Broadcaster SBS promised to go “bigger and better” than their first Eurovision – Australia Decides. With the final four artist announcements and the final lineup confirmed – SBS have delivered on their promise.

The last four artists completing the selection line up include this year’s The Voice Australia winner Diana Rouvas, Australia’s Got Talent winner Jack Vidgen, America’s Got Talent singer Jordan-Ravi, and Taiwanese-Australian artist Jaguar Jonze.

SBS formally confirmed the final lineup with their official announcement today at 2:01 CET (12:01 Tuesday Australian Eastern Daylight Time).

Jack Vidgen

Reality television veteran (despite his young age), Jack Vidgen won Australia’s Got Talent as a fresh faced 14 year old, before launching a successful recording career. He left the spotlight several years later due to burnout, deciding to work at an aged care home. Earlier this year, he relaunched his career as a participant on The Voice Australia, finishing as a semi-finalist. He will be performing his ballad, “I Am King I Am Queen”which he released today.

The now 22 year old said he’s super excited to be joining the Australian Decides lineup:

“I am incredibly excited to be a part of Eurovision – Australia Decides 2020 and actually can’t believe it’s really happening. I’m a huge fan of Eurovision, so to be competing for the opportunity to represent Australia is mind-blowing. I adore my song “I Am King I Am Queen” which I cowrote with Andrew Lowden. It’s a real representation of me and everything I stand for and I think that everyone, young and old, will be able to relate to and take inspiration from this song. I hope that the Eurovision audiences love it as much as I do!”

Diana Rouvas

A proud representative of her Greek culture, singer-songwriter Diana Rouvas recently won this year’s season of The Voice Australia, after making it to the top 8 of the same show back in 2012. She’s performed as a backup singer to legendary Australian songstress Tina Arena, and tours Australia often. She will be performing the yet to be released track “Can We Make Heaven”.

Diana said she’s looking forward to representing her country as a Greek-Australian:

“I’m really excited to be in Eurovision – Australia Decides. As a Greek Australian, I am proud to represent the culture that our country is rich and abundant in, and I’d be so honoured to stand on that stage for Australia! It’s an incredible opportunity for any artist. I’d be bringing my true authentic self to the stage…my life’s work and dreams into that moment, and would be proud to earn a position on that stage and represent my country.”


Relative newcomer Jordan-Ravi is colourfully described as an ‘enigmatic soulful singer-songwriter with a chocolate tone and a talent on the guitar’. Growing up in remote Australia in the same region as Eurovision 2018 representative Jessica Mauboy, the 19 year old recently gained worldwide attention after appearing on America’s Got Talent, with a cover of “High Hopes” by Panic! At the Disco.  He will be performing yet to be released “Pushing Stars”, a track written by 2019 Australia Decides alumni George Sheppard and Tania Doko.

He’s hoping that Australia Decides will be a successful foray into Australian television:

“Eurovision – Australia Decides will be my debut on Australian TV and I am so honoured to be given this opportunity. I will be performing “Pushing Stars”, a song which came in via the SBS Song Portal, and was co-written by a couple of this year’s Eurovision – Australia Decides stars, George Sheppard and Tania Doko. I am grateful that they put their trust in me to infuse my style and flare to their work this year! I’m a 19 year old guitarist and singer-songwriter from outback Darwin, and this is a great chance for Australia to get to know me. I will be doing my best and loving the opportunity to share the stage with some incredible artists. Bring it on!”

Jaguar Jonze

Ticking the alternative box for Australia Decides, Jaguar Jonze is an eclectic mix of culture, inspiration, and musical flavour. Born in Japan to a Taiwanese mother and Australian father, she has featured often on Australian indie radio station Triple J, gathering a following along the way. She has recently released a colourful, Tarantino-inspired track in “Kill Me With Your Love”. It’s definitely worth a watch, with her music giving her the traction to build an audience in Australia and internationally. She will be performing a new track at Australia Decides called “Rabbit Hole”, which is yet to be released.

Jaguar Jonze had nothing but positive words and vibes for her other Australia Decides entrants:

“For me, Eurovision – Australia Decides is a massive opportunity to show Australia who I am as an artist and what I’m passionate about. The selected 10 artists are all so talented and I’d be so happy for any one of us to represent Australia in Eurovision. I think it shows the diverse pool of creativity and talent in this nation and I’m honoured to be a part of it. I’ve always taken Eurovision to be about each country, and each artist expressing their individuality without boundaries. So much of Jaguar Jonze is about honesty and vulnerability and I’m excited to express the uniqueness that comes with it.”

The four artists announced today complete the lineup for next year’s national selection. Other entrants include Casey Donovan, Vanessa Amarosi, Mitch Tambo, iOTA, Montaigne and Didirri.

Eurovision – Australia Decides will take place on the Gold Coast on February 7 (preview show) and February 8 (Grand Final).

What do you think of the final lineup for Australia Decides in 2020? Let us know in the comments below.

Read more Australia Eurovision news here

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5 years ago

I feel like Jack Vidgens song is good but his sporadic vocals are getting in the way of communicating its message. He does of course have a beautiful voice, just back off on the ornamentation.

5 years ago

I am readyyyy for Rabbit Hole lol

5 years ago

Disappointing selection 🙁

5 years ago

Having listened to Jack’s song I think it’s safe to say he’s definitely not going to Rotterdam.

5 years ago
Reply to  Gorilla716

Fingers crossed

5 years ago

I loved the final version of ROI, but I have to admit “I am king, I am queen” sounds much more authentic and real. Still, I have a feeling we have a ESC classic in this bunch, another song than Jack’s. I am not saying a winner, but maybe something like Vuelve Conmigo or Fuego or Calm after the storm. Just a hunch.

5 years ago

EMA 2020 artists will be revealed on Friday! 🙂

Mr X
Mr X
5 years ago

Jack´s song is mediocre but better than “Roi”.

Mr X
Mr X
5 years ago

Very promising for me seems to be five acts: Didirri, iOTA, Jaguar Jonze, Montaigne and especially Mitch Tambo. Could be nice to hear for the first time the Aborigine language at ESC or some really alternative musical style. Please Australia wake up and don´t send a generic entry to Rotterdam !

Charli Cheer Up
Charli Cheer Up
5 years ago

Diana Rouvas all the way!! #TeamDiana

5 years ago

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K/DA True Damage
K/DA True Damage
5 years ago
Reply to  Nathalie

Get your scamming out of this site

5 years ago

Now what’s the chance we could get a song with non-English lyrics?

5 years ago
Reply to  Magpie

Pretty high tbh if Mitch Tambo sends a stellar song

5 years ago

Just read an article saying that Electric Feilds did get invited back .
But they said they didn’t have an Eurovision winner worthy song this year so they didn’t participate in this year’s edition. And according to Paul Clarke, 5-6 songs are worthy winner and they wanna create another spectacle like Kate with iOTA’s song.

It seems that iOTA is the one to watch.

Mr X
Mr X
5 years ago
Reply to  Polliu

iOTA would be an interesting choice, a very fantastic and unusual artist.

5 years ago

Jack is a better singer than Bilal but ‘Roi’ is a better song than ‘I Am King I Am Queen’. I respect the message of the song but it’s nothing we haven’t heard before. Empowerment anthems never do very well at Eurovision anyway.

5 years ago
Reply to  Eastman

Except for A million voices ..

5 years ago
Reply to  Eastman

Rise like a phoenix? Lmao

Loin dici
5 years ago
Reply to  Eastman


Campbell Grace
Campbell Grace
5 years ago
Reply to  Eastman

Could technically say Heroes, 1944, Toy and even Arcade were all empowerment anthems… Empowerment can be anything seen as a motivator to make a change/overcome a challenge. This is just an ignorant statement.

5 years ago

I’m here for the indies. Bringing back the spirit of Electric Fields, the true winners.

5 years ago

I have a feeling this will be legendary.

Loin dici
5 years ago

I’m excited about Montaigne, Mitch, iOTA and Jaguar. They have edge that separates them from the others.

Erste Reihe beim ESC
Erste Reihe beim ESC
5 years ago

a little “off-topic” but is there a statement from UKRAINE if Verka Serduchka will represent the country again in 2020 ? I ask because Verka has again a real bop (and it is under 3 min.)

Frisian esc
Frisian esc
5 years ago

Vidbir 2020 is already confirmed

5 years ago

She had a bop already? I didn’t know that.

5 years ago

As far as I know, he will be a judge again.

5 years ago
Reply to  KESC

Yeah, he’s confirmed to be on the judging panel, so it wouldn’t make much sense for him to be a representative again. (But given the frequency with which Verka has shown up in some capacity this decade – 2010, 2016, 2017, and 2019 all had Verka make an appearance at some point – it wouldn’t surprise me to see him on the stage again in the near future).

Erste Reihe beim ESC
Erste Reihe beim ESC
5 years ago
Reply to  KESC

KESC – okay, I didn’t know that – thanks for the info

Erste Reihe beim ESC
Erste Reihe beim ESC
5 years ago

Robyn – thank you for the information

5 years ago

Jaguar Jonze is very interesting, I’m especially excited to get to know her song and Montaigne’s! Diana and Jordan seem to be very good singers, but it’s hard to guess what they can do in terms of style. With the right songs, they can be contenders. About Jack’s song, as a self-acceptance anthem, it sounds to me much more sincere than “Roi”, for example. But it reminds me about the kind of safe choice Australia would make with an internal selection. Based on how diversed and talented the line-up is, I believe they’ll have better options.

5 years ago

I have to listen to the song before I make any judgement. Many alternative artists this year and it can be really good or really bad. Hope they can make songs that are current and unique.

5 years ago

So the only ones I’m excited for are Montaigne, Didirri, Jaguar Jonze and maybe Jordan-Ravi… Don’t think it’s a strong selection, it’s kind of filled with x-factor stars and kind of artists which “used” to be stars. But still you never know until we hear the songs. Jack’s song sound boring and kinda screams NQ.

And also I’m one of the rare ones who would prefer if Australia would be choosing internally since they selected bigger artists back then.

Ashton Schier
Ashton Schier
5 years ago
Reply to  Erasmus

I think it’s great that we are doing a NF and finding new talent, cos I think that’s one of the best parts of Eurovision (discovering new artists). I am v excited for Montaigne and Diana Rouvas, since they have amazing vocals and I would love seeing them pull off something like Not Alone from Armenia 2014. I agree about Jack’s song, it’s kind of a snooze.

5 years ago
Reply to  Ashton Schier

I mean true, but that’s for your own country, we (from other countries) discover new or rather undiscover talent from Australia even if they pick internally (I only knew Jessica)

Ashton Schier
Ashton Schier
5 years ago
Reply to  Erasmus

I see. Where you are coming from makes sense, but as an Australian I had heard of Guy Sebastian, Dami Im, Isaiah Firebrace, and Jessica Mauboy before. I was really surprised when we started a NF, cos I had never heard of Kate Miller-Heidke or Electric Fields and now love them both. But I see where you are coming from! 🙂

Disco Stu
Disco Stu
5 years ago
Reply to  Erasmus

So you don’t like the X-Factor kind of stars but also say Australia was better when they picked internally? Dami Im was an X-Factor contestant, Guy was an Australian Idol winner, Isaiah was an X-Factor winner and Jess Mauboy was an Australian Idol runner up.

5 years ago
Reply to  Disco Stu

Sorry we didn’t understand each other correctly, it’s not that I don’t like x-factor competitors or have anything against them, but Dami Im, Jess, Guy had established careers with previous discography, these are “artists” with basically zero career and discography… (and maybe they will deliver a good song you never know, I just prefer artists who already have a career).

5 years ago
Reply to  Erasmus

But did recent ESC winners have an established career behind them? It would be great to see famous or big artists competing but non-established ones share the same chance to do well. #CelebrateDiversity you know 😉

5 years ago


5 years ago

I am very excited for Jaguar Jonze! Great Lineup, excited for Diana as well.

5 years ago

Omggg sheldon isn’t here sad! But hey I want jack and he is here he is going to slay but song need to be better

5 years ago

Where are Electric Fields?

Polegend Godgarina
Polegend Godgarina
5 years ago
Reply to  Xoxoxo

rotting in oblivia

Ashton Schier
Ashton Schier
5 years ago

Whoa there

5 years ago
Reply to  Xoxoxo

SBS invited them to return, but they didn’t feel they had the right song
Source: (fifth paragraph)

5 years ago

Honestly a boy singing “I am queen” is just weird if u ask me.

5 years ago

Someone needs to visit Soho!

5 years ago

Like Roxie said, you can be anyone you want to be.

Erste Reihe beim ESC
Erste Reihe beim ESC
5 years ago
Reply to  Duncan

Duncan – so true words

5 years ago

Honestly, you have a message from the 1950s, they want their definition of “gender roles” back…

5 years ago


5 years ago

agreed. You cant be both. im really tired of people who say hen och that they are both a girl/boy. Yes someone will get mad but if i said i love tomatoes someone would get mad at that to so whatever

5 years ago
Reply to  Rasmus

Honestly, I’ve just been reading up on various Wiwibloggs entries, and whenever your comments pop up you are always just such a jerk. Smh

5 years ago

Thats a weird thing to say. U obviously know nothing about music. It’s a well written song , most can appreciate that.

5 years ago

I absolutely love Diana and Jack’s voice! Jacks song is underwhelming for Eurovision though? I’m very happy with the lineup we have some pretty well known Aussies here as well as newbies that can shine! Good luck everyone! Who’s your favourite?

ESC Jonathan
ESC Jonathan
5 years ago

No Electric Fields ?

5 years ago

Was excited to see Jack Vidgen’s name, but the song is a disappointment

Ashton Schier
Ashton Schier
5 years ago
Reply to  RoboESC

Sadly I agree

5 years ago
Reply to  Ashton Schier

Let’s hope that’s just the weakest song of the lot and not the standard for the national final.

Ashton Schier
Ashton Schier
5 years ago

OH MY GOD I am so excited for Diana Rouvas because she is one of my favourite relatively unknown singers out there. If you haven’t seen her sing Vision of Love, watch it now. I was blown away, and I am so excited for her to attempt to represent my country!!!!

Polegend Godgarina
Polegend Godgarina
5 years ago

i remember jack vidgen from when he got veneers for his teeth, i hope he doesn’t look like a horse anymore

5 years ago

that wasnt nice. Why do you judge people how they look? Look at yourself in the mirror . You will see a shallow person there. im 100% sure of it

Polegend Godgarina
Polegend Godgarina
5 years ago
Reply to  Rasmus

i only see someone who, like jack vidgen, has had cosmetic surgery, but unlike jack vidgen, doesn’t look like he did at all bc the surgeon did a good job lmao