The Eurovision rumour mill is churning, and word has it that Hari Mata Hari may return to Eurovision in 2014.

Apparently, Hari was the state broadcaster’s first choice in 2013 but then both Bosnia and Herzegovina realised they have no money and decided to withdraw.

However, if we believe the rumours circulating in the Balkan region, B&H are back in the game and one of their potentional representatives is – guess who – Hari Mata Hari. It looks like we’ve found someone with as much enthusiasm as Valentina Monetta…

Bosnia and Herzegovina still trust him, but his wife may not. Six month ago his wife reportedly caught him with another woman. But we aren’t ones to gossip so we will not comment on “news” that has not been confirmed.

Anyway, I’ve had my ear to the ground and apparently Regina wasn’t BHT’s first choice in 2009. Instead it was a duo made up of Hari and our Croatian sweetheart Nina Badric! They were going to throw down a duet called ‘Ne mogu ti reci sto je tuga (I can’t tell you what the sorrow is). The song itself was a great succes even without Eurovision and it even won the Croatian Radio Festival in 2009.

The song is emotional and both vocals are acceptable. Y’all, Nina looks stunning in this white summer dress, as always!

So will we be seeing Hari at ESC 2014? We’ll see in the following weeks. As for now, let’s relive Hari singing about Lejla in 2006. The song ended up in a respectable 3rd place.

Mario Saucedo contributed this report from Croatia. Follow the team from on Twitter @wiwibloggs. And while you’re at it, like our Facebook page to stay up-to-date with the latest Eurovision news and gossip.

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11 years ago

I only have one question: can Bosnia really afford to participate in 2014? Because before making any choices or even speculating on any kind of rumor, it would be wise to know for sure what is the finantial situation for the country’s national broadcaster to make sure they are in a safe place to afford this sort of things. It’s very easy to want all this and all that, but we forget so easily how expensive it is to participate in Eurovision. Many european countries are still trying hard to get out of their own hardships and I wouldn’t be… Read more »

11 years ago

Yes! Please please please send Hari for 2014! Lejla is still one of my all time ESC favourites and I would love to hear something similar again 🙂

11 years ago

I’d actually love to see Dino Merlin again, his song in 2011 was in my top 3 for the year and my favourite song from Bosnia

11 years ago
11 years ago

I actually didn’t like ‘Lejla’ too much…so I’m hoping they don’t follow through with this…

11 years ago

oh ok thanks 😛

Mario Saucedo
Mario Saucedo
11 years ago

Hari Mata Hari IS the name of his band but here,in Croatia,he’s often called like that instead of his real name,which is Hari Varesanovic.

11 years ago

wait hari mata hari is his name? i thought it’s the name of a band or something. anyway that’s a good news! i love lejla, whatever b&h sends always sounds great to me.