Eurovision’s Greatest Hits takes place in London on 31 March. The one-off concert will see a host of past Eurovision stars take to the stage to mark 60 years of the contest. While the show itself will be purely celebratory, we’ve decided to add a little competition to proceedings by ranking and reviewing all 18 Eurovision entries sung by the 14 confirmed acts. For starters, the Wiwi Jury— our in-house panel of musical unprofessionals — hopped aboard the Tardis and journeyed to Athens 2006, to reassess Russia’s Dima Bilan with “Never Let You Go”. After nine years, have we let go? Read on to find out…
Angus: I’m not sure what’s worse about “Never Let You Go”. The mullet, Dima’s diction, the fact he wore a vest, the bizarre staging… All I am certain of is that this is hideous.
Score: 1/10
Josh: I like “Never Let You Go” more than “Believe”, but it was always going to be hard to beat a group of Finnish monsters. Dima would’ve been so cute here if he got rid of that feral mullet, and the dancer popping up out of the piano was a nice surprise element that I still strongly associate with 2006. The show in Athens is one of my favourites, and Dima’s second place was well deserved.
Score: 8/10
William: This is vulgar–from the lyric “blood on my bone” to the white tank top that matches the white piano. Nine years later I struggle to decipher the lyrics, and I still wish that producers had taken some scissors to his mullet. That said, the melody is quite catchy and the ending well constructed. I understand why this did well, even if I detest it.
Score: 3/10
Liam: Back in 2006 Dima Bilan was a mullet sporting drastically thin guy. Fortunately for him his song made up for his appearance (which made him look like an 80s reject). “Never Let You Go” was amazing, especially when compared to “Believe”, his winning 2008 entry. I would have rather seen this win in 2006.
Score: 8.5/10
Sopon: I’ll admit this was actually my first time hearing the song. When I became a Eurovision fan and watched some of the previous winners, I nearly puked at Dima’s winning entry and wrote off the idea of ever listening to a song by him again. Now that I’ve been obligated to do so for this jury, I’ll loosen up a bit. “Never Let You Go” is really catchy and his accent is pretty good for a guy who could barely speak a word of English. Obviously it’s hard to beat a group of monsters with more pyro than a fourth of July celebration. But had Lordi not entered, Dima would have been a suitable winner.
Score: 8/10
Ramadan: Definitely Dima’s better song. It was one of my Eurovision favourites back in 2006, and still is! A fantastic song and live performance from Dima. A very nice contemporary song. Deserved its placing.
Score: 9/10
Anthony: Russia have been on a reasonably good run since the early 00s. One of their biggest stars, Dima Bilan, almost got them their first Eurovision title, even if he did look like he’d turned up late. A pop ballad with poetic lyrics, accompanied by ballerinas and a clever piano prop show-stopper, “Never Let You Go” is probably Russia’s best ever runner-up.
Score: 8/10
Mikhail: I’m just gonna say it: this is awful! I literally hate Dima’s diction, his movements, his facial expressions. It looks like he’s pretending to be a monkey! His outfit is also terrible, like he just came from the gym. He somehow managed to capture the audience. I still can’t understand it.
Score: 2/10
Sami: “Never Let You Go” is an absolutely perfect pop song and the performance is something different. Dima is a great artist and performs the song very well. It’s my favourite from 2006. And yes, I wish it had won instead of our monsters.
Score: 10/10
James: I vividly remember seeing this when I was 11 – my sister was very interested in how the piano appeared to be some sort of mutated creature with a human torso and arms. We were scarred. Seriously though, my musical tastes are particularly skewed – “Never Let You Go” is typical for its age, but it’s generic musical structure, orchestration and stage performance don’t really do anything for me. The attraction is in the youthfulness and popularity of Dima and the stage prop. Meh!
Score: 4/10
All 18 members of our jury rate each song. However, we only have room to share 10 written reviews. Here are the remaining eight scores.
Chris: 5.5/10
Denise: 5.5/10
Inaki: 7.5/10
Judit: 2/10
Kristín: 7/10
Padraig: 6/10
Patrick: 5/10
Robyn: 9/10
The highest and lowest scores are removed before calculating the final score. We have dropped a low of 1 and a high of 10.
i absolutely love both his songs at eurovision!! he is one of the very few artists that deserved to win!!! ))
It is most annoying, not well executed on stage. I didn’t like it then, I don’t like it now! In my opinion, his 2008 entry was better although not marvellous! I really didn’t enjoy this at all! *_*.
Eurgh. Yes, this is better than “Believe”, but then that’s really not that difficult – apart from “I Wanna”, you’d be hard pressed to find a Eurovision winner I hate more than “Believe” (2008 in general was NOT a good year, at least at the top of the scoreboard. Where did all the points for Greece come from? Why am I the only person in the universe to not get “Shady Lady”‘s appeal?). That said, 2006 was if anything even worse than 2008 – 2008 at least has a few gems buried beneath all the crap, whereas 2006 has Lordi… Read more »
I don’t get the dislike for this but that may come because I havent seen 2006 (still listened all the songs dorens of times). I think Dima Bilan was a worthy runner up (its my runner up as well) and one of the best contributions Russia gave us. 9/10.
What’s wrong with Believe? That song, and Molitva, are my two favorite Eurovision winners during 2000-2014.
Never Let You Go is a Eurovision classical actually. Bilan’s performance was epic that night.
By the way, I see many Dimas pictures on his instagran and definetely he doesn’t like a 50 years old man now days.
I must say this is one of the better entries Russia has sent to Eurovision, but again, he looked like a guy who had just sniffed coke – based on his non-sense movements on the stage. Other than the fact that his Russian accent wears off the lyrics, it was not a bad entry, but definitely not a runner up material. Either way, 7/10 for me.
In another news, why does Dima Bilan look like he’s 50 years old these days?
This one’s a classic for me.
Definitely better than ‘Believe’, but he definitely shouldn’t have gotten second. Sweden, Greece or Bosnia and Herzegovina should have been higher than he was. Also, that mullet–what was he THINKING?
The piano girl was cool though.
I dislike Bilan with passion, I really don’t like him at all. However I must say that between his Eurovision entries, I prefer “Never let you go” over “Believe” any day, at least this one is a little more catchy and memorable.
It wasn’t terrible but Romania, B&H, Greece, Sweden, Norway and Ukraine were all better. But I agree he wouldve been really cute if he got rid of that ugly mullet
I think that this was too overrated.There were at least three WAY better songs that year.I don’t hate this one but Dima’s Believe was a much better song.A deserved winner.
Tornero was much better and deserved 2nd place instead.
I LOVE it! <3 I might dislike the obnoxious cocky egomaniac junkie Dima Bilan but i really like his songs though! <3 He must be either gay or bisexual…{one of these two…i don't think at all that he is straight truly…} This is a whole pure perfect 10 for me! <3 *Never Let You Go* was just AMAZIIIIIIIIIIIING! <3 Russia's no1 best entry in Vision and one of the best ever songs in history of the contest! <3 *Never Let You Go* simply RULED and stole the whole show in 2006 in EuroVision of my country Greece…! <3 I was… Read more »