The BBC have kept us waiting for over a month for the identity of the six acts taking part in Eurovision: You Decide. Today, on Ken Bruce’s BBC Radio 2 show, the identity of all six acts were finally revealed. Below you can hear their songs, read about their background and listen to our first reactions.

Eurovision: You Decide Finalists

Joe and Jake – “You’re Not Alone”

Joe and Jake are former The Voice UK contestants from 2015. Joe was part of (former UK national final near-hopeful) Rita Ora’s team, performing “Lights” as his audition song. Jake, meanwhile, was mentored by, performing Ed Sheeran’s “Thinking Out Loud” in the blind auditions. Joe made the second week of live shows, whilst Jake was eliminated in the knockout stage. The two have now joined together to make an attempt at Eurovision.

Bianca – “Shine a Little Light”

Bianca was part of the short-lived British girlband, Parade. Their biggest hit was in 2011, when their song “Louder” went to number 10 in the UK charts. The band split when Bianca left the group and she has been working solo since then. “Shine a Little Light” (put your claws away, Katrina…) was written by, amongst others, Leona Lewis.

Dulcima – “When You Go”

Dulcima are a two-part folk band, named after one of the singers, Dulcima Showan. The song, “When You Go”, was penned by the other half of the band, Tom Twyman. Dulcima is both a seamstress, as well as being part of the band CoCo and the Butterfields. As part of that band, she has supported the likes of Mumford and Sons.

Matthew James – “A Better Man”

Matthew James was the former lead singer of 90s boyband, Bad Boys Inc. He was rumoured to be participating, when he seemingly got in trouble for counting down to the reveal on his Twitter account. This song was co-written by, amongst others, the Swedish songwriter Peter Kvint.

Darline – “Until Tomorrow”

Darline is made up of Abby Inez and Cára Beard. The two are both singer-songwriters, with the band recently forming and touring with The Shires late in 2015. The girls also did a one-off video blog on their own YouTube channel. How multimedia!

Karl William Lund – “Miracle”

Karl William Lund is also a singer-songwriter, who penned his track “Miracle” himself. Originally from Liverpool, he now lives in London and is also a hair model in his spare time. Karl has said that “it is time the UK got serious once again about Eurovision” and is hoping that Miracle will be the song that helps that happen.

Eurovision: You Decide will be aired live from the Kentish Town Forum this Friday, February 26th from 20.30 CET. The show will be aired on BBC 4 in the UK and streamed live on Joining the six acts on stage will be the UK’s 1997 winner, Katrina Leskanich, as well as 2015 winner Måns Zelmerlöw.

Are you happy with the UK’s finalists? Let us know in the comments section below and on our Twitter page. Make sure to keep your eyes on the website over the next days for our UK Wiwi Jury reviews. You can already vote in our UK Eurovision 2016 fan poll.

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9 years ago

I don’t care for all the moaning and negativity people are creating on here at the moment about the UKs chances at this years contest. I am absolutely thrilled with the six acts that have been selected to fight it out for a chance to represent the UK in Sweden. This think this line up shows that the guys in charge at the BBC are trying their best and I believe it is a massive step up from the novelty and joke acts that appeared on the ‘A song for Europe’ and ‘Making your mind up’ selection shows. The fact… Read more »

9 years ago

I don’t care for all the moaning and negativity people are creating on here at the moment about the UKs chances at this years contest. I am absolutely thrilled with the six acts that have been selected to fight it out for a chance to represent the UK in Sweden. I think this line up shows that the guys in charge at the BBC are trying their best and I believe it is a massive step up from the novelty and joke acts that appeared on the ‘A song for Europe’ and ‘Making your mind up’ selection shows. The fact… Read more »

9 years ago

Anyone who’s disappointed in this lineup clearly doesn’t understand the gravity of UK’s situation.

There are no winners here, to be sure, but no out-and-out losers either. I’m pleasantly surprised they were able to scare up six songs this good. There are FAR worse things that have already been confirmed for Stockholm.

Now if the BBC will just follow through with their momentum next year, and not just suddenly out of the blue select a polka band because Guy likes the proposed set …

9 years ago

i’m sorry but they’re all really dull
like duller than nicky byrne’s song
if i was british i would consider myself to be in a very dire situation

Leo M
Leo M
9 years ago

Whatever UK chooses, they will do well not to finish last. Not a great line-up but for me, Miracle is the best from a bad lot

9 years ago

DR, I basically agree with you. Whatever song wins, it will struggle to get support from the BBC outside of Radio 2. The big picture needs to change, but instead the old picture has been given little dusting. And will people stop calling for Adele ? I like some of her songs, but she’s often not note perfect and that wouldn’t be good enough for a top 10.

9 years ago

The choices are perhaps safe, but that’s not necessary a bad choice in ESC. Many of the winners have been safe choices(2013 latest proof), and top 10 is filled with safe choices. Might not reach top 10 but will do loads better than last year for sure.
Good luck!

9 years ago

@E.R.E. Jones, DR: Last year, soon after the U.K. selected Electro Velvet, with prospects of an epic fail very high, someone started a petition asking the U.K. to go the Melodifestivalen route: And in the comments that were left in the petition… Even the Swedes were rooting for this to happen; so much, that one of them mentioned the cities in which the rounds and second-chance round could be held, before finishing up in London. Someone else compared this to football, where Freeman would have been relegated or sent packing, especially after last year’s farce… …And funny… Read more »

9 years ago

I actually LOVE Darline’s song! But this is completely disappointing. BBC, still gotta try harder!

9 years ago

E. R. E. Jones

I’m with you all the way.

E. R. E. Jones
9 years ago

Next year, the BBC loses its right to broadcast The Voice UK. That’s primetime Saturday night viewing. I suggest the BBC goes all out Melodifestivalen. It doesn’t need an arena, but it needs to be high profile and it needs to follow the tried and tested format of Sweden or Denmark- a format we know works. Unless we get lucky with an entry selected internally (like Azerbaijan’s in 2011) or from this Eurosong-lite idea on the digital backwaters of BBC Four, we may as well not bother. I really, really want the UK to host Eurovision. We lead the world… Read more »

9 years ago

I couldn’t give a proverbial for our national selection. I don’t care who we send, I’m not flying the union jack. Why should I support my country when the BBC feels like it has no passion for the contest. Get rid of Guy Freeman. Get someone in under thirty, whose never been involved with Eurovision during the nineties and get them to bring some energy to the proceedings. It’s like we’ve gone backwards to the old national selections. Songs first on Radio 2, check, National Selection in the grave yard slot, check. Middle of the road music that is way… Read more »

Calum Macleod
Calum Macleod
9 years ago

I personally would LOVE to see Darline win! Their song is so good and could definitely have a chance at making an impact in Stockholm. And if not them, Bianca.

My top 6:
1. Until Tomorrow
2. Shine a Little Light
3. You’re Not Alone
4. Miracle
5. A Better Man
6. When You Go

9 years ago

Yep, we’re on the right side of the leader board again. I guess we won’t come 24th though. Small steps people!

Pastora Soler haha!
Pastora Soler haha!
9 years ago

The country of the beatles…

This is all you have to offer?? Come on, one day you will take the contest seriously and u will win.

Not with electroshits and random artists & songs.

9 years ago

Nice selection, but nothing more than that. There’s not a single song that could win esc and i guess thats not what they’re aiming for, just a nice result in May and thats what they will get by sending Bianca of Joe & Jake imo 😉

jr esc nl
jr esc nl
9 years ago

darlene has such a cute little song, i like that! i think it can do well since it’s different catchy and a bit country something we don’t have yet this year.

9 years ago

Darline – Until Tomorrow: This is quite a nice song with nice vocals, I haven’t been able to get further than a minute in so far though but I like what I’ve heard. 6/10+

I’ve only been able to get up to 30 seconds through ‘Miracle’ so don’t think I can really rate it properly.

9 years ago

I really like Dulcima – but clearly I’m in the minority here. It feels very cute and I think they could have some great chemistry on stage together. Like a more upbeat Common Linnets, a fun duet without becoming overly sugary like Vaidas and Monika last year. They look like fun. And the fact that her musical influences are Cyndi Lauper, Kate Bush and Blondie makes me really happy, because those are probably the three greatest female artists of all time. She knows what’s up. Clearly, out of all six, the only ARTIST that I could really see myself being… Read more »

9 years ago

Bianca is awesome!!!

9 years ago

Eurofan Mexico, Adele would never do Eurovision

9 years ago

Better than expected, but not fantastic 😛 First reactions: Joe and Jake – You’re Not Alone: It’s very pop, but it’s quite 2016. Little bit repetitive and a bit lightweight in parts but it doesn’t feel like it’s “written for Eurovision”, which has been the UK’s mistake for decades. 6.5/10 Bianca – Shine A Little Light: Here, however, is a song that sounds like it was written for Eurovision. Lots of good elements,her voice is fine, but the genie-esque backing beat is completely misplaced with what should be a more sparse song until the chorus, and they’ve kind of just… Read more »

9 years ago

I think Darline would be the best choice for the UK, it is very unique and is very catchy. I was immediately interested when I clicked play compared to the other songs. Yes, it would have to place in the second half of the contest and good staging is required, but I think it do pretty decent in Sweden this year. 1. Darline – Until Tomorrow (Good) 2. Bianca – Shine A Little Light (Okay) 3. Joe & Jake – Your Not Alone (Meh) ———————————————- 4. Karl William Lund – Miracle (Forgetful) 5. Matthew James – A Better Man (Forgetful)… Read more »

9 years ago

I wish people would stop being so negative! These songs aren’t terrible and I think one or two could fair quite well in Stockholm.
1. Bianca – Shine a Little Light
2. Joe and Jake – You’re Not Alone
3. Dulcima – When You Go
4. Darline – Until Tomorrow
——————————————- [I’d be happy with any of these four]
5. Miracle – Karl William Lund
6. Matthew James – A Better Man

9 years ago

They’re all not bad, but just meh. I expected more since it was “the biggest search” or whatever they called it.

9 years ago


9 years ago


If Måns Zelmerlöwe can win the contest singing like a cartoon cowboy for 12 bars, then there’s nothing wrong with a cheeky bit of reggae.

9 years ago

Bianca, Darline and Karl are all ‘OK’ which I guess is good for UK ESC standards. But none seriously have any hope of getting in the top 10, let alone the left half of the scoreboard. Bianca’s has bit of a reggae beat??? in the verse that throws me off completely, Darline is a by the numbers guitar-pop song and Karl has an extremely standard mid-tempo pop song that will be overshadowed by almost everything with an ounce of dramatics.

9 years ago

For me its song 5, 2 and 1 Then a massive gap… but they’re all better than last year whoop! Think people need to remember the UK is trying to rebuild the reputation of esc in the country & this is a step in the right direction…at least we actually get a final this year with all the songs sounding modern if relatively uninspiring although i’m guessing biancas song would have more hype if leona had sung it herself rather than be on the writing team. The Uk isn’t just gonna pull little mix (other famous uk acts available) out… Read more »

9 years ago

How can some of you be content just because these songs are better than ELECTRO VELVET? I personally find this selection really unnecesary. They might as well go back to their internal selections because this is not what the UK needs. Shame on you BBC.

9 years ago

As some of you say, the BBC is in the right direction, but this is not enought. Based in my taste, this songs are all listenable, but I don’t like or dislike them and that’s a bad situation for a song, the “mehhh zone”. I really expected something better seeing this year were implicated the OGAE and another important organisms in music like the BASCA. For me the best entries right now are Darline “Until Tomorrow” and “You’re not alone but I don’t see them placing in the top 10. None of the six (waiting their performance and staging) would… Read more »

Mark Dowd
Mark Dowd
9 years ago

Dullsville……from the ESC blender……

right hand side of the scoreboard….AGAIN!

9 years ago

I’d quite like if next year they did something like Switzerland, where all the four constituent countries selected entries to send in, would be nice to hear something that isn’t just English, there’s so much talent in Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. Maybe it’s time we sent something in a language that isn’t English…

9 years ago

Re-listening to Bianca’s…if she can sing as good live then this should do well.

9 years ago

Bianca’s song falls flat so I really hope that doesn’t win. I like ‘Miracle’, ‘Until Tomorrow’ & ‘You’re Not Alone’ but I can’t see any of them doing too well. :/

9 years ago

Let’s start on a positive note: it’s a MAJOR improvement compared to last year. Every year I’m excited to discover the British act, and every year I end up disappointed. I feel like I’m saying the same thing over and over, but the UK has the best music industry in the world. It’s a pity their ESC acts don’t live up to that standard. They could rule Eurovision quite easily if they wanted. There’s nothing really wow in any of these songs… Joe and Jake are ok. I guess it’s good that they got The Voice contestants to take part,… Read more »

David Who
David Who
9 years ago

I like how the folk/country acts have been included this year. Dulcima really stands out for being different, although most UK voters won’t be into that kind of thing. I really like Darline, even though it’s a two-minute song with a pointless no-change extension on the end. Obviously Bianca and Joe and Jake will have the Live vocals, but I’m not warming to their songs. Matthew and Karl seem to have more serious songs, but I don’t know how they will fare live. Overall, I’m kind of “blah” on this choice, which is sad. I don’t have a clear favourite… Read more »

9 years ago

Karl or Bianca would be great!

9 years ago

Thanks BBC- any of the 6 I would be proud to support- personal favourites are Karl and Dulcima, but happy with any of them. I can see UK being within the top 10 this year!!!!

9 years ago

For me Bianca is best, but I don t see UK with all 6 song in TOP 5 or even TOP 10, maybe Bianca have small chance to be in TOP 10 from 6 to 10 because one of authors is Leona Lewis.

9 years ago

With a very good stage, Bianca or Jake and Joe could have potential to reach the top 10 at Eurovision if played right.

never forget
never forget
9 years ago


Freddie from Hungarym don t have chance to win, because Just from Latvia, Oscar or Robin , Juri from Estonia, have better song of him. I don t belive in sucess of Sergey from Russia but wiht help of ex soviet union countrie he wili get maybe more points then Freedie.

9 years ago

To me there are 3 songs that have the potential with good staging and a solid performance to do well, not really well but well enough for the UK, the other 3 don’t stand a chance. My three picks are Until tomorrow, Shine a Little light and You’re not alone, Until tomorrow being my favourite because it had the most impact on me after just one listen

9 years ago

Well, I think public is going to choose ‘you not alone’. It could be top 10. It is the only entry ive listened from the begining to the end.

9 years ago

OMG, Bianca is my fav without a doubt, I has some Leona Lewis´s aura that makes it so pecial, and I have thefeeling that is going to GROW even MORE in live

9 years ago


“Once again”… You have competed once, don’t bring your cocksure Australian attitude to Eurovision. If you want to get competitive, one could suggest Australia is able to take ESC seriously because it’s dire music industry has little international respect and therefore no reputation to uphold… Couldn’t you?

Sadly, the success of our music industry in Britain is the very thing that holds us back in Eurovision… No decent musician here would touch Eurovision with a bargepole. Their snobbery and arrogance wouldn’t allow it. ESC is below them… In their minds atleast!

9 years ago

So I let things settle a bit and wanted to see what songs are being share on Facebook and Twitter. Here are the results so far… really interesting!

Joe and Jake “You’re Not Alone” – 502
Matthew James “A Better Man” – 228
Darline “Until Tomorrow” – 197
Bianca “Shine A Little Light” – 191
Karl William Lund “Miracle” – 177
Dulcima “When You Go” – 132

9 years ago

WTF UK, you made a dodgy attempt to do a national selection doing the ‘biggest search’ for artists and songs and this is what you come up with? It’s an electro velvet scenario all over again. Even though Molly was relatively unknown, her song was good. There could’ve at least been variety rather than folky boring songs, chuck in an EDM or upbeat pop track and you’re onto a winner, even an unknown could’ve done it. Once again on the bottom of the board. Although, like in Denmark I bet those two guys will win due to the girl appeal… Read more »

9 years ago

Joe & Jack, Bianca and Karl William Lund. My top three in no particular order. But everything can change as haven’t seen all of them perform their songs live. Now can’t wait till Friday! Plus, I’m so glad to finally hear good songs from the UK! Electro Velvet were horrific last year, so was dreading the worst when was buying tickets last month, so a big sigh of relief for me here. 🙂

9 years ago