Sometimes those of us inside the Eurovision bubble get a little lost in our own obsessions. We listen to the competing songs hundreds of times before rehearsals even start at the actual contest, and our opinions can become so engrained that we forget thatmost viewers only see and hear the songs once.

So it’s always interesting to take a step back and show the performances to someone from outside the bubble. Even better: Show them to someone from another continent with little-to-no context or stereotypes about the majority of competing countries.

Cue my sister Suzanne, who, during her recent visit to London, kindly sat down in front of the wiwibloggs’ cameras and watched all 42 Eurovision 2017 songs. It’s a tough gig, but somebody has to do it.

In the video above she gives her candid and uncensored take on this year’s contestants. While she shares Europe’s love for a lot of acts (think Portugal, Bulgaria, Italy), some of her opinions may surprise (or startle) you. Sorry guys: She’s just not into Estonia.

She means no offence. She’s just sounding off and shooting from the hip. You may want to slip into your bullet-proof vest if you’re easily offended.

Among other things, she can’t wrap her head around Svala’s outfit; she questions whether she’ll let Hovig “be her gravity”; she compares one singer to Celine Dion; and she’s insistent another is considering a sex change. She also fears that one contestant is vomiting; requests a unicorn from two of the performers; and thinks a certain Lithuanian has anger issues.

Just so you know: She had previously seen the countries that finished in the Top 7 (that video is above).

That means her reactions to Portugal, Bulgaria, Moldova, Belgium, Sweden, Italy and Romania are actually second reactions.

In a third video we had Suzanne react to Russia’s banned contestant Julia Samoylova, which you can watch here.

In any case, what songs did your friends and family have funny reactions to? Have any of your friends helped you change your perspective on any of the entries? Let us know in the comments box below. 

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7 years ago

Love her! Love you! Loves everything!

7 years ago

Loved her reaction to Macedonia! Glad the message Jana was trying to portray with her performance was so clear 🙂 Definitely underrated this year.

7 years ago

Suzanne gives her instant reaction to the songs, no matter what she’s saying. Whatever comes to mind, she tells it! A person outside the Eurovision bubble trying to evaluate all songs.
Sometimes, I feel like she’s talking more about what she watches, without keeping her attention to the song in general. But that’s what most people do, isn’t it? You see, you judge.
Love her anyway!

David S
David S
7 years ago

Waney! I was hoping we hadn’t seen the last of Suzanne. Looove her!

Richard Hopkins
Richard Hopkins
7 years ago

Suzanne is just hilarious she really doesn’t hold back, and she’s mostly spot on. Loved this video, thank you. A chance to relive this years contest.

7 years ago

Hahaha poor eurofans’ sisters (and brothers). I also make me my siblings do their comments on Eurovision 😛

7 years ago

She is very funny and I love her review. Especially on some of those foreseeably failed fanwanks like Estonia and Switzerland.

7 years ago

This girl cracks me up.

Yet, somehow, her commentary is very insightful.

7 years ago

It was very interesting to see how she reacted to Hungary’s song as an American. It was such a politically charged reaction – she took the whole thing as the female dancer being submissive to Joci while the song actually deals with ethnic discrimination.

7 years ago

Haha she made me laugh with her comment about Ireland! Dying to try a sex change haha lmao or Fusedmarc storing all of her anger in her bun. 🙂

I dunno why people have commented so negatively about someone giving their own opinion on Eurovision, we are all different. I personally enjoyed the video. Put a smile on my face anyway.

Regina Phalange
Regina Phalange
7 years ago

Great videos, your sister is very fun!

As for me, I watched all the shows with my family and since they are not Eurovision fans like me, they heard the songs for the first time. When I told them about my favorite, Azerbaijan, they were pretty confused with the performance, but then they started liking it and my sister even agreed that it should have won. 😀

7 years ago

Does she represent the whole nation’s opinion or why do you record her? Why exactly and only her?

Justin K.
Justin K.
7 years ago

I vote for this being a yearly tradition–either you flying back home or Suzanne visiting you for these shenanigans to happen. 😛
I’m pretty sure we would crowdfund that (or maybe it’s possible since Portugal is so close to the U.K. and things may not be as expensive…?). Haha!

Darth Thulhu
Darth Thulhu
7 years ago

This must have been a monster-sized commitment for her to watch and for y’all to edit … over two hours of music, always “on”, never being allowed to tune out.

Thanks to Suzanne for her generosity with her time, and to all y’all for your diligence in assembling the final product. Her intensity and passion are always a kick.

7 years ago

robin and alex florea…predictable criticism…you know why
and how did suzanne knew that switzerland was on the short list for worst dress?
come on, she knows everything before.

Darth Thulhu
Darth Thulhu
7 years ago
Reply to  tiz

Anyone looking at the Swiss performance, even briefly, knows that she *has* to be on the short list for Worst Dressed. Those staging choices did that act Zero favors, and may well have single-handedly kept Timebelle out of the Final.

7 years ago
Reply to  tiz

i laught a lot with her opinion about the romanian guy. “get this guy off the screen now”, or “im donne with him” “he kill the song he gotta go” LOL ” he makes me never want to visit Romania” LOL

7 years ago

I love Miss Suzanne .her ESC video is amazing! Thank you Wiwi!!!

7 years ago

american stereotype=superficial and rude seems true

7 years ago
Reply to  dontletusajoin

Actually, anyone who has never heard of Eurovision, regardless of nationality.

Justin K.
Justin K.
7 years ago

This was a great (and funny) video! It’s really interesting that Suzanne pretty much aligned with the public vote–I wonder if her sentiments (even slightly) echoed what the majority of Europe (or the voting countries in each semi) were thinking when they were voting for their favorite acts. The Netherlands, Estonia, and The U.K. in particular stand out in that Suzanne’s opinions may be a solid explanation as to why they finished so lowly in the public vote; on the other hand, it makes me wonder why the public didn’t get behind Finland like she did.

7 years ago
Reply to  Justin K.

Estonia didn’t really flop in the televotes, tho’. 6th out of 18 is a pretty good result. Not enough to offset the terrible jury score, but I wouldn’t call it ‘finishing low’.

7 years ago

I share the same opinion about Romania’s act.

7 years ago

love for Ilinca and bad bad really bad opinion about Axel lol

7 years ago

Yey, more sisterly goodness realness coming our way. 😀