Fans have been busy speculating about the title of Jendrik’s Eurovision 2021 entry. And now it’s official. He’ll sing “I Don’t Feel Hate”. The countdown for the video premiere is now available on his YouTube channel. As you can see from the video thumbnail, the music video will include the washing machines he famously purchased for his DIY video and a woman dressed as the middle finger!
Plenty of fans will be proud of themselves for having spotted the title in clues littered throughout Jendrik’s Instagram profile. He’d previously hinted that one of the posts he uploaded starting in June 2020 would tease the name of the song. The hashtag #IDontFeelHate appeared on his account twice, and on one of his dancers’ accounts once.
As you’ll recall, the German selection process was very meticulous. Once again NDR placed the selection of the entry in the hands of experts. Two independent juries determined who would sing in Rotterdam: a “Eurovision Jury” composed of 100 people from all over the country (who are thought to have predictive power based on their musical tastes) and an international jury of experts that includes 20 music professionals. In a multi-stage process, these two juries evaluated both the artists and the songs.
In an interview with German web site ESC-Kompakt, Head of Entertainment Thomas Schreiber and Head of Delegation Alexandra Wolfslast revealed the strong support the song had among the juries. Herr Schreiber said “I Don’t Feel Hate” won the whole process with the highest average points ever seen in their system: 11.82 out of 12 possible points.
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Furthermore, Schreiber revealed that the German team will record their live-on-tape back-up video for the Eurovision Song Contest in Vilnius, Lithuania. He stressed the financial value of filming there. Venue rental, stage equipment, lights, LED screens, production trucks…pulling that off in Germany would escalate to six figures. As an added bonus, Jendrik will also work with Marijanas — better known to all of us as The Roop’s choreographer.
Jendrik will officially reveal his song title and music video this Thursday — 25 February. Two days later, on Saturday 27, he will perform the song live for the first time on th TV show Schlagerchampions.
Are you excited to finally hear this year’s German entry for the Eurovision Song Contest? Let us know in the comment section below!
I LOVE the song. but dont get me wrong, its not gonna do well in the esc. its funny but its not esc material. hes got a nice voice and it has so much more potential than this,
the song is so bad 🙁
It’s quirky in the most vexing way. On the upside it makes songs like Omaga sound almost bearable in comparison.
How is this song even been considered it’s probably the worst song to be sent to Eurovision in I can’t say how long Germany what a disaster
Selection logic:
Okay lets send a song VERY similar to “Cake to bake” which got eleminated in the semi-finals. Must be winning material.
his entire act is so desperate and embarrassing, i really don’t understand why the german selection committee thought this would do anything…
Right Germany, you’ve really put the cat amongst the pigeons now. In a way the negative comments for this song are it’s strong point. It is sooooooo polarising that I think it could do just a little bit better than 23-26 place. Also, the song is so catchy and I have had that chorus stuck in my head since yesterday. It ain’t gonna win but with the right staging could be mid table 🙂
Germany has no Idea how to pick Song, Staging and the Singer and put these 3 components in harmony. This is the case since Raab left 2012. I consider 2018 as a lucky accident…
It has all to do with the people responsible for the contest at NDR. They are immune against criticsm, and believe me, there is a lot of criticism in Germany. There will be a change in the panel though and my hopes are high that we will then have people who understand the contest.
Well, in this case no one but Jendrik himself put the three components in harmony. He had both song and music video ready when he applied.
In which perspective? I understand that music is something everbody feels a bit different, but this can’t be the most original entry NDR had for preselection?
As a Brit, I’m extremely content with this. No 26th place for US this year :^)
Same lmao
I just heard the full version, and I think it will be a Bar Rafaeli Take-2 moment… “I’m sorry, zero points!”.. It hurts me to say this as my wife’s family is German and I want them to do well.. Last year, I had Germany as my #1, this year will be right near the bottom for me.
You know what would be great? Germany performing in the final after Finland. That would be a 2015-Wars-for-nothing/Warrior-moment and I‘m here for it!
Not being rude but like why sing in English if a native speaker can’t understand it… I have no idea what he’s saying in the chorus I thought it was in German :S he should’ve done it in German too cause it would’ve given it more authenticity to an outside viewer. #1 because we don’t know what he’s saying #2 it sounds like it could be a cultural village fair oktoberfest song or something instead of cake to bake haha
Yeah, I was like wtf is he saying.
Germany keep going back to this “panel” that they think will bring them success but what exactly are they basing that on? They first used it in 2018, right? That year they did well but at least some of that could be attributed to the fact that they used LED staging when nobody else did but even so…Then, we have 2019 and Sisters (oh dear) and 2020 brought an off-the-rack Milanov number that their singer couldn’t perform live. Now, we have whatever you’d call Jendrik’s effort. Honestly, looking at it from the outside, I’d say that the system over the… Read more »
Jendrik is the first of those artists to win with a complete self-written song, though.
He didn’t win anything. He was internally chosen and the song was chosen afterwards.
That isn’t true at all. After posting some video clips of his preparations for the music video, he was contacted and then submitted his song. There was a preselection but it was entirely internal, 100 fan jurors and 20 “international music experts” both got to rate artist and song separately and then, as the next step, the combination of artist and song. Jendrik received the highest rating (11.82 out of 12) and that’s why he won the internal selection.
Indeed but the system got transformed for 2020 where they‘re started to internally select. Not sure, if they really pick the best one though. As for 2019 I think when they would have gone internal it would have been another act instead of Sister.
Oh Germany—this would need to have an amazing stage show not to be dead last. How lucky you’re an automatic qualifier cause I think this is dead on arrival with any jury member. And in a contest with Dady and Roop and Little Big—this will not capture any “quirky” vote. This is made for the tiktok crowd for sure—but no one will take this seriously. I would say that this would’ve never won a televised German National Final but Sister won—so anything is possible.
This year’s “Cake to Bake”
the lead singer of Aarzemnieki was German
It’s a clever move from Lithuania in some way, because all the countries that are invited by them to record in Vilnius will give them points, at least to thank them for the invitation, the help and for the savings money. No?
It would be weird to see a country recording in Lithuania and giving them 0 point in return.
I don’t know maybe it’s only me, after all the jurors will certainly know nothing about that normally.
Well, that all depends. Swedish songwriters help write entries for other countries all the time and they don’t necessarily get votes from Sweden.
Both years Atilla Sereftug sent his big winner contenders, Turkey’s jury – I kid you not – gave points to his nearest competition both times (Belgium in ‘86, the UK in ‘88). Also off the top of my head: – Irish violinist for Norway in ‘95 – Ireland only gave them ten points – Germany’s entry in 1990 had a Slovene singer, and Belgium’s entry was about a girl from North Macedonia – no points for either of them from Yugoslavia – Germany’s entry had the exact same songwriters as Austria’s entry in 1989 – no points from Austria –… Read more »
“Only gave them 10 pts” only? it’s huge!Ok sure, I know what you mean but I’m sure you can find also off the top of your head examples that shows the opposite if you wanted 😉 but I’ve said nothing bad, it was only a thought, I don’t want it to be perceived badly. A recent example, Sasha Jean Baptiste has made the staging for Cyprus and Switzerland in 2019, Sweden got 8 pts from Switzerland and 7 from Cyprus, and Sweden gave 10 pts to Switzerland and 7 to Cyprus, so it means it can helps sometimes too to… Read more »
Sweden always do very well with jurors, so maybe it helps a little to write songs for others, who knows, but Sweden send quality generally so it’s really impossible to know. About my point about the potentials points for Lithuania, for example last year for the jesc, 3 countries have recorded in Poland, 2 of them have given 8 points each to Poland, and one has given 0 points, so yeah I think it means nothing because as I said the jurors don’t care about all of that because they are for the majority totally outside the esc bubble. The… Read more »
People here prefers to downvote and very quickly instead of trying to understand, we definetely can’t say anything more here…..
I’ve said nothing bad at all it was only a thought.
That is not the case. All the countries who will record in Lithuania will still pay for their recordings. Very silly thought to think that someone will give Lithuania points just because they let them record their performance in their studio/venue.
Lithuania gets the money from everyone who will go to Vilnius to record the performance, they are not doing it for free.
A silly thought ok it’s your opinion but I’ve insulted nobody me here, I was only wondering if it can influence or not. Nothing silly or bad.
I don’t think so. It’s just a technical thing. Lithuania is getting paid a lot of money for this, so it’s not like they need points in return.
I am up for different songs and different genres therefore… I can’t wait to hear it! 🙂
You are the future! I just want to hear more people say this!
Remember Cake to Bake? It’s the same song
I do believe that you need something memorable to stand out of all 26 songs. And finally after all these entries by my homecountry where we have women in grey walking from one side of the stage to the other, I would be extremly proud to simply have an entry who is made for a 3 minute show on stage ^^
What are you talking about? Your description (“women in grey walking from one side of the stage to the other”) describes precisely 2 of the entries Germany has sent to Eurovision in the past 20 years and only 1 of them were sent in the past 5 years.
2017 (which you meant), 2019 (not exactly grey, but dark and the concept was similar), in some way also 2015, which I personally adore, but we all know the result. And also JESC 2020 in a way. So my point was: it was sad to me seeing songs that are already “unspectacular”, performed in the most unspectacular way possible. And that was a bit embarrassing tbh.
How can you go from Violent things to .. this?
Omg! I really don’t wanna sound nasty but I just heard the whole song and it’s… Argh! What kind of jury gave this 11.82 out of 12?! Geez, Germany! I can understand self-sabotaging so there’s no chance you’d have to host (which is wrong – just withdraw and don’t drag the overall quality down), but is there really need to ridicule yourselves? Beyond annoyed and disappointed.
It’s possible every other song Jendrik submitted were simply worse.
Jendrik submitted one song, I believe.
Other songs were by other artists.
Why specifically in Vilnius? I didn’t quite understand that part…
Maybe because it’s cheaper?
so that they don’t have to build their own stage? it is to save money, they will just pay Lithuania for using their studio
Because it’s cheaper to film with other artists. You don’t have to build a stage and hire a crew just for one. Also Lithuania is known for its inexpensive professional filmmaking industry.
I think it could do well with tele voters! I really do..
i appreciate your positivity but i really don’t understand which type of demographic would think “aight, that balding guy from germany with that silly song had the best performance, lemme cast a vote for ha”
I had no idea that filming the back-up performance would cost so much! Here’s a crazy idea: countries who are not holding any selection that involves building a stage could rent the stage and such from some other country that did hold a selection? I know it’s weird, but could you think Senhit doing her back-up performance in the Sanremo stage!
*on the Sanremo stage
I really should proofread my comments for typos, this isn’t the first time!
Or do they just not want to spend money on this rubbish?
I think many broadcasters are trying to get their budget more reasonable, so that the expenses don’t go too high and it might improve the chances for some broadcasters to come back, if it would be more affordable to participate.
Ain’t no way a whole jury would pick this song out of any other song in the process (even if there were just two songs in the process the second one would have been better than this one) It’s obvious that Germany has a particular plan this year out of this two: – Becoming some kind of meme and troll Europe (which isn’t even a funny troll, we had many many better joke songs in the past years) – Trying everything possible to lose the contest cause they don’t want to host it after the whole pandemic and spend lots… Read more »
I actually seriously like Germany better than Cyprus
Me too!
Agreed Cyprus is just straight awful.
I’m also sure that serious artists applied, the HoD even said big names, imagine how they feel when a joke like this beat them, this is going to have permanent damage for Germany, at least all their pervious entries (2017, 2019, 2015) were bland, but still respectable this is neither, and I’d rather have a bland song haha.
The German broadcaster turned themselves into a bad joke when they intrrnally selected a “Tik Tok musician”.
wow i find it surprising that they cannot afford a studio in germany and they have to pay for flights/accommodation and a studio in freaking Lithuania in the midst of a pandemic. So weird coming from a country like Germany!
Thats because the country stopped supporting the ESC like in 2013
they are not hating on El Diablo – it’s just the comparisons.
I think the German song will be high in televoting.
Really unpopular opinion: I think this song is nice and it can do well with lambda public with a crazy staging. But jury will destroy it for sure.
When I read people saying Violent Thing had chance to make a top 10 and this will come last I can’t help but laugh. Ben Dolic was completely lost when it came to sing live. He just couldn’t sing a single note correctly… nothing but a bottom 5 was waiting for him so trying with this crazy song is an option to explore. Germany has nothing to lose.
You can’t judge his chances from a performance that never happened.
He sang it in March or April I don’t remember. It was terrible. Perhaps he would have been on point in May but for me there was no chance for him to be ready. The song was still nice, it was 7th in my top.
Ben’s song was wayyy better than this. And he could sing he came 2nd on the Voice, I do agree that the song wasn’t really for him but still.
There is a difference between knowing how to interpret the songs of other artists and bringing your own songs to life. Many singers fail in the second case. That’s the difference between a simple singer and a real artist in my opinion. Ben is not yet an artist. Maybe Jendrick isn’t either but I’m waiting to see.
Saying the guy who doesn’t want to see negativity mainly about his beloved Spain and about the spanish eurofans but the guy here is destroying Ben, so no negativity for Spain but for the others it’s ok.
Man keep your cheap lessons for you next time.
You don’t understand anything, never. I’m not trying to destroy Ben, I just said he sang really bad and wasn’t ready for Eurovision but I loved his song. He can come back without any problem for me if he improved vocally talking. When it comes to Spain I only said you should stop trash talking the toxic fanbase because you were just forcing and forcing and it made yourself a toxic fan. I would have said the same if you were talking about Ukraine, Latvia, Ireland or whatever. No need to say my beloved Spain. I have no connection with… Read more »
A bottom 5 is what to expect here with this years German entry’. Sisters was so much better than this a few years ago and look where they came. He may have a great presentation but the song is trying to be cool , when it is not.
Perhaps you’re all right and it will finish in the bottom 5. I don’t pretend to be right. I simply have this impression that the potential of live performances is underestimated.
Being able to sing live is not a pre-requisite to doing well as long as everything else is good. Case in point: “She Got Me”.
You got the point there. If I really want to argue I would say that Lucas Hänni is a performer so it compensated his bad singing and I don’t feel Ben Dolic is a performer. But there are other singers that made a really good score without singing correctly and being a performer (Blanche in 2017 is a good example) so I can’t say you’re wrong^^
I do not believe for one minute that at jury 100 people decided this song was the best option.
Absolutely no way, no how.
This song is horrific. End of story.
The rest of the selection must have been really bad if this is the best of the lot.
I blame Dadi Freyr for this. It is a very fine line between quirky and embarrassing.
Don’t be mad about this song guys! It has the same vibe as Sebalter in 2014 or Gianluca Bezzina in 2013. And both did very well those years
Lol irrelevant comparisons. How can you compare Switzerland 2014 which is not a parody song but a fun song with a charming guy whistling… or even Malta 2013 which was a feel-good song…
The German 2021 song is most likely going to be a meme song.
The full song has already been leaked. I don’t think visuals can do anything here, there’s just no way to save it unless they change the song or give it a major revamp (please get rid of the Ukelele and the whistling). I really can’t imagine what led those jurors tho think this was the best option. Either the rest of the songs submitted were worse than this (which is hard to believe) or all these musical experts live in a 2011 lactose-free yogurt commercial, the only place where this song would make any sense being played. So sad great… Read more »
literally one random person picked from the street in let’s say Köln would pick better than these 200 hundred people – and I believe that with all my heart
Since he made the Video with his friends and most of the promotion on his Social Media himself, I’m pretty sure that was the main point. Saving money…
Looks like we can say- Lithuania is the new Sweden
Lithuania needs to win a few contests before it can be considered the new Sweden.
Absolutely not :Ddddd
The leak is so freaking bad! It’s quite astonishing that you can go from Violent Thing to this pile of sh*t in a year!
right? it’s just tragic, I don’t know how this song won over “two independent” juries – they were probably seeking for a dadi freyr 2.0 and failed miserably.
It’s beyond feeling embarrassed for Germany, I’m offended by this 2:55 of solid crap.
While I’ll reserve judgment for Germany song until it’s released tomorrow, I find it interesting that they’re going to travel to Lithuania to film the live on tape back up performance. Is it really that much cheaper to set up a stage and cameras in Lithuania that would’ve been in Germany? It’s not stated in this article, but I read an article on another Eurovision website that the German delegation also claims that other countries might be going to Lithuania as well to film their backup performances too. I don’t know if it’s true or not, but is this a… Read more »
I think it’s just the idea that they have to use a particular set up, the way junior eurovision did, to some extent. So I’m guessing certain countries would find it cheaper to work together to use the same space, when possible.
Fly and hotel tickets > hiring a building a complete stage, stagecrew, camera equipment etc. I think costs are significantly lower when you delegate the stage part. I could see countries like malta, moldova and latvia also take the travel to Vilnius.
It would be weird if more countries went to Vilnius than Rotterdam…
Especially, in Germany’s case, as Vilnius is much further away than Rotterdam.
But probably a cheaper flight. I wonder why Rotterdam isn’t offering to assist in the recorded backups.
Funny he went to film his performance to Vilnius when there is a huge chance we are all going to Vilnius next year.
People are saying Kaunas but you can’t rule Vilnius out
If Lithuania wins, 10000% Vilnius will be the host city. When a country hosts for the first time, the capital/largest city is the host. When Portugal won, everyone knew that 2018 would be in Lisbon and they confirmed it in July.
That wasn’t true for Norway, Italy, Switzerland, the Netherlands, France, Yugoslavia or Germany. It’s been in Germany three times but never in Berlin.
Turkey, too.
When Germany won in the 80s, Berlin was part of East Germany.
When Germany won with Lena, Berlin’s big arena was not available at that time but I think they will eventually host it there if they win for the third time.
1957 also applies for your first point
Yes, but the 1957/1983 contests were held in Frankfurt/Munich – neither of which were the largest city of or capital of even West Germany – so it doesn’t really make much difference to the overall point.
Yes, but only the Eastern part it was divided.
Funny thing, Vilnius is reconstructing its arena for a 20k seat expansion. Win or not, they are more than ready to be a future host.
We don’t know that yet. Maybe it’ll happen or maybe it won’t.
Buy the tickets to Vilnius while it’s still cheap 🙂
I feel like there’s reason to believe Lithuania is in with a good shot at the moment of winning. We shall see.
I will say, I guess technically it means Lithuania CAN host Eurovision.
It is like a test run to say, hey if we win this, we can prove that Lithuania can host
we here in Germany run out of money …..I think I will sell my car (it is a cheap and old one) to help finance NDR to rent the venue in Lithuania. We are a really poor country. Covid19 ruined us. If that goes on with the pandemic we have to sell our panzers to Turkey to finance the ESC ………ok, just kidding.
come on guys, where is your humor?
“I don’t feel hate, I feel sorry” – precisely how I feel about this song. 😀
The song has been leaked and it’s terrible. I do hope that’s not the actual song and they’re just trolling us just to get a rise. Otherwise, sorry to say, but it’s horrendous.
I like the song ….very happy and makes a good mood …..but you have to watch the audio in combination with the video. It would be the same if you watch Little Bigs’s “UNO” without the video ….it wouldn’t be good.
> but you have to watch the audio in combination with the video
And this is a problem. A good song stands on its own. When people start saying things like, “but maybe the staging will elevate it” or “he/she is more of a performer than a singer so take that into account”, we know he have a bad entry. You and I and everyone else knows this. Let’s not kid ourselves. The song is awful.
If you would say “the german song is no radiofriendly song and no bop” – I would agree with you Rumpelstiltskin …. but hell yeah, I like it somehow. Btw …if you don’t like our song (after you have seen the video) – then I accept your opinion.
I am judging a song. The song is bad, like really bad. If you want me to judge the creativity of a music video, sure, I can do that too. It could well be that music video is nice. But the song still remains a flop.
Have to say i think the audio is great for Russia on its own, but i get your point, cos i dont see how this dominated the selection
The audio for Little Big was great on its own. But this song is a turd, it’s terrible.