Photos: LRT / Edvard Blazevic / Justinas Stacevicius

The heat is getting higher and anticipation is building. The grand final of Lithuania’s Pabandom iš Naujo 2022 takes place this Saturday 12 February.

Eight competing acts are still in the running. But only one will be crowned the winner and earn the right to represent Lithuania at Eurovision 2022 in Turin this May.

But who should the winner be? Vote for your favourite in our poll.

If you need a refresher, you can head down below to listen to each of the competing songs. Then cast your vote.

Scroll down to vote in our poll

Pabandom iš Naujo 2022 Finalists

Click on the song titles to re-watch the performance.

Poll: Who should win the grand final of Pabandom iš Naujo 2022?

As ever, you can vote for as many acts as you would like to. However, you can only vote once – so make it count!

Grand Final Voting

The result of the Pabandom iš Naujo 2022 grand final will be determined by a 50/50 split between a professional jury and the televote from people watching at home. The combined votes of the jury and televote will determine the winner, and hence Lithuania’s act for Eurovision 2022 in Turin, Italy.

Lithuania is set to perform in the first half of the first semi-final of Eurovision 2022 on 10 May. Whoever takes up the burden of representing the country will be hoping to earn a consecutive top-ten placement after The Roop took eighth place at Eurovision 2021.

Who did you vote for in the poll? Who is your winner of Pabandom iš Naujo 2022? Let us know all your thoughts in the comments below.

@wiwibloggs_official Reply to @julijamorta Those not watching #PabandomIšNaujo are definitely missing out 🇱🇹 #LolitaZero #Lithuania ♬ original sound – Ryan/Brooke:)


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3 years ago

No matter how patriotic and high people l will appraise Monika Liu in Lithuania. It wont be the same in ESC. No one cares if there a meaning or message in the song. It does not sound by todays standards. Lolita Zero has nice electronic Vibes, but everything else is poor. I would guess that highest chance to pass semi’s in ESC would be Ruta Loop. Ieva/Gerbrasy/Juste/Queens is just generic B rate songs. Although personal best is  “Before You’re 6ft Under”.

All this is my opinion.

3 years ago

Gebrasy’s song is my favourite by far. The song itself is lovely, his voice is beautiful, and he generally is an interesting artist (and a handsome guy, which should not be relevant but it could help him with the televote, like it did in Jurijus’ case). Still, some part of me doesn’t want him to win this time, I’d rather have him win with a song that actually has chances to end up in the top 5 of Eurovision, I want him to get the praise he deserves. He has got experience and what he does is great, but it… Read more »

ete sech
ete sech
3 years ago
Reply to  Mae

I think he’s out of the running this year – but I agree with you, he has to find his mojo first and embrace it. He’s talented and I’d love to see him thrive too, hopefully he can do so in the near future! 🙂

3 years ago

From the poll it looks people are rooting for Monika Lu, YEY! 🙂

3 years ago

I would like Ruta Loop to win. It’s a nice song, polished performance. We’ll have enough bangers in Turin, so why not a ballad? Gebrasy would be alright too, gives me Aksel (Finland 2020) vibes. The rest I’m not sure. None of them is a good song. I don’t get why Monika Liu is so hyped? It’s a bland song and a weak performance. It’s a sure NQ in Turin. Lolita Zero would work if the song was any good, which is not. There’s no chorus or melody, it’s just noise. Juste K. is alright, but again, the song isn’t… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  noone

Sure, you can dislike Sentimentai, but don’t say it’s a NQ from this current performance. It’s not gonna look like that in Turin. It’s getting scrapped and she confirmed it. Great performance can change A LOT of opinions.

Last edited 3 years ago by Jamie
Aan Gomes Branco
Aan Gomes Branco
3 years ago
Reply to  Jamie

It really is a NQ song because I can’t remember the song right after listening it – there’s no originality, in fact it sounds like it’s coming from the 90’s in a bad way (dishing the song, not the singer, Monika is a great singer). Ruta Loop is the best option followed by Gebrasy.

Purple Mask
Purple Mask
3 years ago

I’m so happy that “Washing Machine” made the final; that was a nice surprise. I really enjoy that song. 😀
If Lithuania want to stand out, they will pick Lolita Zero. But, Juste, Monika or Ruta will probably win. Ieva has an outside chance too.
P.S. You’re all sleeping on Juste in the poll. Didn’t Juste win its Semi?

3 years ago
Reply to  Purple Mask

They can as well send a fart in a jar with some random electronic music in the background. That will stand out even more.

Purple Mask
Purple Mask
3 years ago
Reply to  Ana

It has arguably happened before.

lasse braun
lasse braun
3 years ago

monika liu should win this year and i see so far also no similar act from other countries which is not a bad idea,too.
but lithuanian people will decide this on saturday,not we but i am very optimistic.


3 years ago

Monika seems like the obvious winner, although Lithuania is kinda slippery with their choices sometimes.
Also a big downgrade in terms of quality after their 2020 selection, which was one of the best of that nf season. I hope they will get back to that level next year.

3 years ago
Reply to  Jo.

It might be weaker than 2020, but it’s better than 2021, Which was mostly trash that is only salvaged by the Roop and Gabrasy.

3 years ago
Reply to  BadWoolfGirl

Yeah but 2021 was The Roop to win anyways, so the nf was pointless…

3 years ago
Reply to  Jo.

Fair point, Lithuania should’ve done a internal selection last year.

3 years ago

Lolita Zero would do the best at Eurovision – it will be a televote magnet and get left hand side in the final. There will be nothing else like it in the contest.

I’m not sure Monika’s song would translate well with the televote but it would do very well with juries. There are bound to be songs like it in the contest so there is potential that it will get lost.

I really enjoy Ruta Loop but I fear it will be squeezed out by the two above.

I don’t see the others having enough support to win.

3 years ago
Reply to  Kosey

I disagree. Just because you send something very “different” doesn’t guarantee it will automatically get tons of votes from the viewers. Her entry is not entertaining, it’s extremely dark and weird, almost like Conan Osiris but like, much much worse. Why didn’t Conan Osiris receive tons of televote points? It was very different and eccentric. Because it all it was. Weird, dark and eccentric. People didn’t know what to do with it. And again, it was miles better than whatever this Lolita is trying to do.

3 years ago
Reply to  Ana

My gut tells me that this dark, electronic music will be very popular across Europe. It is a mainstream sound that you certainly used to hear in clubs across Europe. The visual performance is also very striking but in my opinion in an accessible way whereas Conan was perhaps not. Whether you find the performance entertaining is a matter of personal taste. I would like to bet that enough people will find this sufficiently entertaining for it to be in the top 5 of the televote.

3 years ago
Reply to  Kosey

I don’t know what clubs you go to, but this random mumbling is not something that I hear anywhere. As much as I remember, many “club” songs didn’t do so well in the contest before. I don’t see Eurovision as a place where electronic club music, especially of that cr*ppt quality, thrives.

ete sech
ete sech
3 years ago

Last year, after The Roop made it to the Top 10 and snatched Lithuania’s second best result ever, I thought no one in Lithuania would be able to live up to that.
But I see Monika Liu with such a special entry and it can potentially do even better!
And as I see things going, I’m sure she can pull a The Roop 2020 and win both the jury and the televote at PiN

3 years ago

I don’t get the hype over Monika. It’s not that I don’t like it but the fact that I don’t know what Lithuanians see in it. Same mystery as “Rain of Revolution”, only that “Sentimentai” is worse.

If Lithuanians want to play safe they should send Gebrasy. If they want to risk,, they better send Lolita Zero. The guy can’t sing but the song is interesting. Kind of a guilty pleasure.

This year’s Pabandom is naujo is weaker that past editions.

3 years ago
Reply to  Héctor

I think “Sentimentai” and “Rain of revolution” are completely on different levels and incomparable.

3 years ago
Reply to  Nikki

I disagree, the hype around this song is just as irrational and impulsive as for rain of revolution. People convinced themselves they like it for no reason

3 years ago
Reply to  Héctor

You don’t have to like sentimentai, but it is a far better song than rain of revolution.

3 years ago

Monika Liu, Lolita Zero or Ruta Loop. All three great entries that would do well in Eurovision.

3 years ago

I’ve never been so excited to watch PIN. I’m behind Monika all the way. She’s amazing and offered something truly unique.

3 years ago

Monika Lu all the way! I will give as many votes for her as I can in Eurovision!

3 years ago

I do not get Monika – only nice thing is that she took Lithuanian lang here – sorry not sorry

3 years ago
Reply to  Tzs

I totally agree with you I’m like THIS is what people want lithuania to send :/ sorry its sound so boring

3 years ago

Monika should and will probably win. But if for some reason they decide to send Ruta Loop, I’m on board too.

3 years ago

So if you put Monica and Lolita in comparison, who do you think it would stand out more and have more chances to bring a good result to Turin? Honestly, Don’t you think that Monica’s song would get lost a bit? It is like Spain. Spanish wanted Ay Mama but ver wisely choose Chanel. Because Chanel will do extremely well in the final

3 years ago
Reply to  yannis

Spanish wanted Tanxugueiras..

3 years ago

Lolita Zero for me …..please!

Last edited 3 years ago by Lollipopmonster
3 years ago

Monika will win. Do please send Lolita and Ruta Loop to Germany. I fear our selection will be weak and needs them. I can’t wait to find out on thursday.

3 years ago

Out of all favorites:
Sure winner: Monika Liu
Potential winner, but more likely 2nd place: Lolita
Potential 3rd place: Ruta Loop
Zero chances of winning: Gebrasy, Ieva

3 years ago

I know Monika Liu and Loilta Zero are the favourites and the first will probably win but I’m personally a fan of Rita Loops song, I think with great staging and camera angles it could look really cool.

3 years ago
Reply to  Escfan

I love Ruta’s song too and would love to imagine it on a larger stage, but unless an upset win happens, she’s not the one.

3 years ago
Reply to  Escfan

Her song is in my head since the weekend alternating with Brividi. So it seems my subcinscious has selected…

3 years ago
Reply to  Escfan

Likewise. Ruta Loops song is my personal favourite. Especially with the staging at the Lithuanian national contest.

3 years ago

There’s only one choice – Monika Liu!

3 years ago

B*tch I really don’t see what’s gripping so much people about Monika’s song, I try to be as objective as I can but I don’t think is better than, for ex. Ruta’s or Lolita’s. And I feel like I’m alone in this

3 years ago
Reply to  Jezinky

I actually prefer Ruta loop and think she would be a better option for Lithuania but I have accepted she’s not going. Whatever result Monika gets they’re going to have to live with.

3 years ago
Reply to  Jezinky

Nothing is the answer there’s nothing gripping here, it sounds like it could’ve been entered in the 90’s and would’ve finished like 15th in the final

3 years ago

I miss the option “The Roop” lol 🙂

3 years ago
Reply to  Andi

The R(uta L)oop

3 years ago

My answer is in two parts:

Who will win: Monika Liu
Who should win: Ruta Loop

However, I have already accepted That Monika will be the representative for Lithuania. I won’t be one of those fans gets mad because their favorite didn’t win the national final.

Graham B
Graham B
3 years ago
Reply to  BadWoolfGirl

I would also add that I believe Ruta Loop to be Lithuania’s best shot at winning. Although I guess we will never know…

3 years ago
Reply to  Graham B

I do feel like Ruta would be a better option for Lithuania but like I said, I have already accepted she’s not gonna win.

3 years ago
Reply to  Graham B

We’ll see if Lithuania makes the final or falls on its sword in the semi final.

3 years ago
Reply to  BadWoolfGirl

Agreed. I would like to see Ruta go, but I’m the end it’s up to Lithuania to decide who should go to Eurovision. 🙂

3 years ago


3 years ago

Have to admit that I thought at first that Lithuania is having a weak year but the way the finale shaped up it turned out to be a pretty decent selection.

3 years ago
Reply to  Ifty

There may have been a lot of coal, but we got a few gems out of it.

Alfonso Moreno Domínguez
Alfonso Moreno Domínguez
3 years ago
Reply to  Ifty

And that’s Lithuania’s fault for keeping the good songs for the last heat.

3 years ago

Monika Liu! Let’s hear Lithuanian in the grand final!

Polegend Godgarina
Polegend Godgarina
3 years ago

monika liu is basically the announced winner and the rightful one

3 years ago

It’s interesting you say that because with Italian lyrics I can see Sentimentai fitting into Sanremo. It has a vintage, yet genuinely cool vibe. Monika oozes charisma even if I dislike her staging and presentation. Truly substance over style.

3 years ago
Reply to  Azaad

Well, if Monika wins (but she will), she’s going to completely overhaul the staging for Eurovision so it’s not going to be like her national final performance. Hopefully for the better if you weren’t fond of it.

I think about how last year Portugal was written off as a definite non-qualifier before the show, but then their Eurovision staging actually impressed a lot of people and it ended up making to the final. Anything can happen.

3 years ago

Monika Liu will win but my fav is Ruta Loop.

3 years ago
Reply to  Illi

I’m the same here. I have long accepted that Monika Liu Is going to win the selection, even though Ruta is my favorite. If that’s What Lithuania wants, We have to respect their choice.

3 years ago
Reply to  BadWoolfGirl

I’ll respect their choice ofc! I hate ESC fan toxicity.

3 years ago
Reply to  Illi

I can already imagine some fans being angry at Lithuania for picking Monika instead of Ruta or Lolita zero, but like read the room. Monika has the most views out of all the contestants and she’s the only artist to consistently win both jury and televote. That tells you something.

3 years ago

2021 The Roop
2022 R?ta Loop

3 years ago
Reply to  kir

2023 LutheRoop

3 years ago
Reply to  kir

Lolita ZeRoo (p)