Conchita Wurst, the Queen of Tolerance and Eurovision 2014, is a real trendsetter. That might explain why, following her victory at ESC, fans have started Photoshopping beards onto celebrities including Kim Kardashian, Cheryl Cole, Queen Elizabeth, One Direction and Nigella Lawson (above). Whose beard looks the best? And whose looks the wurst?

Queen Elizabeth Wurst

The Queen of UK with Conchita Beard

Victoria Beckham Wurst

Victoria Beckham with Conchita Beard

One Direction Wurst

One Direction with Conchita Beards

Kim Kardashian Wurst

Kim Kardashian with Conchita Beard

Cheryl Cole Wurst

Cheryl Cole with Conchita Beard

Catherine Middleton, the Duchess of Wurst

Kate Middleton (The Duchess Of Cambridge) with Conchita Beard

Prime Minister David Cameron Wurst

David Cameron with Conchita Beard

William Cahill is an Irish correspondent. Follow him on twitter @williamcahill16. Follow the team from on Twitter @wiwibloggs and keep up with the latest Eurovision news by liking our Facebook page.

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10 years ago

kim and conchita are twins.
they stand for freedom of pornography.

Deven O'Kearney
Deven O'Kearney
10 years ago

Hi Dowager97

You’ll be grand. Don’t worry about it. 😀

10 years ago

@Deven, glad to hear it. It’s Maths paper 2 & CSPE on Monday, right? Hope the rest of them go well for you anyway. I myself have my Grade 8 piano exam in just over an hour and I’m shitting it!

Deven O'Kearney
Deven O'Kearney
10 years ago

How are you Dowager97.

How’s things. I can’t use any of Amadine Borgeouis’ phrases because I don’t do French. I do German and in 2011 there was a section on Lena’s Eurovision win for Germany in 2010. Anyway, my Maths exam paper 1 went EXTREMELY well for me. I hope to get all honours in my JC. I am doing higher level in ALL of my classes.

10 years ago

kim looks exactly like conchita! except she has 2 pairs of melons while conchita has none.

10 years ago

@ Deven & Easpag, I’m lovin’ the bromance blossoming here. I remember J.C. only too well. As a matter of fact I used a few phrases from Amandine’s L’enfer et Moi for my French letter! I somehow doubt you’d get the same inspiration from Moustache however.
Anyway, good luck!

Deven O'Kearney
Deven O'Kearney
10 years ago


Thanks man. I never knew you did your JC last year. 😀 😀

10 years ago

@Deven if you see this good luck. Just look for the theorem straight away. We didn’t get one last year. And geography is simple. Good luck 🙂

Deven O'Kearney
Deven O'Kearney
10 years ago

Hi Easpag.

How’s things? My exams went really good today. I had my Irish exam papers 1 and 2. I am really happy with how things are going with the JC so far. Tomorrow I have Maths paper 1 and Geography.

Wish me luck 😛 (I doubt I will need it though.)

10 years ago

It’s terrible. It’s clearly a basic template, some of the beards are horribly mis-aligned. But Kate’s one doesn’t look awful.

10 years ago

“Best photoshopped”? Hardly 😛 some of these are amazingly wrong done. But from these I must say Cheryl Cole and Kim K still look kinda sexy.