After two heats in Lithuania, Vilnius turned to the semi-final of Pabandom iš Naujo! — the country’s national selection for Eurovision 2021.

From tonight’s semi-final, five acts proceeded to the final of Pabandom iš Naujo! 2021 on 6 February. There, they will be joined by last year’s winner The Roop and their song “Discoteque”.

The five acts that qualified from the semi-final are: Gebrasy, Martyna Jezepčikaitė, Evita Cololo, Voldemars Petersons, and Titas & Benas.

The result was determined by both a jury and televoters, who each accounted for half of the score. Among the jury members were LRT popular music editor Ramūnas Zilnys, presenter Gerūta Griniūtė, Eurovision 1999 alumna Aistė Smilgevičiūtė, musician Jievaras Jasinskis and singer Stanislavas Stavickis-Stano.

Pabandom iš Naujo! 2021 final qualifiers

Gebrasy – “Where’d You Wanna Go?”

Martyna Jezepčikaitė – “Thank You Very Much”

Evita Cololo – “Be paslapčių”

Voldemars Petersons – “Never Fall For You Again”

Titas & Benas – “No”

Pabandom iš Naujo! 2021 semi-final results

Jury result

  • Gebrasy – “Where’d You Wanna Go?” – 12 points
  • Evita Cololo – “Be paslapčių” – 10 points
  • Milita – “Shadows” – 8 points
  • Voldemars Petersons – “Never Fall For You Again” – 7 points
  • Gabrielius Vagelis – “My Guy” – 6 points
  • Martyna Jezepčikaitė – “Thank You Very Much” – 5 points
  • Titas & Benas – “No” – 4 points
  • Aistė Brokenleg – “Home” – 3 points
  • Norbertas – “Man In Need” – 2 points
  • Be U – “Love Yourself” – 1 point

Televoting result

  • Gebrasy – “Where’d You Wanna Go?” – 12 points
  • Martyna Jezepčikaitė – “Thank You Very Much” – 10 points
  • Titas & Benas – “No” – 8 points
  • Be U – “Love Yourself” – 7 points
  • Norbertas – “Man In Need” – 6 points
  • Voldemars Petersons – “Never Fall For You Again” – 5 points
  • Gabrielius Vagelis – “My Guy” – 4 points
  • Milita – “Shadows” – 3 points
  • Evita Cololo – “Be paslapčių” – 2 points
  • Aistė Brokenleg – “Home” – 1 point

Combined results

  • Gebrasy – “Where’d You Wanna Go?” – 12 points – ADVANCED
  • Martyna Jezepčikaitė – “Thank You Very Much” – 10 points – ADVANCED
  • Evita Cololo – “Be paslapčių” – 8 points – ADVANCED
  • Voldemars Petersons – “Never Fall For You Again” – 7 points – ADVANCED
  • Titas & Benas – “No” – 6 points – ADVANCED
  • Milita – “Shadows” – 5 points
  • Gabrielius Vagelis – “My Guy” – 4 points
  • Norbertas – “Man In Need” – 3 points
  • Be U – “Love Yourself” – 2 points
  • Aistė Brokenleg – “Home” – 1 point

What do you make of the qualifiers from the semi-final of Pabandom iš Naujo! 2021? Are your favourites among them? Let us know in the comments below!

Read all of our Lithuania Eurovision news here.

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4 years ago

I find Gebrasy song too generic and easily forgetable,can’t see it doing too well in Eurovision

4 years ago
Reply to  eha

Unfortunately, that’s also my opinion too, though I’m not shading those who like it.

Pastora Soler
Pastora Soler
4 years ago

Gebrasy is my winner. I HOPE the jury is gonna be brave and fair.

4 years ago

I’ve seen some people in this comment section saying they wouldn’t mind Gebrasy winning over the Roop and while they are perfectly well within their right to prefer one act over another, I have to ask, do you really want that? I’ve seen this fandom go nuts whenever a strongly tipped favorite song doesn’t win a national final, and PiN is not the national final to have an upset this year. Putting aside my personal feelings and thinking about the bigger picture, I could see this could be one big publicity disaster in the making, and I hate to see… Read more »

Lebanese esc fan
Lebanese esc fan
4 years ago
Reply to  Badwoolfgirl

You know what, I believe I fall in the category you mentioned, those who’d would be fine with Gebrasy winning, but I have to say that upon further reflection and reading your comment (which was extremely well-articulated by the way) I 100 percent agree with you. “Where’d you wanna go” would be a respectable entry for LT any other year but certainly not this year because the roop’s package is objectively far stronger and is worthy to at least contend for top 10 or top 5 if not even win, who knows. Plus, as the roop said in one of… Read more »

Pastora Soler
Pastora Soler
4 years ago

You are 100% convinced that The Roop is gonna win the televote in Eurovision… Like a rule. Not me. There are several strong contenders in a same positiob like them. For example Iceland, and if Keino wins in Norway… Actually they already won Eurovision televote… This is not just a theory. They did. The Roop is just a guess. Anyway, The Roop probably would have good results in the televote (top5-10), but the juries???? However, Gebrasy with the juries would be very high (top10 for sure) . And in the televote in a decent position (top 10-15) So maybe you… Read more »

Lebanese esc fan
Lebanese esc fan
4 years ago
Reply to  Pastora Soler

The thing is, Pastora (love your name btw Pastora is such an icon haha), I’m not at all convinced the roop would win the televote. I feel like they could do well because of the potent lithuanian diaspora (Norway, UK, Ireland plus baltic neighbors) plus the fact that the song is quirky and different and that could appeal to neutral voters as well. However, they are by no means sure winners or even sure top 5 because as you said, countries like Russia, Iceland, Bulgaria still haven’t shown their cards and it is certainly possible they come up with something… Read more »

4 years ago

Thank you for understanding my post. I know it can be a bit wordy, But I’m glad you liked it. It’s perfectly fine to have a favorite other than the roop in your personal list. I was just making a point about the bigger picture and the potential toxicity that could emerge. I didn’t think of this in my first post, but fans like you could hurt as well for supporting gebrasy. I just don’t want to see this happen. The jury might be savvy enough to vote for the roop to avoid this type of fire, but I want… Read more »

4 years ago

I have mixed feelings here. The SF was amazing, mostly thanks to the qualifiers from the 2nd heat. Gebrasy was outstanding and totally deserves the final and even the win. Although tbh, we all know The Roop plays in a higher league you just got to see the performances. Gebrasy won without improving his staging though I’m sure people will prefer something more dynamic like “Discoteque”. My other favourites didn’t have such luck. Gabrielius did improve his staging and outfit but it again fall a bit flat and the LED didn’t help. He should’ve attempted something like his performance in… Read more »

4 years ago
Reply to  Héctor

Voldemars  is not famous in Lithuania at all.

4 years ago

Not all songs are released at the same time, making it difficult to do a reaction video before the heats, but why not do a reaction video of the five songs (not six because there already is a reaction to the Roop) we have left now? I feel like it’s all about Norway, Finland, France and soon Sweden. Lithuania’s selection never gets as much attention as it deserves. Their selection has been really good both last year and this year; it should be acknowledged.

Last edited 4 years ago by Sim
4 years ago
Reply to  Sim

Not really sure about it. Except Gebrasy’s entry (and the Roop, ofc) there are no more worthy songs this year in Lithuania’s selection. And this kind of a situation has been over and over again. Usually 95% of the contestants are no-names and use this selection as cheap and fast self-promoting way. And that’s why this selection is kind of boring and useless.

4 years ago
Reply to  Lithuanian

I wrote a big long text about it, but how would you feel if gebrasy one over the roop? Would you be happy or mad? How would it play out in the press? I dread that there’ll be a lot of heat against the broadcaster, the jury and even gebrasy himself (which would be particularly unfair).

4 years ago
Reply to  BadWoolfGirl

I’m not sure why you ask me those questions. I simply pointed out that there is too little attention from Wiwibloggs on the lithuanian selection every year. It doesn’t really matter whether The Roop has the best song or not. It’s not a reason for overlooking the other songs. People will probably get mad at me for writing this – but I think that the jury shouldn’t be affected by pressure from fans or the fear of being hated and criticised. They should be professional and judge the songs in that way they’re supposed to judge them. If the jury… Read more »

4 years ago

Gebrasy – Winner!

4 years ago

No offense to the other entries, but The Roop is on a league on its own like crazy.

4 years ago
Reply to  Friedenau

Agree with you, they are so far ahead of everyone else. It would be a major shock if they didn’t win.

4 years ago

The good news is that with a televote and jury win, up against all the songs (minus one obviously) that we now have a clear contender to compete with The Roop. Obviously, The Roop are going to destroy the televote in the final but at least, this opens up the possibility that they could be overthrown if juries do something weird. Just to clear up, I expect The Roop to win both jury and televote easily but I’m happy there’s at least the possibility of a contest. Not much of a problem with the results here. Milita probably had the… Read more »

4 years ago

All things considered, I still think it would be insane if Lithuania didn’t pick “Discoteque”, but it turns out Gebrasy hasn’t got the memo that said that there wouldn’t be a competition this year. I like his song a lot, but I don’t think it would even be good for him to carry the weight of being the upset winner on this one.

I’m sad that Gabrielius and Milita haven’t made to the final, but this wasn’t their year anyway. I hope I can root for them in the future.

4 years ago
Reply to  Sabrina

I think Gebrasy winning over the Roop would be terrible for both of them because the Roop would get robbed again and Gebrasy would get a lot of unfair heat for “stealing” the win. It would be a massive PR disaster in the making. I can just imagine the comments right now–“The Roop should have been internally selected!” I don’t want Gebrasy to get hated. I think he’s better off coming in second and then try again to win for next year.

4 years ago
Reply to  Badwoolfgirl

I feel the same. It’s sad because we don’t know if Gebrasy will have another chance as good as this one, but maybe this year’s participation was just what he needed to be seen by the audience and the jury as a regular contender in PIN.

4 years ago
Reply to  Sabrina

My fingers are still crossed for the roop to win with gabresy in second. I will be in a state of anxiety for a week

Last edited 4 years ago by BadWoolfGirl
4 years ago

2 things to watch. 1) Where d’you wanna go gathered more than 2000 votes in televoting while in its heat it hadn’t even gathered 900 votes, while Thank You Very Much collected 2000+ votes in its heat but couldn’t gather 2000 votes tonight 2) Except for Where d’you wanna go that topped both the jury and the televoting, there was huge discrepancy between the jury and the public. This means that Where d’you wanna go is the one to watch next Saturday. By no means it is winning the televote against The Roop but it will gather all the “anti-Discoteque”… Read more »

Last edited 4 years ago by ESC8
4 years ago
Reply to  ESC8

I have almost no doubt that the Roop will stitch up the televote, but the jury might be another story. If the jury chooses Gebrasy and there’s a tie (if he comes second in televote), jury’s choice wins by the rules of this national final, but it would be a major publicity disaster in the making. I don’t want Gebrasy to be hated for beating the roop. The roop really need to bring their freaking A+ game so they can win over the jury as well as the televote. I don’t want them to get complacent like they’re gonna win… Read more »

4 years ago
Reply to  Badwoolfgirl

I think (not 100% sure though) that the tie break favours the jury pick in the heats and the semi, not in the final. If this is indeed true, then even a 2nd place in the jury voting is enough for them (supposing that they’ll win the televote).

4 years ago
Reply to  ESC8

Somebody please review the rulebook again.

4 years ago
Reply to  ESC8

Thanks for the info! So it is really up to the juries. If Where d’you wanna go finishes 2nd with the public (the Roop 1st) then it is the jury that will decide the one that goes to Rotterdam, meaning that unless they rank Discoteque 1st, The Roop will stay in Lithuania.
However these are all hypothetical, we have to wait until Saturday.

4 years ago
Reply to  ESC8

I’m thinking about it too. I like “Discoteque” but “Where’d you wanna go” hits me harder tbh. So it would be fine for me if Gebrasy wins. Anyway The Roop’s performance has a lot more going on to entertain the viewers and grab votes and even the jurors know what happened last year. I don’t think the jury will bury them.

4 years ago
Reply to  Héctor

Hopefully they will make the right choice. I’m just scared of a firestorm.

4 years ago

Congratulations to everyone who made to the final. I wish you guys all good luck and hope you can give good performances. As for the Roop, don’t assume victory will fall in your lap just because you’re a pre-qualifier. Anything can happen, so bring your A-game next week if you want a second chance to represent Lithuania. I can’t wait for the final, which also happens to land on my birthday next Saturday.

S?km?s visiems
4 years ago
Reply to  Badwoolfgirl

That’s supposed to say good luck everyone in Lithuanian, but some of the letters didn’t come through.

4 years ago

With this whole TheRoop vs Gebrasy drama, the jury-public difference tonight was almost overlooked, thanks someone else noticed!! I didn’t know Evita’s father was a humorist (who died in Spain after an operation). What I did know is that Milita withdrew from 2014 selection from a throat illness that got worse, and followed a modelling career instead until she made to the last XFactor. Both possible jury biases, true. What I’m not so sure is about Voldemars. Latvian origin, but living in Kaunas for so long, doing concerts and TV shows in Lithuania… I think it was high-ranked for professionality… Read more »

4 years ago

Gebrasy has a very good song of his hands and he performs it well, I just wish the car metaphor was a little less clunky, but overall I think he can push The Roop very far.

And I definitely have a soft spot for Voldemars, he has such a catchy song that I am even willing to forgive him the appalling grammar in the chorus.

I will look forward to an exciting final next week!

An American ESC Fan
An American ESC Fan
4 years ago

So even though I am very much Team The Roop and I REALLY want them to win (as I expect they will), if Gebrasy ends up as the winner I still think Lithuania could do decently well at ESC. Lovely song!

4 years ago

I don’t want Lithuania to do decent. I want them to win!

Last edited 4 years ago by BadWoolfGirl
4 years ago
Reply to  BadWoolfGirl

I mean, not to be a smart arse or anything, but there’s no guarantee that the roop would win eurovision. Sure they’ll get lots of televote points, but you also need to take into consideration dadi from Iceland and his popularity, the possibility of televote 2019 winners, keiino coming back and other fan favourites from last year like Destiny, Gjon and Victoria. I think it’s clear that if the roop was selected, it would appeal to televoters but idk if it’s much of a jury song tbh.

An American ESC Fan
An American ESC Fan
4 years ago
Reply to  BadWoolfGirl

I want them to win too! I was just saying that I don’t think they’d do as bad with Gebrasy as some people are thinking.

(That said, they’d still do better with The Roop which is why I hope they win.)

Last edited 4 years ago by An American ESC Fan
4 years ago

Aiste was my clear favourite tonight (suffice to say, she gives me goosebumps with every performance), but I can see why her song is not for everybody and I can just as easily understand why Gebrasy won. I’d be perfectly fine with “Where’d You Wanna Go?” winning the whole show, actually.

4 years ago
Reply to  Skiwalko

Does that awful synth part also give you goosebumps?

4 years ago
Reply to  Jamie

It does, in fact it’s the part I enjoy the most. To each his own, you know 🙂

4 years ago

Gebrasy reminds me too much of Switzerland 2020. The Roop will definitely stand out among other songs in May

4 years ago
Reply to  Serena00

That’s a bad thing? Switzerland were great last year.

4 years ago

Listen lads this song is really good it has so much potential. I really hope it wins because it could actually do really well at the Eurovision. The roop is OK but it’s really nothing special imo

4 years ago

I sure know where Gebrasy would want to go, heheh.

4 years ago

I think where’d you wanna go is a better song then discoteque, but the roop have a chance for a better result in may because of their overall package

4 years ago
Reply to  Sale

I agree, and the roop right now are far more popular than gebrasy. I just think it would create a lot of backlash if the latter wins over the roop, Mostly against the jury if there’s a tie, and poor gebrasy would get a lot of heat too, Which would be unfair on him. I don’t think it’s worth it. Why go for another “when we’re old” when you could go all the way with “toy”.

4 years ago
Reply to  BadWoolfGirl

I wouldn’t go for “When We’re Old” as a fair comparison as Gebrasy’s song has a faster tempo as a pop song.

4 years ago
Reply to  James

Fair enough, that probably wasn’t the best song to use as a comparison. I guess I was really going for was “why go with a safe song for a middling result when you can take a risk to go to the top?” I was really surprised Lithuania qualified in 2018 because I was worried it would be left behind in the tough semi final 1.

4 years ago

Sad that My Guy didn’t advance, but he wouldn’t win in the final so it’s not that important. Happy for Gebrasy tho

4 years ago

I hope the juries will not prevent the win fro the roop and give it to Gebrasy..

4 years ago
Reply to  Alo

That’s my fear too, because I think it would just create a lot of unnecessary bad press. I remembered last year with Finland and I don’t have a way to make the same mistake. Say safe and sorted in the hypothetical strong semifinal, this is not the time to go safe.

4 years ago

Pabandom iš Naujo 2021 final won’t reach the level of quality from last year or Eurovizijos 2019-18, but at least it’ll be fun to watch 6 different contenders and a TheRoop victory won’t be made that obvious. Positively surprised for Evita, as it’s not so easy to place songs in Lithuanian as the final candidates. Also Voldemars’ and Martyna’s slight staging changes made the performance more attractive. Sad for Gabrielius not qualifying once again, when his songs aren’t by far the worst, and also expected BeU to appear as dark horses, but not. I’m shocked, since I’ve never seen such… Read more »

4 years ago
Reply to  Pedro

You think Gebrasy should win or do you hope the roop win both the Jury and televote? I dread a situation where if they tie and Gebrasy wins because he won the jury vote, it’s going to create a lot of backlash and bad press. The jury member could be scapegoated as the most hated people in Lithuania. I could see cries of “This is why the broadcaster should have just internally selected the Roop!” “Lithuania had a chance to win and they lost it!” (that sentiment was how I felt in 2019). Gebrasy himself could be targeted for anger… Read more »

4 years ago
Reply to  Badwoolfgirl

As most people think here, TheRoop should win this easily, but for me the surprise effect the pack TheRoop-OnFire had last year is long gone, and I’m a bit afraid that it’ll end up overhyped and forgotten by May. But I still agree on keeping PiN, though. Otherwise, we wouldn’t have seen Gebrasy appearing as a mature singer-songwriter, or alternative artists and XFactor/Voice alumni using national TV as a source for promotion in a moment concerts are restricted. So, with Gabrielius out of the game, the top2 it’s kind of predictable: 1. TheRoop 2. Gebrasy. No matter the result at… Read more »

4 years ago
Reply to  Pedro

I think Supernova is only put on hold so that Samantha Tina gets her chance to perform at Eurovision this year, then it will be back next year. I wish that had happened for the Roop but c’est la vie.

4 years ago

It is a great song, better than The Roop’s imo.

4 years ago
Reply to  Shift_key

It’s good, but I can’t see it going very far at Eurovision, especially As a winner.

Pastora Soler
Pastora Soler
4 years ago
Reply to  BadWoolfGirl

The Roop is not gonna win Eurovision. And Discotheque is not gonna be high in the jury vote.

Lebanese esc fan
Lebanese esc fan
4 years ago

Hope he wins PiN but we know that’s not happening…

4 years ago

He’ll have to settle for second.

4 years ago

Well done Gebrasy! Could easily participate and be in Top 10 in Rotterdam. However this year The Roop is going to go. It is really about them this year and they have a big chance to win the whole thing in Rotterdam. Gebrasy please if you read this create a beautiful song again and come back soon to Eurovision stage! x

4 years ago

No Milita in the final… :(((
But Evita made it!!!

4 years ago

Milita :((((

4 years ago

Mad love for Gebrasy! ??

4 years ago

So its The Roop vs Gebrasy!

4 years ago

YES!!! Gebrasy in the finals!!! Thanks, Lithuania! 🙂

4 years ago

Can people stop saying that he is deserved second?? This song is as strong as the one from The roop, but in a less commercial and more touching and poetic way. I would vote for him over The roop if I live in Lithuania. Love from Finland