Today the Wiwi Jury – our in-house panel of music unprofessionals — travelled to Warsaw to eat our body weight in blueberry mazurka. After we woke up from our food comas, we decided to get together and review the entry for Poland at Junior Eurovision 2017, “Mój Dom” by Alicia Rega. Do we think this young, Polish songstress has what it takes to get first place? Read on to find out…

Poland’s Junior Eurovision 2017 song

“Mój Dom” reviews

Angus: Somewhere Kasia Mos is quaking in her boots! Alicja can sing and sing she does. Her vocal is flawless: powerful when it needs to be and measured when she needs to control. Paired with “Mój Dom”, she also benefits from a modern ballad, that clearly takes inspiration from more traditional fare but brings it into the 21st century. Warsaw has got it going on this year!

Score: 10/10

Antony: Whilst this song is an example of the usual songs we hear at JESC – girls with big voices, it has its own characteristics. It’s elegant and Alicia displays a certain maturity not normally seen in girls her age. It’s not a winning song but Alicia’s voice shows composure and for that, she should be commended.

Score: 6/10

Jonathan: There’s no doubt that Alicja is a great singer. She demonstrates power and control of her voice in the song’s final chorus. The emotion she portrayed in the final close-up shot of her national final performance was also really touching, and it would be great to see more of that throughout the rest of the song, particularly for those of us who don’t understand the lyrics. Although Alicja got a bit washed out during the wider camera shots while standing in front of that bold blue background, it’s nothing that can’t be fixed easily for Tbilisi. Overall a nice, if slightly safe, effort from Poland.

Score: 7.5/10

Jordi: Poland loves ballads and they’re proving – again – they’re going to fight for the win. Alicja Rega is stunning: from her vocals to her way of transmitting, it’s just pure magic. There’s something really mesmerizing in the way she sings. Emotional and sweet. However, I would have loved a bigger more powerful ending with – perhaps – more choirs. Their presence though makes this song very special. She doesn’t need many things on the stage, just lights and a microphone — and let this star shine bright!

Score: 8/10

Robyn: Alicja has a lovely voice and performs “Mój Dom” with strength and clarity. The song builds and builds, adding layers of emotion. It’s not unlike “Molitva”, only it’s perhaps not as captivating. Still, Alicja will surely deliver a great performance, adding a slice of emotion to the JESC final.

Score: 6.5/10

William: Let there be no doubt: Alicja can sing. Continuing Poland’s rich tradition of female balladeers, Miss Rega slays the pack with pitch-perfect vocals, power and just the right amount of sass and soul. If this was solely a vocal contest I’d be throwing down a perfect score. But the song is, for me, just a bit too dour for sunny Junior Eurovision.

Score: 7.5/10

Our jury for 2017 consists of 20 jurors, but we only have room for 6 reviews. The remaining 14 scores are listed below.

Antranig: 7.5/10

Bernardo: 5.5/10

Chris: 6.5/10

Cinan: 5/10

Deban: 6/10

Josh: 5.5/10

Jovana: 7.5/10

Luis: 8/10

Marek: 8.5/10

Mario: 7.5/10

Natalie: 6.5/10

Renske: 8.5/10

Rezo: 8/10

Sebastian: 6/10








The highest and lowest scores are dropped prior to calculating the average score. This is to remove outliers and reduce potential bias. We have removed a low of 5 and a high of 10.




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7 years ago

She has a really good voice and great presence but the song just does not pack enough power.

7 years ago

Poland should participate at Junior Eurovision EVERY year!!! 🙂

7 years ago

Italy higher than Poland? Are you kidding me?

7 years ago

Well I think it’s AMAZING. Sooo captivating. I usually don’t like Poland at JESC but this is very good. 8.5/10

7 years ago

boring AF
seriously, poland needs to stop sending the same boring ballads every year both in jesc and also eurovision

esc freak
esc freak
7 years ago
Reply to  ninasublatti

Do you ever have something positive to say? XD

7 years ago

Move over, Céline Dion. Alicja Rega will undoubtedly conquer Georgia later this month! By the way, I’m still waiting for Alicja to film a music video for “Mój Don”, because there needs to be something to top the live performance!


7 years ago

I am often captivated by ballads, with big voices and emotion. This one though didn’t captivate me.I’ve tried several times, but I just don’t get the feeling. Alicja is a great singer,and she does have a decent and structured song. It.doesn’t speak to my Heart though, so I can’t give it more than a 6/10.
Prediction: 8-12

7 years ago

I love when the song is well produced. And Moj Dom is. She has amazing vocals with no flaws in her performance. I think this will be the best result for Poland in JESC so far I’m guessing an 8th place or something like that. I belive it’s a top 10 material, but not top 5. Anyway a 7,5/10.

7 years ago

Alicja is a great singer. She sings the song beautifully. The progression of the song is a very great idea. I do actually think that Poland will have a chance to score a Top 10 result.


7 years ago

I guess you meant “blueberry mazurek”?

Go Alicja. First JESC Top 10 for our country would be nice.

esc freak
esc freak
7 years ago

Totally agree with Jordi here.
This is a very beautiful song with a solid performer. It only needs a bigger ending.


Roelof Meesters
Roelof Meesters
7 years ago

I love this song (especially the humming in the beginning) and it progresses to a great final chorus. Her voice is great and I love the background. This could do really well.