Eurovision 2017 winner Salvador Sobral recently made headlines after taking back some earlier remarks he made about the Eurovision Song Contest. But now the Portuguese musician has our attention for a completely different reason. During an interview on Portuguese chat show Prova Oral, the “Amar pelos dois” singer let slip that he has filmed scenes for the upcoming Netflix movie Eurovision.
Salvador Sobral in the Netflix Eurovision movie
Yep, months after Netta Barzilai’s apparent confirmation for the film there’s another winner in the mix. Portugal’s only winner of the contest so far talked about Eurovision on RTP’s talk show Prova Oral. Sobral says that he will participate in the movie as a street musician. He also claimed that the movie will be released in May — during the month of Eurovision. (We should note that a release date has not been listed on IMDB or on any official Netflix communications).
“I was invited to do a movie with Will Ferrell, Eurovision: The Movie,” he said on the show. “I went and did the movie with Will, Rachel McAdams and Pierce Brosnan.”
“I went there to play the piano and sing, he continued. “The movie comes out in May [2020]. It was a huge production.”
Sobral also confirmed that he will play the role of a street singer. Netflix signed a contract with the Lisbon-based star to do one scene, playing the piano and singing. However, when they were on set, the producers wanted him to do a scene with lines alongside Will Ferrell. Unfortunately, Sobral appears to have stuck to the contract. So we’ll only have one scene with him, but that’s still a lot to look forward to. A duet with Rachel? A group number with Will and Pierce? We are ready to listen.
What do you think of Salvador Sobral being in the film? Are you excited for the Eurovision movie? Let us know what you think in the comments!
Now I really want to see it!
Same here. I was really sceptical about the movie but there was enough just Salvador in the cast to make it sure I will watch it.
Good for Salvador!
nana banana
Salvador has bashed eurovision so many times, but he never misses a chance to gain publicity from it :/
Is it really all that surprising that someone like him would not pass up the opportunity to be in something that poked fun at eurovision though?
Never been a fan of Will Ferrell. He always makes me think of a modern day Chevvy Chase. Yes eurovision should be fun and enjoyed as pure entertainment but it’s also a serious contest with many top quality songs. If this film is just a total wind up then its not doing anything to promote the contest in a positive way.
If they won’t have Jamala asking Pierce Brosnan an uncomfortable question, I’m gonna scream. 🙂
Is he going to turn into a firework in the end? Or will both Salvador and Netta be love interests?
Okay so as of now we have no idea how “accurate” or serious this movie will be, but with Will Ferrell’s track record, it’s all gonna be parody probably (“Blades of Glory” was not very accurate to figure skating, for example).
A lot of you have this “Oh my God HOW DARE he tarnish the good name of Eurovision” attitude. I think I’ll go ahead and watch it just out of curiousity though. Unlike a lot of people apparently, I am able to handle when people poke fun at things that I like.
I hope this will be as campy as it gets. Blades of Glory was at times hilariously stupid and awesome!
I hope Will Ferrell just randomly flies away in the sky at the end again.
I see where you’re coming from but Eurovision does carry a reputation of being of little substance and being a glitzy hot mess. That’s probably a somewhat accurate description of the contest a decade ago but it has evolved into a much sharper and ‘quality’ show – when you have a movie like this that introduces the contest to potentially millions of people it’s only natural that fans don’t want it to reinforce this narrative.
I don’t mind if they poke a little fun at it, I just hope it’s not distasteful (like a lot of ‘comedy’ these days).
oh wow this is going to be a gourmet movie now that salvador is in the cast
So he says a lot of stuff in ESC like fast-food music and now takes it all back and even are in a ESC movie. Okey….. haha. I have no comment to that.
Half your comments are I have no comment and the other half see stupid. Why not write something meaningful sometimes ?
thats nice
I’m excited for this movie. I feel like it might unite my family on Eurovision. I’m the only fan in my family, but everyone wants to watch the Eurovision movie with me because Will Ferrell is in it.
As a Eurovision fan since 2011, I’m really happy about this movie. Maybe because I will see two of my favorite movie characters Mean Girls Rachel and Mamma mias Pierce in my favorite tv show in a movie. Although people think this is mockery and making fun of Eurovision. It just wouldn’t be fun to see another Eurovision Docummery yet again.
I feel like this is something new and humorous, and we all know netflix is the deal of today’s movie industry.
It’s a great deal in my opinion.
I like the idea… And can imagine the comedy aspect by it (especially for us Eurovision fans). Sobral playing the piano in the streets… Ferrells character passing by listening, then saying…. “pretty, but would never work in Eurovision…This guy will never get off the streets, so sad” and then throw Sobral a pity smile, while then continuing planning his own entry, which will be full on Serhat style of course, mixed in with some Verka Serduchka like costumes… Funny for us that knows the actual story and success of Sobral in Eurovision and what a carcrash ferrelss performance will end… Read more »
so this movie is feelings, not fireworks
With Will Ferrell it will be a collection of fart jokes.
We all know that Salvador is an expert in this kind of jokes as well.
See, if they’re actually reaching back to get past winners for cameos (recent ones, but still) it tells me they’re not afraid to do insider baseball stuff. I feel like Duncan and a couple of the Nordic winners are bound to show up somewhere (Netflix appear to really be making a push to appeal to the Nordic countries, hence setting the film partially in Iceland and sponsoring Iceland’s national final, so I’m sure they’ll throw in some nods to other stuff. I’d be shocked if Lordi don’t show up somewhere).
I feel like this movie gonna be one huge disrespectful mockery of the contest. And fans will hate it.
The signs are all there, xohxoh. There’s a danger it might overshadow the contest. Hope that won’t happen.
Nah, it won’t overshadow the actual contest. Netflix release several movies, most people hardly notice.
So basically that is the reason why he recently changed his opinion on Eurovision. Money solves everything.
He didn’t change his opinion about eurovision, he just get more polite about it.
Exactly he got more polite around the concept… He hasn’t said anything about the music in general… So I guess he still hates and dislikes every song that has ever taken part, except for his own of course.
For him to dislike every song would mean he actually took the time to hear said songs. I am sure he has no interest whatsoever in doing that lol
Soldi soldi *clap clap*
There’s nothing unreasonable about him being paid, that’s his profession.
So one of my least favorite actors with two of the worst Eurovision winners, that movie is a big no from me
Oh no, poor Netflix!
I can see Salvador saying tô Will ferrel:” sorry, i won’t do that, cinema Is not fireworks, cinema is feeling”
I just hope they don’t showcase the film or a trailer during the actual ESC. But as it’s own thing, it’s cool.
That would be so odd. Like I said somewhere else, the EBU are a union of traditional broadcasters, why on earth would they promote a company that eats into their audience so substantially? It makes no sense to me.
Imagine if the film’s and the real winner this year end up being the same country xD
Hah! This truly is an unexpected twist.