This week eyes turn to Serbia as the country chooses its act for Eurovision 2023. The semi-final round of Pesma za Evroviziju 23 will see 32 acts competing over two shows. But only 16 (8 from each semi-final) will make it through to Saturday’s grand final.

Last week, we opened two polls to gauge the views of our readers. We were interested to find out who y’all wanted to qualify from each semi-final.

We’ve now totted up the scores and verified the results. So here is the outcome…

Luke Black is a favourite in PzE 23 semi-final 1

For semi-final 1, our readers are getting behind Luke Black. His edgy alternative pop track “Samo mi se spava” has captivated many since its release and is looking to be a strong contender in the national selection. Luke picked up 737 votes, which is 20.10% of all those cast.

Silver and bronze go to some of the upbeat bops from the semi-final. Filip Baloš and Savo Perović are inviting us to the club with their entries “Novi plan drugi san” and “Presidente”, and it seems many are taking up their offer. Filip earned 509 votes (13.88%), whilst Savo was just behind and secured 499 votes (13.61%).

Eight acts will ultimately qualify from the semi-final. If it was up to our readers, the remaining slots in the grand final would go to: Angellina, Princ, Boris Subotić, Nađa and Mattia Zanatta & Angela Kassiani.

Full results: Who should qualify from Pesma za Evroviziju 23 semi-final 1?

  1. Luke Black – “Samo mi se spava” – 20.10%, 737 votes
  2. Filip Baloš – “Novi plan drugi san” – 13.88%, 509 votes
  3. Savo Perović – “Presidente” – 13.61%, 499 votes
  4. Angellina – “Lanac” – 10.94%, 401 votes
  5. Princ – “Cvet sa Istoka” – 8.40%, 308 votes
  6. Boris Subotić – “Nedostupan” – 6.35%, 233 votes
  7. Nađa – “Moj prvi ožiljak na duši” – 6.22%, 228 votes
  8. Mattia Zanatta & Angela Kassiani – “Novi svet” – 6.16%, 226 votes
  9. Stefan Shy – “Od jastuka do jastuka” – 4.88%, 179 vote
  10. Tijana Dapčević – “Mamim” – 3.44%, 126 votes
  11. CHEGI & Braća Bluz Band – “Svadba ili kavga” – 2.26%, 83 votes
  12. Adem Mehmedović – “Osmeh” – 1.31%, 48 votes
  13. Hercenšlus – “Vremenska zona” – 0.79%, 29 votes
  14. Empathy Soul Project – “Indigo” – 0.76%, 28 votes
  15. Filip Žmaher – “Čujemo se sutra” – 0.74%, 27 votes
  16. Igor Stanojević – “Iza duge” – 0.16%, 6 votes

Total Votes: 3,667

Hurricane are a favourite in PzE 23 semi-final 2

Over in semi-final 2, the big favourite amongst our readers is Hurricane. The group have a completely different line-up from when they participated at Eurovision 2021, with Jovana Radić, Sara Kourouma and Miona Srećković now taking the reins. But this new trio are still making an impact and managed to pick up 403 votes for their entry “Zumi zimi zami” — that’s 18.54% of the total.

Zejna and Ivona complete an all-female top three in the semi-final 2 poll. Their songs “Rumba” and “U noćima” are getting y’all dancing the night away. Zejna secured 344 votes (15.82%) and you awarded Ivona with 236 votes (10.68%).

According to our readers, the remaining qualifiers should be: Dziipsii, Filarri, Egret, Anđela and Nadia.

Full results: Who should qualify from Pesma za Evroviziju 23 semi-final 2?

  1. Hurricane – “Zumi zimi zami” – 18.54%, 403 votes
  2. Zejna – “Rumba” – 15.82%, 344 votes
  3. Ivona – “U noćima” – 10.86%, 236 votes
  4. Dzipsii – “Greh” – 10.12%, 220 votes
  5. Filarri – “Posle mene” – 9.94%, 216 votes
  6. Egret – “Ako shvatim kasno” – 6.81%, 148 votes
  7. Anđela – “Loše procene” – 5.98%, 130 votes
  8. Nadia – “Devojka tvog dečka” – 4.51%, 98 votes
  9. Eegor – “Starac dana” – 4.42%, 96 votes
  10. Frajle – “Neka, neka” – 4.37%, 95 votes
  11. Duo Grand – “Viva la Vida” – 2.25%, 49 votes
  12. Doris Milošević – “Tišina” – 1.93%, 42 votes
  13. Gift – “Liberta” – 1.70%, 37 votes
  14. Milan Bujaković – “Fenomen” – 1.38%, 30 votes
  15. Jelena Vlahović – “Kao grom iz vedra neba” – 0.78%, 17 votes
  16. Igor Vince & Bane Lalić – “Zato što volim” – 0.60%, 13 votes

Total Votes: 2,174

What do you think of the poll results? Are you looking forward to the Pesma za Evroviziju 23 semi-finals? Let us know in the comments below.

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2 years ago

Luke Black my 2nd with Konstrakta’s team, Angellina my first with Sara Jo’s team, this might be hard for me to choose

2 years ago

Quite expected and with reason. Luka especially.

2 years ago

My prediction for 1st Semi, instead Boris Subotic, in final we will have Chegi amd Braca Bluz Band
In 2nd Semi , instead An?ela im final we will have Eegor

2 years ago

I hope Filip Baloš can deliver perfect live performance and Serbia would choose him thanks to that – I love this song soo much and that would be in my potential top 3 of this year

2 years ago

What happened to the original lineup of Hurricane?

2 years ago
Reply to  Karl

Internet says that ladies decided to embark on solo careers.

You could say it’s gone with the wind.

Purple Mask
Purple Mask
2 years ago
Reply to  Jacob

Perhaps they were blown away.

2 years ago
Reply to  Purple Mask

It was all a storm in a D-Cup

2 years ago
Reply to  Karl

expired contract

Nobody important
Nobody important
2 years ago
Reply to  Karl

Their contract expired and they didn’t want to expend it, so they got new girls.

2 years ago

I was a big fan of hurricane but i rather want rumba

2 years ago

If Hurricane win, they will be the second weather-related act to appear with interchangeable lineup. Wind represented Germany three times with switched members, one of whom from Milli Vanilli in 1987.

2 years ago

“Hello” from Luke Black song is inspired by people in The Sims video game when call you, when they wave at you, when they want to send them to toilet, so, his “Hello” directed to people which control us,, real people…

2 years ago

Serbia is strong this year, but I’m too captivated by Luke Black; his song is another level, completely out of the box. Quite nervous about the live performance, tho, although Konstracta’s team is behind him so we can expect something interesting.

2 years ago

Luke Black’s live performance is one of the 2 left this season that I’m really anticipating, a bit anxiously, along with Portugal’s Bandua, possible all-timers at ESC.

2 years ago

I’d be okay with these qualifiers, although I must say I have a soft spot for Doris Milosevic’s “Tisana”. She’s not my favourite of this selection, but easily in my top 5. She doesn’t get a lot of traction and I know that her sound is a little throwback, but the melody just hits me in the right spot. I don’t know how popular she is or if she has any chance of making it to the final, though. My favourites to win the whole thing would be “Samo mi se spava”, “Novi Svet” and “Greh”. Each one of these… Read more »

2 years ago

With full honesty, Pesma za Evroviziju 23 semi-final 1 is basically the entire contest, the specific top-6 that emerged from this poll could easily also be the top-6 of the Grand Final, THAT’S HOW HIGH-QUALITY IT IS. With all that said, if Luke Black creates a killer staging and has a good live performance for his MASTERPIECE, my personal ESC top 3 is going to have a major shakedown.

Nobody Important
Nobody Important
2 years ago

Please Serbia, don’t send Hurricane again. You have so many other better options!

2 years ago

Still rooting for Luke Black. A unique sound at the contest is always a benefit, especially when it’s actually good and not just different and quirky for the sake of it. Though we’ll see what he does live.

2 years ago

Luke Black’s song is absolutely excellent, and probably in my top 10 of this whole NF season, but overall, I still have troubles of making my top 32. The thing is, many of these turbo-folky club songs with a lot of autotune don’t sit well with me. Outside of my top 10, I have a challenge in even ranking them, because one song that is technically well-produced, but is firmly in a ”not for me” category blends with the other song of that description. Hurricane’s entry is probably among the better ones among these, but I don’t feel much for… Read more »

2 years ago

The Hurricane ripoff is the worst thing could happen.

2 years ago

Greh is the best one out of the bunch in my view. But overall good selection – keep up the good work Serbia.

Knut Olav
Knut Olav
2 years ago

Very predictable, but the readers fav songs doesn’t make any impressions on me. My favs are Empathy Soul Project, Hersenšlus and Gift.

2 years ago
Reply to  Knut Olav


Knut Olav
Knut Olav
2 years ago

Nice that I gave you a good laugh 😉

2 years ago

I have 4 very strong opinions and I am prepared for all the downvotes on all of them! I am sure 3 hot favorites will not win in PZE! Serbia will not choose Luke Black (It will flop so hard as it sounds too experimental for Serbia and I have 0 feeling it will strike people like Konstrakta’s entry last year) Serbia will not choose Zejna. (The song just takes so long to start and is very repetitive. She will either be too static and look bad or dance her heart out and look great but sound bad) Hurricane is… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  Amigo

I am honestly never about bad energy, I just did not connect to any of the 3 favorite acts! Sorry to all fans of these songs!

2 years ago
Reply to  Amigo

to be fair “experimental” and out of the world is what eurovision viewers would vote for. so they have a chance with Luke.

2 years ago
Reply to  XOOOD

as for Hurricane and Zeijna I agree, something generic about the songs that is off-putting. I love generic songs “which by now the readers can tell” but those are just not it.

2 years ago

I admit that PzE is quite strong (with like a minimum of 10 good songs), but I only care about Luke Black and Princ.

2 years ago
