Pollapönk—Iceland’s only kid-appropriate punk band—has released its official video for “No Prejudice”. Yes, you read that right. The group has done away with “Enga fordóma”, the Icelandic version of their song, and will throw it down in English in Copenhagen.

It’s safe to say that the boys weren’t fighting depression whilst shooting the video. “We just wanted to have fun and make a good video without dramatizing it too much,” the band’s drummer Arnar Gíslason has said. “You certainly will not be seeing horses running in slow motion or anything like that.”

The positive messages about tolerance and acceptance are still there, and they’re wrapped up in colorful visuals. Singer-songwriter John Grant, who is good friends with the guys, helped prepare the English text, and nothing is lost in translation. “I may stutter when I speak/ (but) you don’t need to call me freak/ it’s not trigonometry/ inside we’re the same.”

So how about we cast away our prejudice and just enjoy ourselves for a few minutes?  I know the all of the guys will.

“No Prejudice” lyrics — Pollapönk

Lala lalalala lala lalalala lala lalalala lala la

Life is way too short for short-sightedness
and tell me who has got the time
for narrow-mindedness
Listen to what I say
cause every-buh buh buh buh buh buh
body looks the same on the inside
And it puh puh puh puh puh puh puh puh
to wear a smile

Let’s do away with prejudice
don’t discriminate, tolerance is bliss
we got to get together on this
cross this problem off our list
I may stutter when I speak
(but) you don’t need to call me freak
it’s not trigonometry
inside we’re the same


Even if you’re taller
Or someone who is smaller
Or perhaps you’re thinner
Or one who loves his dinner
Listen to what I say
cause every-buh buh buh buh buh buh
body looks the same on the inside
And it puh puh puh puh puh puh puh puh
to wear a smile

Let’s do away with prejudice
don’t discriminate, tolerance is bliss
we got to get together on this
cross this problem off our list
I may stutter when I speak
(but) you don’t need to call me freak
it’s not trigonometry
inside we’re the same
buh buh buh buh buh buh…


Let’s do away with prejudice
don’t discriminate, tolerance is bliss
we got to get together on this
cross this problem off our list
I may stutter when I speak
(but) you don’t need to call me freak
it’s not trigonometry
inside we’re the same

Lala lalalala lala lalalala lala lalalala
Lala lalalala lala lalalala lala lalalala
Lala lalalala lala la

Let’s do away with prejudice
don’t discriminate, tolerance is bliss
we got to get together on this
cross this problem off our list
I may stutter when I speak
(but) you don’t need to call me freak
it’s not trigonometry
inside we’re the same

Kristin Kristjans contributed this report from Iceland. You can keep up with the latest Eurovision news and gossip by following the team from wiwibloggs.com on Twitter @wiwibloggs and by liking our Facebook page.

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10 years ago

This song really should have won Eurovision. Song is great and the performers look appriopriate with beards unlike awful conchita. Tolerance does’nt mean acceptance for stupidity.

10 years ago

I love this song! Should be the anthem of the EU!!!

10 years ago


10 years ago

i love all of you

10 years ago

i love my self

árdís Lilja
10 years ago


árdís Lilja
10 years ago

This song is the best i love it .it mean so mutch 2 me .LOVE IT!!!!!!

10 years ago

I love this song. Pollaponk mix punk & pop then add a dash of disco. This song adds to the diversity of music being brought to ESC. I am glad it is in English so more people can get the message.
No Prejudices is in my Top 3.

10 years ago

I think this is the rockest entry of this year!
Good vibe and good message at the same time.
Pollaponk must sing this in English in order to explain the message of this song in all Europe and in the whole world and place this song in a good ranking, between #1 and #10.

greetings from Italy, sorry for my bad English.

10 years ago

1celand Pollapönk great song my favorite with Belarus

10 years ago

LOL Francis 😀
It’s actually grown on me quite a bit, but really reminds me of motivational speakers that used to come to my elementary school haha. Then we’d all sing the song as a class, lmao.

10 years ago

This song sucked hard in Icelandic, but this is like 10 times worser! Even awfull songs should be sung in their own languages! BTW the idea for Icelandic after Russia is very nice!

10 years ago

Disaster! I really don’t like these “let’s all hug each other” songs. At least in Icelandic I didn’t have to cringe at how sappy it was.

10 years ago

As much as I love the English versions of this song (I’m probably a bit biased seeing as I am English :P) but props to Italy, Poland, France, Montenegro and Portugal for singing entirely in their owns languages!

10 years ago

Semifinal 1 Top 16

2.San Marino


Sorry to the Netherlands but they have strong opponents

10 years ago

Dark horse of the contest

10 years ago

Russia….are you listening?

10 years ago

I hate the song. But i’m sure Iceland will be in final. And better songs like San marino and montenegro probably won’t.

10 years ago

I love them, love their music. After several moans about how many ballad this year, they came up with something different and uplifting BUT not a typical meaningless euro trashy dance music. I hope they through to the final..

10 years ago

There are not many options for the funtime vote in semi 1, and the borderline qualifiers are mostly ballads, allowing something else to slip through.
These guys take the cake. Sorry, Latvia.

Funky jive powers … Activate!
| | . | | . | | . | | . | | . | |
… and that’s how we fixed everything. The End.

Pastora Soler haha
Pastora Soler haha
10 years ago

It’s beter now

They have LUCKK that we are sick of ballads and ballads…

Forse (maybe)… they will qualify thanks to the lyric and by the jury

10 years ago

It’s a fun song with a great message, and very much support that. Besides, I agree, is a nice contrast among so many ballads.

That being said, the song itself is not my cup of tea, never liked it, at least it makes sense now in english, but I still don’t like it 😛 For me is similar to Greece last year, I didn’t like it but for some reason a lot of people did, so I have the feeling it might do well, even if I personally don’t like it. Who knows?

10 years ago

After 20 minutes, I really didn’t think I’d like it as much as I do. It just went from a bad, happy-go-lucky song(Latvia) to a positive, catchy song.

The vocals are still very weak, and no amount of Auto-tune is going to cover that up. Nevertheless, this song just climbed 9 spaces on my list, which I never would have expected at the start of the day.

10 years ago

And just like that, Iceland is fair game for a spot in the final. As much as I want to see a bigger variety of languages in the contest, it works better overall in English.

10 years ago

Iceland may very well have just put itself in the final, again. The biggest way this can be messed up is if Denmark puts Iceland in the 1st or 2nd spot in the draw, which is very possible.

But in a sea of mispronunciations and bad enunciation, Pollaponk shows that they know their English. On top of that, the song flows really well with the English lyrics. They just got them a new fan, no matter how much it reminds me of “Centerfold.”

And yes, they’re in the stronger semifinal, but Iceland has managed to sneak through since 2008.

10 years ago

These guys are AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

10 years ago

It flows better in Icelandic, but it sounds better overall in English. Still a bad song, but if the live vocals improve, I can see this maaaaaaaybe just sneaking into the top 10 of the semi-final, depending on how the other performances go.

May have just climbed a couple of places on my list.

10 years ago

I love this song. But I prefer the Icelandic version though… Anyway, it won´t be in the final but it´s in my top 20.

Ian Davis
Ian Davis
10 years ago

Although it is usually a taboo to say this on Eurovision websites, I actually think this song sounds better in English. It may be the fact that this is a studio recording which would obviously be made to sound better, but I still think this is an improvement. It is still going to be at the bottom in the semi, but it is no longer the worst song this year IMO.

One last thing, I really hope the Danish broadcaster orders this song straight after Russia’s, that would be hilarious.