Previously we asked who your favourite male solo act was, and today we will clear the floor for all the fierce females participating in Eurovision 2023. We want to know who you think is the best female solo act is in this year’s competition.
13 countries are competing in this poll split up into four female solo acts in semi-final 1, six female solos in semi-final 2 and three more in the final. Is there one particular act that’s stuck on you like a tattoo as Loreen, are you going solo like Blanka, building bridges with Alika or did you instead write a song like Mae Muller?
Vote in our poll below, and you can listen to the 13 songs by scrolling down the page.
Who is your favourite female solo act at Eurovision 2023?
Let us know who your favourites out of the 13 female solo acts are. You can vote for as many as you want, but remember to choose wisely because you can only vote once!
Listen to the female solo acts of Eurovision 2023
Brunette- “Future Lover” (Armenia)
ALIKA – “Bridges” (Estonia)
La Zarra – “Évidemment” (France)
IRU – “Echo” (Georgia)
Diljá – “Power” (Iceland)
Noa Kirel – “Unicorn”
Monika Linkyté – “Stay” (Lithuania)
Alessandra – “Queen of Kings” (Norway)
Blanka – “Solo” (Poland)
Mimicat – “Ai Coração” (Portugal)
Blanca Paloma- “EAEA” (Spain)
Loreen – “Tattoo” (Sweden)
Mae Muller – “I Wrote A Song” (United Kingdom)
Who are your favourites? Which of the semi-finalists do you want to see in the grand final? Let us know in the comments below.
Armenia: I don’t like it at all
Estonia: It’s okay
France: Really enjoyable
Georgia: Underwhelming
Iceland: Good, but not the best
Israel: A mess, wouldn’t listen again
Lithuania: Alright but not so memorable
Norway: Nice
Poland: Ok but basic
Portugal: Somewhat enjoyable
Spain: Decent but not for me
Sweden: Possible winner
United Kingdom: I like it
Lol the hatred for Sweden is strong this year… maybe people are afraid of us winning… again? 😀
Loreen is totally gonna win again! Her voice and performance is flawless!
I’m not from Sweden.
She is awesome and deserves to win again… ??
#Loreen #Tattoo #Sweden #ESC2023
Almost all the songs sung by female artists are really good! I didn’t vote for Georgia or Iceland because the lyrics are deficient but they are amazing vocalists and I wouldn’t mind them placing really high.
Then there’s Poland.
France, Portugal and Spain
Vocals. Blanca Paloma
Power. Mimicat
Diva. La Zarra
Pop star. Loreen
Hotel? Trivago
Completely agree with you!
The women really saved us this year with the serve.
Oh my God!!! Saint Loreen is not your absolute favorite? How can that be???
Eurovisionworld revealed on their poll that 98% of Armenians and 89% (or something like that) of Swedes are voting for themselves – maybe that’s what’s happening on this site, too? 😀
There is indeed an “own-country-bias” in our polls too. It’s not illegal though!
Yes and the swedes are not that many 10 millions like d de one other countries.
Blanca Paloma IS my favourite. Of course I might be biased because I am Spanish but objectively what she does is a 3 minutes long vocal marathon. She is singing all the time, going Up and down vocally, getting stronger, softer and medium range. It is not a performance where you are waiting for a final strong vocal moment, the whole song IS giving you that. My second would be Czechia because their voices sound amazing, the harmonies are beautiful and the way the voices combine IS excellent. Third Sweden, Loreen IS a performer and her voice IS flawless but… Read more »
Bianca cant sing, she just screeming. Dont hate Loreen becuse peopke hate Sweden
We dont hate Loreen, she is an icon. Only she doesnt sing , she mumbles……………………….and screem.
Neither of them scream.
To say that Blanca cant sing is a clear sign of your ignorance and/or stupidity.
Let’s see in Liverpool!!!
What I don’t get is how the generic pop of UK can be rated above Spain, which is a spell-binding masterpiece…
Maybe because the wailing of Blanca induces severe headaches?
To the weak in their heads.
Unrelated but Iru’s song Echo is no longer on Spotify… is she maybe adding Georgian lyrics?
Just kidding, it’s just geo-blocked in Canada.
US is also blocked, which makes me sad.
Removed from Apple Music as well a few days ago. I expect they are doing something about the lyrics.
Eurofans : Girls are killing it this year !
Käärijä : Where’s my wig ?
Slayyyyy Brunette ??? ?? OMG speechless! I cant describe my emotions . This is high production!!!!
More complicated choice for women because many rely on the same criteria. I’m going to put LaZarra aside, because I’m French, and you have to remain objective. Even if I think we have a good song and a charismatic interpreter, with a great voice. To see if the magic potion will have its effect. Loreen is the big favorite, and not just because she’s a former winner. This woman has all the talents, singing, dancing, a beautiful song and a great staging. other than that: Brunette could have been a solid competitor, but her weak point is the important point:… Read more »
And with each re-listen of the songs, the gap between her and the next best gets bigger and bigger.
The song and style is just so incredibly up my street. I’m really, really happy with it.
Or Armenia has awesome clickhackers 😀
Easiest poll since the polls in 2012 and 2013 asking who that year’s winner will be.
Armenia and Israel <3
I dont c what everyone sees in Mimicat. For me thats most boring thing Portugal sent to eurovision in years…
My winner here is Loreen even I also noticed that only one I dont like there is Polish wannabe singer…
All-time great territory – Blanca Paloma / Spain
Very good and cohesive – Mimicat / Portugal
Quite good but a bit underwhelming compared to what could have been? – La Zarra / France
Guilty pleasure only because lyrically it’s such a mess – Iru / Georgia
Legend, striking performance but the song is just alright for me – Loreen / Sweden
Very cute but I just don’t care about the song – Brunette / Armenia
Unmitigated disaster – Blanka / Poland
Not Armenia being underrated once again :,(
Poor Blanka… NOT! 😛
I voted for everyone except Poland.
Loreen, Brunette and Mae >>>>>>
Blanca Paloma is my 1st, but there are more solo women with great songs in this ESC – Alessandra Mele, Loreen, Brunette, Alika, Mimicat.
I don’t remember when at Eurovision there was such a weak vocal as Blanka (don’t confuse it with Blanca Paloma). And in general, it’s a difficult choice, every singer in the poll (except Blanka) has something special.
Eurovision 2023 promises to be a high level in this regard.
The only comparison that comes to my mind is Samra from Azerbaijan and even she was miles better (although heavily backed) compared to the complete car crash that Blanka is live.
Brunette, followed by La Zarra!
A lot of heavy-hitters here!
My fave is Sweden
Loreen is my favourite. Some strong competition, though.
I’ve just realized that I love almost all of them! I’m waiting for Armenia and Georgia to complete my playlist!
Armenia & Georgia’s songs are out.
I mean on Spotify. Sorry if it was not clear. I’ve already found Georgia, but I’m still waiting for Armenia.
Armenia is not up yet. I’m waiting for it as well 🙂
And now it is! Finally my 2023 playlist is complete.
I only just noticed that we have a Blanka and a Blanca in this year’s selection. At this time, one appears to be joint 2nd in the poll, while the other has almost been blanked out.
”Blanked out” I see what you did there. 🙂
Love Sweden, Norway, France, Estonia, Portugal, Israel, Armenia and Lithuania.
Spain’s singer is a great vocalist! But I just don’t like the song.
all of them are nice, except Blanka, why i also get the feeling she herself probably thinks she can sing and perform really good, tbh after her liking anti-Jann comments i’m not gonna feel sorry for her at all if she’ll end up last in semi with 0 or just a few points
song is catchy but more 00’s vibes and nothing for ESC anymore
Wiwibloggs, you should rethink this gender binary driven polls. What if an artist’s does not identify as male or female? What is the point of that split anyway?
I’m the one doing both the male and female solo act polls (the last one being group/duos). I can assure you there is no wish for us to spark a gender debate with the polls, they are just good fun as the rest of the themed polls are.
We also do best Nordic, best Balkan and other themed polls, and the artists like when we put the spotlight on them in different ways. If any of them identified as non-binary or fluid that could be another themed poll, but to our knowledge none of this years’ artists does that.
I literally wrote “you should rethink”. But go off sis!
Seems like a good thing to do in advance. We did have at least one NF artist whose identity was unclear.
I think it’s probably clear to most that your polls are only done with good intentions, but these questions about identity aren’t going to go away. As far as I’m aware, Wiwibloggs doesn’t run polls that divide contestants by other identity characteristics, such as age, race, sexual orientation, religion, or disability. So why run polls based on gender/sex? Is there a good argument to run polls based on this identity characteristic and not others? Polls about national identity make sense because Eurovision itself identifies performers by that characteristic (i.e., their country of origin). Polls about performance type (solo act, duo,… Read more »
I also want to echo the comments from Purple and other users about supporting trans and NB performers and fans. All they want to do is enjoy Eurovision and feel included.
Thank you Jimmy. I want you to know that your support means a lot to me personally, and I’m very moved by it.
I decided to respect Simon’s explanation from the previous post (about the artists’ positive response); that is why I didn’t comment again here on the topic, otherwise we’d be repeating ourselves. But I needed you to know that I noticed what you wrote, hence, this thank you comment here. I hope that makes sense.
🙂 Thanks Purple, that’s a lovely message, I appreciate you taking the time to say that, and glad to be of help on this.
If only it were a little easier to say, let’s go for a cup of tea/coffee!
My goodness this IS crazy to the maximum level… And we might as well refer to each individual singer as them or It or “person” to the point that in the end no one Will know what anyone IS talking about or referring to.
The new era conversación goes like this:
– Do you like Loreen?
-I LOVE them.
– Them Who? I was askin about Loreen.
-Yes they are excellent.
-What do you mean they?
And so ad infinitum.
This is such an obtuse example because it’s so obvious that them refers to Loreen and everyone would understand exactly what is being said.
I was not going to reply my initial comment, but whatever… I have time. You know what IS crazy? That in a queer forum there is a negative response to a call to reconsider the established gender/sex norms. Simon, just saying that you might reconsider your position instead of justifying your actions would have helped giving visibility to the issue that many members of this community face when they don’t feel seen. It is in this small fun things where we can make a difference. And I would recommend everyone to read Jimmy’s previous comment about different approaches to categorize… Read more »
Noa Killlaaaaa
But I love Ms. Muller too!!! My current third.
Indeed, a very strong years for women 🙂 6 of these female solo acts are in my top 10 (Loreen, Noa Kirel, Alessandra Mele, Mae Muller, Iru and Alika) and it is without counting the girls groups from Czechia and Austria that are also in my top 10. La Zarra, Blanca Paloma and Brunette are between my 11th and 15th place, Dilja and Mimicat between my 16th and 20th. Only Monika Linkyté (25th) and Blanka (31st) are really low.
La Zarra and Alika for being classy.
There’s 4 of them in my top 10 (Brunette, Mimicat, Blanca Paloma and Iru). Very strong line-up there!
Such a strong female lineup this year! Almost all these ladies are amazing. I voted for Loreen, Alika and Brunette, but I also adore Alessandra, La Zarra, Monika and Iru, and I appreciate the talent of Blanca Paloma, Mimicat and Noa although their songs are not among my favourites. Mae and Diljá are rather indifferent for me and Blanka is the only abysmal bottom option here lol. Good luck to all the ladies! It’s a feminin feminin phenomenal year haha
I voted Mimicat, Blanca, and Iru.
I apologise for nitpicking, but i think you have a mistake in this article
*building bridges with Monika Linkyté* – i think it rather should be Anika and not Monika? Monika has song called “Stay” not “Bridges”
When the author doesn’t think while writing… It’s been corrected now!
The girls are absolutely killing it this year! I can’t say the same for the boys though…
Loreen, Blanca Paloma, Alessandra, La Zarra and Noa Kirel are all in my top 10. I wouldn’t be surprised if they all actually placed top 10 in Liverpool too.
what a group of beautiful ladies
Blanka <3
I think you mean “Blanca” haha
That’s a pretty predictable poll result. I feel like this year I’m just most excited to see who comes 3rd-10th at the actual contest.
Generally concerned for the 8 people that voted Poland. Probably because “Hey, female act… *solo*?”
Probably just trolling
I think at least 3 of these female solo artists are gonna be in Top 5 , Loreen , Alessandra and Blanca Paloma.
Finland is also a Top 5 placer , so my nominees for the last place of Top 5 list are : Czechia , Italy and France.