We’re just one step away from finding out who will succeed Ieva Zasimauskaitė as Lithuania‘s Eurovision 2019 representative. Tonight’s second semi-final of Eurovizijos atranka 2019 saw the remaining twelve acts sing their entries and as usual, the Lithuanian juries made their decisions alongside the televoters.

After securing her place in next week’s final with “Light On”, Monika Marija performed her other entry “Criminal”. Only four acts could join her, Jurgis Brūzga, Junà and Henry & Tommy Modric in the final.

In the end, Jurijus confirmed his place as tonight’s winner and will be in the final alongside Antikvariniai Kašpirovskio Dantys, Jurgis DID & Erica Jennings and Monika Marija.

Despite Monika previously asking for the public and jury not to vote for “Criminal” in the semi-final, they did not heed her request. Instead, it seems she will be singing both her entries in the final.

In our wiwibloggs flash poll, we asked readers which song Monika should take into the grand final. The results were close: 57% of readers supported “Light On”, while 43% had “Criminal” as their favourite. While “Light On” won its semi-final and “Criminal” only placed third, it suggests that there is enough support for both songs that Monika’s vote may end up being split, meaning the grand final win may end up going to another artist.

Second semi-final running order

Original Copy – “Power of Sounds”

Živilė Gedvilaitė – “Learn from Your Love”

Šarūnas Mačiūlis – “Traukinys”

Paola Hart – “I’ll Be Alright”

Alen Chicco – “Your Cure”

Aldegunda – “I Want Your Love”

Soliaris & Foreign Souls – “Song of My Life”

Monika Marija – “Criminal”

Antikvariniai Kašpirovskio Dantys – “Mažulė”

Jurijus – “Run with the Lions”

MaNNazz – “Blind Bird”

Jurgis DID & Erica Jennings – “Sing!”

Second semi-final results

Jurijus – “Run with the Lions” 12 12 24 1
Antikvariniai Kašpirovskio Dantys – “Mažulė” 10 8 18 2
Monika Marija – “Criminal” 10 7 17 3
Jurgis DID & Erica Jennings – “Sing!” 7 10 17 4
Alen Chicco – “Your Cure” 6 6 12 5
MaNNazz – “Blind Bird” 5 3 8 6
Soliaris & Foreign Souls – “Song of My Life” 4 2 6 7
Aldegunda – “I Want Your Love” 1 4 5 8
Šarūnas Mačiūlis – “Traukinys” 0 5 5 9
Original Copy – “Power of Sounds” 3 1 4 10
Paola Hart – “I’ll Be Alright” 2 0 2 11
Živilė Gedvilaitė – “Learn from Your Love” 0 0 0 12


Is your favourite in the final? Do you agree with tonight’s results? Let us know on the comments box below and you can watch the show again here.

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Photo: E. Genio/LRT.

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6 years ago

If it wasn’t for anthony, wiwibloggs probably wouldnt be posting about lithuania at all

6 years ago
Reply to  Anthony Ko

Guess I should pay attention more to whose created the content more I guess

6 years ago

I’m still waiting for the Eurovizijos atranka reaction video… Wiwibloggs, hello?

6 years ago

Make reaction to Lithuanian final or thank u, next i’m gonna sue you guys for ignoring Lithuania

6 years ago

William and Deban if you are not making reaction/review of Lithuanian final im suing wiwibloggs!!

6 years ago
Reply to  Dom

We will do it both! ?

6 years ago
Reply to  Domas

I would absolutely love to see their reaction

6 years ago
Reply to  Dom

They are always ignoring Lithuanian selection. Always.

6 years ago
Reply to  Dom

Same, this year they are very quiet when things are about Lithuanian selection

6 years ago

I’m a big fan of Jurijus’ vocal, but his song isn’t all that interesting. It’s not slow and emotional enough to be a ballad, yet not driving enough to be an anthemic track. Though looking at it now, since Monika Marija is in the final with both songs, Jurijus looks like he will be the representative now (especially if Bikus is in the Jury, since he seems to have a distaste for Monika and her decision to have two songs). Also, very sad we lost MaNNaZZ. Really liked their song and did not get their critiques saying it was “too… Read more »

6 years ago

One of the judges in the semi-final said a thing about this whole situation with Monika Marija: “An artist has to commit to his song and fully believe in it. You can see that artist doubts in his song when he has a PLAN B, if PLAN A goes wrong.” When you think about it, it’s true. It is also true that with this strategy, Monika Marija took a place in the final with a song she doesn’t believe in, where another participant, who really wanted to participate, now cannot. And in my eyes it is really unfair. So I… Read more »

6 years ago

I hope she’ll withdraw “Criminal” and Alen Chicco replaces that spot in the final. Then with him and Antikvariniai, the final will be worth watching 😀

6 years ago

I hope JURIJUS wins his song is far most interesting than both Criminal and Light On

6 years ago

It’s surreal, but now Monika has one more week to campaign against her own song.

Purple Mask
Purple Mask
6 years ago
Reply to  Sabrina

I know. It’s silly.
A new idea for her: What do the rules say about substituting her song so that someone else can perform it? Just a thought.
Heck I might fly over and sing it myself. No-one will vote for my version, guaranteed. 😛

6 years ago
Reply to  Purple Mask

….Erica Jennings.

6 years ago
Reply to  Purple Mask

Only if you wear the spiderweb wig! I’ll let you wear also EMA’s René’s outfit, since you liked it so much. 😛

Purple Mask
Purple Mask
6 years ago
Reply to  Sabrina

Hmmm. I might, if I could have René’s number as well. 😛
Or even better, René could perform it instead! He would be a very different kind of “criminal”, I should imagine.

6 years ago
Reply to  Purple Mask

As I prefer Criminal to Light On, I would love to sing it, Purple, but then Monika would loose the battle against her own song and Lithuania will be represented by me German 😀 Let’s Do This!

Purple Mask
Purple Mask
6 years ago
Reply to  ESCFan2009

Hahaha! Nahhh, Monika would still win in Lithuania. Or possibly Jurijus. But you are welcome to try and invade. 😛

6 years ago

I hope she withdraws one of the songs. I don’t care if you have to pay money but Lithuania cannot risk to eliminate this artist. I know some people like criminal over the other entry song but you have an amazing artist who has expressed her fear of vote splitting. It would be a shame of Monika doesnt represent Lithuania. Such a great artist. So frustrating to know people’s vote will screw up Lithuania from doing well. I know it should be Monika’s fault for having 2 songs but still sucks that she may not represent Lithuania. She could have… Read more »

6 years ago

We lost Mannazz? No! Jurijus to win now?

Purple Mask
Purple Mask
6 years ago

This was hilarious. Monika got rid of the spider wig, dressed in “spider black” instead, but sang the whole song with ease and was note perfect. Despite the obvious intention to kill the song, her vocal was far too good to be ignored. She might have intended to commit a criminal action to “Criminal”, but it didn’t work! Her power is evidently too great even for her to hide from.
As for Jurijus, congratulations. 🙂

6 years ago

Palo Hart, Zivile Gedvilaite, Alen Chicco – they must be in the finale.

6 years ago
Reply to  Solo

I hope you’re joking.

6 years ago

Im enjoying this national selection more than Melodifestivalen this year

6 years ago

Alen Chicco was amazing

6 years ago
Reply to  Dom

best singer but not the best song

Polegend Godgarina
6 years ago

lmao poor monika marija, if she doesn’t win it’s only her fault

6 years ago

Jurijus got much more votes in this semi that “Light On” last week. With Monika Marija having two songs in the final, it’s very likely that he’ll win the televote.
Anyway, both “Light On” an “Run with the Lions” are very good songs (IMO) and will probably qualify (with a little bit of help from all the Lithuanian diaspora in semi 2…). Also Lithuania has a very well-produced show and it isn’t even too long this year. this might even be my favorite NF of 2019! Congrats LRT!

6 years ago

So both the jury and the televote voted for Monika even if she asked them not to do it. I’m happy for Jurijus, hope he manages to win the final somehow.

6 years ago

Glad the jury and the public did not listen to her decision. Im gonna vote for Criminal in the final, it would be such a shame not to send it to Isreal.

6 years ago
Reply to  Lithuaniandude

And because of the people like you none of Monika’s songs will win.

6 years ago

Watch the televote split between light on and criminal and Jurijus winning

6 years ago

I’m so sorry for Monika, but I guess she stands out so much, she’s going to win either way.

6 years ago

Her performance was so lazy and boring… I’m glad she qualified though

6 years ago

How does the combining of the scores work? ?

6 years ago
Reply to  R

Combine both scores, and sort them by order and then sign them with points of 0-12

6 years ago
Reply to  Brooklyn

thank you!

Polegend Godgarina
6 years ago
Reply to  R

if there’s a tie jury vote prevails (yikes)

6 years ago

At least they both went through!

6 years ago


6 years ago

Monika is really amazing and would be a great choice but I’m one of the few who would actually love to see Jurijus in Tel Aviv. I love the song and the simplicity of the performance (I know some people find it boring and I can understand why, but it just captivates me).

6 years ago
Reply to  JeyDelRey

Run With Lions is a really good song.
It sounds like a song that would be on a Coca Cola Commercial.

6 years ago

HAAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA, love that for Monika.

6 years ago

Monika tried so hard not to qualify with Criminal haha. I think she’s now officially doomed in the grand final – her votes are gonna get divided hard. I kinda like Jurijus, but his lazy performance just isn’t there… he just stands there. His song is more dynamic and charismatic than him. But could win.

Roelof Meesters
Roelof Meesters
6 years ago

I think she might withdraw Criminal now, but I really hope that she Will win the NF with Any of her two songs as they are basically Lithuania’s only choice.

6 years ago

She’ll get fined 3000€ for withdrawing.

Roelof Meesters
Roelof Meesters
6 years ago
Reply to  George

She has money to blow given that she bought a new dress for both her songs for every performance. But in all seriousness, I think LTV wo8uld understand her decision and not fine her, but you never know. I wonder what she would do if Criminal would get selected to go to Tel Aviv.

6 years ago

There is no way she wouldn’t be fined. Sasha Song was already fined with 2k for withdrawing this year, and that was before his heat. If someone pulled shit like that in the final, there’s no doubt there would be a fine, and it would likely be quite higher, too.
Also, there’s just no way realistically that Criminal is winning. It finished 2nd in its heat to Jurijus, and 3rd now to Jurijus and AKD, who didn’t even beat it in the heat. It’s struggling with televotes, and some of the jury has been open about preferring Light On.

Mr. Vanilla Bean
Mr. Vanilla Bean
6 years ago

They won’t let her forget that song.

6 years ago

Monika might not win now, with 2 songs in the running in the final.
Jurijus might actually sneak a win here xD

6 years ago
Reply to  DenizNL

I hope you are right. Jurijus would be a great entry and I could root for Lithuania since a very long time.

6 years ago

Well Monika, your plan didn’t quite work now, did it?

Loin dici
6 years ago

Well. Um. Monika.