Manel Navarro spain vidbir 2017 ukraine jamala

If there’s a title for most controversial victory in the run-up to Eurovision 2017, then Spain’s Manel Navarro has already won. But the Spanish contestant — who has found himself in the middle of the biggest eurodrama thus far this year — isn’t sitting in a corner sobbing. Instead he’s out on the campaign trail promoting his Eurovision song.

On Sunday the “Do It For Your Lover” singer announced that he will shoot the music video for his entry over the next three days. And as his plane emojis suggest, he’s hitting the road — and the skies — to produce the best video possible.

Will Manel take inspiration from Barei, whose video was shot in Madrid, Stockholm, London, Havana and Miami? He’ll reveal all in the days and weeks ahead.

Live performance in Ukraine

Manel has had a particularly busy weekend.

On Saturday the Catalan singer took part in the third semifinal of Ukraine’s Eurovision selection Vidbir 2017.

Unlike in Spain — where he reprised his song in a strained and decidedly awkward environment — Manel received a warm reception from the audience and the panel of judges in Kyiv.

Manel stood alone on stage wearing a purple check shirt and a pair of skin-tight, spray-on jeans. He wore his shirt unbuttoned halfway down his stomach, suggesting he’s very confident in what lies beneath.

Eurovision 2016 winner Jamala clearly enjoyed the performance, as she didn’t stop dancing and clapping along during the three minutes.

Following his performance Jamala heaped praise on her young guest.

“Did you see what you did with our audience?” she asked. “Thank you for that!”

Manel’s ability to make Jamala move didn’t go unnoticed online, with several users commenting on Jamala’s reaction and total cuteness overload.

And after the performance, the singers cozied up for a photo backstage.

Manel wrote: “Thanks @jamalajaaa for being so lovely with me and my song during the show and backstage. So nice meeting you. Can’t wait to see you again.”

He punctuated the statement with three smiling heart-eyed emojis.

When asked who his favourite artist was in the semi, he said Melovin — “the guy with the strange eye” according to the show’s host.

Moreover, the Spanish singer ain’t wasting time. After his performance, he posted a short clip singing another of his songs “Tenerife Sea”.

1,000,000 listens on Spotify

Manel has more reasons to be happy today.

Despite all the drama that arose from Objetivo Eurovisión, his music has been gaining traction.

On Sunday Manel shared a photo on Instagram celebrating a new milestone: one million streams on Spotify. Congrats!

1 millón de gracias! ? #DIFYL

A post shared by Manel Navarro (@manelnmusic) on

Did you like Manel’s performance yesterday? What do you think about the song? Have you gotten over all the Eurodrama? Where do you place the Spaniard in your tops list? Share your thoughts with us in the comments section, and don’t forget to show off in our Wiwibloggs app!


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8 years ago

Antonia’s Daughter conflict of interest was found after, and rules are irrelevant for that. Antonia wanted Manel to win from the start, the singer her daughter is working for.

All the rest (rules, selection of juries, selection of the orther songs, etc) is just complementary. Manel should not resign just because the rules were bad, or the jury was biased, but because Anotnia’s Daughter (and therefore, Antonia) works for him.

8 years ago

Timebelle is my favourite, also you can see my top 13 here!

8 years ago

Participants in order to Eurovision in Spain knew the conditions of jurors, according to the regulations established by RTVE for this edition. Mirela should have protested before and not after knowing the result, is their obligation to accept and make public a statement to let this matter closed and bring peace to the eurofans Spanish. Manel Navarro the best representative of Spain in Kiev and he deserves all the respect as a winner.

8 years ago

@Efraim – It is, that song is from Ed Sheeran. Manel is just doing a cover. Thats what happens when journalism lose objectivity

8 years ago

I thought Tenerife Sea was an Ed Sheeran song?

8 years ago

It is not a bad song. Though I am not really digging the chorus. so repetitive.

8 years ago

Good luck Manel – Great song! Way better than Contigo…seems some Spanish fans need to get over themselves

8 years ago

lol, 1 million listenings… and he is out of the itunes top 100 chart, while Mirela is 34th. The most unprofitable million listenings ever, with 5,5k dislikes in the oficial video on And waut for the dislikes on his videoclip, which i pray to God is being paid by Sony and not with spanish taxes.

an esc fan
an esc fan
8 years ago

Love the spanish drama, and I like these articles about Manel that show him having success in other countries. Have you seen the audience in Ukraine, how many women are ESC fans, and those women love Manel.
So, divas need to take a break.

8 years ago

OFF TOPIC: Olivia Wieczorek has a new song out!

8 years ago

Anyone else want to buy a Kia are watching this vid?

Charli Cheer Up
Charli Cheer Up
8 years ago

Its about time Spain tried a different kind of entry and also its finally a male representing them! PS: His favorite is MELOVIN? maybe Ukraine will finally send a male too!

Purple Mask
Purple Mask
8 years ago

So if this article is correct about the video filming schedule, does this mean that Spain are over all the debates and challenges to Manel’s legitimacy?
(Because if they’re not over it, Manel’s team are wasting time and money, surely. Not to mention pouring salt in voter’s wounds!)

8 years ago

Manel……..doing it for corruption in Ukraine…… more country where corruption is celebrated

8 years ago

He might not do as bad as most people think he will. Watch out!

8 years ago

Manel is great!

Esc Shane
Esc Shane
8 years ago

Watch my top 13 (With Spain – Manel Navarro) Included!

8 years ago

Better, but still boring. What about the situation? Delegación OUT… And Manel