If buzz is any indicator, then Spain’s #eurovision selection is a two-horse race between X Factor veteran Ruth Lorenzo and The Voice veteran Brequette. So the Wiwi Jury—our in-house panel of musical unprofessionals—had seriously high expectations when we traveled to Spain to review Ruth’s song “Dancing in the Rain”. Did her dancing make us spin with joy? Or were we left feeling soggy and wet and like we had been left in a storm? Read on to find out…


Angus: This is so, so, so pretty! Lorenzo is easily the equal of Pastora Soler in the sweeping ballad stakes and I could see this catapulting Madrid up the scoreboard in Copenhagen. It also gets the blend of Spanglish just right. I just sway to it already and although the subtle beats thrown in under the chorus detract a little bit for me, the overall effect is still mesmerising. Come on Ruth!

Score: 9.5/10

Deban: Dancing In The Rain is a beautifully crafted ballad. Ruth Lorenzo articulates her Iberian passion in this bi-lingual number with serious conviction.  Sounding like a cross between pop-opera and a musical score, this offering transforms Lorenzo from a reality-TV reject into Eurovision’s premier dreamcatcher. What’s more impressive is that despite the presence of a solid backing track, Lorenzo remains in focus. She isn’t lost within the backing or instrumentals. She is very present and in control of both her range and the audience. Democratic pre-selections can be tricky. It is unclear what fate awaits Lorenzo. However, if this entry makes it to Copenhagen, then there’s a high chance we could be in Madrid next year.

Score: 9/10

Anthony: “Dancing In The Rain” was originally intended to be a dance track, so to see this entry become a ballad in the end took me by surprise. Ballads suit Ruth’s vocals very nicely. As she once demonstrated with a stunning rendition of “Purple Rain”, Ruth can certainly deliver a live performance! Just be prepared for disappointment if Ruth doesn’t make it to Copenhagen…

Score: 8.5/10


Katie: Oh, how lovely. It’s Ruth Lorenzo (who I voted for on X Factor) singing a Spanglish ballad. It’s a shame that the English chorus doesn’t blend well with the Spanish verses. If I was her, I’d stick purely to Spanish. Ruth shows off her vocal talents, although the song is slightly boring, but I doubt she’d be able to pull it off in a live show. It could go brilliantly, or DREADFULLY.

Score: 6/10

Zach: I’m starting to see why everyone was super excited to see this woman make a go for it for Spain! This song is classy, beautifully arranged, and a look back on YouTube proves Ruth is MORE than capable of nailing the live vocals with ease. The blend of English and Spanish is also crafted very well, language transitions can be eclectic, but this song does it pretty well, albeit a tad less well than my personal favorite Brequette. My only slight issue with the song is the pace. The song is amazing right now, but I have to admit the same slow pace seemed the slightest bit dull by the end of the song. Ruth adds in some powerhouse long notes to make up for it however, and I could maybe see a slight reworking to increase tempo if they send it to Denmark. And if Ruth is sent, I could see her being a BIG contender for a high placing.

Score: 9/10

Ruth Lorenzo spain eurovision 2014 dancing in the rainPadraig: For too long ballads at Eurovision have been getting a bad rep. They’re either too gimmicky – Gravity, cheesy – Waterfall or just plain dull – Rak Bishvilo. Luckily, Ruth sidesteps all these potential pitfalls, to give us an almost flawless performance. Simplicity is the key, as her crystal clear vocals are complemented rather than overpowered by the instrumental backing. If the live version can match this, there should be nothing preventing Ruth topping Pastora Soler’s much lauded 2012 entry, while at the same time giving Simon Cowell and The X Factor crew a much needed kick in the teeth.

Score: 9/10

Sami: Oh, looks like this is VERY overrated among my fellow bloggers. It’s not that good! Actually, I find it quite boring and it doesn’t grow enough. I didn’t like Pastora that much and I don’t like this either. I wouldn’t even see this placing very high, if Spain chooses it. I think it’s the weakest song from all five.

Score: 5/10

Daphne: The beginning of this song leaves me with a big question mark. It can go two ways. Either I’m getting a slow ballad, or the beat will kick in any minute (including flashing lights and wild dancers). It’s kind of getting stuck in-between, apparently. And it stays there, not moving backwards nor forwards. Just dancing in the rain, repeatedly. The best thing we can do is maybe hand this song an umbrella and walk it kindly back home.

Score: 3/10

Patrick: I really like songs that mix English and Spanish influences. This is a wonderful song with a dramatic message. Her voice is terrific and the chorus is a masterpiece. Probaly the first part of the song will be really boring for some people. It’s a great song but it doesn’t give me any goosebumps. But there is room to grow and maybe in the live version she’ll touch me.

Score: 7.5/10

Wiwi: This starts off really nicely, and for a moment I think that Ruth is going to make me cry. Then she starts dancing in the rain and apparently she really likes it because she keeps dancing and dancing and dancing and dancing in that bloody rain. After the first chorus I feel like this is being played in slow motion, and by minute three I want to drown Ruth in the rain. I’m sorry. This is boring. If I were Spanish I’d vote for Brequette and La Dama and maybe Jorge over this.

Score: 6.5/10

Wiwi Jury Verdict: 7.3/10

You can see the complete standings and final rankings on our jury page. You can also keep up-to-date with the latest Eurovision news and gossip by following the team on Twitter @wiwibloggs and by liking our Facebook page. 

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11 years ago

gooooo Ruth 😀 or Brequette. Both bring different great qualities. Also think it will be a face off between both. Love to sing to Dancing in the Rain though 😀

11 years ago

Elegante y exquisita cancion.

11 years ago

I really want Ruth to win because her song is amazing & I’ve been a fan of hers ever since she appeared on the x factor but I have to say that Brequette’s voice is incredible too. I just feel like Ruth deserves to win because she works so hard. Ruth or Brequette & in Eurovision Spain & Armenia GOO!

11 years ago

1. La Dama
2. Ruth Lorenzo
3. Jorge Gonzalez
4. Raul
5. Brequette

11 years ago

I heard 3 versions already for this particular song available in youtube. the one that claimed to be the eurovision version (that how the tag was written), different version for the lyric video, and the one in that claimed to be the final version. Cannot tell which version she would sing on ESC. however, although for me it is a good song, I would like to see a fusion between final-claimed version and eurovision-claimed version. still waiting how she and this song will perform on stage and there is quite possibility that the official eurovision version can be different than… Read more »

11 years ago

It’s good although its half of the song is the repetitive of “dancing in the rain” sentence. But last year, Emmelie also did “only teardrop” in repetitive way. a extra WOW stanging act needed to kill the boredness of repetitive.

11 years ago

My second choice, Brequette is way better. This one isn’t terrible. I’m almost 100% certain that either Brequette or Ruth will be going to Copenhagen and they both have good songs and voices, so Spain might be getting their Pastora 2.0.

11 years ago

The new version SLAYS. 10/10.

11 years ago

I think Ruth is the best artist ever (from Spain). “Dancing in the Rain” has a new final version, you can listen it here ( http://www.rtve.es/television/20140217/versiones-finales-canciones-espana-candidatas-eurovision-2014/880480.shtml ) We can stay in TOP 10, like in 2012 or win! (it’s difficult)

11 years ago

Dancing in the rain is the best song in spanish nf. Brequette is the worst sorry

11 years ago

It’s hard to decide wether Ruth or Brequette is better. Ruth has the superior vocals, but Brequette has a better song. My money is on either of them going to Copenhagen, but I couldn’t tell you which one.