When we hear the name Zeljko Joksimovic, we automatically think of the Balkan ballad. And rightfully so: He’s the composer behind ethnic Eurovision hits including “Lane Moje”, “Leila”, “Oro”, “Nije Ljubav Stvar” and, most recently, Knez’s goodbye anthem, “Adio”. Tragic poetry, strong composition, just the right amount of Balkansound — the man knows his art.
But Zejlko also knows how to turn it up a notch, as we see in his latest single “Ranjena Zver”, which translates as “Wounded Beast”. He makes pop flirt with funk, adding disco to his glittering resumé. He unveiled the song on the popular talentshow X Factor Adria, where he’s one of the judges. It shows that he is more than capable of pumping it up, and leaving the violins and flutes behind. And don’t worry: This beast still has his passion in tact: “My jungle is this city, here I feed my hunger with you and now I can’t find you anywhere.”
What do y’all think about Zeljko’s latest move? Let us know in the comments section below.
Wounded beast lyrics — Zeljko Joksimovic
Where to tie down this beast
that wakes inside of me
every night when it’s
five to twelve
My jungle is this city
there I feed my hunger with you
and now I can’t find you anywhere
And while I’m searching for you by your scent
everyone smells like you here
and it’s driving me crazy
Don’t hold it against this beast
cause every (girl) is right for me
my hearing is fooling me,
at least my sight but not my smell
who can hold it against me
So don’t hold it against me
when heart races
and don’t let that beast alone
cause it can change his direction
(Don’t hold it against this beast,
don’t hold it against me)
Where to tie down this beast
that wakes inside of me
every night when it’s
five to twelve
My jungle is this city
there I feed my hunger with you
and now I can’t find you anywhere
And while I’m searching for you by your scent
everyone smells like you here
and it’s driving me crazy
Don’t hold it against this beast
cause every (girl) is right for me
my hearing is fooling me,
at least my sight but not my smell
who can hold it against me
So don’t hold it against me
when heart races
and don’t let that beast alone
cause it can change his direction
Cheesier than a bowl of queso. I love it!
Kim Kardashian and Zeljko have one thing in common ……. Check the eyebrows (photo above) 🙂
🙂 Haven’t heard a good Balkan song in a bit. Thank you for thins funky soul food we’re about to recieve!
The performance is a little cheep but still good. Especially with the funky piano solo. lol But Zeljko is good with lyrics and he delivered that. 3.5/5 Beasts