Eurovision 2022 may be over, but the analysis of the results has only just begun. The EBU have now revealed the full results breakdown for semi-final two.
Sweden’s Cornelia Jakobs came out on top of semi-final two. Meanwhile North Macedonia’s Andrea finished unlucky 11th and just missed out on a qualification place.
The rankings below reveal the combined and split televote/jury results for semi-final two.
Eurovision 2022 semi-final two results
- Sweden: Cornelia Jakobs – “Hold Me Closer” (396 points)
- Australia: Sheldon Riley – “Not The Sam” (243 points)
- Serbia: Konstrakta – “In Corpore Sano” (237 points)
- Czech Republic: We Are Domi – “Lights Off” (227 points)
- Estonia: Stefan – “Hope” (209 points)
- Poland: Ochman – “River” (198 points)
- Finland: The Rasmus – “Jezebel” (162 points)
- Belgium: Jérémie Makiese – “Miss You” (151 points)
- Romania: wrs – “Llámame” (118 points)
- Azeraijan: Nadir Rustamli – “Fade To Black” (96 points)
- North Macedonia: Andrea – “Circles” (76 points)
- Cyprus: Andromache – “Ela” (63 points)
- Israel: Michael Ben David – “I.M” (61 points)
- San Marino: Achille Lauro – “Stripper” (50 points)
- Ireland: Brooke – “That’s Rich” (47 points)
- Malta: Emma Muscat – “I Am What I Am” (47 points)
- Montenegro: Vladana – “Breathe” (33 points)
- Georgia: Circus Mircus – “Lock Me In” (22 points)
Eurovision 2022 semi-final two split results
Televote | Jury | |
1. | Sweden (174 points) | Sweden (222 points) |
2. | Serbia (174 points) | Australia (169 points) |
3. | Czech Republic (125 points) | Estonia (113 points) |
4. | Poland (114 points) | Belgium (105 points) |
5. | Romania (100 points) | Czech Republic (102 points) |
6. | Finland (99 points) | Azerbaijan (96 points) |
7. | Estonia (96 points) | Poland (84 points) |
8. | Australia (74 points) | Serbia (63 points) |
9. | Cyprus (54 points) | Finland (63 points) |
10. | Belgium (46 points) | North Macedonia (56 points) |
11. | Ireland (35 points) | Israel (34 points) |
12. | San Marino (29 points) | Malta (27 points) |
13. | Israel (27 points) | San Marino (21 points) |
14. | Montenegro (22 points) | Romania (18 points) |
15. | North Macedonia (20 points) | Georgia (13 points) |
16. | Malta (20 points) | Ireland (12 points) |
17. | Georgia (9 points) | Montenegro (11 points) |
18. | Azerbaijan (0 points) | Cyprus (9 points) |
What do you make of these semi-final two results at Eurovision 2022? Are you surprised by the full split result? Let us know in the comments below!
The entire competition looks rigged from the beginning to have Ukraine win with a weak song. So we have to assume they actually did not win Eurovision because why you need to cheat if they had won?
Ukraine won fair. The televotes choose for Ukraine. So europe decide. I agree its a weak song but a lot of voters thought otherwise
The televote isn’t audited, so who knows if those were actual people’s votes…
Omg how bitter can you guys be? It’s really pathetic.
That’s art.
“This person” are you that petty that you can’t even say her name? Yikes
Azerbaijan – the only country in history to ever make it to the final with 0 points from public… something is very off here
Yes, you could say that they were the nadir of the semi-final televote!
Well she didn’t haha.
this is a scandal.
Although I very much doubt it will happen, I hope Azerbaijan learns from this, that its no longer the same contest where an imported Swedish production slapped on a local artist cuts it. Actual Azeri music is really cool, experimental and interesting. I’d love to see them let their artists show a more authentic side to themselves and show case local art
Indeed, I stumbled upon this Azeri song the other day and I really loved it! The beat was fire and the vocals were on point
So, basically Konstrakta won the televote in the semis (the same number of points as Cornelia), but the jury gave her only 63 points. I thought the jury was composed of ‘experts’ who can recognise true art…smh
Juries underrated many songs that deserved to be higher this year
Meamwhile televote makes some of the worst song qualify (not talking about Serbia)
Sweden won televote in semi – more countries voted for Sweden – for Serbia – Azerbaijan televote did not vote … she got more 12 points but more countries (everyone voted for Sweden)
Sorry but Serbia’s songs was simply absurd; it wasnt musically high quality song
Ikr Circus Mircus was so good and deserved much better!
This is the 3rd time Israel performs in the 2nd position in the semis more than any other country.. Israel at all 3 occasions failed to qualify.. Ebu placing is suspicious
No it’s just EBU tends to place weak entries 2nd. Latvia and Israel were much stronger than 2nd slot songs usually are but still both NQ’ed. Guess the death slot keeps it’s rep.
This year, yes. But Austria 2017 and Poland 2016 qualified from 2nd spot.
Armenia in 2015 as well
The Fire in Your Eyes performed 2nd and qualified
And also placed top 10.
Cyprus has performed first twice. Albania has performed second twice at least.
6 jury scores were changed without an explanation by the ebu and the national broadcasters ask for answers. Wiwibloggs needs to report on this extensively.
Because 6 countries made plans together to give points to eachother and ebu neutralized these scores. It would have been unfair if ebu didn’t do anything at all.
It’s not like what EBU did was fairer at all
thats not true. Romanian jury gave 12 points to Moldova and had not any indication from the ebu that they did something wrong. They learned live along with the whole world that their vote got changed.
Romanian jury spread the votes exactly like the other 5 countries. Very suspicious and I am glad EBU took actions but I am still waiting for them to ban Azerbaijan.
Source? the EBU statement said nothing about why, and I have not seen anyone else official give an expalation
Agree, it’s very strange that EBU is not offering any explanation.
Azerbaijan Is as corrupt as Russia
So time to bin it
Someone said Serbia was a “quality song” Really?
It was all that is wrong with eurovision
Many said it, not someone. And she rightfully got more televotes than some of the odds’ favourites xD
Heavy Serbian Diaspora same for Ukraine and Turkey back in time with last one
And you know that only diaspora voted for Serbia? You do not know that, but you are assuming that is the case because of your personal reasons. The biggest Serbian diaspora is in Germany, yet Serbia received “only” 7 points from them (There are more than 500k Serbs in Germany). On the other hand, there are not that many (if any) Serbs in Finland and they awarded 8 points to Konstrakta. Anyway, “In Corpore Sano” is a memorable and quality entry that is as experimental as it could be. That is why the fact that the televote placed her 4th… Read more »
I voted for Konstrakta, both semi and final, really glad for Serbia’s great result but I’m pretty sure they only did so well mostly thanks to the meme factor, and not because so many people actually cared about or “understood” their entry. She did what she had to do tho, so no complaints there.
And that’s fine, not everybody reads the lyrics/understands the song. I was more referring to the comment that only Serbs voted for this song which cannot be true nor verified.
That was my opinion – only angry Serbs complaining as alaways – your attitude and behaviour costed u NON-victory … ART was great tho 🙂 … Serbian are everywhere and they have a huge Diaspora 🙂 even tho when Serbia is not in final they are 11 in semi.
Gosh, I love your attitude. You aren’t ashamed of making anyy generalizations, haha. Be better.
If you don’t get it, that’s your personal issue. But don’t throw shade on people who do understand it. Now go and be jealous until next year, see ya
You are right. They’re patriotic as hell.
Now that this year’s edition’s come to an end, I gotta say that I’m glad I could share my thoughts with y’all throughout the season, despite the end being sort of disappointing imo.
There’s stuff I gotta take care of irl so I hope y’all do fine while I’m gone, I hope I’ll be back again when the next NF season starts 🙂
See you!
I d not get it completely, could someone explain to me what went wrong? I mean he really had Jury appeal and it is normal that jurys opinion can change because of more countries in final?
I am glad Konstrakta (Serbia) received so many points in both the SF and GF from the televote. Just keep up sending quality songs and your time will come soon 🙂 I will not comment much on the jury votes as they are completely irrelevant for me xD
Same like televote for L’ukraine
This petition has been created based on your comments. It would be amazing to sign it, si we can end with Azerbuyjan’s dirty play, once and for all!
Change petitions are usually unimpactful but already signed it nevertheless 🙂
That’s a step too far, no?
I actually predicted that lmao. I put Ireland last and Georgia 17th lol.
I knew both would tank with the jury but Georgia has more allies so I put them ahead of Ireland.
Ultimately Georgia finished 39th and not 40th. I take this as an absolute win. They finished 38th last year and 39th this year. Georgia was my 39th last year and my 2nd this year.
I just saw that Israel gave Georgia 5 televote points! That’s me bish I did that yiissss lol.
soon i hope their strategy will pay off. every year georgia brings something unique and out of the box, other countries have been getting rewarded for it in recent years but i guess georgia’s time just hasn’t come yet
Georgia doesn’t give a f which is both stupid but amazing at the same time. Georgia is one of the countries I’d like to see win the most honestly.
Last year I was so disappointed with Tornike’s demeanour towards the contest, but at least this time Circus Mircus took things relatively well. Shame they didn’t get very far though, since they were in my top 10. 🙁 It’s a step in the right direction, at least.
Circus Mircus were very lovely and fun : )
I hope they still try in the coming years, I feel something will eventually click with the audience 🙂
I know they can just look at their 2020 entry, this was amazing. I am sure that would have qualified
So Belgium would made it also without the jury votes. Everyone thought he only would made it thanks to the jury votes/that the jury would push him into the final, but this split says the opposite. Good job Belgium.
The running order pushed Belgium to qualify. If he had performed in the first 3 places, he would end up bottom 5 of the semi.
A system in which a country gets 0 and still goes through to the final it’s not a good system. Azerbaijan needs to be fined and ebu needs to realize that not being transparent hurts the contest.
How the H did Azerbaijan qualify with juries? What did juries see in Azerbaijan that voted for it so much?
Juries ruined this year’s final with so many ballads qualifying and pushed to the second half. The crowds were bored and the ballads cancelled each other.
EBU should do something about it because it ruins the show. Yes ballads should be in the final if they are good enough but clearly there is something off when Australia Azerbaijan Switzerland qualify with almost zero televoting support
I agree. Australia was a tele qualifier tho
Why would they spend money bribing the jurors, when the song had zero chances of doing well. I assume bribing that many jurors cost a lot. I would get it if they did it to push for a winning song, but not just to get to the final. Just call it a year and invest those money on a winning song next year.
When you have plenty of money, you don’t care where to spend them. And Azerbuyjan wants to become a world famous country. They even tried to host the Olympics.
Let’s hope Azerbuyjan will never succeed. They deserve it.
Indeed they don’t care, but with the money they have and the carelessness they spend it with they could at least hire personally a producer (such as Tainy or Ovy on the Drums, who have even worked with the likes of Shawn Mendes and Nicki Minaj) and a local loved artist and work on something unique and appealing.
the bribe money is nothing to what the Azeri regime can buy and pay for. They’ve done it before. They tried to bribe for Olympic Games too and I am sure they bribed for all the other events they have hosted in Baku. I don’t think they wanted to win bc they knew their song was weak, but they wanted to be high in the scoreboard by buying the jurors.
Australia second in the semi final and then near to last in the grand final televote rip
It’s time for Australia to reconsider their role in ESC. They keep sending bland songs that the juries rescue from the bottom. They already steal a GF place from another European country. Send a decent song, at least!
What a load of nonsense. They came top 10 with televote three times and they gave us the most outstanding performance in 2019.(imo)
This confirms yet again that the running order does matter. Both Czechia and Armenia came top 3 in the televote in their semi-finals performing last and then ended up bottom 10 in the final where they performed in the first half. It’s been seen before, Israel 2017 is another example that jumps to mind.
In short, performing last in the semi-final boosts a song, peforming first in the final harms its chances.
True but even Malta 2019 got more televote points than Cze when opening the final.
I was rooting hard for Domi but they didn’t do as well in the final lets be honest here. And Romania got a really high televote from the death slot. So I don’t blame running order here
Malta won the semi last year singing last, then was “randomly” put in 6th (contrarily to usual practice where semi winners who draw first half are placed in 11-13), hence the 40-something points from the televote.
Has anyone noticed that producers are so harsh to Czech R? They qualified 4 times, and each time they got bad spot. 2nd in 2016, 14th in 2018, 3rd in 2019 and first this year. Only Mikolas did well, the others scored 0-5 points, despite a decent result in the semis
Perhaps 14th is not as bad as people think? Many 14th-er achieved a mid-table finish in recent years, and in fact, Mikolas was the best 14th in the last 10 years.
Probably because the ratings are so low in Czech Republic so the EBU don’t care about them.
Agreee – Because Czech are not Ukraine/Italy/Sweden or Malta …
The time of the Czech Republic at ESC will come.
The question is, which way shall she pursue….go on with radio-friendly tracks or sent something gimmicky and televote-friendly or a ballad again?
Time will never come – neither for Slovenia/Slovakia/Andorra or San Marino – some countries doesnt have a name …, neither Diaspora … It seems like only big countries are better always
Well, i am convinced that some countries do have an advantage in terms of contest-related-popularity or geographical relations..but still, one day, Czechia will enter the TOP 10 again and even win 🙂
In 2019 Malta was placed 1st and in 2021, they were placed 6th in the running order (after winning the semi).
Malta has name more than Czech sadly … sorry
Cyprus coming last in the Jury Votes is absolutely insane.
8th. A lot of Belgians on social media didn’t seem to know that the qualifiers are announced in random order, so thought they’d won the 2nd semi final. Which really got their hopes up for the final.
I missed so many upbeat songs in the final, I really wish we had Albania, Ireland and Austria over songs like Switzerland and Azerbaijan as the second half was very ballad heavy.
Ugh, that run of ballads between Ukraine and Moldova was a slog to get through. My husband isn’t a Eurovision fan, but he watches with me every year. He asked me when would be the best time to take the dogs out to potty and I sent him out right after Ukraine. He got back just as Germany was ending/Moldova was starting. RESULT.
Just as Iceland was ending/Moldova was starting, my bad (can’t edit)
Speaking of North Macedonia, any update on whether Andrea faces charges back home?
Wow, that’s so disrespectful. Maybe Nadir is a person, with feelings? He has an amazing voice and one would be lying to say that juries don’t like that. So, maybe you could try voicing your opinion in a grown-up way instead of bullying an artist who’s done nothing to you? You can’t always get your way and being a toddler with a temper tantrum about it, doesn’t help. If you’re being objective, you cannot say he was rubbish or use some other derogatory term. It’s a competition! If you always got your way, you’d be bored soon, don’t you think?
This comment! It is typically “Eurovision fans” who directly bully and talk ugly about the singer and the country, just because they dont get what they like
Honey, I can have my own opinion. I believe Azerbuyjan, their song, Nadir and their stage presentation were utter garbage. Change my mind. 🙂
What a terrible person you are. You can have your opinion about the song, but attacking the singer is just disgusting.
But calling a stranger a terrible person is ok?
In this case I think it is
“dear” aria the most rubbish comment posted from you
Azerbaijan song had something fishy but it was not a terrible song and his voice is really strong. I wasn’t sad it qualified but I agree it shouldn’t be as high as it was especially comparing to Poland. I don’t get why Belgium and Switzerland doesn’t get the same hate. Switzerland also recieved a 0 and juries saved them in both semis and finals.
They said they might withdraw bc of the result 🙂
I don’t understand why people are so mad Ireland didn’t qualify – let’s face it, that wouldn’t get top 10 even at Junior Eurovision Song Contest because the performance and song seemed to be more fitting for JESC than ESC. Let’s watch Spain performance and then watch Ireland. I rest my case.
Azerbuyjan being corrupted? Oh tell us something that we already don’t know.
I wish North Macedonia qualified instead, she deserved better 🙁
Let’s be fair! Serbia won the Televote! Yes, Sweden and Serbia have the same number of points, 174, but Serbia got 8 times 12 points (won the televote in 8 countries), and on the other side Sweden got only 3.
Is the EBU gonna publish the notorious six’s televoting under-11 statistics (both SF and GF)? These numbers are valid and real, so i expected them to be presented to the world
It’s weird how both Poland was more successful with televote and Latvia with juries.
Song is not an objective matter but the voice is and Ochman had a better vocie than both Sheldon and Nadir, I don’t understand how juries underestimated him so bad.
Probably because it’s Poland, to be fair I am still shocked that we made it to the juries’ top 10, as it is the first time since our return lmao
Could not agree more, I think Poland this year was the most harmed country by the juries.
If Ochman had Nadir’s staging, he would’ve ended top-5 if not top-3.
Are we surprised about Azerbaijan. The song was utter sh!t to say the least.
So eloquent, OMG. Aren’t you ashamed to be so mean? Or do you daily talk like that to everyone? Do you always target new people to bully or stalk the same ones? It really isn’t pretty.
Brooke was robbed! We need to send Johnny Logan next year for Ireland!
The idea that J Lo can save us is part of the problem as to why we don’t do well.
We need to leave the 80s, 90s nostalgia behind us if we want to succeed.
Sure having most wins etc is awesome and something to celebrate, but Sweden is coming very close to stealing our record and unless we get our head in gear, we are just going to hand it to them some year.
I’d like to see an Irish language act like Seo Linn be sent. Folk rock and electronic have been shown to do really well lately. We have a relatively mainstream act that produces quality songs in that genre. They’d crush a national final here and I reckon we’d do well. I just want ANYTHING but rejects from the voice and the x factor. Brooke was the best we’ve had in years but the standard is going up for everyone else too, we need to do more to keep up.
moxie would be a perfect choice for ireland they sing as gaeilge and have a modern/trad sound. we need to showcase our culture to europe because it’s so unique and beautiful!
I’ve never heard of them before, but after watching now on YouTube they’re really the perfect example of what we should be sending to Eurovision. Just a pity that our broadcaster (or bands) are not interested. Maybe the UKs success this year will help generate more interest next year.
Well only if Linda promised to deliver a Chanel style song and choreography
Andrea would be a much better and more appreciated participant in the Grand Final that Nadir and we all know that, especially after these results. Even if her song was my 37th place for the year, I’d still prefer her to participate in the Grand Final.
Azerbaijan got 0 televote points? Well THERE’S a big surprise! Can’t believe I didn’t think that would happen! *coughs loudly*
Thank god we have a jury.
Actually, the juries are allegedly cheating in favor of azerbaijan, so don’t thank them just yet
Why do you keep going? You do not even have concrete evidence for your claims. If they had to buy, why do they not do it convincingly? Let’s take an example from last year. They came in 19th place with the jury and 20th place with the televotes, but they actually got the most votes from the televotes. it’s the same every year. People have a hatred for the country and it has to go beyond the artist and the song
It’s complete and utter delusion and a sense of them being better that drives them. Example: the Serbs bullied the Bosnian candidates to the ground or the Albanian ones and here are some that will do anything to bash others. Of course they don’t have evidence, because there wasn’t anything wrong. Maybe it’s racism, maybe it’s homophobia, maybe it’s mysoginy, maybe they’re supremacists of some kind… Haters never need proof to hate. It’s how ‘alternative facts’ made sure they can get away with anything. It’s sad that they get a platform here. They’ll never learn and be convinced of their… Read more »
The man responsible to have forget to buy SIM cards is in trouble.
I want the EBU to also investigate comments made by Swedish and Polish negative comments made commentators about the Irish song. Totally unacceptable.
What did they say?
Polish commentator: ” I think that we clearly see that Ireland’s Eurovision years are behind us.”
Swedish commentator “She’s trying to be Dua Lipa, but on an Irish budget”.
The commentators in most countries does this. Try to be funny on others behalf…british and swedish commentators has always been like that. If you want to investigate every joke, been said (sarcastic or not) and compare that to countries clearly cheating and having corrupt juries….well, Eurovision wouldnt exist then. EBU needs to ban countries that cheat, either those who buy votes or get bought. Thats the only way for them to (hopefully) stop it. To delete the votes isnt a punishment to them…but to their competitors.
Investigate????? Lol!!!! Opinions are not a criminal act!
The voting public can be influenced by the commentary. Negative opinions can hurt the songs chances. It’s just plain wrong for an opinion of someone to influence the voting
It’s okay for commentators to have an opinion, but I think they should be neutral if they want to comment the show
That’s what I mean, it should be neutral. . I wonder is that something the EBU review annually.
That’s exactly why we need to pull out of Eurovision fir a little while.
We are becoming the butt of Europe’s jokes and it’s embarrassing.
Though I agree that commentators should be neutral while commentating. That’s something the EBU need to start enforcing.
Do you think if anyone makes a positive comment they should be investigated as well? Cause positive comments also affect voting.
If you think that comments somehow are to blame for Irish failure and not the average teen girl pop song you sent then you clearly have lost the plot as to how to succeed in ESC
I’m not saying that, I can clearly see the scores from the semi final. Ireland came 15th. All I’m saying they if a commentator can call a song crap on live tv it’s an issue for the contest
I have the same issue with the Dutch commentators. They try to push their opinions onto the public. They can be quite mean. I don’t think that is their job.
I am so proud of Andrea and North Macedonia. She was so close to qualify – even tho she was dead last in the odds.
Well praise the lord she didn’t.
She was amazing
Praise the lord you are confined to obscure corners of internet. You little troll.
No bc Azerbribejan made it instead without televote points at all!
Montenegro and Serbia giving only 1 points to Macedonia is so disappointing
There should be a rule that if you get 0 either from jury or public u cannot qualify.
am happy with 16th semi place for Emma <3 also 20 televotes is pretty decent when i had expected a 0 televote
positively surprised when i expected a last place/last place overall result
also 1,7 million spotify streams already now for her new EP I Am Emma and she even charted in Singapore apparently
It’s the first time the jury would push Poland to the final! That is a nice change of pace!
Still shocked they placed songs like Belgium, Azerbaijan, Switzerland or Australia higher in the final. I expected more than 46 points… 🙁
I am mad at the running order. Czech Republic had bigger potential but the starting position made them forgotten. You can see in the semiresult that they had greater potential. I think a top 15 result was at least what was possible.
it’s the same thing as israel 2017. they finished 3rd in the semi televote after closing, and they got 5 points in the final’s televote as they opened it.
In semi final vote only countries from that Semi, in final every countries from both semi, because that result Is sometimes Is so different for some country .
For me is bigger problem
is some jury member voting. Example same jury member in semi put Lithuania on 5 tj place, Greece on 10 th place. In final, put Greece on 4 th place, Lithuania on 16 th place. How change drastic opinion in 2 or 4 days between semi and final. Singer can sing better in semi or final, but drastic changes Is weird.
I want runnimg order like before 2013, no EBU and host TV to decide draw.
It really is a problem. I found even myself having completely forgotten about the existence if the Czech song by the time the recap arrived.
Well, it really would have been nice to receive some more televoting points than just 5 from ONE country..thanks North Macedonia.
Shall Czechia become the new “nobody likes us”-ESC-country? 🙂
Czech Republic is in my top 10, I feel sorry for them too, but somebody has to go first. Traditionally song number 1 does better than number 2, but Romania ranks higher than Czech Republic this year, so there is no excuse. Would Czech Republic have done better if they had performed the second?
Norway should have been first.
i’m really convinced that the 2009 formula was the best: semi-finals 100% televote, final 50-50.
2008,2009 we had televote in Semi, but 10 th finaliist was decide by juries.
Agree, if they had gone with 100% televote in semis this year, that would have knocked out Switzerland and Azerbaijan and kept the other 9 songs in each semi.
absolutely pathetic how a country that got ZERO points from the public was allowed to qualify stealing a spot from something people voted for. they really need to reconsider the jury formula: no music professional in their right mind would give first place to a man belting out nonsense for three minutes.
Hilarious! Angry at the juries but in the final angry at the televoters!!! Lol
The Azerbaijan result makes me think there was at least some rigging going on. I mean, 0 points from the public?! Also, these results PROVE that you don’t wanna test Andrea’s limits!!
Ireland DESERVED to qualify. Good vocals, good performance, good staging. Ireland are actually tried for once this year and I come from an Irish family so I know how frustrating it is to not qualify almost every year (with a few exceptions). Why is Cyprus ranked higher? Andromache had TERRIBLE vocals and many people complained that the performance was boring and lost their attention after about a minute.
So sad to see Ireland not being close at all to qualification. That was a quality performance!
Massive congratulations to Ukraine! Awesome result. People will say of course it was political or a sympathy vote, and that may be the case, but I actually really enjoyed the song since Vidbir. Way before any invasion etc. So I’m really delighted for Ukraine right now. But can we all stop and talk about United Kingdom? What ab absolute turn around. Never thought I’d see a day that UK was so close to winning, in fact they win the jury vote. Hopefully this is the start of a great renaissance for the United Kingdom and maybe very soon Eurovision could… Read more »