triana park supernova 2017

Latvia makes its choice for Eurovision 2017 tonight in the final of Supernova 2017. The four week long national final comes to a close with just four acts left in the running. Earlier in the week, we asked you which of the four finalists was your favourite.

The result was overwhelming: with 1,332 votes cast in total, Triana Park are your favourites with nearly 55% of the vote!

It might look like scenes out of a 90’s rave, but clearly that hasn’t put any of y’all off. “Line” took 730 votes in total, putting the band well clear of any rivals. This is Triana Park’s fifth attempt to represent Latvia — and it looks like if y’all have your way, perseverance will pay off!

Second place goes to My Radiant You, who return to the Supernova final for the second year running. They took just shy of 17% of the vote (225 votes) with “All I Know”. Husband and wife duo Janis and Ilze have gone with a more gospel sound this year, which was worked well with the juries and the public in Latvia. Can they still cause a surprise tonight?

Third place goes to Santa Danelevica with “Your Breath”. Santa took 15% of the total vote, putting her well within reach of second. Finally, last place goes to The Ludvig and “I’m In Love With You”. He’ll be in love with the 13% of people who voted for him, we reckon!

Poll Results: Who should win Supernova 2017?

  1. Triana Park — “Line”: 54.8% (730 votes)
  2. My Radiant You — All I Know: 16.89% (225 votes)
  3. Santa Danelevica — Your Breath: 15.32% (204 votes)
  4. The Ludvig — I’m In Love With You: 12.99% (173 votes)

(Total Votes: 1,332)

So, what do you think? Will Triana Park “walk the line” to a convincing victory tonight, or can one of the other three acts cause a surprise? Shout out your thoughts on the wiwibloggs app or let us know in the comments section below!

Follow all of our Latvia Eurovision news here

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8 years ago

Great prediction!

8 years ago

Vote for Triana Park on the Supernova website –

Unofficial Mansters Association
Unofficial Mansters Association
8 years ago

No one probably cares 😀 , but I just voted. I’m hoping for either Triana Park or Santa to win, even though I could only vote for one of them 🙁 .

8 years ago

Thanks. I vote like you say.Done.

8 years ago

It’s saved! Apsveicam!

8 years ago

@Tamara I understand your point, but @wiwibloggers are not here to predict the winner but to inform us on everything related to Eurovision and share their opinion about the entries with us. They don’t force anyone to believe the same as they do. Every person has its own opinion on a subject! For example, last year I couldn’t understand all this buzz around Australia and why so many people loved the song (even @William Lee Adams). But I don’t mind they love it while I don’t. And the taste doesn’t matter, everyone has different taste in music. We don’t all… Read more »

8 years ago


After all song performance, voting will be opened, then go to –>, find a tab ‘Balsošana’ pick your favorite and vote through Facebook or Twitter account. :-))

8 years ago

How to vote using website? I’m not of Latvia.

8 years ago

Just read that in this final for filming will be used a special TV live stream program ‘CuePilot’, it might not be anything important, but it’s worth to know that this was used in Copenhagen 2014 and it looks very professional and aesthetic. 🙂

8 years ago

Don’t forget guys that you all can vote as well using Supernova’s website. I vote = 4 points. 1 Spotify stream = 1 point.

8 years ago

@Polegend Godgarina oh thats cool

Polegend Godgarina
Polegend Godgarina
8 years ago

@ Vika245 – Italy 🙂

8 years ago

@Polegend Godgarina I have to live with small minded people in Latvia since I was born! Where are you from?

8 years ago

@Colin ok I see and I agree.

Polegend Godgarina
Polegend Godgarina
8 years ago

@ Vika245 – I know right? Like, I’ve been to Latvia twice in my life, the last time being last year, and it clearly wants to be perceived as a European country rather than ex-Soviet. If this is the image it wants to give of itself, let me cancel it from my map haha!

8 years ago

@Vika245 – No, I believe he is not. I was just referring to the fact that more likely than not, he influenced the jury to set-up his win. It is likely a cheated win. So, if Santa wins by fake votes online, it would be another case of likely cheated win, aka. Manel 2.0.

8 years ago

@Kris ok thanks!

Polegend Godgarina
Polegend Godgarina
8 years ago

@ Colin – Jacques Houdek never said anything. His homophobic remarks were just made up by some Croatian tabloid. There’s no proof they were true, all we have is a 2011 Facebook post from Jacques himself expressing his disappointment at the fake news and his support to all forms of love.

8 years ago

@Polegend Godgarina That srysly makes me sick

8 years ago

Na @Colin was referring to how Manel bought his victory in Spain by rigging the jury as Santa and her sect are doing in Latvia by rigging the voting.

8 years ago

@Vika245 – I never said you should. If she is indeed homophobic, she deserves to hear the opposition. I am only careful of labeling people before the solid evidence appears. For example, it’s not fair how much was Jacques Houdek attacked for stupid thing he said 12 years ago and retracted many times since. If Santa is a homophobe (or any kind of extremist) right now, I said would not be supporting her at all. PS. Even if she was the sweetest person alive, Triana Park’s song is better. But still, I can get behind the fair win of a… Read more »

8 years ago

Sorry for being grammar Nazi but its set set set and not set setted setten.

Polegend Godgarina
Polegend Godgarina
8 years ago

This article states that Jauna paaudze (New Generation – the sect Santa is part of) is homophobic and responsible of hate crimes against the LGBT community – hate crimes that were never punished because of Latvia’s penal code. I hope that, if somehow she wins, the voice will be spread and the Eurofans will react consequently.

8 years ago

@Colin hold up Manel is like agains’t LGBT????

8 years ago

Triana Park won the poll overwhelmingly so she ain’t gonna win in Latvia.Praying for MyRadiantYou to win then……I abhor the other two

8 years ago

@Colin the sect that she is appart of is against LGBT from what I know. I wouldn’t have a problem with a song about her singing about God as well but fi she is agains’t LGBT then I will not shut my mouth.

8 years ago

@Polegend – So, Santa wants to be Manel 2.0? :-! If so, she is headed for a shared rock bottom on my list.

Polegend Godgarina
Polegend Godgarina
8 years ago

And she might be or might not be a homophobe, but she’s part of a sect that is openly homophobic – so she’s representing this “New Generation” sect as well.

Polegend Godgarina
Polegend Godgarina
8 years ago

@ Colin – she’s part of a powerful sect, she suspiciously gained 20k Spotify streams in one day (when in Latvia the average for the #1 song is 6k – she peaked at #10 on Spotify there anyway), and we all know the Latvians wouldn’t consciously vote for her. If she wins, it’ll be fishy af.

8 years ago

@Polegend Godgarina If she wins I will make sure she doesn’t get to Ukraine in time! I don’t want to be emberassed by her!

8 years ago

Okay, so Santa is very religious and the song is written in the glory of God. I don’t see the issue in that fact by itself. I mean, ‘Keep the Faith’ has some religious undertones and ‘All I Know’ is definitely alluding to God as well. However, *if* Santa and her Church are indeed spreading hate against gays (or ANY group of people based on skin color, orientation, religion, gender, hair color, origin or nationality), I would NOT support her potential win. But is there actually any solid evidence on Church’s official rules or Santa herself being homophobic or spreading… Read more »

Polegend Godgarina
Polegend Godgarina
8 years ago

@ Vika245 – I hope that she didn’t *buy* her victory. She gained 20k Spotify streams in one day when in Latvia the #1 song on Spotify gets 6k in 24 hours. If she did, then we need her way OUT.

(J)ESC Fanatic
(J)ESC Fanatic
8 years ago

Bye, Santa, you’ve disgusted me.

8 years ago

@Polegend Godgarina @zoolander well now that makes me sick. I believe in God but I also believe in the LGBT rights so like she is definetly out! Peace! Bye!

Polegend Godgarina
Polegend Godgarina
8 years ago–uzvaru-supernova

OMG IT’S TRUE. Why is Latvia such a mess this year? Knowing how powerful those sects are because their members heavily fund them, they might’ve bought Santa the victory. There’s no way the Latvian public would choose her.

Polegend Godgarina
Polegend Godgarina
8 years ago

@ zoolander – now that’s shocking. Do you have sources for those claims?

8 years ago

Santa is a member of a gay-hating born again Christian sect. One of those places where people take off their jewellery and throw it in a huge donation bucket after exorcism ritual. Very disappointed in this revelation. And to one of the commenters below wondering about the repetitive lyrics in most of the songs – I dont know this for sure, but it seems that there is some kind of rule that the entire act must be originating in Latvia. To strive for originality and keep out the leftovers from the Swedish lyrics mill, maybe. But as a result everyone… Read more »

8 years ago

@Polegend Godgarina They were and so far out of the 4 acts that are in final Triana Park is 1st

8 years ago

@Polegend Godgarina
It was resetted? Where did you get that info, did I miss something? I thought they will count every stream from the beginning.. And are they counting only streams from Latvia, because Santa few days in a row got 20k plays.. I don’t get it. 🙁

Polegend Godgarina
Polegend Godgarina
8 years ago

@ Vika245 – he was exposed for having 4,000 streams from an American town of 3,000 which is notorious for fake stream buying. He did cheat, but weren’t the stream counts resetted after last week’s semifinal?

8 years ago

I don’t know what to say about this year’s Supernova because I really like the four songs. I’ll be equally happy with any of them winning. But I think either Triana Park or My Radiant You can manage to do better in Kyiv than Santa and Ludvig.

In any event, I like the songs but I loved more Justs Sirmais and Aminata’s songs this last years.

8 years ago

Listen as a Latvian I don’t think The Ludvig is cheating. The reason he might have so many listens is because he is sponsoring almost all of his social media accounts. Every time I go on facebook or ig there will be a sponsored post by him. He also has never really blamed any country or whatever for fake listens. I haven’t seen him or heard him do so atlest. In the live show people asked him about if there are fake listens from America and he said in direct translation ”It’s because it has been added to american playlist.… Read more »

Polegend Godgarina
Polegend Godgarina
8 years ago

@ Penguin –

#9 Triana Park (+4)
#23 Santa Danelevica (-3)

Considering that the Spotify count for Supernova was resetted after the semi-final, they are leading.

Polegend Godgarina
Polegend Godgarina
8 years ago

Is Santa really going to win this? I mean, her song is completely forgettable and messy, even the international juror last week told her that she tried to put too many things in 3 minutes and the result was headache-inducing. That girl is going to flop at the contest.

Jr esc nl
Jr esc nl
8 years ago

I checked on Spotify and santa has 50000 more streams than triana park… This is very weird because 14705 monthly listeners on average while santa has 5000.

8 years ago

Well I hope Triana Park will win today. The are different, interesting, nothing like we already have this year, so they will definitely stand out. Agnese should work on their vocals, but knowing her she will improve for Kiev. I won’t be too disappointed with Santa winning, but then she will join “woman with a ballad” gang that is highly dominating this year and we don’t really want that. The Ludvig would be an ok option as well, but his song will definitely divide the crowd like Frans did last year and I don’t think the charm of a singing… Read more »

8 years ago

@Polegend Godgarina
They are not leading, sadly.

Polegend Godgarina
Polegend Godgarina
8 years ago

DUH! They’re leading by far on Spotify, and they clearly have the best song and stage performance.

8 years ago

Fun fact – Triana is supported by Justs and Aminata. Plus, Santa’s sect and ueavly Latvian accent won’t make her win. The Ludvig can’t even get first by his fake spotify streams. Plus he thinks that haters came from Mexico, Venezuela and Colombia, or he make his fans think like that. Also he can’t respond to simple hosts question – what about your spotify streams, say please the truth. He answered – i dont know nothing, it might be added in an US spotify playlist. That makes him look suspicious. So it’s line win for Triana park. But please, can… Read more »

8 years ago

Is it just me, or does Latvia really like repetition? With the exception of Santa Danelevica, finalists have songs with few lyrics in the chorus repeated over and over. Same case with semifinalists Miks Dukurs and Franco Franco. Even last year’s winner Justs had a song composed that way.

Even stating that, I am totally for ‘Line’ as the winning entry. It’s catchy, fresh and has one heck of a performance.