Norway Melodi Grand Prix 2022 Finalists. Top row: Sofie Fjellvang, Frode Vassel, Subwoolfer, Farida, Maria Mohn. Bottom row: Christian Ingebrigtsen, Oda Gondrosen, Anna-Lisa Kumoji, Elsie Bay, NorthKid

The time has come. This weekend, Norway will decide its act for Eurovision in the grand final of Melodi Grand Prix 2022.

Ten artists made it through to the final battle. Pre-qualified finalists Subwoolfer, Elsie Bay, Northkid, Anna-Lisa Kumoji and Christian Ingebrigtsen are joined by semi-final winners Frode Vassel, Farida, Oda Gondrosen, Sofie Fjellvang and Maria Mohn in what promises to be a stellar show. But only one act can win the prestigious Norwegian ticket to Turin.

Ahead of the final, we want to hear from you. Which act deserves to win Melodi Grand Prix 2022 and sing for Norway at Eurovision? Listen to all ten finalists below and vote in our poll now!

Scroll down to vote in our poll.

Norway: Melodi Grand Prix 2022 finalists

Elsie Bay — “Death of Us”

Elsie Bay brings raw emotion with “Death of Us”, a haunting string-laden track about the breakdown of a relationship. Pre-qualified for the final, all eyes will be on Elsie as one of the favourites to win MGP 2022. Could she be Norway’s pick for Turin?

Subwoolfer — “Give That Wolf a Banana”

Current favourite to win with the bookmakers, the mysterious Subwoolfer deliver an absurdist retelling of Little Red Riding Hood with their perplexing track “Give That Wolf a Banana”. They’re through to the MGP final as automatic qualifiers. Could they bring home the MGP gold for grandma?

NorthKid — “Someone”

Automatic qualifiers NorthKid are giving a classic boyband ballad with their Eurovision bid “Someone”. Are they your pick to win?

Christian Ingebrigtsen — “Wonder of the World”

Christian Ingebrigtsen of A1 fame bids for the Norwegian Eurovision ticket with “Wonder of the World”, a love letter in the form of a piano and string quintet ballad. Automatically through to the final, he’s ready for his shot at Melodi Grand Prix glory. Does Christian get your vote?

Anna-Lisa Kumoji — “Queen Bees”

Royalty has arrived, honey. Pre-qualified finalist Anna-Lisa Kumoji delivers confidence in the feisty and funky “Queen Bees”. Is Anna-Lisa your queen? 

Frode — “Black Flowers”

Frode Vassel brings a dose of high-camp glam-rock with “Black Flowers”. He’s through to the final after a shock victory in semi-final one. Could Frode go all the way?

Farida — “Dangerous” 

Farida goes for the big bucks with her Bond-esque ballad “Dangerous”. She won the golden ticket to the final when she toppled the competition in semi-final two. Is Farida destined for Melodi Grand Prix glory?

Oda Gondrosen — “Hammer of Thor”

She’s already got her hands on mjolnir, now she’s ready to steal some hearts. Semi-final three champion Oda Gondrosen sings a feminist folk anthem about taking power into your own hands with “Hammer of Thor”. Will she steal the thunder once more?

Sofie Fjellvang — “Made of Glass”

She might be made of glass, but Sofie Fjellvang is here to shatter it. After winning semi-final four, Sofie bids to be Norway’s next Eurovision superstar with “Made of Glass”. Does Sofie get your vote? 

Maria Mohn — “Fly”

Maria Mohn is through to the MGP final as the winner of the Sistesjansen (last chance) round, following a gold duel loss to Sofie Fjellvang in semi-final four. She’s delivering traditional folk with her powerful uplifting anthem “Fly”. Is Maria your pick for Norway?

Poll: Who should win Melodi Grand Prix 2022 and sing for Norway at Eurovision?

In this poll, you can vote for as many songs as you like, but choose carefully — you can only vote once. 

This poll will close ahead of the MGP 2022 final on Saturday 19 February, with results published shortly before the show. 

Who did you vote for? Who will win the grand final of Melodi Grand Prix 2022? Let us know in the comments below. 

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3 years ago

Kvelertak would have been amazing

3 years ago


3 years ago

The first year I am completely stuck on no fewer than FOUR faves. Truth being told, I know two of them are not as strong as they could be to win against their opponents, but I like the songs. I also have some bias towards all four songs and the artists for quite a few different personal reasons – including the fact that I’m related to one of the artists by marriage – rather than purely the songs. BUT this being a SONG contest (people seem to forget the actual contest is called Eurovision SONG Contest), I do like the… Read more »

3 years ago

NorthKid <3333

Last edited 3 years ago by ESCfan91
3 years ago

Yesterday Subwoofer removed a post from their Instagram, where the two wolfs tafted on a statue of a naked lad. First they removed comments pointing out that this was a bit sexist. Finally they only removed the video because people would not stop commenting on it. But this leaves me with a question: Why did they find this funny at all? What is Subwoofer – and why do they hide? Are Norway prepared to send two sexist wolves to Eurovision, who apparently has not heard about #me too?

3 years ago
Reply to  Gandalf

Chill, as a woman I didn’t find it that deep. They removed the video, isn’t that what matters?

3 years ago
Reply to  Chili

I am completely chill 🙂 I just don’t find sexism humorous at all

3 years ago
Reply to  Gandalf

I’m glad you commented on it! I find it strange that they just deleted the comments… Also, I didn’t like how they kept stroking the hair of the television hostess at “God kveld Norge” in the story they posted later that day. I also kept a few screen shots for reference (although I’m not able to post them here). It’s a big “NO” in my book… I just don’t see WHY they should do it. We’re far beyond that time when it’s okay touching and grabbing other people without their consent (and maybe especially in a professional setting that makes… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  Sjøbanan

It shows that subwoolfer is completely nonsense band, totally out of touch. I’ll be embarrassed if we end up sending this crap to Eurovision.

ete sech
ete sech
3 years ago

I want Elsie, Oda or NorthKid. I don’t want Subwoolfer to win, we already have enough troll entries this year 🙁

Last edited 3 years ago by ete sech
3 years ago
Reply to  ete sech

Northkid is my number one. Elsie is number two. Both are worthy. Subwoolfer is terrible.

Jacob S
Jacob S
3 years ago

seriously if the the norwegians actually choose subwolfer over elsie, i might lose it…

Melissa J
3 years ago

So many great choices here actually. “Someone” has actually really grown on me lately, but I also enjoy “Hammer of Thor” and “Death of Us” too! Subwoolfer is giving this read Studio Killer/original Superwalkers vibe that I’m digging. All around, I don’t think Norway can go wrong

Last edited 3 years ago by Melissa J
3 years ago

Maria or Oda pls
But I guess that Subwoolfer will make it. Well, it’s an ok-entry for me.

Last edited 3 years ago by Andi
3 years ago

My top 4:
1) NorthKid – Someone
2) Maria Mohn – Fly
3) Oda Gondrosen – Hammer of Thor
4) Elsie Bay – Death of Us

3 years ago

I HOPE Subwoolfer won’t win, this song is the worst one I’ve ever heard in my life!!

3 years ago

Can people from an abroad vote? I have voted in second chance but not sure if m voted were counted or not haha

3 years ago
Reply to  Tzs

Yes, they can 🙂 I voted every semifinal and it worked.

3 years ago

My top 5:

1.     Northkid – Someone (7.25)
2.     SubWoolfer – Give That Wolf A Banana (7)
3.     Sofie Fjellvang – Made of Glass (6.75)
4.     Elsie Bay – Death Of Us (6.75)
5.     Frode Vassel – Black Flowers (6.75) 

3 years ago

I still think “Death of Us” is the best song in MGP, so I hope Elsie and her team took this last month to make all the changes it needs to pop up on the stage. Otherwise, I guess Subwoolfer winning is the natural outcome and it would be indeed the best chance for Norway to stand out in Turin. But the fact we’ll have a final duel can still make things tricky for a humorous entry, in case all the supporters of the “serious entries” join forces in the final round of voting. Though “GTWaB” seems polished enough to… Read more »

Ellen Marie Kasbohm
Ellen Marie Kasbohm
3 years ago

I really hope the woolfs will take the victory at saturday and bring their spaceship to Italy???

3 years ago

Will there be a jury?

3 years ago
Reply to  Sara

Unfortunately no

3 years ago

Everyone sleeping on Farida smh

Wouldn’t mind Oda, Subwoolfer, or Elsie with better staging as well

3 years ago

I’m hoping either Oda Gondrosen or Subwoolfer win.
If not them, then either NorthKid, Anna-Lisa Kumoji or Elsie Bay

3 years ago

The running order has been published!

  1. Hammer Of Thor – Oda Gondrosen
  2. Someone – NorthKid
  3. Queen Bees – Anna-Lisa Kumoji
  4. Dangerous – Farida
  5. Made Of Glass – Sofie Fjellvang
  6. Black Flowers – Frode
  7. Wonder Of The World – Christian Ingebrigtsen
  8. Fly – Maria Mohn
  9. Give That Wolf A Banana – Subwoolfer
  10. Death Of Us – Elsie Bay
3 years ago

Very weak mpg this year.. where is Raylee?????

3 years ago
Reply to  Yush

I know, right? Last year was popping with great songs, this year a silly meme song is the favorite to win? I don’t blame KEiiNO, Raylee, Rein et al for taking a break, though. Rise again later, harder and stronger!

3 years ago

It certainly feels inevitable that Subwoolfer will win, and if it does it will probably give Norway their best chance in Turin.
I’m interested to see if Elsie can improve on her show in SF1 as that was pretty disappointing, if she doesn’t she’s not making the Gold Final.
Maria Mohn and Sofie Fjellvang to also make the Gold Final, and gun to my head the final two will be Subwoolfer and Maria with Subwoolfer coming out on top.

3 years ago

Based on the previous performances, my money is on Subwoolfer.

3 years ago

I’m rooting for Subwoolfer so badly!

3 years ago

Will there be live audience? I heard that they have removed many restrictions in Norway

3 years ago
Reply to  Erik

There will, and I’m going (Yay!!!). They removed the restrictions last week, so there will be an audience of about 500.

3 years ago
Reply to  Ethan1994


3 years ago

Black Flowers is my best!

3 years ago

Elsie has the best studio cut, but she needs to match it she’s going to win this and do well at Eurovision. Live delivery and staging need work because the song has an ENORMOUS ceiling this year.

Purple Mask
Purple Mask
3 years ago

I am a huge fan of “Someone” by NorthKid. (It’s like they cross-bred Keane with Coldplay, aha.) And, it’s a song in an uplifting major key that is somehow so sad; I love songs like that: Musically unexplainable.
There are others here I like as well, but I’d be typing for hours if I went on. 😀

3 years ago

My personal favourite since day 1 has always been Oda with Hammer of Thor. However I would very be happy to see Elsie Bay or Subwoolfer winning as well.

3 years ago
Reply to  Lolek

Looks like I misspelled my email. This is indeed my comment fyi. XD

3 years ago

I know I am in the minority, but my absolute fave is NorthKid. It is such a special song…

3 years ago
Reply to  NickC

I think Northkid is popular among a huge silent majority of Norwegians. Its just that media has let themselves fool by the gimmick of Subwoolfer.

3 years ago

consterned Elsie Bay is not winning this poll.

Yudhistira Mahasena
3 years ago

Subwoolfer. It has to be Subwoolfer. At first, I thought “GTWAB” would be just another throwaway joke entry. OK. But the more I listened to the song, I realized, the song is actually an ode to Covid-19 vaccination, with metaphoric lyrics.

“Before that wolf eats my grandma” = before Covid infects with severe symptoms
“Give that wolf a banana” = get vaccinated

Elsie is good, but she’s overrated by the Norwegians. The other songs are so-so. None of them are bad.

Yudhistira Mahasena
3 years ago

With “GTWAB”, I learn that not all good songs have to always be about love or peace. If Subwoolfer goes to Turin, they can wow everyone in semi-final 1 and win by a landslide.

Eurovision fan
Eurovision fan
3 years ago

Tbh I like Eat Your Salad much more than Give That Wolf A Banana. Myb it’s all about preference, but I don’t really find Subwoolfer that impressive.

Last edited 3 years ago by Eurovision fan
3 years ago

There is a LOT of ballads in their final. And I’m not a ballad kinda gal. =/
Hammer of Thor is the one that stands out to me. I just wish the chorus consisted of more than her constantly repeating ‘stole the hammer of Thor’. I guess, in that sense, the song is very accurate named.

3 years ago
Reply to  BetwixtTales

Fly >>>>> Hammer of Thor

3 years ago

I think Subwoolfer will win.

3 years ago

Hammer of Thor. None of the others really grabbed my attention.

Purple Mask
Purple Mask
3 years ago
Reply to  Aria

They thought they won the night, but she stole the hammer of might.

3 years ago

The subwoofer is definitely better than The Roop and Daði og Gagnamagnið. Norway could win Eurovision if they pick them! 

3 years ago
Reply to  LukasPL

Nah, I don’t see it winning. I see it as one of the usual joke entries. It’s fun for the short break it brings between the serious songs, but nothing more. I know joke songs can make it to the top, but they have never won.
The best ESC joke song in ESC history (IMO), was Ukraine’s Verka Serduchka from 2007. Subwoofer -again IMO- isn’t that good.

Polegend Godgarina
Polegend Godgarina
3 years ago

my favorites are made of glass and hammer of thor, but i wouldn’t mind death of us and fly either

3 years ago

I understand the excitement for Elsie and Subwoolfer, but the staging of Hammer of Thor is so good that I will support Oda in the final !

Roelof M
Roelof M
3 years ago

I prefer Oda and Elsie over Subwoolfer, but all three would probably make it to the finals and get good results there. I didn’t really follow this NF, but they came out with quite a strong final selection!

3 years ago

The astronout DJ’s stolen the final of performance by his/her sudden appearance from nowhere at the last moment. Hilarious!

3 years ago

Tbh I like almost all of them. That’s pretty rare this year. Good job Norway. I’ll have to go with banana though

3 years ago

I know I’m going to get downvoted but I hope Norway sends Elise over Subwoofer I find Elsie’s song beautiful with beautiful lyrics however I never got the hype with subwoofer’s entry I found it annoying and repetitive however this is my opinion so hopefully you respect it

3 years ago
Reply to  Heartbeater

Elsie is boring for like 2 minutes straight and then the final chorus is somehow exciting.
I’d take this Banana joke entry over another boring female wannabe Billie ballad anyday

3 years ago
Reply to  RxLou

Every girl singing a ballad is somehow a wannabe Billie these days. Even when they don’t even remotely have similar voices, music or singing styles.

3 years ago

This is probably my favorite final line-up this season. Every song is at least solid. Norway picked strong AQs, and basically all the right acts won their semis. Queen Bees, Hammer of Thor, Someone, and Made of Glass would all be great options for me, and likely my winners in some selections. Here, my absolute favorites are Give That Wolf a Banana, Death of Us, and Fly. All three are in my top ten of this whole season thus far. I’m constantly going back and forth. But I think I’d go for Subwoolfer for the fact that there will be… Read more »

Purple Mask
Purple Mask
3 years ago
Reply to  Colin

Now that’s very interesting. You have picked the one song here that I don’t like at all (“Give That Wolf a Banana”) followed by two other songs that give me the creeps (“Death of us” and “Fly.”) We’re diverging on Norway, and it’s fascinating.

3 years ago
Reply to  Purple Mask

It’s cool seeing different opinion (I don’t see why you are being downvoted for politely stating how you feel). I absolutely LOVE deliberately ”unsettling” mystical songs when done right. I am absolutely here for it! However, while I do sense that vibe in Death of Us, I don’t sense it in Fly at all. Monumental, traditional, defiant… yes. Creepy, nope. 🙂 Give That Wolf a Banana creates a marmite effect, which I why I think it would do exceptionally well. We’ll see. 🙂

Jesper Hjellnes
Jesper Hjellnes
3 years ago

I will be surprised if anyone else than Subwoolfer win. I guess Elsie is the only other one that could potentially do it, but I don’t see that much hype over Death of Us here in Norway

Ravencrow Neversmiles
Ravencrow Neversmiles
3 years ago

You know what. I didn’t like Subwoolfer at first but their song has grown on me so much that I think they are my favorite now.

Eurovision fan
Eurovision fan
3 years ago

I hope either Elsie or Maria. I’m not big fan of Banana song as it is overproduced and there is just too much show going on.

Polegend Godgarina
Polegend Godgarina
3 years ago
Reply to  Eurovision fan

i feel the same, i just don’t get that type of humor either, it reminds me of 2014 memes very much lmao

Ukraine stan
Ukraine stan
3 years ago

Song-wise, My favorite would be Fly or Death of us. But if we look at the whole package and view the songs as an experience, Subwoolfer is the clear winner

3 years ago

I think its between Elsie/Subwoofer and still think Oda with Hammer of Thor could surprise and be a dark horse …

3 years ago

I guess it’s quite obvious how the battle will be solely between Elsie Bay & Subwoolfer. Either of those could work very well on the Eurovision stage

Polegend Godgarina
Polegend Godgarina
3 years ago
Reply to  Aeria

i’d say they’d achieve a similar result too. death of us is definitely jury friendly, while gtwab is more of a televote-oriented meme song.

3 years ago

I would be more than okay with Subwoolfer, Elsie Bay and Maria Mohn. Generally speaking I can’t see how Norway can mess it up this year (but let’s not jinx it 🙂 )

3 years ago
Reply to  Thanos

Yeah, do not say that… we had a top 10 contender right in front of us last year and we threw that away, so there’s every chance we’ll somehow manage to mess this up as well.

3 years ago

I hope Elsie will improve the staging because the song is still anazing and her vocals were excellent