Junior Eurovision 2021 is getting very real and very close. The latest evidence? The host country France has revealed its artist for the grande fête.
At just 13 years of age, Henzo Hilaire will have the challenging task of succeeding Valentina — France’s most recent contestant who won it all. Already known by the French audience for his participation on The Voice Kids, the young singer will represent his country with the song “Tic Tac”.
Enzo is a real citizen of the world who has already traveled to the four corners of the planet and speaks several languages. Born in the Paris region, his family moved to Macao when he was 6 months old for his father’s job as an airline pilot. They then moved to Hong Kong where Enzo grew up and developed his passion for singing and music. He’s known to be particularly fond of rap and R’n’B.
“At the age of 6, I was already singing and dancing in my living room,” he says.
The young artist with eclectic tastes ranging from Eminem’s rap to the French classics from Michel Berger and Céline Dion has also been playing guitar for several years. He fell in love with the instrument thanks to a gift from his older brother. After having taken singing lessons to perfect his technique, he gained a following through his Youtube channel. He records and edits the covers that he publishes online all by himself. Initially intended only for his family members, the videos quickly progressed from a few views to more than 60,000 for his freestyle rap videos. Collectively these videos brought him to the attention of producers of The Voice Kids.
Participation in The Voice Kids
In 2020, the French public discovered Enzo during his participation on The Voice Kids. Already headstrong, the young singer specified that he intended to make the coaches’ seats turn as he had specially made the trip from Asia. Two coaches finally turned around during his blind audition while he was performing “Can’t Hold Us” by Macklemore & Ryan Lewis. After winning a trio in the Battles, he made it to the final and floored the judges with his interpretation of “Undercover” by Pop Star Zara Larsson.
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“Tic Tac” – Junior Eurovision 2021
Enzo follows Eurovision closely with his family, so representing France is a real dream for him. His song “Tic Tac” charmed France Televisions, which had to choose wisely as they attempt to secure a second consecutive victory. Written and composed by Alban Lico, who has already collaborated with Valentina and Carla, among others, the catchy title is said to move between a Charleston sound and modern pop. Sometimes sung, sometimes chanted, “Tic-tac” is — producers say — like the hypnotic slogan of a generation that wants to live in its chosen rhythm in the pursuit of happiness.
“After our magnificent champion Valentina, it’s a boy who will carry the colors of France at the Junior Eurovision this year,” French HoD Alexandra Redde-Amiel says in a statement. “We are very happy to welcome Enzo in the big family of Eurovision. All the French delegation and France Télévisions will be at his side to accompany him in this extraordinary adventure which will also be marked by the organization of the event in France. With his song (…) Enzo embarks us in his world so catchy and lively to remind us that life is to savor every second.”
According to the delegation the song is “an invitation to take a break and enjoy the simple things away from our busy and hyper-connected lives”.
Can you imagine a new French victory? Let us know in the comments section down below!
I prefer the sadder song above tbh, but “Tic Tac” is very French and junior-esque, it is obvious they are reproducing “J’imagine” patterns. It also kind of reminds me of The Netherlands winning entry in the Junior back in 2009 “Click Clack”. They are very similar.
I was just thinking about How much TicTac reminded me of click clack.
Very similar!? Except the title I don’t really see much of similarities.
AMAZING! Loooove it.
France is going really strong at ESC / JESC lately… I think they really want to organize the big adult contest soon, and I can see it happening if they continue like that
Are they… ? The same team that is currently in charge was ready to send Tom Leeb in 2020, which would have been a certain bottom 5 (if not last place). I think they were just lucky to get someone talented like Barbara show up in recent years (as a songwriter and performer), but I don’t think the team in charge has any idea what they’re doing.
Their intention with Tom leeb was good. They just didn’t know well the contest at the time.
Their intention with Tom Leeb was to buy a one-size-fits-all Swedish song, I wouldn’t qualify that as “good intention”. And it actually shows they knew the contest well: their strategy was to capitalize on Sweden’s success. My point is that that team stumbled upon Barbara recently, but I highly doubt they’ve suddenly figured out the Eurovision secret sauce.
Answer once they reveal their act for Turin.
I agree that 2020 would’ve been a major disaster for France had the contest not been cancelled, but I think their second place finish this year probably revitalized their interest to do very well for France. We’ll have to wait and see if France’s 2022 song will be better or worse than Voila.
Of course of course Bella instead of being encouraging about their efforts since years in Esc and Jesc no you prefer pointing Tom Leeb, btw we don’t know how he would have finished, do you have seen his performance and his staging? No but you say bottom 5 or last blindly of course but it’s so easy to say that, It’s not because some eurofans or even most of the eurofans don’t like a song that this song will do forcefully bad, it’s valid for the contrary too. Girl maybe they don’t get the Eurovision secret sauce but nobody has… Read more »
I’m just looking at facts and official placings here, nothing more. I’m not emitting personal judgments. Also I don’t think you understood my comment: I was talking about the current French delegation which only sent 2 acts, Tom Leeb and Barbara. Considering that one of the two was a total fiasco, I don’t think there’s any argument to say that the French delegation knows what they’re doing, but as I said we’ll see when they select their act this year. As for the pre 2020 acts: only Amir did really well. For the rest, they went from finishing in the… Read more »
A fiasco? It’s already a prejudice as the contest has not happened so you can’t know, his song and Tom had fans. Only Amir did well? Hello Barbara! And without talking about the jesc results It will make 7 years that France don’t finish in the bottom 5 (Esc and jesc) so…. and gurl if we want to be excited for the good results and the efforts where’s the problem. Y’a all are the first to complain when a country doesn’t care of eurovision. We should be excited only for Italy? Come on. And you know an esc ranking doesn’t… Read more »
Man… No offence but I think there are basic language issues about your understanding of English (which is fine, I understand it’s not everyone’s native language). You do not understand my comments, and I need to decipher yours to sort out all your mistakes. I literally said *twice* that I was talking about the *current* team (which only sent Tom and Barbara), and then I talked about the *previous* team that only scored well with Amir. Why are you answering “Only Amir did well? Hello Barbara!”. That doesn’t make *any* sense. Trying in another language (would love to also try… Read more »
Great, you show your real face by reacting like that! Perfect! No need to talk in french and to be agressive, you seem so bitter and it’s confirmed, in which world I’ve said that France have found the magic formula for Eurovision? Your understanding is not the best too apparently. I talked about France’s efforts and results since 2016 in general, and you only since 2020 and after only between 2016 and 2020 I understood perfectly no I’m not an Alien, don’t be so full of prejudices on everything, and that top 10 obsession omg, Yeah you’re right, end of… Read more »
Not 7 years, 6 years sorry
You are right, Tom Leeb is a good singer, they wanted to bring a good singer in the contest so their first intention was good.
@Bella there is no Barbara Pravi or Igit behind Tic Tac and it seems to be really successful, so I’m not sure your theory is spot on. I think the French team has just understood how ESC/JESC works, and it might be because of how badly Tom Leeb was received. They understood they had to do the exact contrary: trust their talented artists (and not bring something from Sweden). Anyway, we’ll see how things turns out in the future, but I can see a pattern where France places well both at ESC and JESC. Their ambitions seem to be big.
I disagree. Although they chose the wrong song for Tom, the decision to select Tom was very smart. Tom Leeb had the charisma of Damiano (in a different way) and he would have captivated the viewers and guarantee a decent televoting result. I also think he wouldn’t do bad with juries. Of course he wouldn’t come 2nd, but he would have done better than the entries from 2018, 2019 and possibly 2017.
I love Enzo ‘s song “Tic TAc ” very much !! Another great entry for France after their victory last year. For me I can smell another victory !! France will have my votes and I like to wish them the very best of luck !!
We’ve already got such a strong selection of songs and we’re not even halfway there! France just KNOWS how to rule JESC, it’s kinda terrifying. xD
Is that over yet ? I smell an other French victory coming. And that would be deserved.
I honestly can’t see why almost everybody in the fandom hates it! Good luck Enzo, I hope you get top10 at least
?? This time I don’t see so much hate towards the french entry… everybody? Are you sure?
I haven’t watched as many ranking list, but the French entry seems to be well embraced. The lowest I’ve seen ranked was fourth place
I mean it can’t be loved by everybody, that’s the game, but it has already big fans as I could see and it’s the main thing. But pure hate no, I haven’t seen that yet. And the youtube rankings at this stage you know…..it’s not a reference and has never been…Btw in this kind of contest no need to be liked by everybody but to be loved by some people who will be motivated enough to vote for you, and it seems to be the case with Enzo. So let’s see.
Honk kong will support France this year, I love the idea! The song is catchy, it captures the essence of the 4 french jesc entries in an effective way and always age appropriate and positive. Since their come back nobody can deny that France takes the thing seriously and with heart.
My top so far:
1. France
2. Poland
3. Spain
4. Netherlands
5. Germany
6. Malta
France is in it to win it once again! But Poland is a contender. Strong top2.
I’m actually surprised we got another Junior Eurovision article, especially for a song reveal, because it’s pretty rare on the site. As of now here’s my ranking.
1. Netherlands
2. France
5. Germany
6. Malta
Similar idea to what Spain is sending. I’m all for any song advocating to enjoy life in such a complicated time.
If I have to be honest, I like this better than Spain’s, although I like Spain song too.
We’re going to have more than usual number of male performers for jesc 2021
and that’s a good thing
Yeah true knowing that a boy hasn’t won since 2014, it could be the boy’s year….Spain, Portugal, Ireland, Malta (the rapper) and now France send boys so far, we will see what will happen for the others countries, I know that there are boys too in North Macedonia’s group.