Deban: Eva Boto listened to the Wiwi Jury. She ditched the hats! Unfortunately, she went too far by stitching the bouquet of flowers to her flowing white robe. Her gown looks so heavy, there are times I wonder if she’s shackled to the ground. Her backing bridesmaids also performed on stage in long white dresses, attempting to stage the romantic atmosphere of the ballad “Verjamem.” Please take note, I said ‘attempt’.

The backdrop serves as a background. No enhancements to the story whatsoever. “Verjamen” is a story of undying love. Sounds ridiculous hearing it belted by our youngest contestant this year. No doubt Eva can sing. She gave an impromptu a cappella rendition when I interviewed her last month. I like her. I like the song. I am certain that if Eva was given creative control of this performance, she’d come up with a much better staging. I have been in her company. She’s full of life, youthful elegance, grace and capabilities. Sadly, this staging is haunting, and not in a good way. It feels sad and reads as mournful.


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