It’s the latest social media trend to take the world by storm. The Russian app FaceApp uses artificial intelligence to edit your photos with certain effects like its “gender swap” or hairstyle filter. The latest option opens a window into the future, where you can see how you might look in the decades to come. The hilarious challenge is all over social media and — of course — Eurovision stars have had a cackle by sharing their photos too. Some of them are so dramatic that it took us a while to recognise them. We have collected the best ones out there for your viewing pleasure. So get ready for the participants of Eurovision 2060…

Jüri Pootsmann (Estonia 2016)

Jüri won’t have any weight issues in the future if the app is accurate.  He resembles a skinny version of Colonel Sanders — the finger-lickin’ good face of KFC.  The dark and mysterious look in his eyes indicates more stories for him to tell, even in advanced years.

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feeling cute, might delete later

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Cesár Sampson (Austria 2018)

Cesár proves that ageing doesn’t mean looking old. Looking like he’s presenting his next big movie on the red carpet, Cesár maintains his magnetic personality. If there ever will be a time when he wants to pursue an acting career, film studios won’t hesitate.

KEiiNO (Norway 2019)

KEiiNO told us they have plans to stay together after the contest. And it’s great to see that these plans involve sharing their pensions together. No matter how old they are, they will always get us in a party mood. And it seems like a lot of KEiiNO songs are still to come.

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Ready for ZDF-Morgenmagazin ???? #earlybirds

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Ari Olafsson (Iceland 2018)

The youngest Eurovision participant on this list looks among the oldest. The innocence from his Eurovision performance has vanished and he seems to be enjoying his relaxed life with the days of smooth skin well behind him. We are sure that he will still be on stage in 2060, performing songs like his new one “Too Good”. 

Jurij Veklenko (Lithuania 2019)

The Lithuanian representative this year couldn’t resist looking into the future. And it looks like Jurij has seen a lot in his life. His picture resembles the portrait of a famous painter or a historical figure. Either way, his picture transmits a certain degree of gravitas and knowledge.

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Sorry.. nesusilaikiau ir aš ? #old #faceapp

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Bojana Stamenov (Serbia 2015)

Beauty truly never lies and Bojana shows this with amazing modesty. She isn’t afraid to grow older. She will always retain her unique style and we don’t even have to talk about her voice. It’s great that she reacts with so much humour and shares it with her friends on social media.

Lake Malawi (Czech Republic 2019)

We aren’t sure if they can still hear what’s happening behind the wall, but their hearing aides will surely help them. They smile like its their first gig together. If bands like The Rolling Stones can tour at 70+, why shouldn’t Lake Malawi do the same?

Kjetil Mørland (Norway 2015)

The FaceApp seems to have had an influence on Mørland’s plans for the future. He wants to appreciate life more than his generated self in the picture, who seems a bit unhappy. Maybe he can start this with participating in the huge anniversary edition of Melodi Grand Prix 2020?

Tijana Dapčević (North Macedonia 2014)

The future Tijana can lean back in her rocking chair and look back at her successful career. Maybe she is joined by her sister Tamara Todevska and both can exchange their Eurovision experience at the beginning of this century. She looks beautiful even with the filter and it seems like time does her no harm.

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AWS  (Hungary 2018)

More than fifty years of performing metal songs left its mark on the Hungarian band. But AWS don’t take that for granted and are grateful for sticking together for such a long time. Usually people calm down at a certain age, but we very much doubt that’s the case with AWS.

And what about Wiwibloggs? William shared a little sneak peek of how we will cover future contests, proving you can keep slaying at any age.

Who do you think will look the most resemble their FaceApp aged photos? Which other performers would you like to see using the app? Tell us in the comments below!

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5 years ago

William’s picture though! I couldn’t recognise Jüri at all!

5 years ago

Is it just me or at least in most cases this app creates unrealistic good looking old people? I mean men don’t loose their hair, noses stay the same size (although they supposed to grow until the day you die). And many people might gain weight when they get that old. Most of the pics are just wishful thinking

5 years ago
Reply to  Ana

Idk, most of these photos creep me out, it is so terrifying to realise we will not always will be young with shining skin

5 years ago

Alexandra does not age with this app, I swear.

5 years ago

I’ll look at this post in 30 years when William will be covering ESC 2050 haha

5 years ago

Ahhhh that Lake Malawi’s front singer has brought tears to my eyes. Just looking like my deceased grandmother, i missed her so much:'( cried really hard to this photo:'(

5 years ago

Don’t forget the Russians we’re doing this ten years ago (with their entry!)

5 years ago

William looks like Christer Björkman OH MY GOD

5 years ago

By 2050, the Russians will have found a way to do it for real

5 years ago

People are tripping because FaceApp is Russian owned.

Newsflash: So is the president of the USA

5 years ago

I think Ieva Zasimauskait? is not afraid to grow if she has a certain hand to hold too

Thunder and lightning it's getting exciting
Thunder and lightning it's getting exciting
5 years ago

Is this russian app save???

Cesar's salad
Cesar's salad
5 years ago

Looks fun, but I refused to upload a foto and grant access to my mobile phone to an American cloud service.

5 years ago

Why isn’t there Bonnie Tyler’s?

5 years ago
Reply to  Fred

Perhaps she already knows how she will look when old.Just saying….no hate please.

An American ESC Fan
An American ESC Fan
5 years ago

Albert looks like my grandma lmaooooo
Also I love how this post contains fake photos of old folks and then you just have Klemens in the last picture

5 years ago

William’s Asian glow will dare to defy old age. Hehe

Novak and Simona Wimbledon Best
Novak and Simona Wimbledon Best
5 years ago

Only Klemens is forever young.

5 years ago

I’d like to see Mahmood with faceapp, if you can add him

Roy Moreno
Roy Moreno
5 years ago

Alexander Rybak will stay the same and we all know that

keith mawson
keith mawson
5 years ago
Reply to  Roy Moreno

he has been using that Stargate SG1 device for years

5 years ago

cesar looks like giancarlo esposito

5 years ago
Reply to  Jo.

I thought about Morgan Freeman 😀

5 years ago

Lake Malawi‘s Albert Cerny is wrong.
He‘s like Alexander Rybak, ageless and probably will look the same he does today.

Loin dici
Loin dici
5 years ago

Why is this even a post I- 😀