachigache Georgia 2017 all over again!!!

5 years ago

Moldova trying to wrap their mediocre song with an interesting staging like they’ve been doing over the past years. I’m going to forget the fact that is a copy of Ukraine 2011, because casual viewers won’t remeber that. Moldova will grab some points but this time they won’t be that lucky.

5 years ago
Reply to  Héctor

We, here, are not the casual viewers 😉
Are we?

My mother won’t remember that the sand-drawing idea was used but I will.
And for sure someone who goes to ESC (if not the performer then head of delegation at least) should know if something has been used before 🙂

5 years ago

Effects (used before in ESC) to cover a fact that the song is low average, just nothing special.

5 years ago

Copycats make me angry and for sure, won’t get my vote. (Not mentioning -the song is obvious trash.)

Ukraine 2011… back in Moldova 2019…
Sweden 2015… back in Iceland 2016 and Russia 2016…
Moldova 2013… back in Estonia 2018…
and so on…

Just like many movies about the same issue.
Most of remakes is trash 🙂

5 years ago
Reply to  ESCJudge

And Austria 2018…back in Sweden 2019
Cyprus 2018…back in Switzerland 2019

5 years ago
Reply to  IVANOV

That Austria 2018… back in Sweden 2019?
I don’t get it.

What is similiar in their stage performance?
Cause that’s what Moldova is copying -idea for the performance, not the music genree (?)

I see nothing similiar in performances of Austria 2018 and Sweden 2019.

5 years ago
Reply to  ESCJudge

I don’t think Russia 2016 is a copy of Sweden 2015, he may have used a screen like Mans but it was like a massive upgrade on it. Germany also used a stage last year don’t forget :). I do agree with the Moldova and Estonia comparison though. Austria and Sweden 2018/19 are not the same at all and Cyprus and Switzerland are also a wrong comparison. So what? a lad can’t dance with dancers and a red background? Get over it. If you think Switzerland and Cyprus 2019 and 2018 are the same, you should listen to the mashup… Read more »

5 years ago
Reply to  Guest

Russia 2016 and Iceland 2016 both used the same idea as Sweden 2015 had.
The idea of interacting with the video projected just behind them. No question.

Germany 2018? haha
No interaction. Video used just to have a better impact on last chorus (as he would do with LED screens if only it was available)

Copying is copying.
Moldova 2019 copied the idea from Ukraine 2011 or used their idea unintentionally. Though it should be checked by head of delegation before.

Mark Dowd
Mark Dowd
5 years ago

The way the reviewers are reacting so positively we’re on course for 13 songs qualifying from this semi. They can’t all go through.

5 years ago

She should have copied Silvia Night. LOL. What are the sand artists supposed to do? To have just one job in their entire life? What about golden rain/fire/fireworks/wind machines/holograms?

5 years ago
Reply to  dan

“golden rain/fire/fireworks/wind machines/holograms” are part of stage equipment able to be used by everyone (if they can afford it)

Copying general idea for presentation is copying. Period.

5 years ago

It looks good, but Moldova shouldn’t be rewarded for recycling Ukraine’s idea. The same way that Anna’s good vocals shouldn’t compensate the weak song. But for those who won’t remember 2011 and won’t pay enough attention to what they’re hearing for the first time, it’s possible it will be enough to make it a qualifier.

5 years ago
Reply to  Sabrina

Are you ok? What Ukraine’s idea? Is like saying that wind machine is Carola’s idea.

5 years ago
Reply to  dan

Wind machine is a technical part of stage equipment able to use by everyone.
Fact that someone uses a certain type of light does not mean that anyone else is forbiden to use it…

But if you use a video-projecting dress, or sand painting… and so on… you just copycat others ideas for presentation.

5 years ago
Reply to  Sabrina

Moldova was the most creative Eurovision country in terms of staging. This is a big disappointment, and also desperation.

5 years ago
Reply to  Sabrina

100% agree with Sabrina and ESCJudge, you shouldn’t be rewarded for blatant copying and a weak song. There were endless options for staging really and this just insults many esc fans, they feel cheated.

Talentina Monetta
Talentina Monetta
5 years ago

This is what shameless plagiarism looks like ladies and gentlemen

5 years ago

She could have copied Ukraine 2019 staging instead as it was not seen before on the ESC.

5 years ago
Reply to  Nicolas

LOL. But at least the staging would have a meaning with the song. If a woman do a MARUV for me I promise I stay AHAH

5 years ago
Reply to  IVANOV

Don’t worry, no woman will do a MARUV for you, but you’ll stay anyway, because you’re like the plague.

5 years ago

Its only one Mika Newton this is just bad coppy with bad song

5 years ago

How is this good? ahahah So other countries have bad clothing (Portugal), bad song (Estonia), non-circus elements (Sbruk) are NQ but this boring song and wannabe bride with some random sand-art is amazing?? Give me a break!

5 years ago

Jamala: Moldova 2019 is Ukraine?
Joke aside, of course no one but ESC fans would remember that performamce. It was ages ago.
This is not a bad staging. Moldova always has good staging. They just moved up from sure NQ to borderline qualify with this

Stian F
Stian F
5 years ago

Finally someone is saying it out loud: Ukraine 2011 was a dull song wrapped in impressive staging!!!! Sometimes staging gets you far despite the song. But that said… This is such a strong semifinal so not sure if Moldova can qualify…. But then again Lithuania won the jury vote in its semifinal in 2011 with the worst song ever… So everything is possible.

5 years ago
Reply to  Stian F

To me Lithuania 2011 was one of the best songs that year – granted, maybe a bit cheesy and generic, but it had that sort of Disney quality – that was just a classy ballad.

5 years ago

I know that non-eurofans won´t remember this from 2011… but shouldn´t this kind of copy-paste be penalised? I mean, do you want to see every year the same acts, gimmicks, staging? One thing is “inspiration” (see women with projections in their dresses) and another thing is an exact copy of another act. I don´t know… very disappointed with Moldova.

5 years ago
Reply to  oli

That’s like saying country X can’t have their singer sing alone on stage, because country Y has already done it before.

Roelof Meesters
Roelof Meesters
5 years ago
Reply to  oli

It’s not like she’s performing the same “sand-art” they obviously changed it around. This happens all the time: a succesfull gimmick sometimes gets re used. I do think however they could have made it a bit more different, but I don’t see anything wrong with them doing it again.

5 years ago
Reply to  oli

What? Let’s penalize Australia 2019 for copy of Slovenia 2016 (joke) Let’s penalize Czech Republic for having boxes like UK 2010, or like Ukraine 2008 (joke)
Oli, you don’t know what copy-paste means.

5 years ago
Reply to  dan

Clearly, people don’t understand the situation. Moldova 2019 is a blatant copy of Ukraine 2011. I mean how random is it to have a sand artist? It’s so obvious what they are doing. I wouldn’t have minded if the sand artist came back as an interval act, but for a country when the song has no correlation whatsoever to it. Why doesn’t every country every year do it if it gets a good placing? Because they realize that they shouldn’t blatantly copy a unique staging. You’re taking the piss if you seriously think the Czech Republic should be penalised for… Read more »

5 years ago

Elegant, but little related to the song. However, Anna did the best she could IMHO. Any ”big” staging would be weird for this song, but any simpler would go totally unnoticed. I guess, as good as it comes with this song.

5 years ago

What’s so special in boring sand art tho?

5 years ago

“Got talent” competitions are full of these sand shows. I’m sure she didn’t thought “Let’s copy Ukraine”.

5 years ago

Oh come on….

5 years ago

Moldova is back in game for final. Only ESC fans remember Ukraine 2011

5 years ago
Reply to  PP77

Nah. I’ve asked several people that aren’t fans of Eurovision and Ukraine 2011 was one of the entries most of them DID remember. It was far more memorable than people think.

5 years ago

2011 is back! the song predates 2011 – its a tough semi final already: WON’T QUALIFY

5 years ago

The fact that it’s a nice gimmick doesn’t mean that it can be ignored that it’s a shameless copy of Ukraine 2011.

5 years ago
Reply to  Jack

I don’t find it nice gimmick either, it’s rather annoying, distracts attention from the singer and song, no connection with the song too

5 years ago

Ukraine not in Eurovision at this time but Moldova decided to remind us about them. Thank u Moldova it’s very original !!!

5 years ago

Why hate? Moldova always does something for staging. Moldova never had just a singer with a microphone, like it or hate it. And sand being out of fashion? Oh come on! I wish her more luck than Sunstroke and Doredos. She will not do better than them, but anyway, she is so lovely.

5 years ago
Reply to  ydan

No one minds them doing extravagant staging but this is just a blatant copy of 2011 and just shows us they thought this song was way too weak to qualify :(.

5 years ago

Welcome back, Kseniya!

5 years ago

It was a one-time thing, imo.

5 years ago

LOL, welcome to 2011

5 years ago

Ukraine 2011, anybody?
Nice gimmick, still not enough to make them qualify.

5 years ago
Reply to  Skiwalko

Yes, great idea, but already used by Mika Newton. Mika achieved the brilliant 4th place, but it was also due to her awesome song.

Polegend Godgarina
Polegend Godgarina
5 years ago
Reply to  Skiwalko

ukraine 2011’s song was actually stay level of bland and boring if not worse, so she has a chance

5 years ago

Oh man…”Angel” was my #1 that year. (Don’t hurt me).

5 years ago
Reply to  Briekimchi

Mine too 🙂

Polegend Godgarina
Polegend Godgarina
5 years ago
Reply to  Briekimchi

i mean i like it too, it’s the eurovision’s own illuminati classic, but it’s objectively vanilla

5 years ago

in 2011 it got a little bit distracting to watch because you kept seeing Kseniya’s arms come across the LED screen at the back: I hope they’ve found a fix for that

Polegend Godgarina
Polegend Godgarina
5 years ago

odobexcuse me haters, but moldova did THAT