You’ve heard the Eurovision 2023 songs for months — and this week you finally watched the two live semi-finals. Now it’s time vote. Who do you think should win the Eurovision Song Contest 2024 in Liverpool?
In our earlier poll, run after all 37 songs had been released but before rehearsals started, you guys voted in numbers. We received a total of 37,838 votes in the poll. At that time the Top 5 were…
- Finland – 16.81%, 6,362 votes
- Sweden – 15.10%, 5,712 votes
- Germany – 6.29%, 2,381 votes
- Israel – 5.58%, 2,110 votes
- Spain – 5.08%, 1,922 votes
But now that you’ve seen the staging and heard everyone sing live when it matters, has your opinion changed? Let us know by voting in our poll below. You can vote for as many countries as you’d like, but you can only vote ONE time. Be sure to click the box next to each act you want to support before submitting.
Who will win the Eurovision Song Contest 2023?
Eurovision 2023 Grand Final Running Order
Austria: Teya & Salena — “Who the Hell is Edgar?”
Portugal: Mimicat — “Ai coração”
Switzerland: Remo Forrer — “Watergun”
- 🇵🇱 Poland: Blanka — “Solo”
Serbia: Luke Black — “Samo mi se spava”
France: La Zarra — “Évidemment”
Cyprus: Andrew Lambrou — “Break a Broken Heart”
Spain: Blanca Paloma — “Eaea”
Sweden: Loreen — “Tattoo”
- 🇦🇱 Albania: Albina & Familja Kelmendi – “Duje”
- 🇮🇹 Italy: Marco Mengoni – “Due vite”
Estonia: Alika — “Bridges”
Finland: Käärijä — “Cha Cha Cha”
- 🇨🇿 Czechia: Vesna — “My Sister’s Crown”
Australia: Voyager — “Promise”
Belgium: Gustaph — “Because of You”
Armenia: Brunette — “Future Lover”
Moldova: Pasha Parfeni — “Soarele si luna”
Ukraine: TVORCHI — “Heart of Steel”
Norway: Alessandra — “Queen of Kings”
Germany: Lord of the Lost — “Blood & Glitter”
Lithuania: Monika Linkyte — “Stay”
- 🇮🇱 Israel: Noa Kirel — “Unicorn”
Slovenia: Joker Out — “Carpe Diem”
Croatia: Let 3 — “Mama ŠČ!”
United Kingdom: Mae Muller — “I Wrote A Song”

“Wild Dances: My Queer and Curious Journey to Eurovision” is available now.
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Y’all were whining about wanting your juries after the semi finals.
Hope you’re happy and enjoyed your evening. What a load.
Congratz UK, what a great ESC, thank U so much! So many good entries, they slayed.
How many times can you vote?
Thank god the Finland song is in Finnish, so that most people don’t understand it’s a song that promotes escapism via alcoholism. Cha-cha-cha, chin-chin!
#bejba for the win! 😉
Everyone should, so everyone got my vote here, good luck y’all. Have a good time tonight.
Thank you, you too. Though I may dislike your fondness for a certain Norwegian MGP song that I’d rather forget, I have enjoyed commenting with you so thank you, and have a good night. 🙂
Lol we have all our guilty pleasures, it was mine of the season. Thank you Purple it was a nice season after all, a bit too much predictable imo, but the next will have more suspense I hope. Have a nice show Purple, see u here in few hours 😉
My favourites of this year: Austria, Croatia, Slovenia, Ukraine and Czechia. Also, a lot of respect for Spain and France.
Good Luck to everyone!
anyone but Sweden.
Rooted for Sweden and Spain.
Käärijä’s vocal is unfortunately too bad, though I understand he leading the board for his popularity and the quality of the song and the staging.
But Israel and Poland among the top 5? Nothing against Noa, but if either of them wins, it is like a scandal for a SONG contest.
In Eurovision Song Contest Eurovision is more important than Song Contest.
Guys, just don’t be shocked if Poland will get 0 points from the Jury and 300 from the public and will be like 5th
Poland is now ranked 4th. lmao
It will be sure funny to see bejba win : D
I think Spain play a part winning this for Finland.
The start of loreens song is poor. Slow, sad, weak lyrics. After Spain ends everyone will remember the amazing notes Blanca hits and hear loreen’s weak start. This could play a part in televote to help others.
Juries are glazed eyed they have their winner already even if she farted the song
Poland 4th?? Omg.
Cause Its great Song. My no1 after semifinal
In the 90’s perhaps. But that’s my taste. It would be so much better if the performance from Blanka didn’t look like a dead fish.
The German commentator compared it to „Coco Jamboo“. And in a way, he’s right, I’d say.
“great song”? It’s a song, let’s leave it here. It’s far from greatness
Everything is still possible, just remember 2016 when bookies had Ukraine as 3rd
My favorite is Sweden, but nothing is over yet, so guys vote and support your favorites
My prediction for the last place is Poland. Germany has a rock band that performs late in the r.o., and The UK closes, and apparently Mae had a better jury show. Press Poll last night gave Poland 0 points (no votes whatsoever), and I suspect the jury follows. She is also rather early in the r.o., so the ”diva banger” votes will go to Israel, Norway, and even The UK later on. A part of diaspora that isn’t outraged by Jann’s loss will still vote, but I just don’t think it will be enough. It’s still a decent song, and… Read more »
My prediction for last place is actually the UK!
For me It has to be one of the 2 strongest performances and songs depending on which mood IS Europe in: if Europe wants Wild party, fun with a touch (or two) of eccentricity and quirkiness then Finland It is. If, on the other hand, Europe wants different, new sound, elegance and artistic values then It is Spain. Whatever the result I do Hope that a song not in English wins.
Or if the song in English wins, that it’s Austria. 🙂
I totally agree with your top 2 choices, as they are my top 2 choices too!
No way Austria will win. Girls are off key ?
Finland is my winner, followed by Sweden, but also supporting United Kingdom, Switzerland, France, Slovenia, Moldova, Ukraine, Australia and Italy
Best of luck guys.
Actually won’t be watching, decided to go out instead (first year I’ve ever done that) just not feeling it as much as I usually do.
But wishing everyone well tonight in Liverpool hope the best one wins.
Update: I’ve seen Mae’s Jury show performance on Youtube and it’s much, much better than the semi. Maybe a top 15 finish is possible if she does as well again tonight.
I hope that’s the case. It’s a decent entry otherwise. It’d be a shame if poor vocals negated everything else
Actually unfortunately I predict her to be last….! I can’t see that a lot of countries putting this in their top 10 after seeing that clip….
They aren’t judging the semi performance, they’re judging the jury final performance, and if you watch it, it seems totally fine.
No, sorry vocally it was really bad and I do like the studio cut……
Have you even seen it? Or are you just being negative for the sake of it?
Just not Loreen.
I mean… she kinda does sounds like she got a rhyming dictionary for christmas haha
Or Finland
Can someone objectively and honestly tell me if Slovenia is in trouble, given that it is competing between Israel and Croatia, and whether this will heavily influence the televoting results, or if it still has an advantage since it is performing towards the end? Thank you.
I have the feeling that Belgium will surprise with a high score tonight!
He will. I wish him so hard to win after Croatia. I will vote for both.
I will certainly vote for Finland and Spain! I want one of the win. Perhaps I also vote for Austria, Armenia, or Estonia, because I wasn’t able to do so during semi 2. I also hope that Moldova and Croatia do well! Happy Eurovision, everyone, and good luck, everyone!
And Italy, yes, I consider voting Italy too!
Sweden’s Loreen delivers, but Tatoo doesn’t give the feeling of joy or power, too depressing, so I think, against all odds, not the winner. Croatia’s LET3 will slay, as it’s clever: Crazy with a deep meaning. The normal voice won’t harm it. Kärjää from Finland will slay as really entertaining on the point. Marco Mengoni will get a lot of votes because of his charisma, but as screaming too much, between 5 and 10. Team Spain here, but not enough televote for Art. Polish broadcaster’s homophobe thin voiced wannabe Summerfeeling kicked out Iru. So we can see, that impeccable singing… Read more »
How do you know Blanka is a homophobe?
And Arcade was a bundle of joy..
I feel like we’re heading towards a major trainwreck – the audience (including the normies) will want and, more importantly, expect Finland to win. When the jury massacres it, we’ll get stronger-than-ever calls for the abolition of the juries. And after they took them out of the semis, it might succeed this time.
if the juries have another mishap with voting scandal similar to last years, they will be gone come 2024 for certain.
Or, the jury’s votes shouldn’t count for half.
Make it, I don’t know, 35%-65% percent with the majority of the votes coming from the televoters. In my opinion, it’s completely absurd that just 5 people get to have 50% of the say over millions of people, as the case is in many participating counties.
I don’t see juries going away, but if the percentage of their votes gets cut, I’m more okay with it than I am with the 50/50 percentage. I’ve always found that unreasonable.
I completely disagree. The jury vote is important to balance things. But I think we should be more demanding on the juries that are selected. In Portugal, juries are just ridiculous and some of them are not even related to the music industry.
Absolutely not. We need the juries to control diaspora and value quality against circus performances like Finland. Its Finland wind we have 40 clowns in eurovision next year. It already happened in the 00s 10s, have you already forgotten?
If Finland wins… I meant.
Let3 FTW. The real winner. We need to fight against stupidity!
By promoting it?
That is all what you understand from their act? You better ignore them then and concentrate on other artists. Take care!
Bejba in 3, no way.. I think Finland won the semi with only televote but Sweden wins the final.. I hope a top 10 for Belgium and France and no bottom 5 for the UK..
I said this on a different post already, but whoever wins…I just hope they’re either ranked higher by the public than they are by the jury, or they are ranked equally by both.
When the winner is ranked higher by the jury than they are by the televote…I just personally find that to be very wrong! Yes, in the finals I agree that juries have some importance, but ultimately public opinion should still matter more!
Well if you send a song that appeals to both you win, it’s easy as that. Don’t just send a song that appels to the jury or the televote if you wanna win….!!!
it should appeal to both yes, but the public of hundreds of millions should still have their final say matter more than a couple hundred people
the jury rating a song much lower than the public rates it is a bigger problem than the other way around is. You can’t change my mind.
But but but or if if if doesn’t exist. This is the way it works so complaining doesn’t change anything…..!
Let’s Go SWEDEN! It will be my first time voting. My debit card is ready!
Haha wiwi bloggs comment sections this year are the opposite of “United by music”. The only thing I’m sure of, however it goes tonight, there will be a ton of upset people commenting here 😀
Voting for Finland, but good luck to everybody <3
So I have to say I’ve been somehow drawn into this year’s toxicity, but my fav is indeed Finland, cos I like its originality and Eurovision is dedicated to fun and novelty, not only to normal live performances we see all the time on TV or other medias! I also like Loreen’s flow but the song is pretty decent for me, a similar but basic type of music comparing to Euphoria… Anyway, I wish all contestants good luck but I really would love Finland to WIN!
People keep comparing Käärijä to Moldova 2022 and Norway 2019, but we have to remember that those two were never from start considered as possible winners so it wasn’t a problem for any jury to dismiss them.
Comparing this to Swizerland 2019 would be more correct, even juries liked it, although everyone thinks that they only care about ballads.
Comparing Käärijä to Moldova 2022 (ok?), Norway 2019 (what?) or Switzerland 2019 (Ugh!) Was this written by AI?
No this wasn’t written by AI, but these three were amongst publics favourites rather than juries.
Moldova and Norway weren’t considered to do well, but Swizerland was. And which one of these three was the most popular with the juries?
Point being, Finland being a possible winner, means juries can’t just give him 0 points. Hopefully this explained it.
Markus not understanding a single damn thing from that… are people this dumb honestly?
I can’t believe that by tomorrow, another year vision will be put to rest.
cmon BEJBA, show them all!:D
If Finland wins, we will have a winner who has the worst vocal compared to the winners for the past year. And if Sweden wins, we will have a winner song that is streamlined at it’s best without any musical merit compared to the winners from the past years. But I can’t find other acts that have momentum top these two right now so …I will just sit back and enjoy the performances.
Finland will not even be a top 10 juries. Imagine Finland ahead of Estonia in the jury vote ? What credibility would the Eurovision have anymore ?
Stop it! Finland getting jury points is totally sensible considering the impression it leaves on some juries! Who said juries must like ballad vocal more than rapping vocal? This is nonsense!
For me the juries have no credibility since the 2019 vote.
LOL ! 4 years later and still salty….
Im fairly certain theyre asked to consider other criteria than vocal purity. If they consider originality for example i’d say Estonia would be ranked significantly lower than Finland. Even more so if they value “entertainment value” or something like that.
if I had to guess, there’s probably a handful of factors. Voice sure, but also composition, stage presence/entertainment value as you said, originality perhaps,
but i think another big one is probably how well the song and it’s style could maybe succeed in the industry outside a eurovision setting (not sure whether they take the language into account for that or not but imo they shouldn’t)
…juries are able to like things that are fun too! Are we forgetting how highly Spain ranked last year?
“Take a video watch some more, booty hypnotic make you want more” aren’t exactly lyrics of much substance, …but it was a lot of FUN and she was entertaining and that’s what mattered…
And let’s not forget Netta either here. If the song where the girl makes chicken noises can have a more than decent jury score, I don’t see why Finland’s song and some of the other upbeat or party songs can’t as well…
Oh please. Netta CAN SING! She even hit that high note amazingly live so the comparison is ridiculous.
I’m more so making that point for the people who argue that Finland’s song and performance are not serious enough or that he’s too ridiculous
There are world famous performers out there that go just as crazy as him if not crazier
and if we’re talking voice quality, we’ve had winners with not as strong vocals before, lol. And those people it tended to be in part because they were also dancing, like he is
It is a SONG contest not a singing contest. Kaarija has a song that is catchy, memorable and enjoyable. It is AUTHENTIC not written to cliche or trying to hard like many Swedish entries and ultimately it is in Finnish! Finland for the win!
Yes. Tell that to all of the juries.
Do you guys think Serbia can still get top 15?
I doubt it. I feel like his act became more messy than in NF
But he will be close however, 15-17
agreed. I actually thought his national final performance was better than the sf1 performance as well
I hope so!! He deserves it, the tech people obviously made his microphone too soft in the SF but he is amazing. My #1
I hope! I’ll vote for him!
Without Montenegro and North Macedonia, it won’t be easy
If I’m being entirely objective, and I think about what song would be the best actual Eurovision winner going forward in years to come, I find it hard to look past Spain. I think it would be the quality choice.
I’d also not be unhappy with Finland and Israel from amongst the favourites, either.
My personal favourites of this year are probably not really in the running for the win but I would like excellent results for Armenia, Slovenia, Lithuania and Belgium!
Finland is who I want to win but if he couldn’t, I’d see Spain as the next most deserving. It really is one of the most original songs of the entire year, she’s an amazing voice and amazing performance, and the amount of thought she put into this song and its meaning is hard to look past. Plus, it’s in Spanish. It’s just an admirable effort all around.
Definitely Sweden! My fav this year!
As I wasn’t a fan of tattoo I went to listen to the instrumental of the song and quite enjoyed it without the vocals. But then I came across of someone pointing out that the music sounds exactly like Pont Aeri “Flying free” and one part of her singing is so similar to Mika Newton “V Plenu”. Look it up. Was this discussed before?
Try to hear the winner takes it all by Abba, the first part of tattoo is copy paste
The first 3,4 times I listened to Tattoo. The first 30 seconds, let’s say, sounded very similar to ‘The Pretenders -I’ll stand by you’ to me. But then, after that I lost that impression.
I don’t get the hype around Tattoo & I absolutely hate everything about the staging. Don’t know why it is so liked by the fans.
Eurofans (of which most are LGBT) have a pretty mediocre musical taste
Many time. And it’s not. Listen to Norway’s song, and Clara Klingerstöms song 2022 in Melodifestivalen, it’s the same song
You’re wrong. You’re talking about the beat section, which is a funny thing to compare. In that case, every song is a plagiarism, because we have heard all the drum sections from each and every participating song already. Think before you write.
I don’t get the hype around Finland. The song gives me headache. Music shouldn’t be painful to listen to.
Same. I’m team Sweden this year
Painful? Painful for YOU! Cha Cha Cha is quality! It’s serious party metal! Music shouldn’t only be pop or ballad! Where’s the diversity? How did that make people united by music? Music can’t be defined by a few!
“Metal” hahahaha, it’s literally as pop as it gets.
Before the jury show, I would include Israel in the list of possible winners. Now, after the drama she had in the most important moment, she’s probably out of the fight.
Nonsense! Israel is going to win it. And it will be very well deserved!
What drama? She sang amazing, there was an issue removing the pants, but she continued like a queen, on the opposite, it shows how proffesional she is
just saw the leaked video of Sweden’s jury final. I think it’s her weakest performance, but it’s still good enough to win the jury vote
Who do you think won the jury vote tonight ?
probably Sweden
Spain for sure…
This is a rhetorical question, isn’t it?
I think Italy could have.
Sweden, Spain, Italy and Switzerland
I won’t be mad if Sweden indeed wins, but my answer for this question remains Finland or Spain. It’s like they please different sides of my brain.
I’ll be also rooting for Armenia, Australia, Austria, Czechia, Portugal, Serbia and Slovenia to get the best results they can achieve.
Happy Eurovision final eve to everyone! Let’s enjoy the next few hours, because this Sunday starts a loooooong wait for our next national final.
I’m not sure what would disappoint me more. If Sweden won with one or two others above her in the public vote, or if she somehow ends up with more jury votes than Spain hahaha
I think both things are very possible to happen… But I hope Blanca at least wins the juries.
I won’t enjoy it if Sweden wins
I’ll be underwhelmed, but I won’t riot, you know? I’ll be also a little worried that we go back to a few years ago and most countries try to follow the slick route, with a bunch of them buying songs from the same 6 songwriters.
But the irony of the thing is that if this happens, the chance of having another Jamala or Salvador winning next year’s contest will maybe increase. Everything’s cyclic after all.
Loreen will always be Eurovision royalty and I wouldn’t hate it if she won, but I also want more of a contest and someone to win who hasn’t won for longer.
Finland has been one of my faves ever since it came out – it’s just so bonkers and original nad Kaarija’s personality is everything!
My second fave is Spain – just so classy and powerful!
Voting is unfair as there is a huge price difference from country to country.
Can we talk about France?
What’s gone wrong?
For me it’s keeping your performer static upon on platform for the full three minutes during what at points is quite a disco-y song.
It’s gone from potential winner to now lower part of left hand side for me
Nothing’s gone wrong.
The betting odds this last week beg to differ…
I agree partly. Not that there should be more dancing, but she feels a bit uncomfortable up there and you can feel that she can’t (or doesn’t want to) move too much. And also isn’t as confident vocally. Just the shoulder choreo from her video would’ve elevated this so much… You know, if she were on the ground.
I would say maybe standing so high up on such a small platform makes her nervous. Which on one hand I understand that…but Australia 2019 swung up in the air on poles and still sounded spot on xD
Was my second favorite until I was bombarded with yt ads to vote for her.
Another big dress. How creative! And the fact that people praising it like it’s epic really makes me laugh.
Is it that time yet when people start saying increasingly unhinged things?
“SaN MaRinO can sTill win. HEAR ME OUT!!!”
I’d rather see some countries regularly qualify because of diaspora than in return for donations. That being said, I really am fed up with the Polish diaspora from Armenia, Albania, Romania etc. voting themselves through to the final every single year. Like, give us a freaking break.
Poland didn’t qualify in 2018, 2019 or 2021 and I can’t even remember when Romania last qualified.
Was it the yodelling in 2017?
Just last year WRS – Llámame
If you’ve followed the events back in 2018, you will know that “Goodbye” technically came 10th, but the vote apparently was “readjusted” with a combined score based on a “pot of 6 randomly chosen countries” and Romania wash pushed down to the 11th place so Hungary could qualify instead. Also in 2019 Ester Peony qualified with the Juries but overall didn’t make it. And in 2021 if I remember correctly, Romania also made the TOP10 with the Juries but was failed by the Televote. They made it last year though.
Saying about Polish diaspora is just stupid. Look for the results!
Polish diaspora from Armenia, Albania and Romania? What xddd
lol what, who’d move to Armenia, Albania, or Romania? Polish diaspora is definitely in Germany, UK, Ireland, some Nordic countries… but not those three lmao
Ok let’s be real…
The UK got really, really unlucky this year, as if everything that could go wrong did go wrong.
Before our song was released, many thought it could be a potential winner and since our song has been released, we just went down and down and down until we hit rock bottom.
This is painful, really painful..
I just wanna know how can the country with probably the biggest music industry in the whole contest and a massive budget manage to get it so terribly wrong?, especially after the heights of Sam Ryder last year who almost won the whole thing? Sweden has a smaller music industry and a smaller budget and still consistently ranks in the top 10 year after year with very few exceptions…
Seriously, it isn’t politics as we proved last year, there’s no excuse anymore. I trusted in TaP Management and I feel severely let down.
I am sorry but the biggest doesn’t mean the best. The UK mainstream stations are filled with America-inspired garbage for teenage girls, being played repeatedly over the day until everyone’s brain subconsciusly starts to enjoy it. That leads to searches on Spotify / Youtube etc, and a quick profit is generated which the label can then share with all the middlemen/radio stations etc that were involved in the process of generating these “hits”. And forgive me if I’m wrong, but my observation is that your “biggest music industry” is hugely focused on doing precisely that. Talented and ambitious UK artists… Read more »
Well we should pick something from the upcoming scene like we did with Sam Ryder, he only had what we call a “cult following” before Eurovision, but since then he’s has a #2 single and his album went straight in at #1. Unlike many non-eurovision fans, I don’t think sending Adele, Ed Sheeran or any huge name is a good idea at all, yes it may get us points but I think people hugely overestimate the outcome that they would bring. There are thousands of genuinely excellent upcoming artists and bands in the UK, from all genres of music, but… Read more »
Mae’s song is still an improvement compared to the BBC’s darkest years, and being a bit less optimistic than you, I still thought she could end up on the left side of the scoreboard. I am not too sure what went so wrong with the vocals. Even now I don’t think she cannot sing, it’s more like her voice is too gentle and lacks energy, therefore despite singing in tune, her vocals sound bland. I’d love to know why the BBC never approached the guy with spectacular voice and songwriting skills named Tom Grennan, who only broke into fame in… Read more »
It’s amazing how we went from having one of the best singers in Eurovision ever to something kinda reminiscent of Jemini in the space of a year… I try and be as optimistic as possible with Eurovision, especially after Sam Ryder but it was hard when I just kept hearing bad news after bad news. But like I’ve heard people say, being just “OK” Isn’t good enough, you have to come to slay each year without fail and bring your A game, I’d suggest a national final but in the current state of Eurovision related opinions in this country, that… Read more »
His first album was brilliant but went unnoticed. Once he massively compromised on the songs quality, the radio welcomed his music (or was it just the point at which his label decided to start promoting him). The songs became basic and predictable but that’s probably what everyone wanted from him. My wider point was that the BBC has no will nor interest in exploring the domestic talent. It’s not about Tom. It’s about hundreds of talented people who get several thousand views at best, and would not turn down an offer to even just participate in You Decide. If you… Read more »
Honestly? The only problem I see with the UK’s entry this year is Mae’s live vocals. Unfortunately, that one flaw alone is enough to possibly be a big issue…
When Charles and Camilla visited the arena, Mae promised them “no nul points”… can she keep that promise? I don’t want her ending up in the Tower of London.
You can do this, Mae!
Just getting “No nul points” isn’t nearly good enough anymore, we should be consistently sending entries to push for the win, year after year, we have the resources, the budget, everything. We did it for 40 odd years, nothing stops us from doing it now.
I think TaP did a good job, except for maybe slightly overlooking live performance skills/experience. Anyway… it’s 24 hours too early for the final verdict! Mae can still wow us.
I watched ESCunited’s reaction to the jury show just before, and yes, I’ve heard she has improved but there were still a lot of problems with the performance ie. Mic was still too quiet, high note at the end wasn’t good, and it’s unclear whether she has backing now or not. I did always feel that this would be a more televote friendly song than jury however, much like Freya Skye was last year in Junior Eurovision, but Mae may well have hurt her chances in the Jury vote already as juries do tend to rate vocals a lot… If… Read more »
I really hope you’re right, I really do.
That’s the problem with a big comeback; the pressure must have been ridiculous after last year. That being said, I think careless rather than “unlucky” is closer. Someone should have checked if she could sing live before going with the song (which I think has had a good reception from the fanbase) but I would imagine that the BBC’s starting point was “it must be female and a banger” and that narrowed things down a bit. Host countries struggle anyway so it might not be seen as a complete failure and there’s always next year.
Not gonna lie, the first warning sign of a flop this year was when I read an article where they were going to show more ‘diversity’ in our act this year, which gave the impression of picking someone based on their identity rather than their musical and performance merit.
Just pick the person who has the full package ie. Excellent vocal ability, stage presence, experience and generally being a good ambassador for the country.
bruh she was clearly not picked for her identity… also this whole conversation has left me puzzled – ppl are talking “change of direction” there’s nothing wrong with our package or our current direction per say .. like if Mae could deliver the vocals and wore a better outfit, this would be a solid top 11 performance. That’s it. Why tf are yall talking UK music scene and industry as if we’re back in 2019?? We’ve got a good process. We got a good entry. The artist is just struggling which is a novelty for us, even during the bland… Read more »
blanka might not have the best song or vocals, but she has the best dance break among the chanel wannabes
TBH… I would vote for Albania for the best dance break… loool
The rest is the same
Can we all stop pretending that Chanel invented the dance break? There was a time when I couldn’t put on the TV without seeing Britney or J-Lo or someone else doing a dance break and they were copying Madonna and Janet Jackson from the 80s.
didn’t say she invented, just looks too suspicious that many acts decided to have dance breaks this year
No but can we stop from pretending that the part when she does the dance break sounds exactly like the one from SloMo. Also it’s totally forced in, doesn’t even match the vibe from the rest of the song
She dances like a plank of wood.
It’s looking like Sweden is unstoppable, rising everywhere. But I want drama!!! I want a neck to neck battle, I want my breath to be taken away when I swear because the hosts are delaying the final points for 2 minutes for suspense. Loreen ending with 350+ jury points will take that away. Just like we knew it was over last year when Ukraine got that score. I don’t mind Loreen wining. I just don’t want the show to be over halfway the jury points, and going through a lifeless public vote score announcement. Gimme drama!!! Give the gays the… Read more »
OK, the Top 5 televote winners have to enter a pit of death and the last alive is ESC champion 2023. Are you not entertained?!
If there are lions as well, yes yes I am
If Käärijä is quite close and 2nd or 3rd on the jury scorecard, be warned, because a runaway score on the televote side could make Loreen sweat.
I got my calculator ready. 2,204 televote points are up for grabs.
No calculators allowed! That’s a thing I don’t like about this reveal system, while the hosts are dragging it out half of Europe could have already figured who’s won. Including commentators.
I never have to worry about this issue calculator or not, because I am like, treckwreck-level bad at math xD
I actually think Spain is will challenge Sweden for the jury win.
That song is surely a jury wet dream
Spain would absolutely deserve it if she did