The Wiwi Jury — our in-house panel of music unprofessionals — continues its look at the contestants in Sweden’s Melodifestivalen, reviewing the acts battling it out for the four remaining places in the final via the andra chansen round. Next is footballer Boris René with his funky track “Put Your Love On Me”. Were we feeling his love? Read on to find out…

Boris René – “Put Your Love on Me”

“Put Your Love on Me” reviews

Angus: This puts me in the best kind of funk. Easy, catchy and most importantly toe-tappy, “Put Your Love On Me” fully commits to being fun disposable pop, and in a competition that takes itself as seriously as #Melfest does, that’s refreshing. In its semi it was overshadowed by professionalism, so maybe in Andra Chansen Boris’s party-pop qualities will be allowed to shine!

Score: 7.5/10

Antranig: Boris delivers a charismatic and energetic performance that is a lot of fun on stage. In any other country, I’d have this right up there as one of my favourites but in Sweden, other contestants such as SaRaha and Dolly Style do catchy dance numbers much better. I hope to see it in the final to get everybody dancing but I don’t see it as a contender.

Score: 5.5/10

Padraig: There’s not much to “Put Your Love On Me”. But it’s oh so joyous. I’m instantly drawn in, and the “put your love on me” hook remains lodged in my brain long after the three minutes are up. The “if I go down… will you rise with me” innuendo just adds to the charm. Perhaps it’s let down slightly by poor staging and Boris’ inexperience as a musical performer, but I’ll happily dance to it nonetheless.

Score: 7.5/10

Boris Rene Put Your Love On Me Melodifestivalen 2016 Third Semifinal Rehearsal 3Robyn: This is my jam. I love the updated take on early ’90s Belgian techno-pop, beefed up with Boris’ substantial R&B vocals. He’s a supremely charismatic performer, and brings delicious double entendre to the line “If I go down, are you down with me?” (Oh, stop it!) Yeah, it’s just a dance track and doesn’t have the deep meaning of other Melfest entries, but what a dance track it is!

Score: 9/10

William: Charisma, thy name is Boris! This footballer proves that you don’t have to have a stellar voice to excel in music. His swagger and confidence are incredibly attractive and the song quite good for this genre, which I typically find underwhelming and annoying. He manages to keep my attention with absolutely no budget and little more than a woman dancing behind a screen. Boris, you slay!

Score: 7.5/10

Chris: There’s something about this song that makes me yearn for a Simply Red CD. Boris really sells it the best he can too. The only issue is that the bridge literally sucks the life out of the song. It’s good, but not great and it’s certainly not a Melodifestivalen winner.

Score: 6.5/10

Boris Rene Put Your Love On Me Melodifestivalen 2016 Third Semifinal Rehearsal 1Josh: I’m unsure as to why I hate this song so much. I feel a little protective of my country because so many things about both Boris and “Put Your Love On Me” remind me of Guy Sebastian. The performance was low budget. Boris’ song is low on originality. I’d rather have After Dark qualify to andra chansen over this.

Score: 3/10

Anthony: From the pitch to the dance floor, who would’ve thought a Swedish footballer could make a super sub impact at Melfest? I loved Boris’ cheeky chappy stage presence and he connected brilliantly to the audience with his backing dancers. A steady gradual build-up before the chorus bursts into life with his Congolese influence, it’ll have you moving into the groove like Boris did on the night.

Score: 7/10

Ron: This guy sure has some charisma that is making up for the simple staging. The song is cute, sometimes annoying, sometimes joyful!

Score: 7/10

Deban: Toe-tapping funk is making a resurgence in the global music charts, but it isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. That notion translates to Boris Rene’s entry. It’s technically perfect, and he spices it up with cool choreography.There is nothing not to hate, but equally, I am still underwhelmed.

Score: 6/10

In the Swedish Wiwi Jury we have 26 jurors but only have room for 10 reviews. The remaining 16 scores are below!

Bogdan: 7.5/10

Denise: 6/10

Marek: 9/10

Maria: 5/10

Patrick: 7/10

Rezo: 6/10

Sinan: 5/10

Edd: 7.5/10

Sami: 7.5/10

Mikhail: 6.5/10

Max: 6.5/10

Steinunn: 8/10

Bernardo: 8/10

Luis: 4.5/10

Ramadan: 5/10

Tobias: 7/10










The highest and lowest scores are dropped prior to calculating the average score. This is to remove outliers and reduce potential bias. We have removed a low of 3 and a high of 9.




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9 years ago

I love this song, should definitely make the final!

Steven Keenan
9 years ago

I really love the minimalist performance! The dancing is really cool and Boris oozes charisma

9 years ago

I don’t get the negativity around the song. It’s catchy, it’s fun and Boris is a fantastic performer. I hope he makes it to the final, and I hope he wins the whole thing as this is the sort of thing people will vote for.

9 years ago

I feel like I like him better than the song. If it were someone else singing this I probably would not like it, but he manages to save it.

9 years ago

Dear Boris Rene,

Please make it happen that my #28 spot will be send out of the competition!


9 years ago

Fun song, does not take itself too seriously.
I like it but this is as far as it goes.

9 years ago

Agree with Josh; how this song qualified to Andra Chansen I’ll never understand…