Selectia Nationala 2017

On Sunday night, Romania‘s jury picked the ten finalists who will face off in the March 5 final of Selectia Nationala 2017. During the showdown on Sunday, the power shifts to the people, as the public televote will 100% determine the winner. But before then we want to know who you want Romania to send to Kyiv.

After the Selectia Nationala semi-final, we have a clearer picture regarding TVR’s plans for this year’s representative. “Yodel It!” was the jury’s clear winner, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that Ilinca feat. Alex Florea are going to Kyiv in May. We mustn’t underestimate M I H A I‘s determination to return to the Eurovision stage, nor Maxim‘s young fanbase. The Romanian public can be unpredictable and there are too many unknowns this year, as the viewers haven’t had their say yet.

But who would you support if you were in Romania on Sunday? Before you cast your vote in our poll below, let’s revisit the ten performances from the Selectia Nationala semi-final, in alphabetical order of the artists’ names. Have a listen and let’s do this!

Ana-Maria Mirica – “Spune-mi tu” (You Tell Me)

Cristina Vasiu – “Set The Skies On Fire”

Eduard Santha – “Wild Child”

Ilinca feat. Alex Florea – “Yodel It!”

Instinct – “Petale” (Petals)

Maxim – “Adu-ti aminte” (Remember)

M I H A I – “I Won’t Surrender”

Ramona Nerra – “Save Me”

Tavi Colen & Emma – “We Own The Night”

Xandra – “Walk On By”

Those are the ten songs: now, it’s time for y’all to have your say. Vote in our poll below, but remember the rules. You can choose as many of the songs as you’d like, but you can only vote once. Be sure to tick the box next to all of your favourites before pressing submit. Make that vote count!

[polldaddy poll=9675549]

We will let you know the results on Sunday, ahead of Romania’s national final.

Feel free to let us know why you voted the way you did on the wiwibloggs app, available on iOS and Android. You can also leave your comments in the box below!


Photos: TVR

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8 years ago

Ilinca feat. Alex Florea – “Yodel It!”. It’s really catchy….

Deep Flow
Deep Flow
8 years ago

My top 3 are as follows: Walk On By, Save Me and Yodel It!
I would really like Ramona Nerra to win the national selection, but I fear it won’t be the case because she hasn’t got that many fans, and TVR has got a limited audience, so it’s nearly impossible to gather new votes from viewers. I believe “Yodel It!” will win this selection because of the hype around it, but Mihai has also good chances; he lately sent messages to most of the people in Romania to vote for him through a special line.

Alvaro Pan
Alvaro Pan
8 years ago

@ Polegend Godgarina The “motherland bias” are just useless and I loved it when with the old system the juries would kill them on purpose (Italy’s juries were particularly efficient on the matter).

This jury is not professional. Jury is to vote quality.

8 years ago

Hard to know who will win, TVR has almost no audience in Romania nowadays. This year the normal hype that was for the national selection shows seems even smaller than the past years which makes things more unpredictable. The song that will have a better promotion in newspapers, other TV stations or online has a better chance to win. Romanians also mainly vote based on emotion, positive or negative, in this respect Mihai has a mostly negative aura, apparently after a reality show where he participated and countless portraits in tabloids and TV tabloid environment – in my opinion all… Read more »

8 years ago

interesting fact: ‘We Own the Night’ and Lena d’Agua’s song in Portuguese poll have a combined vote of 23 votes, which is 12 votes lower than the third lowest voted song from both polls. It just runs down my mill, proving why I consider those 2 the rock bottom of current ESC line-up. I am sorry if someone likes them, but those would makes two returneed my bottom two on the list, even under Spain.

8 years ago

Personally, I’m stucked between 2 songs: ‘Yodel It’ and ‘Wild Child’. Two totally different styles, both are great. The first seems to be the safest choice, the 2nd one is an all or nothing. I also believe that if there can be a surprise (most probably it can’t), the only song who could beat ‘Yodel It’ would be exactly ‘Wild Child’. Why? Because it is the only one that can gain such a big mass or people to gain a lot of votes, with that great show, if it will gain the attention of the rockers from Romania, it has… Read more »

Polegend Godgarina
Polegend Godgarina
8 years ago

@ Colin – I’m a half-Austrian, half-Italian guy living in Italy and I’ve only voted for Austria during Conchita’s year. And again, she had to share my votes with Sanna Nielsen from Sweden. The “motherland bias” are just useless and I loved it when with the old system the juries would kill them on purpose (Italy’s juries were particularly efficient on the matter).

8 years ago

Well that was easy.

8 years ago

First of all, I can’t understand the buzz around “Yodel It!”. If it was a decade ago, where there were no juries, such acts could have a really good position. But now, I believe this song won’t qualify, if sent! Personally I liked Cristina Vasiu from the first listen. She is so good. Same with MIHAI! Really like this song! I also like “Petale”. Beautiful song. If I think about the songs and how well they can do at the contest: I believe Cristina will be lost with all these ballads! MIHAI’s song is also a ballad, but it’s a… Read more »

8 years ago

Nina was my winner last year leading up to the show.And then I saw the rehearsals and her staging.I sent her a Fb post to change it even.But sigh!! She saw it after the final.

8 years ago

@Polegend, @Purple Mask – I absolutely agree. This is a song contest. I don’t get neighborvision at all. I always vote for my favorite song. Last year it were Estonia, Netherlands and Austria. I actually disliked Bosnian and Montenegrin entry. Same for my own country’s entry. I respect why some people exclude it from their top, but I never do, cause I don’t feel as biased. Nina was in my top 10 last year cause I really loved the song. However, both 2012 and 2013 Croatian entries ended-up somewhere in the middle of my list. Our 2011 entry was apalling… Read more »

8 years ago

@Camelia87 – You are barking up a wrong tree. I think Tayanna’s voice is really good, but I was for Malovin.

Purple Mask
Purple Mask
8 years ago

Polegend wrote: “no, Romanian immigrants in Italy and Spain shouldn’t vote for Romania just because it’s their homeland. They should vote for their favorite song.”

YES! Thank you! This is absolutely how it should be. The music (and lyrics) should always come first in a song contest.
(In fact, I would prefer it if we could dispose of countries altogether and just have one Earth, one humanity, one people. But that’s a much more philosophical discussion. :D)

Polegend Godgarina
Polegend Godgarina
8 years ago

@ Camelia87 – no, Romanian immigrants in Italy and Spain shouldn’t vote for Romania just because it’s their homeland. They should vote for their favorite song. I get it that it’s their money, but I think our juries did a great job putting Romania and Albania very low almost every year to neutralize migrant votes. As for the person who’s spamming Mihai’s song here in the comments using several different e-mails, get a grip. His song simply wouldn’t do well. Europe would rather hear something different from what we have this year so far, and this happens to be a song… Read more »

8 years ago

i don’t like her voice.

8 years ago

I would like to see a funky song as YODEL IT at the Eurovision rather than a ballad or any other boring song. 🙂 Yodel-Ay-Ee-Oooo

Purple Mask
Purple Mask
8 years ago

I’m getting very tired and annoyed of people calling each other a “troll” on social media, and making up reasons for people to be banned where there clearly are none.
The purpose of this blog is simple: state your opinions about the music and discuss them. That’s it. Have a nice day.

8 years ago

@ Moon Light

I’ve wrote several comments here and this is why I’m thinking you may talk about me. Is not me. The best answer would be to say something about you favorite song, that can convince everybody, something other than fun & cool.
By the way I think you are Aurelian.

8 years ago

“Yodel it” is the worst song ever, I wonder how this passed the Romania’s semifinal…

8 years ago

@ Colin – ”I Won’t Surrender is a solid ballad, and MIHAI is definitely a great vocalist, but it all feels so clinical and by the numbers. There is no genuine passion”

Do you think that genuine passion was Tayanna from Ukraine? Just asking.
Tayanna is the worst, fake woman, if you think that somebody in love acts like Tayanna………………….

8 years ago

Yodel it is by far my favorite, however MIHAI would be the safest choice, and he’s also my second favorite.

8 years ago

Ramona Nerra – “Save Me” 😀

8 years ago

Actually, none of the songs are outstanding to me. Yodel It is a mess, but has some charm to it. They are obviously having fun, but there is just too much of everything at the same time. I Won’t Surrender is a solid ballad, and MIHAI is definitely a great vocalist, but it all feels so clinical and by the numbers. There is no genuine passion or emotion that touches deep within. Xandra’s song is okay, but quite standard and easily forgettable. Petale sounds nice, particullar for being in Romanian, but I feel no wow factor. Other songs are very… Read more »

8 years ago

Yodel It would be improved massively if it didnt have yodelling in it!

8 years ago

@ Purple Mask

……e.g……”Yo! Laid de old laDEE, too!”

Purple Mask
Purple Mask
8 years ago

Camelia87 wrote: “In other countries there are sexual jokes about yodel.”
Really?!! :O
Dare I ask the question? Dare I…

8 years ago

There is only one winner for me and that’s MIHAI.

I seriously don’t get the hype with the “Yodel It” song, their live vocals seriously need improving they were so off, pitchy in parts, It sounded like a really bad mash up to me.

8 years ago

Many countries have ballads in 2017, and this is because Europe is bigger than this blog and countries know that Europe likes ballads. So don’t tell the stereotype ”boring ballads”. In other countries there are sexual jokes about yodel.

Purple Mask
Purple Mask
8 years ago

@Kris: Did I call a winner for Spain? :S I honestly don’t remember if I did or not. Certainly Hungary’s result was a surprise to me though.
Again i’ll re-state that I don’t mind if Xandra or MIHAI win this year, it’s just that I adore the “Yodel it!” entry for what it is. 🙂

8 years ago

You make me laugh, if MIHAI’s song is trash then…Yodel it is a masterpiece?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Hahahaha hahaha hahahaha hahaha haha hahaha ha haha hahaha haha hahaha hahahahahaha! Somebody stop me! :)) :))) :)) :)))) LOL of the day!

8 years ago

Yodel it is a very ugly song, I can’t see what’s the big fuss about it. What’s wrong with you people, you pick this instead of real quality music?

8 years ago

Okay guys MIHAI has a good voice, but the song is pure trash! Xandra is mediacore. And the rest are dull! SO ROMANIA CHOSE WISE AND PICK ‘Yodel It’ ! Europe loves that song. We don’t want another ‘Moment Of Silence’ or boring Euro-Ballade, we want upbeat fresh ‘Yodel It’!

8 years ago

Many people, especially Romanians, are going to disagree with what I m going to say, but I don t want Romania to win, as long as we are in final and manage to be in top 10 I am okay. Eurovision is too big for a country like Romania.

ESC 4ever
ESC 4ever
8 years ago


8 years ago

@ Polegend Godgarina : Since my country Italy always gives Romania 12 points in televote because of the 1.5 million immigrants, I’d be mad if we gave them to a song that isn’t Yodel It

Still, immigrants spend their own money and can do whatever they want. If you want to know, in Romania, the most famous MIHAI song is not ”Tornero”, but is ”Cat de frumoasa esti” (How beautiful you are). Is a ballad and is no.1 in Romania as song for ”first dance” at weddings.

8 years ago

Romania, be wise! Don’t pick such a bad song like “Yodel it”, the juries won’t vote for it! It would be something like Poland 2016, Michal Szpack (last in the juries and 3rd in televote) – there are many confused kids voting for garbage radio flops like Yodel it…

8 years ago

I’m from Romania and I totally dislike this Yodel it type of song, it’s awful…

Danuta Romania
Danuta Romania
8 years ago

Although a ballad, MIHAI has an unique voice. I’d rather listen a quality ballad than a nonsense radio rubbish “Yodel it” is. And yes, I’m from Romania and most of us hate that song. This is not that’s representing us! If TVR wants to send the Yodel rubbish then I hope we’ll get the worst rank possible, ever! Juries won’t rank well this type of song, and U’ll know it. Maybe teen televoters will vote for this junk, but I just can’t see a full grown up-normal-to-the-head voting for such a nonsense piece of….

Polegend Godgarina
Polegend Godgarina
8 years ago

(Since my country Italy always gives Romania 12 points in televote because of the 1.5 million immigrants, I’d be mad if we gave them to a song that isn’t Yodel It.)

Polegend Godgarina
Polegend Godgarina
8 years ago

Mihai has the best voice, Ilinca has the best song. Sweden has taught us that you don’t need big vocals to succeed, so I’ll vote Yodel It all the way – memorable, fun and original. If Romania chooses something else they can kiss their 6th place in the odds goodbye.

8 years ago

@Andreea because mihai’s song is BORING af!!! it’s another stupid boring ballad and it wouldn’t qualify because it’s not even a strong ballad. we’ve heard sh*t like that so many times before done better! we’ve never heard anything like yodel it before, and i think it could go top 5 in eurovision!

8 years ago

Exactly.David who.

8 years ago

Yodel it ,stands out big time at Kiyev

just because, right?
just because, right?
8 years ago
8 years ago

David who?
There is no commentor named David.

8 years ago

I know voiceless ……..
We can take a loaded gun and turn it into words
We can take the strongest hate and turn it into love
Follow our religion tonight
Our bleeding hearts will beat but we’ll fight
This is for the voiceless people without choices reaching out for higher ground
This is for the breathless broken down and helpless crying out without a sound.
Yodeleh yodeleh yo!!

8 years ago

Yup nothing is too far @David

8 years ago

There is only one true winner: YODEL IT!

Revol Cisum
Revol Cisum
8 years ago

@Andreea, I think you have no idea what voiceless means… can’t you just support your favourite without spreading hate??? Those “puppets” will win anyway, because they are alive!! Capisci?? So, back off. And be fair at least once in your life!!!

8 years ago

And so you had said for Spain and Hungary.You never know what can happen……