Sanremo is turning multi-coloured! Yesterday afternoon, on Twitter, the Italian director, videomaker and photographer Luca Finotti created the initiative #SanremoArcobaleno (Sanremo Rainbow) calling on the big names participating in the Italian music festival to wear the rainbow flag in support of LGBT rights.

In just a few hours many prominent Italian gay figures and national websites got behind the campaign. And five singers answered the #SanremoArcobaleno call: Arisa, Noemi, Enrico Ruggeri, Bluvertigo and Irene Fornaciari. They all performed with rainbow ribbons on either their microphone stand, hands or jackets. During the evening the hashtag trended on Italian Twitter and today all the newspapers are talking about the success of this colourful project.


LGBT rights in Italy

You may be asking where this idea came from and why now. Let us explain. The Italian Senate is currently discussing the “law Cirinnà” which would allow civil partnerships and stepchild adoption for LGBT people, a revolutionary step for the only western European country that does not provide rights or legal protections for same-sex couples. Since Sanremo attracts the whole of Italy’s attention for one week, the topic is holding court in every artist’s press conference and even the stage has become the protagonist of the debate… silently.

Sanremo continues tonight.


More artists donned the rainbow ribbons during the second Sanremese live show — Dolcenera, Patty Pravo, Valerio Scanu, Francesca Michielin, Annalisa and the special guest Eros Ramazzotti.

Sanremo 2016: Our favourites

What do y’all think of the initiative? Do you support the campaign? Let us know below.

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8 years ago

We believe, we believe ,in a dream.

8 years ago

Russia aprende de lo que es la libertad y diversidad sexual, nostros seguro no arderemos en el infierno, pues este no existe, solo existe en vuestro pais y lo habeis creados para el colectivo LGTB, Nosotros no somos unos apestados y sabemos convivir con la sociedad que se tiene por normal o consevadora y ,que yo sepa y vea no condicionamos a nadie para que sea de una manera de ser…Evolución se llama.

8 years ago

Three out of those five were in the bottom four.

Aron F.
Aron F.
8 years ago

because blahblahblahblah nature blahblah god blah protectthechildren blah blah blah… At least here in Hungary.

Pastora Soler haha!
Pastora Soler haha!
8 years ago

When i read about LGTB rights in another countries I’m just so proud of living in Spain.

I don’t understand where is the problem if two guys (boy and boy // girl and girl) decide to start a life together…

Are you going to sleep with them??? mmmm NOPE.


Why is not RESPECTED their relationship in every country?? We are in 2016!!!!!!!!!!

8 years ago

I saw the ribbons last night and I thought they might be about LGBT rights and the civil unions bill debated at the moment in the italian parliament. Great initiative. It is a pity that some of the acts did not participate.

8 years ago
