Keep your head up, keep your heart strong. That’s the message of Leonor Andrade’s latest single, “Strong For Too Long”. A fitting sentiment given the Portuguese Eurovision 2015 star’s journey so far.
Despite her best efforts, a place in the final was not to be. However, the result in Vienna hasn’t stopped her chasing her dreams. She kicked things off nicely with “Já Conheci”, a mesmerizing track full of darkness and heartbreak. And things are only getting better.
“Strong For Too Long” sees Leonor abandon the language of Pessôa to tell the world (again) that no wound from the past will break her. She’s a tough warrior, y’all! Nevertheless, she still struggles with inner voices, battling her insecurities. It’s a passionate affair, with a mixture of soul and torment that even Adele and Sia would be proud of. On occasion, the instrumental gets too much and overwhelms the vocals (especially when the chorus kicks in), but that’s not the “Há um mar que nos separa” singer’s fault.
Overall it’s a big thumbs up from us. But, maybe next time the producers might let her shine a little brighter, please!
What do y’all think? Is this Leonor’s best single yet? Let us know in the comments!
Leonor Andrade “Strong For Too Long”
“Strong For Too Long” is available now on iTunes, Apple Music, Google Play, Deezer and MEO. Or, if you live in Portugal and like watching TVI’s soap “Santa Bárbara”, you might have already heard it!
Watch our video review of Leonor’s previous single “Já conheci” at 1:50 in the clip below.
@Paul D The biggest issue, I think, is that Portugal selects with Festival da Cancao so she probably already had Ha um mar que nos separa written at the time for entry to FdC’15.
But yeah, I’m so glad to see her releasing more music and showing her talent! She’s an amazing artist and I can’t wait for her to finish her album!
it’s a great song, but i feel like her vocals need to be louder
She is great! Strong for too long > Heroes
I dont know if is of your interest but Filipa Azevedo (eurovision 2010) was amazing at the voice of portugal: (u can delete my comment, im just warning you about it 🙂 )
She is amazing.
I absolutely ADORE this.
@Padraig Muldoon yes it works , thanks! 🙂
Why didn’t they send this song to eurovision… it’s beyond me!
@jr esc nl I’ve just embedded the Spotify version, hopefully that will work for you. 😉
the video isn’t available…