If slow and steady wins the race, then Poli Genova is most definitely in the lead. Bulgaria’s Eurovision 2016 starlet has finally released her song “If Love Was A Crime”, making her the 43rd of 43 acts to do so — and after the EBU granted Bulgaria a special extension. In recent days the team at BNT has teased us with the lyrics and with photos from the music video. Fans complained — “Where the song at?! — but thankfully it was worth the wait.
In fact, if love is a crime, then arrest us and throw away the key because we are FEELING this. Poli has met and exceeded our expectations, delivering a contemporary pop song with a killer hook. The opening, which melds piano with electronic flourishes, is soft, light and accessible, and it builds to an incredibly smooth pre-chorus.
Listen to Poli Genova’s Eurovision 2016 song
As we previously reported, all the verses are in English and the English is on-point. No Google Translate used here! The bi-lingual chorus, which alternates between English and Bulgarian, really works. Poli honors her Bulgarian roots (day mi lyubovta – give me the love) but it doesn’t jar with the rest of the song. In fact, the Bulgarian lyrics enhance the ethnic chorus, which wouldn’t feel out of place in a Turbo-folk number. All of this is done with contemporary, international production. Poli is thinking globally and acting locally. This is how you slay.
The song encourages people to love who they love, even when the haters say it’s wrong. The play on criminalisation in the title will no doubt stir talk of LGBT rights, but it can apply to any number of relationships considered taboo by some — rich marrying poor, black marrying white, Capulet hitting it with Montague. Love, Poli suggests, will give you the strength to push past the shade.
Amazing 12points from Russia. We love also Lili Ivanova the best Europe singerin!!!
Loving it! If it came from Sweden or Denmark it would be a possible winner. Now, hoping for a good stage presentation, this should make top 5 in the final. I guess everything points at Australia this year, so I suppose the outcome of this years final could look like this: 1. Australia 2. Ukraine 3. Russia 4. Bulgaria 5. Germany 6. Netherlands 7. Armenia 8. France 9. Hungary 10. Croatia 11. Serbia 12. Norway 13. Malta 14. Italy 15. Iceland 16. Azerbaijan 17. Israel 18. Cyprus 19. Latvia 20. Bosnia&Herzegovina 21. Sweden 22. Spain 23. Fyrom 24. Poland 25.… Read more »
Poli and Bulgaria are ready to avenge their 2011 semi final defeat because this song SLAYS!!! It’s been on repeat since it came out and I’m so glad I waited for this one to blow the competition away. We need to go to Sofia ASAP because Junior Eurovision 2015 won’t be the only event they will host xD
Simply LOVE THIS. A real 2016 entry. Well done Bulgaria.
Poli is bringing the dark Madonna realness in this video, and the music is contemporary enough to do well this year among a generally weak ESC selection of songs (when compared to previous years). Great job all those who worked on the video. Bulgaria should be proud. 🙂
Not bad Bulgaria!
Perhaps not the style I’d expect from Poli, but I like that it includes some Bulgarian! We need more languages (I want Barei to sing in Spanish instead!)
Good message, but part of me thinks this “forbidden love” theme (like the Irish song) could be ruined by thoughts of adult/child romance (sorry for being dark….)
It’ll be nice to see Bulgaria in a final! It’ll encourage them to stay!
It is hard to place this. The song has some really good elements but the chorus itself is a bit forgettable and weak in places.
I think it is good! Not near the top of the board for me, though.
“Bulgarian realness”? You wouldn’t recognise a Bulfaruan sound if it bit you on the nose.
Who is the random dude in the video?
I tried to hear this song again this morning maybe I start liking it! Man! the chipmunk sound in the beginning is so funny! HAHAHAHAH So from Bulgaria to Nulgaria for me! hope they have interesting staging! 15 – 20th place in the final.
Top favs. Russia – Croatia – Australia and potentially Malta.
Alright, after 5 listens on repeat, can confirm – it’s great <3 Good luck Poli!
forget to say that you will make the final
great song bulgaria but you won’t win esc this year.
Its okay but it doesn’t scream Poli. I feel like she’s being someone she’s not. She’s more punk and rock. But it is better than a lot of songs this year.
Sounds a bit like something that Selena Gomez would do as of late but the hook is pretty good
If this was Sweden, it will be touted as the winner. But no, this is Bulgaria.
It speaks so much about the Swedish influence on the gay-ESC fandom.
A mostly cheap song, but better than many other cheap songs on Eurovision 2016. The chorus is attracting the listener. Of course it’s not sth for a high place, I doubt it will reach the final.
Really like it. Not disappointed after the long wait.
No standout either though…
Best pop song this year imho 🙂 This is soooo qualifying
The number of snobbery coming from those in the comments section is beyond astounding. I’d rather experience a year full of modern, upbeat pop songs than a year full of dull and forgettable ballads. Honestly, I think most of those in the fandom need to get off their high horse…
The eurofan club will love this, but unfortunately I don’t see much to distinguish it from most of the songs that clutter my list this year from #9 to #27. Songs that try to sound similar to whatever is playing at the radio at the moment, to the point where we all start playing the guessing game of which part was lifted from which commercial hit. It is all rather depressing really – if you really want to hear tepid anglopop there are much better places for that than Eurovision. I blame Mans and jury tampering last year for this… Read more »
i’m blown away
it has this great song of the summer vibe
malta, bulgaria, and croatia seem to have very similar-sounding songs however idk how successful they can all be
My top 3:
12 pts Spain
10 pts Bulgaria
8 pts Netherlands
Nice very nice indeed. Going to final for sure.
It’s ok. I don’t see her qualifying without a killer performance.
Wow, Poli does it again. Her last song was brilliant. This one is too.
It is definitely in my Top 10. Top 5 is likely. After more listens, I will see where it lands.
I love it.
Very good, little bit different, and if I compare this with Malta for example, this is much better 🙂 Direct finalist 😉
I think Poli will lose some points because of her style. She’s a pretty girl who sings nice pop songs, but she dresses like a punk. It’s just a bit odd.
The song itself is enjoyable. One of the better songs from Bulgaria, second to Voda (a very different song). I don’t see this entering the top 10, but it should make the final.
Kinda reminfs me of Justin Bieber – Sorry. I aint gonna complain. This girl just slays in every second of this, that in my opinion….put Say Yay to shame…. sorry Barei but move aside, I got a new first place.
There is certainly lots of excitement there, good for eurovision, I don’t see anything special in the video or about the song but it’s fun its eurovisionary, I am sure this will cheer the audience/viewers and get lots of votes, I can’t say about top 5 but this is the type of song that can pass semi and fight for position in top 10, its possible, good luck
Hope, she´ll qualify, she´d deserve it, and will end up on the left side of the board. Not overwhelming but fresh, positive, catchy… one of the better entries. Welcome back Bulgaria!
In a year when no song stands out, this song doesn’t stand out neither
It is perfect. Just awesome. I say that for song for TOP 5.
All songs are known now!
Go check out the recap of all songs!
And Wiwibloggs, please feel free to share this video:)
It like it, it’s modern and catchy and seeing that semi-final 2 is the weakest of the two semis, I think it will qualify.
Now that semi-final 2 is complete, my top 10 qualifiers would be (in a random order): Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Ukraine, Bulgaria, Denmark, Australia, Serbia, Ireland and Romania
Love it Bulgaria, solidly in my Top 10, approaching my Top 5! <3
The best Bulgarian entry to date, the two year absence seems to have been worth the wait.
Fresh sound, modern dance-beats, overall a cool and good song.
Not a winner but will end up very high. Anywhere between 6th-15th place, I predi
This has PAN EUROPEAN HIT written all over it ! This is SO good 🙂 Bulgarias best entry by far 🙂 so contemporary and very catchy 🙂 Definitely Worth the wait 🙂 I have 20 songs that I like well this year – 12 of which i like VERY much 🙂
All the hype for this? sorry, but is not mediocre, but also is not a masterpiece… could classify? maybe yes, could this win? the jury must be drunk… i see it between 18 to 23 in the final… 8 to 11 at semifinal
Just another meh song. Sonewhere between 15-40 for me, just like 24 other songs.
Nice.. But it is Justin Bieber copycat in verses… But it should be in final as it is in weak 2nd SF. Not winner.
Poor countries even if they have a winner song will never win because of the economic situation.Fact
Great song Poli [and Bulgaria]! and Poli has a amazing and great voice. Poli will qualifying with this song,but it will be not the winner.The mix of the song and lyrics in Bulgarian [in refrain] and English is great and Bulgaria will be my NEW number 3.My NEW top 5 :
P.s This is the best song of Bulgaria on Eurovision
Nulgaria should qualify with a song like this. I like it a lot. It’s has an instant and broad appeal opposite to Iceland (too complicated) and Malta (too wannabe). Hopefully Armenia will be victim in the same fishing pond as well. Very modern and catchy song.
Really good, no winning material, but still really goood
We want a second semi-final poll now and final too please, wiwi.
@uk Thanks for the link!
After listening to the whole song: I really like it! it sounds a little bit eurojunior-ish but it’s fun and catchy. Welcome to my top 10 Bulgaria!
I’m not exaggerating, I started loving it from the first 5 seconds 😛
The wait was painful but it paid off for me, I’m absolutely loving it! Directly into my top 5!
It’s a SONG contest, so whenever a new video comes up, I first LISTEN to it and then after will view the video.
Based on my 1st listen, it surpassed any expectations I had for it. Congrats to Poli and the Bulgarian team!