Mia Dimsic Guilty Pleasure Croatia Eurovision 2022

The race to Turin is over in Croatia. Mia Dimšic has won Dora 2022 with her track “Guilty Pleasure” and will now represent Croatia at Eurovision.

Tonight’s show saw 14 acts perform, but only one act could come out on top. Mia Dimsic beat out a star-studded lineup featuring the likes of ToMa, Mia Negovetić and Bernarda, the latter two of which were on their third consecutive attempts to fly the flag for Croatia at Eurovision.

Croatia Eurovision 2022: Mia Dimsic — “Guilty Pleasure”


Performing 14th in the running order, Mia Dimsic was fresh in viewers heads. With her guitar and interpretive dance partner, she enchanted both the public and the jury to win a landslide victory with a 78-point margin over runner-up Marko Bosnjak. 

Dora 2022 results: Mia Dimsic wins

Jury Results

  1. Mia Dimšić “Guilty Pleasure” — 91 points
  2. Mia Negovetić “Forgive Me (Oprosti)” — 81 points
  3. Marko Bosnjak “Moli za nas” — 71 points
  4. Bernarda “Here For Love” — 64 points
  5. Elis Lovrić “No War” — 64 points
  6. Eric Vidović “I Found You” — 59 points
  7. ToMa “In The Darkness” — 43 points
  8. Tina Vukov “Hideout” — 33 points
  9. Zdenka Kovačiček “Stay On The Bright Side” — 31 points
  10. Tia “Voli me do neba” — 13 points
  11. Ella Orešković “If You Walk Away” — 11 points
  12. Jessa “My Next Mistake” — 8 points
  13. Roko Vušković “Malo Kasnije” — 8 points
  14. Mila Elogović “Ljubav” — 3 points

The jury points came from juries in regions across Croatia.

  • Rijeka gave 12 points to Bernarda — “Here For Love”
  • Pula gave 12 points to Eric Vidovic — “I Found You”
  • Osijek gave 12 points to Mia Dimšić — “Guilty Pleasure”
  • Cakovec i Varazdin gave 12 points to Mia Dimšić — “Guilty Pleasure”
  • Split gave 12 points to Marko Bosnjak — “Moli za nas”
  • Vukovar gave 12 points to Marko Bosnjak — “Moli za nas”
  • Sibenik i Knin gave 12 points to Mia Negovetić — “Forgive Me (Oprosti)”
  • Zadar gave 12 points to Mia Negovetić — “Forgive Me (Oprosti)”
  • Dubrovnik gave 12 points to Eric Vidović — “I Found You”
  • Zagreb gave 12 points to ToMa — “In The Darkness”

Televote Results

The televote results were announced in reverse order of the jury vote.

  1. Mia Dimšić “Guilty Pleasure” — 166 points
  2. Marko Bosnjak “Moli za nas” — 108 points
  3. Mia Negovetić “Forgive Me (Oprosti)” — 60 points
  4. Bernarda “Here For Love” — 47 points
  5. Eric Vidović “I Found You” — 43 points
  6. Elis Lovrić “No War” — 30 points
  7. ToMa “In The Darkness” — 25 points
  8. Tina Vukov “Hideout” — 23 points
  9. Zdenka Kovačiček “Stay On The Bright Side” — 20 points
  10. Ella Orešković “If You Walk Away” — 17 points
  11. Mila Elogović “Ljubav” — 12 points
  12. Tia “Voli me do neba” — 11 points
  13. Jessa “My Next Mistake” — 9 points
  14. Roko Vušković “Malo Kasnije” — 9 points

Combined Results

  1. Mia Dimšić “Guilty Pleasure” — 257 points
  2. Marko Bosnjak “Moli za nas” — 179 points
  3. Mia Negovetić “Forgive Me (Oprosti)” — 141 points
  4. Bernarda “Here For Love” — 111 points
  5. Eric Vidović “I Found You” — 102 points
  6. Elis Lovrić “No War” — 94 points
  7. ToMa “In The Darkness” — 68 points
  8. Tina Vukov “Hideout” — 56 points
  9. Zdenka Kovačiček “Stay On The Bright Side” — 51 points
  10. Ella Orešković “If You Walk Away” — 28 points
  11. Tia “Voli me do neba” — 24 points
  12. Jessa “My Next Mistake” — 17 points
  13. Roko Vušković “Malo Kasnije” — 17 points
  14. Mila Elogović “Ljubav” — 15 points

What do you think of Mia Dimsic? Will “Guilty Pleasures” qualify for the Eurovision 2022 final? Share your thoughts below.

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2 years ago

Um. wrong decision. Marko should’ve won. clearly the most impactful.

2 years ago
Reply to  Chelsea


2 years ago

Mia & the dancer are awesome, and the song is so relaxing an anti-stress, which is exactly what today’s world need! Good luck, Croatia! I can already see you among the top 10 entries in the finals, if not even in the top 5. <3

2 years ago

The most accurate description of Dora, the currently pointless and trashy competition, from a Croatian music critic:


2 years ago
Reply to  Marina

Are Croatians always this self-critical? Someone should tell these “critics” these shows aren’t done for them but for public? Dora was really good this year..

Ima li ista pozitivno reci?

2 years ago
Reply to  Denis

Koji slijepi optimizam! Radije glavom kroz zid nego objektivno sagledati cinjenice!

2 years ago
Reply to  Denis

Give me a break, please… If Dora was good to you, you really should be wondering about your musical taste. Croatian citizens are paying for this, and Croatian television is insulting the intelligence of the audience.

2 years ago
Reply to  Marina

Onda uzmi olovku u ruku napisi pjesmu i pokazi sta znas pa da vidimo to remek djelo iduce godine! Ovo sto radis i pokusavas je toliko bjedno da boli glava!

Last edited 2 years ago by Chupacabra
2 years ago
Reply to  Chupacabra

Ma što je bijdeno? Daj prvo prou?i što ta tvoja rije? zna?i. Ne podržavam ovakvu bezli?nu produkciju i pjesme. Pored toliko dobrih u Hrvatskoj… Ako ti to nije jasno, pro?itaj tekst s gore navedenog linka. A ako nije ni tada, žalim slu?aj!

2 years ago
Reply to  Marina

Relajese! Dora es una competicion buenisima y Mia Dimsic con su cancion es maravillosa. Mucha suerte! <3

2 years ago
Reply to  Marina

Ok why people have to sqirt toxic poison just because his favorite not won? Tell me this please? I dind´t vote for her but I never ever would hate someone just because I feel personally offended! Did you realy read this poor article from vecernji list? Did you understand what he say there? No, you didn´t! Like Marko´s song was terrible and he has the appearance of sterilizing medical instruments in the hospital? He says that Bernarda songs is for a club but have nothing to do at the Eurovision! And so on… He would like to abolish the national… Read more »

Last edited 2 years ago by Chupacabra
2 years ago
Reply to  Chupacabra

If you are quoting, then do not quote selectively! He said that having an internal selection would save money but in the end it is not an option because – as always in Croatia – corruption is involved. The point of his article is what he said about Måneskin referring to the “experts” from the HRT: “[…] ili kad su lani na Eurosongu pobijedili Måneskin koji bi kod nas propali.“ Who in fact would fail at us because such a quality “experts” like Štengl would never ever recognize. That, my dear fact-resistant Chupacabra, is the key point here. It is… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  Iv***

Da na naski jer je lakse… Maneskin nebi ni kod nas propao jer nisu hobby-musicari koji izbace jednom u godinu jednu pjesmu i to je to… album i ako izadje ceka se godinama a onda je to sve zastarjelo. Slabo kod nas netko gradi istinsku muzicku karijeru a za to nije HRT kriv. Onda svi se furaju na engleski a zaboravljaju da prvo trebas postati doma zvijezda da bi postao nesto u regionu i dalje. Mia N. da je dosla sa ovom pjesmom i otpjevala je na hrvatski bi pokosila Doru. Dimsicka i Elis su jedini sa natjecaja bili koji… Read more »

Last edited 2 years ago by Chupacabra
2 years ago
Reply to  Chupacabra

Izravno sama sebi ili sam sebi proturijecis, a neizravno potvrdjujes ono receno. Nije covjek u svom clanku govorio o glazbenim karijerama, vec o nacionalnom izboru. Ono sto je htio reci da Måneskin “strucnjaci” poput Štengla i kompanije uopce ne bi uvrstili na Doru! A za tu famoznu Miu N. je takodjer autor savrseno iznio cinjenice. Da, opet cinjenice! A to je da se o njoj samo cuje jedan dan u godini, odnosno od Dore do Dore. Izmedju dora “glazbenica”, “pjevcica” ili “glazbena karijera” Mie N. NE POSTOJE!!!!!

2 years ago
Reply to  Iv***

A zamisli kao jedni od 3 nationalnih zirija koji su njima dali 12 bodova je upravo bio taj od HRTa! Bila je 2019 Mantra pa ljudi za izvrsnu pjesmu nisu glasali nego su radije onog zlatnog krilatog poslali na erusong. Nationalni izbor, glazbene karijere i domaca muzicka scena su povezane jedna s drguom! Meni se cini da ti ne vidis siri kontekst svega toga. A ako cemo Mia N. i Marko B. oboje jos idu u skolu od njih ne ocekujem niti puno nego da zavrse prvo skolu pa onda da krenu s punom parom… ali reci mi sta je… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  Chupacabra

Kako bi svijet samo bio lijep da nema tih zlih cinjenica. Jako se dobro sjecam fenomenalog nizozemskog predizbora s osminama finala 2019.! Jest da je bilo daaaaavno, ali nacionalni predizbor koji je cak nadmasio Sanremo je recimo imala Austrija 2014.! Mozda vise nije relevantno jer vise ne sudjeluju, ali Turci su isto imali jako zapazenu “tursku Doru” 2003.!

2 years ago
Reply to  Iv***

Hoces reci da Turska ima isto tako bjednu muzicku scenu kao mi pa su ipak uspjeli da naprave dobar nacionalni predizbor? Ne odgovaras na pitanja a stavljas minuse! Navedi mi koji su to pjevaci koji bi se trebali pozvati na Doru pa da to na nesto bude izgledalo!

2 years ago
Reply to  Chupacabra

Hocu reci da ne argumentiras cinjenicama. Moj ironicni odgovor je bio na tvoju “cinjenicu”: “da nikakvi interni nekakvi odabiri jer do sada niti jedna takva pjesma nije pobjedila eurosong pa nebi ni nasa!”. A ovo su bila tri primjera internog odabira, a koji rezultat su te zemlje polucile na Eurosongu tih godina, to mozes googlati sam(a).

2 years ago
Reply to  Iv***

Izbjegavas onaj najbitniji odgovor! TKO? Ako ti je pre tesko reci 14 imena onda ajd po internom TKO?

2 years ago
Reply to  Chupacabra

Moj interni poziv bi isao recimo Nipplepeople. Ali da budemo iskreno, oni to nikad ne bi prihvatili!

2 years ago
Reply to  Iv***

Njih vec duze nema aktivno na sceni! Meni bi i stara Lollobrigida bila savrseni izbor ali trenutno mi nemamo velikih imena i tu sve staje. Mi nemamo ni 14 aktivnih imena da bi popunili jednu Doru a kamoli da bi ih bilo dovoljno da rotiramo pa da ih ne geldamo iz godinu u godinu. To je nasa realnost i takva nam je muzicka scena. Da nebi bilo ovih koji vidjamo zadnjih tri godinu poput Bernarde, Mie N ili ToMe spali bi na Brkljacu, Roka, Milu, Zdenku i to je to. A ono sto sam rekao prije.. nije dovoljno izbaciti jednu… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  Iv***

A što se raspravljaš s Chupacabrom. Vidiš da ne razumije gornji ?lanak i nije u stanju procesuirati informacije. Kao moj favorit nije pobijedio. Pazi samo zaklju?ka.Sigurno su mi ti generi?ki pjesmuljci bez aranžmana favoriti, kako da ne…

2 years ago
Reply to  Marina

Vrijedi pokusati. 🙂

2 years ago
Reply to  Marina

Ti ne razumijes o cemu ja pisem i sumnjam da si i procitala bilo sta od ovog … neka si ti pojela svu pamet svijeta i znas koju glazbu ja inace slusam vidovita Marina!

Last edited 2 years ago by Chupacabra
2 years ago
Reply to  Chupacabra

Dora je po pjesmama bila izvrsna…? Ne znam samo u kojem paralelnom univerzumu ovakav šund može biti izvrstan. Pjesme su toliko “upecatljive” da se ne mogu sjetiti skoro nijedne melodije… A tek ona uvijena atmosfera, nezanimljivi voditelji… Nikakav show program, šarm, humoristi?nost… ?ista nula. To je projekt javne televizije koja se velikim dijelom financira novcem pretplatnika. Kao takav, nebi trebao li?iti na ovakvu tešku sprdnju…

2 years ago
Reply to  Renata


2 years ago

The dancer’s crotch in a handstand split was the most memorable part of this performance.

2 years ago

Is in it funny? So we all know the songs from DORA 10 days before the show like in Ukraine where the show goes a hole month. Nobody says this song is a “plag” or Alisa visit the forbidden place of Krim. Then… the final is here… the winner are choose and… boom bang… “Houston we have a problem”! So you know what it looks to me? People or “fans” who have a problem that his favorite loose can´t eat this pill and than need to make a “big scandal” where no scandal exist! The only thing in wich the… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  Chupacabra

Tell you what! During the Yugoslav wars artists often went across the border to perform and sing. Even though they were the aggressors they still went. Why? Because of audience and the civilians who had nothing to do with the war. Were these artists treated as enemies of the state when they came back? No?

2 years ago
Reply to  Denis

Ok you realy think that for example Oliver Mandic a great yugoslavian singer. At the war in former yugsolavia he sings a lot for civilans but at the same time he take guns and an uniform and fight in the private death army of Arkan and makes some things in Vukovar I rather don´t wanna write here. So I ask you is a inocent person? No, he is not! But this have nothing to do whit Alisa and what I´m talking about in my post where I make a clear border between what is expectable and what not! The point… Read more »

2 years ago

Currently at my 2nd place. It’s a really interesting song. I cannot see the reason behind all this negativity. After all, it’s not like all the other countries have sent any masterpiece up until this point…

2 years ago

I loved that song when she first sang it. It is nice, cute, and doesn’t hurt anyone…

2 years ago

Overall, this is a nice progress compared to previous years, even if there is much progress to be made still. I am bummed that the locals are still seeing Dora as a joke and are cynical about it, but I notice and appreciate that the audiences from other countries generally like this selection. It’s not one of the best selections of the year, but this time, it’s far from being one of the worst either. Songs mostly span from middle-of-the-road to good, with a few good ones each having things to polish to pull a wow effect. For me, the… Read more »

Last edited 2 years ago by Colin
2 years ago
Reply to  Colin

Yes, the lyrics are very open to interpretation, as they can be seen as spiritual or metaphoric. The thing is that *some* songs from Croatia (not necessarily ESC ones, but in general) sometimes have that ”Dear Father vibe”, so I always need to make a further analysis. In this case, I do like the meaning, as it’s dramatic, impactful, and open to individual interpretation. I think that the ”last resort in a hopeless situation” is the best and most likely version.

Last edited 2 years ago by Colin
2 years ago
Reply to  Colin

I really appreciated Dora this year. Comparing to the previous editions, the level of the songs was much better this time, there wasn’t anything embarassing for example. But I understand your concerns, Eurovision can be harsh on more quiet things. I’m hoping Monika Liu and Mia Dimsic benefit from the contrast to the craziness surrounding them (just like Hooverphonic benefited from all the party song on their semi), because musically they totally deserve to be in the final (and Monika deserves to fight at least for the top 10, but that’s a different discussion). About Mia Negovetic’s staging, I felt… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  Sabrina

I think that the quiet entries can benefit if they hit the emotional or hypnotic note. I can definitely see Monika Liu doing it (my 5th so far, and my biggest grower). I hope Mia can too, but I think that the staging would have to highlight her intimate struggles, and not acrobatics. Yes, Mia’s staging felt ”inspirational”, while the song is quite heavy. Wrong choice. And I don’t reject Moli za nas as a song. I was only wary at the beginning, but Marko won me over. It’s a really lovely composition and performance. I had so many votes… Read more »

Last edited 2 years ago by Colin
2 years ago
Reply to  Colin

Exactly how I felt, this year there wasn’t a big gap of quality between the frontrunners and the rest. If the second to last was Roko and the third to last was Jessa, this is a good sign. Both could achieve getting to the middle of table in the previous years.

2 years ago
Reply to  Colin

I think this Dora was the strongest ever! Don’t see why Croatians are that critical of it everywhere! Like since m dear Bosnia isn’t competing Dora has worked very well..
I also had Mia N as favourite although I think the starting order did her no favours..
Mia D was my second favourite, so pleased she won. I don¨t necessarily see Marko’s song as religious at all, more metaphorical plea to keep a relationship going
All my three favourites made top 3 but in wrong order:)

2 years ago

I can’t get how Marko did not win with so a voice and performance. The winning song is just nice, cute and it would not remembered at all

2 years ago

Marko’s song is called ”Pray for us”, and the lyrics are: ”The beast is haunting me. You call it fear, I call it dream. I am in front of the gates, I struggle to catch a breath. Because once I get into everything that is others’ And an unknown voice starts drawing me in This hands, and no others, with show their teeth My only salvation. Pray for us, pray for us Here there’s only ice, and the heart wants an ember. Pray for us, pray for us Here there’s only sin, and the soul wants Heaven. Pay for us,… Read more »

Last edited 2 years ago by Colin
2 years ago

Very odd choice, so basic and unmemorable.

2 years ago

Sorry to jump on the bandwagon, but I agree that the dancer is distracting and totally unnecessary. I think the song and singer are pretty good, and do not need any support from an acrobatic dancer.

2 years ago

It’s amazing what an average and bland song Croatia sends compared to such melodic and striking songs that Croatia has…

2 years ago

Omg. So true

2 years ago

I like the lyrics, and the song is quite sweet. While I don’t love it, I do like it and it is very catchy. I am guessing the dancer represents the guilty pleasure she is fighting to keep away from? I am unsure if the dancer will be in Turin, but I hope he isn’t LOL

2 years ago

It’s hard for me to choose between this and malta for the most boring song until now.

2 years ago
Reply to  Stef

Malta’s song is the best so far. So we’ll written and composed. I’m obsessed

2 years ago

Nice( ish ) song, and that sums it up really.

Im so fab
Im so fab
2 years ago

That’s not a guilty pleasure. Because it doesn’t please me at all.

Last edited 2 years ago by Im so fab
2 years ago
Reply to  Im so fab

So true!!!! Bernarda was robbed. She was the best and her pitch was on point the whole performance. Wtf Croatia???

Mr X
Mr X
2 years ago
Reply to  Yush

Not Bernarda but the another Mia and Marko

2 years ago
Reply to  Yush

Out of all favorites, the only song I don’t like is Bernarda’s. It feels artificially ”tailor-made for Eurovision”… in 2010. It follows the ”Love Love Peace Peace” formula, but unironically. Plus, the chrous breakdowns feel out of place for me. But sure, if someone enjoys it, you are welcome to. I just hope that Bernarda returns with *the song* for her. I am sad for Mia N., because I feel like that’s exactly what she did, and the result was pretty much the same as previous times.

Last edited 2 years ago by Colin
2 years ago

Oh what a nice surprise from Croatia. It’s not an extraordinary song but… she looks great, sings great, the song is cute. Slow tempo songs can do well because they stand out from the louder “crowd”.

2 years ago

I’m loving this song. Straight on the playlist! Well done Croatia.
Fingers crossed she can work on her nerves and get the vocals more steady in time for the final.

2 years ago

I just remembered I ran out of sleeping pills…yawn!

2 years ago
Reply to  vetrina

You shouldn’t have a problem since your life is probably boring

2 years ago

It’s not bad and is actually very cute and pleasant. Too early to talk about qualifications but it’s a very nice song. I will agree with most people here though that the dancer is distracting and doesn’t quite fit to the performance.

2 years ago

Quite meh I’d say. NQ material. Next

2 years ago
Reply to  Isabella

What NQ is??

Michael Green
Michael Green
2 years ago
Reply to  Yush

Non Qualifyer

2 years ago

And just like that, this song sits comfortably at #1 for me from all the songs released so far..

Great job Mia and Croatia, what a beautiful song you have.. :))

Yeah yeah fire
Yeah yeah fire
2 years ago

I feel bad for Mia N., she seemed a bit overwhelmed and it reflected in her performance, I think she was aware of it hence why she cried after finishing her performance…But at least there was emotion and I think she would have been a better choice in the end.. and Bernarda as well…
Marko and Tina Vukov were great too.
And Mia D…. sweet song, it’s catchy and simple in a good way, but maybe a bit too simple….

2 years ago

GOOD GRACE HEAVEN, yes capslock because out of others selection I been down and sad especially for Aidan but it’s really good grace Croatia choose a well deserving entry and this also my favorite and this uplift my feeling. Good Luck Croatia!

2 years ago

I can’t even bring myself to comment on this. It is about as middle of the road and forgettable as you can get.

Purple Mask
Purple Mask
2 years ago
Reply to  Kosey

Ahh but you CAN bring yourself to comment on this, because you did! 😀
Having an opinion is fine, just be confident about it.
By the way, I don’t agree with you. It was a beautiful performance, with touching choreography for the most part. (Could have done without the headstand towards the beginning.)

Last edited 2 years ago by Purple Mask
2 years ago
Reply to  Purple Mask

It was a subtle comment. The point I was trying to make is that the song is so safe yet devoid of emotional connection for me that I am finding it really hard to write anything about it. I don’t find it irritating (I could write a thesis on Norway), I find that I have very little thought while the song is going on and very little interest in exploring further, hence why I am finding it hard to comment on.

Polegend Godgarina
2 years ago

she needs a complete restyling for esc as that black outfit doesn’t fit such a light-hearted song, but i think her simplicity will reward her with a good result 🙂

2 years ago

“Mia Dimsic beat out a star-studded lineup featuring the likes of ToMa, Mia Negoveti? and Bernarda.” – Well, actually Mia Dimsic is the only artist that is actually a star here. Mia Negovetic has a couple of her singles, but nothing huge. Toma and Bernarda are singers who have songs only on Dora, but this year’s winner Mia builds a serious career in Croatia with a lot of number one hits and four albums.

Yeah yeah fire
Yeah yeah fire
2 years ago
Reply to  Noah

She ain’t really a star either, most of her fans are children…

2 years ago
Reply to  Yeah yeah fire

At least she has some fans.

2 years ago
Reply to  Yeah yeah fire

Are you from Croatia or what? The point is that Mia Dimsic is a musician with strong fan base in Croatia. Children, teen girls or someone else. It doesn’t matter. She’s a musician all day and all night and not only from Dora to Dora.

2 years ago
Reply to  Noah

The competition needs to be about the song rather than how popular the artist is. Bernarda slayed. She killed the stage. I’ve never been that disappointed with a NF!!!!!!!

2 years ago

I am the only who feel a bit offended by the similarities of the song with the Willows of Taylor Swift? There are parts where you thing she just changed the lyrics and kept the melody….
Sorry guys, yeah she was the fan favorite but here we are speaking about a clear copy. Its unethical. You can be inspired (Take me to church/River) but not copy the melody. Why people are really disregarding this?

2 years ago
Reply to  Chris

Cause it’s not a copy any more than Ochman’s song is.

Last edited 2 years ago by 123
2 years ago
Reply to  Chris

I guess the rythym is kind of similar, but that’s about it for me honestly. And the lyrics are actually the best thing about the song for me.

For me the song which seemed the most copied (this year) is Estonia’s song compared to Lovers on the Sun from David Guetta (the whistle especially)

And don’t even get me started about the copycats from Cyprus in the last 10 years..

2 years ago
Reply to  Chris

People who think this is a copy of willow have only a surface knowledge of music. Please sit down.

2 years ago

The song reminds me a bit of P!nk’s “Cover Me In Sunshine”

2 years ago

Sweet little song and lovely singer, this is among my top songs for now. Just lose that dancer please he is a real distraction. Congrats Croatia!

Last edited 2 years ago by Nitzan
2 years ago
Reply to  Nitzan

Absolutely! Lose the dancer, he looks good and he’s an excellent dancer, but he is a huge distraction. She needs to tell the story of her excellent lyrics!

2 years ago

I like the song, but the dancer is distracting.

2 years ago

Croatia won’t qualify this year!!!! Congratulations. You could choose Bernarda but you didn’t…. So you know….

2 years ago
Reply to  Yush

lol why? Is Bernarda calling god to intervene and punish Mia for being a million times better?

2 years ago
Reply to  Yush

Oh shut up pls. Your favourite didnt win, boohoo. Mia won overwhelmingly and we stand behind what we chose.

2 years ago

My second favourite won so I am pleased! A really good song, far from being a guilty pleasure! Knowing Croatia’s history I feel it might struggle but It is a good choice. Good luck!

2 years ago

First time listening was not that special.. but tonight’s execution was great.. congrats!

2 years ago

so many years of waiting to participate and finally she managed to win, with a beautiful piece, but the key is to fix the choreography and in Turin it will be fine

2 years ago

Eh, i don’t know.

2 years ago

Sweet choice, Croatia! Well done! <3

Hu Hu Hu hurricane
Hu Hu Hu hurricane
2 years ago

I wanted to hear oprosti in eurovision. the dress made her look like a nevena 2.0 and singing in english didn’t help at all. I still have hope in Sara…right now I feel so sad for not liking any entry in this season at all.
I mean I like ireland but not in the way I liked loco loco or sugar or last dance

Last edited 2 years ago by Hu Hu Hu hurricane
2 years ago

Very cute, just i wouldn’t keep dancer

Eurovision fan
Eurovision fan
2 years ago

I think she will not qualify in such a wild semi-final, but I’m glad that Croatia does not play safe and always sends X-Factor young guys which I initially thought they stick to.

Roelof M
Roelof M
2 years ago

If it’s just her on stage making strong contact with the camera this could be magical. There could be a dancer but he needs to be way less over the top, he was doing full handstands which was quite unnecessary. Still, nice choice from Croatia!

2 years ago

I think it’s a very good choice!
Cute song, beautiful voice, simple but effective!
I think Croatia can go to the big final with this song and artist !

Last edited 2 years ago by Roro31
2 years ago

My vote would go to Marko, but I’m pleased with Mia Dimsic getting the ticket to Turin. It’s a good song, one that I could definitely see myself listening to outside of the Eurovision context. Plus she has a goooorgeous voice.

I would just reconsider the staging. The dancer is visibly talented, but his presence was a distractive. If they’re invested on keep him around, maybe he could be more in the background, without stealing Mia’s spotlight before they have their encounter on the stage.

2 years ago

Great choice!

2 years ago

Aww thank you Croatia! I don’t have time to watch any of tonight’s shows but with this choice, Croatia nailed it for me. My new number 1 !!! It’s a charming song that makes you smile and think. Love it so much. Croatia better get the top 10 they deserve! At least!

2 years ago

I’m very pleased. I really like her.
Song is unprentencious and pleasant so I love it.
It was either her or Marko and Croatia clearly saw it. I really hope they will be back to the final

2 years ago

great song, please get rid of the dancer , it spoils the song.

2 years ago

This is such a sweet song and semi final 1 is looking rather weak, this has a very good chance to qualify imo.