Last Saturday Natalia Gordienco won Finala națională 2020, earning the chance to represent Moldova at Eurovision in Rotterdam.

In second place was another well-known face of Eurovision: 33- year old Pasha Parfeny, who performed on stage in Baku in 2012 with the uplifting “Lăutar“.

This year Parfeny presented the song “My wine” — an ode to wine cellars, one of the peculiarities of the Eastern country.

At the end of the evening, both the jury and the televoting awarded Gordienko’s “Prison“, written and produced by Dimitris Kontopoulos, Philipp Kirkorov and Sharon Vaughn, first place. That suggests widespread agreement across music fans and music professionals alike.

The 32-year-old singer collected 3,022 votes, against Pasha Parfeny’s 1,617.

Almost 24 hours later, Parfeny posted a long message on his Facebook profile, lashing out about the results. He did not mention any specific names.

Prieteni, sunt enorm de recunosc?tor pentru toat? sus?inerea ?i aprecierea, pe care am sim?it-o ?i am primit-o de la…

Posted by Pasha Parfeni on Sunday, March 1, 2020


Pasha starts by thanking his supporters, but then launches into a long rant questioning the transparency of the Moldovan selection.

Friends, I am very grateful for all the support and appreciation I have felt and received from you. For me this is the biggest prize, bigger than any place, obtained at any cost, material and emotional.

Before the competition there was an opinion that it would have been better to leave the competition and boycott Eurovision 2020. But for me the result of my participation in this selection is the confirmation that we have a lot of work to do to transform Moldova into a country of merit and justice.

Today I am saddened by the comments of European fans on social networks that say that we have proven to be a corrupt country where money decides everything. But this means that we still have to work on this chapter and we have to fight together to change something at home and be seen differently from the outside.

I am lucky to have your support. I have always been convinced that money, especially the dirty ones and what you can get with them, did not bring you satisfaction and happiness. I remain with this belief. Let’s continue to make art in Moldova. The waters pass, the art remains.

This is not the first time that a drama has broken out in the Moldovan selection for Eurovision.

Many of you will remember that already in 2015, the controversy was overwhelming after Ukrainian singer Eduard Romanyuta won O melodie pentru Europa with 13,500 televotes.

Allegations of vote rigging and corruption made by his fellow contestants and from the Eurovision fans overshadowed his victory. He denied all allegations of wrongdoing and there was never any hard evidence to prove the accusations.

Even at that time Pasha Parfeny, composer of the song “Maricica” by runners-up DoReDoS, reacted vehemently on Facebook by writing:

RIP EUROVISION MOLDOVA. It doesn’t matter that he is Ukrainian, what matters is that he is corrupt.

It is so obvious that almost everything was bought. Too bad… I feel ashamed.

Also Sunstroke Project, who came third in the Moldovan selection that year with “Day after day“, had harsh words, which, again, were denied by organisers.

Thanks to everyone who supported and voted for us!!! I think we were worthy to represent our country, but, regretfully, money is appreciated much more than art in our country. With respect, Sunstroke Project.

What do you think of Pasha Parfeny’s rant? Are you happy that Natalia won? Tell us your thoughts below!

Follow all of our Moldova Eurovision news here

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Meritxell Visage
Meritxell Visage
5 years ago

I think at some point a rule about only one song per composer/songwriter per year will have to be introduced in the eurovision. I would go beyond and restrict composers to compete only for their countries, but that’s maybe too radical right now.

5 years ago

Sorry but Moldova has never been a country of ‘merit’ when it comes to Eurovision if you ask me. I will give credit where it’s due, they do an excellent job of elevating their songs with great staging, but with the exception of 2012 and 2013 (which was fantastic), all the songs they sent in the 2010s were either outdated, cheesy or downright awful.

5 years ago

The most obvious corruption would be how on Earth Pasha’s dire effort came second compared to some actual good songs in this selection.

Sarah Sands
Sarah Sands
5 years ago

I accept that Moldova has a reputation of corruption politically. But isn’t it possible that Natalia — who is a great singer with a song many people like — won fair and square? Surely it helped that Kirkorov is famous in Moldova (he’s pals with the country’s leader but has also had several hits there). I don’t know. I just feel bad for the singer that everyone is alleging this and alleging that when she is actually v strong as a performer.

5 years ago

Pasha is adorable, and I’m sorry to say that ‘Prison’ is pants.

Mr X
Mr X
5 years ago
Reply to  Richard

Why not ? You have right with this opinion.

Last place in Semi 2 for Moldova. Who will vote for it ? Ukraine and Romania are in the another semi.

Sokratis Lakrindis
Sokratis Lakrindis
5 years ago

I love pasha and wanted him to win – but saying that I can’t help myself

I guess this is his whine-ine-ine….

5 years ago

Is it wrong that I actually like Prison? It’s currently sat in sixth place for me.

Sokratis Lakrindis
Sokratis Lakrindis
5 years ago
Reply to  Kosey

Nothing wrong with having your taste in music! The beauty of the contest is that everyone loves something different. Currently dead last for me

5 years ago

I think he is right, it’s quite clear there is some shadiness over the Kirkorov domination in several countries (specifically those with historical ties to Russia or a significant Russian community), but I do not think his song in particular was that good or deserved its placing either.

5 years ago

He might have a valid point, as this conncetion of Dimitris Kontopoulos and Philipp Kirkorov all over Eastern Europe (and now incluiding Estonia) seems super fishy to me. Having said that, sorry, but his song is just awful. The winner is of course a much better song with lots of potential to give Moldava a good placing again, even if it is not outstanding.

Mr X
Mr X
5 years ago
Reply to  Bart

When composed Kirkorov a song for Estonia ? I don´t remember.

5 years ago
Reply to  Mr X

A member of his “Dream Team” wrote Uku Suviste’s entry.

5 years ago

Well I personally thought his song and performance were terrible, I couldn’t believe his was second! I you wanted an ethnic song then Moldovita (Valentin & Irma) were miles better. I would have sent Catarina – Die for you, maybe Touch or Dale dale.

Mr X
Mr X
5 years ago
Reply to  noone

I liked Moldovita and Dale dale too

Mr X
Mr X
5 years ago

Pasha, you are handsome and cool and a real musician. (I like your new haircut, too) I miss you at Eurovision. To loose against the Kirkorov-can is not deserved.

“Prison” is one of the worst songs at ESC I ever heard,

5 years ago

Side note: snippets of at least two of Samira’s potential Eurovision entries have leaked. One is called Cleopatra, the other is called Scars.

5 years ago

Pffffff, Wiwibloggs this comment needs to be banned, it’s deeply offensive.

5 years ago

I’m just annoyed because even though Natalia is Moldovan, the song really just feels like another by-the-numbers Dream Team song. If you told me this was the Russian or Azerbaijani entry and I didn’t already know the country it was representing, I would probably believe you. “My Wine” is very Moldova-specific (they’re really proud of their wine) and makes more sense as a way to represent their culture on an international stage…y’know, ostensibly what Eurovision is all about. Also, say what you will about “My Lucky Day,” at least that SOUNDED like a Moldovan song. They made something of an… Read more »

An American ESC Fan
An American ESC Fan
5 years ago

Are you okay? Are you high? I’m guessing you’re a troll, but if you’re not, what on earth caused you to be like this? This comment is disgusting on so many levels. Please never speak on here again. Mods, please ban this guy.

An American ESC Fan
An American ESC Fan
5 years ago

Thank you, dear mods.

5 years ago

oh come on, Eduart Romanyuta has given one of the most obnoxious interviews ever being given to wiwibloggs, he went to eurovision with the attitude of the wealthy superstar but you cant buy votes from around Europe.

5 years ago

I didn’t need their national selection to know that. You can tell it’s a country of corruption and nepotism by the way every single Moldovan jury member every year ranks Romania first, like it’d be possible that absolutely all Moldovan jurors would think Romania has the best song every. single. year. A country where it’s more important to give points to your buddy than to base your vote on objective criteria is a country with an inherent corrupt culture.

5 years ago
Reply to  Bella


5 years ago

Sorry but what he says doesn’t really make sense.
From last year in the selection you could only vote 1 time per phone number, so even if she bought votes as everyone else, she had three times more votes than him.
Also she is one of the most popular artists in the country, she presents a lottery show on tv, she has is awarded as “national artist”, so it’s not like she needs Kirkorov to win the selection like Doredos.

5 years ago

Its apparent some money was exchanged behind closed doors, everytime a big name composer from Russia gets involved in Moldova it seems to go like this.

5 years ago

Sadly, he’s right. Moldova sold itself to the Russians… The good part is they’ll qualify, just like they did in 2018 with DoReDos

The Roop is On Fire
The Roop is On Fire
5 years ago

Ban Kirkorov in Moldova

5 years ago

Who are you to decide about other’s country independence?! This is just shocking! How can you be so ignorant after everything what has happened in XX century. You should be banned from this forum for good!

5 years ago

You can’t beat a dream team.

5 years ago
Reply to  IVANOV

Say this to Duncan, Mahmood, Jamala and Dami

5 years ago
Reply to  KESC

And Salvador.

5 years ago

Facts! Finally a constructive person here

5 years ago

Can’t 100 percent confirm that he’s right about this one but unfortunately it happens. Corruption is the main reason why Bulgaria doesn’t have a national selection anymore. Although my understanding of international competitions is public being as much as it could engaged.

5 years ago

His song was terrible. I can even understand how he was 2nd

5 years ago

I wish Moldova withdrew so we could have 1 less cheap dated song in the competetion next year… this country is really poor both economically and culturally. Same goes to Belarus. I genuniely dislike Eastern European countries at ESC, they’re dated…. Exclude the Caucasus from this narrative which are Western Asian and elite 😀

I said what i said, don’t @ me

5 years ago

You’re such a fool!! I feel sorry for you

5 years ago

Oh, so they should withdraw because you don’t like them or whatever?
You’re not that important my friend, know your place lol

The Roop is On Fire
The Roop is On Fire
5 years ago

“Exclude the Caucasus from this narrative which are Western Asian and elite” lmao that’s funny, tell another one

5 years ago

You are awful

5 years ago

Kdalldlwldw you need to read more books, darling.

5 years ago

So you also dislike Slovenia, Czech Republic, Ukraine etc.? For the last few years they have been sending one of the best and most modern songs of the contest. And a lot of West EU countries sent bland and dated songs.

5 years ago

Dated isn’t always a bad thing.

5 years ago

What is this with these selections in Eastern countries and the losers venting? If he won would he have blamed corruprion? The fact that he lost isn’t the system ‘s fault, it’s that people agreed there were better acts to send. He doesn’t have to like the winner but don’t take away her win just because you are a sour loser. Accept you lost, wish the winner all the best if you want and move on..

Loin dici
5 years ago
Reply to  Denis

Dude, this is Moldova. And you also have Kirkorov there. He got that $$$ to help his entry win.

5 years ago
Reply to  Denis

I am from Moldova, this is 100% corruption, minority of our people really supported her

5 years ago
Reply to  Denis

People when international juries sabotage fan faves in national finals: Omg there shouldn’t be any international jurors!!! They tend to drag down the favourites to benefit their own country!!!

Also people when national juries sabotage fan faves in national finals: Omg there should be international jurors!!! National jurors = Corruption!!!

5 years ago

Moldova’s song is called “Prison”, not “Poison”, although I made the same mistake at first too.