Plans for Junior Eurovision 2015 are well under way in Sofia, Bulgaria. The date, venue and branding are all sorted. But we’re still in the dark regarding who will host the musical extravaganza next November. However, that mightn’t be the case for much longer. The latest rumour is that Hollywood actress Nina Dobrev will do the honours.
Eight Facts About Nina Dobrev
Dobrev will be a familiar name to many of you. She is one of the most in-demand actresses in America at the moment, having starred in the hit tv drama The Vampire Diaries for six series. But did you know that the Canadian raised star, who first rose to fame alongside the rapper Drake on Degrassi: The Next Generation, was actually born in Bulgaria? The Dobrevs emigrated to Canada when she was just two. Ties to her homeland remained strong, and she speaks fluent Bulgarian.
The Vampire Diaries Trailer
According to Nina is a “likely choice” to host. However, we’ll have to wait a little while more before we know for certain. BNT will officially reveal the host at the end of the summer. Would Nina be a good choice? She’d certainly bring some glamour and a lot of media attention to the event. She’s also a good sport, just look at her do the splits in the clip below. We certainly wouldn’t have to worry about her giving a wooden performance like past hosts (sorry Moira).What do y’all think?
Nina Dobrev Does The Splits
Why we love Nina Dobrev
Photo: Nina Dobrev Facebook
@jr esc nl, I know it, but I wouldn’t like if some american stars would start making a career in Europe in this way. It’s what happened this year, Australia participated once and immediately China sent a crew to check out the situation…
This is about Nina Dobrev and Junior Eurovision, not about GreAtY Mario, all right? And just stop calling it Vision, it makes Eurovision sound like it is a Gay Paradise -.-‘
@Jericho – when did Australia HOST Eurovision? And the joke won’t be on me, cause I am actually close to those who are organising the event in Sofia and the quoted newspaper PRESA is known for having an editorial team of TWO PEOPLE, no real journalists working there and some of their “news” read “Slavi has an artificial nostril” and “Slavi is almost completely blind”. This is one of the newspapers that Slavi is suing all the time!
Wiwibloggs really is just known for Mario now. It is the only thing I hear about on forums etc. He is a GreAtlY famous member here. Mariobloggs!
Mario = editor Wiwibloggs = Mariobloggs
Strange Wiwibloggs all articles beensidelined and overshadowed by comments from and about Mario
@Roelof Meesters- Correct Sofi Marinova .. 🙂
Her+ Kristiana Krasteva+ Sofi Marino+ Dat team. 🙂
@ Oh guys thank you 4 appreciating my comments 🙂 You make me feel nice 🙂 But ok…Im not that goodas u think so about me.. Its just that i put an effort on my comments.. How many of them are nice & cool indeed 🙂 But many others are not really & lack.. Its just that when im bad im BAD…And i don’t like that.. & when im good im not that bad… 😛 Which is OK.. 🙂 If this lame situation with the ugly replies didn’t exist it would be much better.. 🙂 And NO you better don’t… Read more »
Mariobloggs. Hahaha wth
I love Mario too!! I want him to write articles for wiwibloggs, he is so funny. <3
Definitely! He really brings a bit of light hearted comic relief to Wiwibloggs now that Eurovision is done with for a few months..People should give the guy a break
@Darren: Mario is a real man’s man…
Completely agree! The dude is such a hero. Got lots of love for him, dont know why he keeps getting attacked on here, you must live a very depressing life if a guy like Mario pisses you off so easily! <3 He's one of a kind! #LoveForMario 😀
The title says it all, right?
*Wanted to repost this on newest article as he is a real GreAtY member*
She is Bulgarian and i love her so much in vampire diaries and she is amazing so yess
I honestly am so dissapointed by the ones who say it should remain EURO centric like really? Nina Dobrev was born in Bulgaria, ((as were a ton of pleanty “American” stars)) also you guys have had an American host th contest in Greece. Please grow up.
@LeBron I suspect the joke will be on you. Just remember those who said Wiwibloggs was crazy when it said Australia would host Eurovision before it was confirmed.
Mirkojoshua, but she does speak good english and is from bulgarian ethnicity
That will be incredibly amazing show. I wish Nina and Ian toge
That would be great! 🙂
Ok, Nina is bulgarian and stuff, but I have to disagree. It’s Junior EUROvision, I wouldn’t like it if it was americanised… Let’s keep anything american out of our Europe… please.
Oh….Yeah…I forgot that i can’t write on any other language except latin english….So here it is amigo..
@ Anyway…Ok…Here it is..
?????? ??????
copy & paste that and you will find me on fb..
there my cover picture is an all red heart saying : LOVE WON..
send me a friend request…im adding many fans of eurovision all the time anyway.. 🙂
@ glam Otna 🙂
if u want you can send me friend’s request as well…I really like you & you are my favorite member of wiwibloggs 🙂
mario tell me your name i am not a hater i am a fan i want talk more to you read me I LOVE MARIO
@ Well….Better write yours amigo if you want and im gonna add you myself..
I just do not know you & im just careful..
You say that but who knows…Maybe you are a hater of me and plan to play me..:P
Ok im not really serious on that but im bit cautious only…With no offense..
Would be glam!
mario what your full name please let me add you on fb
I watched the video about the 8 facts about Nina [Nikolina] 🙂 Oh she was beaten by a monkey! And her hand was injured for good…Damn…That must sucked 4 her.. She has the same name with the amazon Nina of Georgia <3 {that her song *Warrior* was my #1 most favorite i Vienna's Vision as we know.. <3 } Nina Sublatti really looked like a beautiful vampire princess <3 Nina Dobrev is very pretty…Gorgeous looking girl <3 I approve of her getting chosen as hostess presenter of the upcoming Junior Vision of Bulgaria this year <3 🙂 If she gets… Read more »
That tv show *Vampires Diaries* that this actress stars in is very popular…
And it has hot babes actors playing the vambires <3 😉
It is like *Twilight* movies but 4 the teleVision..
Its like *True Blood* that is the other alternative tv show about vambires.. 🙂
In the Vision of 2007 BULGARIA was my #1 most favorite to win with the amazing *Voda/Water* <3
On that Vision the song *VAMPIRES Are Alive* was hot favorite to win <3
@ Even if my nicknamed quote might wasn’t the best or that good its just OK for me…At least my self i like it & think that its cool quote <3
I didn't write this just to please others of course but only just to express me & my current state of mind..
Just don't do a fuzz about this too..!
Like geez..
How many users here are really getting on my nerves that they post these comments refering to me with this offensive tone attitude..
@ Well i try at least…”Thank” you 4 being fan of my quotes though..
It doesn’t matter really…
Im not gonna think like too much time…So it is what it is..
Well if you didn’t have anything else to write here then you should just better avoid posting that about me..
Im not really offended..
It’s a nice thought and she sounds like she’d be a fun host, but lets be real, and not to put down JESC but I feel like she’s way too…”famous” to be a host of JESC. It’ll involve a lot of commitment and I’m sure she’ll be really busy with her schedule and movie shoots and what not lol. Though if she did host that’d be amazing! Imagine the press attention and all the news fans for JESC and ESC 🙂
I expect a beautiful Junior Vision this year from Bulgarians <3
I have a GreAtY feeling <3
You are really pathetic with this. Quoting an edition that is known for the most idiotic of headlines is a new low for you!
Well why not…
She is very pretty…I do not really know her but i ‘ve heard of her…Its not the first time that im hearing about her 4 the record..
If she is celebrity in Hollywood then of course..
Like we do the same with Maria Menounos in the Vision of 2006.. 🙂