Call them one-take wonders! Zibbz — the sibling duo who rocked out for Switzerland at Eurovision 2018 — have released a cute new video for “Rich”. It’s filmed at sea — Coco singing into a wireless, her brother playing the guitar, both floating on a surfboard. It’s a clever narrative device that strengthens the message of the song — mainly that beauty is found in simplicity, love is worth more than material possessions. If you ask this wiwiblogger, it’s one of the most beautiful videos ever.

The lyrics of the song are really cute, and suggest the greatest wealth isn’t found in objects. Coco sings of how she promised to buy someone a sail boat but that day doesn’t seem to be coming. Despite the financial struggles, she knows she isn’t empty-handed, as she’s always rich when she has that special person next to her. Better to wrap your hands around your beloved than a wad of cash…

This song is so easy to love. It starts up with Coco singing alone with no other instruments – and then the drumming starts. The instrumentation grows as the tension rises through the chorus. And during the chorus the music becomes a celebration of freedom — it’s carefree and easygoing, much like the siblings riding the tide. The song also comes full circle as it ends the same way it started. When the music stops Coco says: “I said that I was going to buy you a sail boat someday”.

Life at Eurovision and now

Zibbz represented Switzerland this year at Eurovision Song Contest with the song “Stones”. The powerful live performance managed to finish 13th in what is considered one of the toughest semi-finals in the history of the song contest.

After the contest, Zibbz have performed numerous gigs, published a music video for their song ”Undun” and even been nominated as “Best Swiss Act” at the MTV EMA’s 2018. (Psst, the voting for Zibbz and other several Eurovision acts are still open at, so head over and vote!)

What did you think about the song “Rich”? Where would you like to see them performing next? Let us know on the comments down below.

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6 years ago

I really wanted them in the final. The first semifinal was just too strong this year. :/

6 years ago

They were the most underrated band this year in ESC. Stones is one of the best Swiss entries, nor one of the best ESC entries. Love<3

6 years ago

This song is lovely, I still can’t get over them not making the final
By the way, Franka from Croatia also came out with a stunning disco banger 😀