It’s time to cha cha cha, as Finland decides its entrant for Eurovision 2024 on Saturday 10 February. The show took place at the Nokia Arena in Tampere.
Seven artists competed at Uuden Musiikin Kilpailu 2024, or UMK 2024, to win the golden ticket to Eurovision. The artists included our readers’ favourite, Sara Siipola, who brought the house down with her Finnish language ballad “Paskana“, as well as UMK 2022 runners-up, Cyan Kicks.
But in the end, it was Windows95man who prevailed, running away with the televote to win the contest with the song “No Rules!“.
Running order of UMK 2024
- Sini Sabotage – “Kuori mua”
- Cyan Kicks – “Dancing with Demons”
- Jesse Markin – “Glow”
- Mikael Gabriel and Nublu – “Vox populi”
- Sara Siipola – “Paskana”
- Sexmane – “Mania”
- Windows95man – “No Rules!”
UMK 2024 results
The results of UMK 2024 were determined by a combination of 25% international jury groups and 75% public vote.
International jury results
- Sara Siipola – 70 points
- Cyan Kicks – 48 points
- Mikael Gabriel and Nublu – 42 points
- Sini Sabotage – 38 points
- Jesse Markin – 34 points
- Sexmane – 34 points
- Windows95man – 28 points
Public vote
- Windows95man – 285 points
- Sara Siipola – 203 points
- Mikael Gabriel and Nublu – 136 points
- Cyan Kicks – 80 points
- Jesse Markin – 76 points
- Sexmane – 74 points
- Sini Sabotage – 27 points
Full results
- Windows95man – 313 points
- Sara Siipola – 273 points
- Mikael Gabriel and Nublu – 178 points
- Cyan Kicks – 128 points
- Jesse Markin – 110 points
- Sexmane – 108 points
- Sini Sabotage – 65 points
Does Henri Piispanen resembles Sam Smith? Don’t Think
Who else finds the Kuuma – Benjamin mash-up at the show’s start brilliant? I am craving for that version on the streaming platforms!
I completely agree.
The opening of UMK 2024 is THE best opening of a national final EVER!
(And someone should react to that)
So.. they stole the melody from “Portion Boys – Samaa taivasta katsotaan” and just changed the production and the lyrics.. I knew I’ve heard this melody before.. LAME…
I wanted Sara to win, but this was my second favorite so I’m not mad about it.
I read somewhere that Henri told that he underperformed in the jury-show, which could partially explain the low jury score. Then in the final the opposite happened with Sara struggling vocally (even though it got better towards the end) and Henri nailing it.
Im trying to like this but for me this song is on the trashy side of the list. Its novelty appeal will get them through to the final . If it wasn’t for the televote only this will stay in the semi final. I don’t get the egg and I don’t get the hidden nudity and I dont get get the whole concept of Windows 95 man. Someone explain so I can get it and appreciate it . I am also delusional in that neither artists are vocally good live on stage while everyone is raving how vocally good they… Read more »
Since you asked, here is something I have gathered from their interviews. Windows95man is an alter ego of a visual artist and DJ Teemu Keisteri. When shy suburban dad Teemu puts on his magic shorts he becomes Windows95man whose goal is to bring joy. “No rules” has been his motto for ages and sometimes “no rules” is needed when he tries to make people smile. He loves the simpler life of the 1990’s and the song is a tribute to the era. This is his first own song. The egg is a reference to Kalevala, the national epic of… Read more »
Thanks for explaining this. Much appreciated 🙂
In one word: Rubbish!
Curvele Se Fut Cu porcii…
I watched UMK and the songs that stood out were Vox Populi and Paskana. Whilst I was expecting Sara Siipola to win – amazing performance visually and vocally – I would be happy if Finland sent every single one except for Windows95Man. Why? (It will make many people furious but I’ll say it!) First, the criticism isn’t about Windows95Man but their song. “No Rules” looks like a song to infuriate the swedish people because of last year results – there are many moments on that performance that are a sattire of Tattoo’s. Also saying that televote should count more is… Read more »
Agree with you . A check from jury and televoting needs a balance. My main concern is not countries voting for novelty acts but trolls manipulating the results . A careful balance is essential.
Finally we got a real banger!
The satanic voices of Finland return. I’m getting tired of this. The song sounds old fashioned. Do they practice satanism in Finland? Is that why it’s the happiest country in the world? Boooriiing
Yeah let listen to the angelic sounds coming from Israel.
Its only love and peace. Very eurovision.
And I even didnt mention the young artist representing them.
EBU should have banned Israel from competing.
Why? cause you are afraid that Israel will win? If they will bring a strong and powerful song they can… totally can… this is a very WEAK year so they have a chance for sure!
Every country competing in ESC24 has a change of wining.
Its a disgrace due to the current circumstances in district G that the EBU is still letting Israel compete.
For me it would be like Eva Braun singing in KZ Bergen Belsen a happy Chanoeka song.
I dont mean bad of the young artist they have selected.
Dont know her and she seems an artist with good vocals. Nothing against her personally.
Surprised this has received such a negative reaction, this is my favourite entry we have so far this year. It’s an absolute banger with the most bonkers staging, it’s exactly the kind of entry that people hope to see at Eurovision every year. If the results of UMK are anything to go off, this will clean up with the televote in May.
I’ll probably receive zero from the juries, then 313 points in the televote, ending up 5th overall. Which will, sadly, only encourage more acts like this in 2025.
BTW Why Israel need to protect the p@lestinians? H@mas need to take care of them. Its not like H@mas protecting Israelis or jews in G@za , oh wait.. there is no Israelis or jews in g@za.. I wonder why… but “p@lestinians” live in Israel tho…
Yeah, its just a wild picknick in the District G park isnt it??
We just go on with ESC24 if nothing has happened.
What a heartless arrogance.
Eat your cold heart out, if there is left any?
Disaster! The juries will kill it.. with passion!
EEWWW! My last place!
Juries won’t kill it because it won’t even qualify. This won’t work in televoting either. Joke entries can succeed when they’re funny. This is just bad.
Just watched the paskana performance : everybody can see the noble intention behind the staging.. Ok… but….. I’m still in shock at the EPIC FAIL!!! Come on!!! ! Either my TV was disfunctional or the finnish broadcaster clearly (pun intended) forgot to pay the electricity bill lol lol
What epic fail?
I think it was your TV dysfunctioning
One single eurovision song contest without any WTF act would kill eurovision instantly… It’s why you watch it and what you remember and have fun rewatching 10 years after, you have to admit it… It’s so bad but i had sooo much fun discovering it i Will remember it for sure
Good luck Finland and please macOSXwoman next year followed by Android6group thanks
If windows95man has to change his stage name and logo, I suggest calling himself computer man with generic computer pictures replacing the windows logos on his shirt and hat.
LinuxMan would be more than approriate as it invented by Finn.
You know that Linux is also a brand don’t you?
Finns are trouble maker in EBU/Eurovision class. 🙂
I’m proud of our entry this year although I’d prefer Käärijä & Erika Vikman with “Ruoska”. I never understood the hype behind Paskana. Sorry, but it’s as number two as Loreen’s T*ttoo was. I wish people wouldn’t get too fixated on a genre, a song or particularly an artist. I don’t want to sound mean, but last year felt like people were living in a cult, to be brutally honest. Be open-minded, please! ? I truly hope YLE and the EBU ditch the juries ASAP, because it’s undemocratic in many ways, that is, a small group of people trying to… Read more »
You still havent gotten over losing last year huh?
It’s not like they have lost to a good song. Lol. They lost to a middle aged woman dancing in a cage lmfao
First of all, she was in a panini press, second of all it was the best panini that evening, so no shocker she won.
As I do love out of the box and cringe ESC acts, lasts years Let3 and Konstrakta 22 where amongst my fav’s despite a huge backlash from the ESC fanbase online.
Also Finlands act in 2023 from Käärijä. The epic Chachacha.
I understand they will fish in the same pond this year.
This is funny, BONKERS as they will say in the UK. Alas Douze points your way.
But unleast they dont fly SJB in for a staging. This might get lost.
We still have Joost from the Netherlands. He could blow them out of the mosh-pitt.
As a Finn I’m ashamed of our representee. YLE should not let performances like this enter at all. Song ok, but the rest – omg. Käärijä joined Finns from kids to grannys, but not Win95.
It´s so sad how Finns are always the first to tell how ashamed they are about their own decisions. I´m a Finn and I did give 2 votes for Sara, but I really don´t mind Windows95man representing us. It is great that the Finnish public has so much power in UMK.Windows95man is the public´s choice so get over it. We will do great in Malmö!
Oh, great … apparently now they’ve also made some remarks wishing for the EBU to ban Israel, too.
Go format yourself, Finland.
All drama aside, the bleached blonde guy has such a great voice. It’s almost too good for a joke like this lol
If You throwed Win95Man off, there’s a catchy 90’s nostalgig beat today youngsters can’t get?
The meltdown because Sara didn’t win is real 😀 If it was Alika – Bridges level of performance I would say fine, song in Finnish which is decent, with good staging and sung flawlessly will probably get top 10, maybe top 5. But she didn’t even sing good, she yelled, lost her breath several times, it was an average performance at best. No Rules singer didn’t have more problems than her, maybe even sang better.
? I agree
Realizing that took my shock away, Sara’s performance was underwhelming and while W95’s one had a rather messy staging, he actually worked it out
Yay i agree.. Epic FAIL. So disapointed… Either my TV went dysfunctional or the finnish broadcaster did not pay the electricity bill..
Did not watch UMK24 this year and just watched these 2 performances.
Honestly, I much prefer Paskana. The staging is really impressive. I agree that she has some vocal issues, but I think there is still time and can be overcome. Thus, I believe it has more potential.
No Rules is more like a gamble. The vocal is average as well, and I doubt it will be favoured by the jury, tho this manic style seems trendy among televoting these years.
Just saw the score. Exactly the case: From the jury, Sara scored the first with 70, while W95M the last with 28 *facepalm*
It’s funny because people had a meltdown also when Alika won and Ollie didn’t get to go!
A lot of people, who aren’t ESC-fans, blame ESC for being a big circus. Paradoxically, many of them, if they decide to vote, they’ll prefer to vote precisely for this kind of stuff.
I say this all the time – the vast majority (like 80%, if not more) of people who vote are people who have seen and heard these songs for the first time. They don’t know the songs from the NFs, they don’t know of any scandals or anything like that. The hardcore fans on here are only a small % of the total vote.
And yes, they tend to vote for this kind of stuff. Sadly.
This always gets downvoted, because it’s true. Some eurofans are just in denial. Most Eurovision viewers are not familiar with the songs at all.
1000% agree
Exactly – Mrs Smith from Sevenoaks sitting down to watch the grand final (she won’t have watched the semis) with her glass of Rosé won’t have a clue that “Sara was robbed” or anything like that. She will just see what she sees on the night with no idea of how that song got there, what it beat in its NF and how hardcore fans reacted to it. And 80% of those watching the GF will be just like her.
That’s why Bejba got a top ten televote score
Because ‘this is Eurovision’.
You’d only see this kind of act HERE and I’m all in for it!
Hello im from Finland! In Finland we like the year 1995 very matsh. As you already know, we wonned the hockey champions that year! 1995 was the year Finland became famous around the wolrd.
We also got sauna! Did you tried it? You like it? 😀
Moi! Hyvää Suomi!
7 hours later update: This was a typical stereotype Finland cringe comment made by me. I wasn’t serious.
In reality, nobody except 6 countries care about ice hockey. And always sauna or Kimi Räikkönen mentioned
Sounds cool though. We care.
After lasts years results and the critique the juries got Finland could have easily sent a song that would kiss up the juries more and get the points, that being “Paskana”. And while I still think that “Paskana” would have been the best entry to represent us, there is something hilarious in sending “No rules” that definitely will NOT impress the juries one bit. It’s like “up yours, juries”, we don’t care if you give us points or not 😀
That’s Finland in a nutshell and I’m here for it!
The worst crap of all. my ears and eyes are bleeding so much…
Try Finland 2015!
Unfortunately Kaarija winning the televote last year was a definite guarantee we will be getting some carnival entries like this one this year. Malta almost sent Matt Black and thank god they dodged that bullet. Too bad it was Finland themselves that fell in the trap. This is why we need juries to stop these acts from turning this wonderful contest in the joke some people would like it to become.
Wonderful contest? Why now?
It’s the only good thing the music industry has going for it in Europe. Think of all successful music European music artists being sucked in by the US (Adele, Dua Lipa, Ed Sheeran etc. etc) only for them to return to Europe in a ‘tour’ of maybe 10-15 cities – and that is not mentioning the fact that smaller countries only have this as their major music platform. It is entries like this mess that continue to make ESC, and as a result, the entire European music scene, look like a joke compared to the US.
Yes! Lordi, Verka, Netta, Dustin and Käärijä all should have be banned being canrnival entries! What will be left to the contest then? Swedish sleack pop-entries and basic schlagers, it’s the only ESC-fans would accept. 😉
Doesn’t he need to change his name since ESC do not allow advertising and Windows 95 is Microsoft? It is just like San Marino’s Facebook song a decade ago…haha
But that was the song, not the artist
Still though he will be presented as Windows95 guy and that is still breach of the rules…so he probably needs to change his name to IT-guy or something
What if he is endorsed by Microsoft?
EBU doesn’t allow any type of branding in lyrics or performances, because it can be interpreted as advertising which is against their rules of competition. I’m 100% certain they will not allow the use of Microsoft’s logo on the stage in Malmö.
Meh, I don’t think the EBU cares anymore…we had “Wanted to trash your Benz” and “Girl call Universal” in 2023.
Well at least he need to change his shirt otherwise it is clear product placement…
Please tell us where we can buy a copy of Windows 95 and how can I put put it on my computer?
Benz sounded almost like ‘bins’ and I remember posts last year explaining how she was requested to change that particular lyric during the live performance – I can’t tell if it’s actually happened. ‘Universal’ was accepted as a non-direct reference to the brand like ‘Facetime’ was accepted in “Sound of Silence” in 2016, since they are words that can have other meanings too in the English language. This is more of a “Facebook song” case, where Valentina was forced not only to change the lyrics but also avoid any ‘Facebook’ branding on stage. It’s not even about the ‘Windows95’ trademark,… Read more »
Not my personal cup of tea but this is the only entry that will bring them safely into the final. All other entrys were too basic, especially Sara. I was super surprised about the hype that she got with a basic track like that.
Me too
Fun fact : people praising the horrible Spanish act “for the message” as they say. Basically same message is being totally ignored here by the same people and they keep on bashing No rules.
Fun fact: The Spanish act is a (better) song.
Fun fact: It’s not really. No rules is more melodic.
I like the lyrics of “Zorra” (I unterstand Spanish quite well) but I have problems with both voice and performance
Agreed. Also, a woman is singing that one so people like it more instantly.
The definition of the term “Finnish” should now be updated, so that it also means CLEVER. The people of Finland knew they couldn’t waste “No rules”, even though they loved Paskana beyond imagination, they still realised and accepted that songs like “No rules” happen once in a decade, and made a difficult but smart and right choice. Well done Finland.
They knew they the televoter at Eurovision will LAP this up!
Reading many of the comments below confirms my suspicion that this might struggle a lot with televoting in certain countries that don’t appreciate this sense of humour. I still expect that it has enough to qualify in an all televoting semi but there’s a good possibility that it will be annihilated in the final, especially if producers try to bury it in the running order.
Would Sweden try to bury Finland tho?
The producers are not only representing the host country but also EBU and I can see many reasons why EBU wouldn’t like this song to do well.
why is there this assumption that Sweden wants to ‘bury Finland? They got their 7th victory and hosting the show, they couldn’t care less…
This is the reason why people hate Eurovision!!!!
People hate Eurovision because its dominated by the same boring ballads. This year is nothing like that, quality wins.
This entry and quality mentioned at the same time!!! The delusion!!!! LOL
Define “people”.
By “people” they mean the ones that don’t even watch Eurovision.
I can’t remember the last time I hated an entry so much.
Not to mention they still would’ve won even if they had gotten a 0 from the juries. This tells us how flawed the system is. Previously this ofc wasn’t a problem since the jury winner was also the televote winner.
No the system works, if its a close result the juries can have a sway in which one should go to Eurovision, but if there’s an entry the Finnish public clearly prefer, that should get the ticket and not be blocked.
Juries shouldn’t be able to kill an entry they don’t like.
They definitely should be because that’s how the system at eurovision works. and thank god it’s in place since we’d be getting 12 entires like this per year.
vox populi vox dei
25% is way too little especially with this system. The way jury points are given (assigning 12,10, etc points to each entry) mean that no entry can take more than 29.3% of the jury points. That corresponds to less than 10% of the public voting, which pretty much has more voting power than the whole jury itself. Windows95man took no points from most juries but he still managed to take enough to make it very difficult for Sara to beat him, although he took only 32% of the televoting (way less than Käärijä or Blind Channel). Still she managed 23%,… Read more »
As people say, that seems totally a “you” problem.
One man’s trash is another man’s treasure.
Well said
I like a good joke entry, but I’m too German for this kind of humor, I’m afraid.
With one of them having the Palestinian flag on his nails, I can already see this contest becoming more and more political by many artists…
Also, I don’t remember anyone putting the Israeli flag on their nails after October 7th but I guess it doesn’t matter what happened to Israelis, it’s not fashionable to support them.
What can I say? I guess there really are no rules.
Does he? I see 2 black 2 white, 1 red, but no green. So yeah 3 of the 4 colours, but 1 missing at least.
Well, I’ve seen a photo of him with the flag on two of the nails, not like the colours spread between the different fingers
Oh ok, that is a shame then, pointlessly politicising the contest further
Henri had it yes, you could see it when he held his hands up in front of his face when sitting in the green room. The whole flag was on the same nail.
Oh ok, that is a shame then, pointlessly politicising the contest further
What about the Israeli artists?
What about them?
So now nails are THE problem??? Oh dear lord!! NAILS N A I L S!!!
Twist my words as much as you’d like, but no, nails aren’t the problem.
The problem is making the contest just a stage for politics.
Hatari were fined raising the Palestinian flag and making the contest political and if they all decide to do the same this year, then there’s no point in trying to say “the contest is a-political”.
why would they put the Israeli flag?
Anyway i did not notice the Palestinian flag to be honest,there’s so much mess going on that we can hardly look at their nails…
Well, on October 7th, it was a horrible attack with more than 1000 deaths, don’t you think it makes sense for them to show support?
And the flag isn’t shown during the performance because it was indeed very messy, but it’s possible to see afterwards, probably during some interviews or the voting.
I think there would be more support for Israel after that attack if they didn’t respond by committing some light g3n0cide…
H4m4s has clearly stated that their goal is to get rid of Israel and infidels all over the world by any means “necessary,” like using civilians as hum4n shields, and they’re the governing authority in G4z4 Strip. I think their support hasn’t been reduced despite that.
I would leave it to the ICJ to decide whether or not it was committed, although it is far from being the reality.
The problem is, you guys say that about anything these days.
War isn’t automatically g3n0cide, sorry…
Thank you, I hate it.
Love LOVE LOVE!!! IT <3
The funniest thing is this forum hating Windows95man and loving Erika Vikman, who had terrible vocals on 2020. And yes, both songs are similar Erika’s and W95man’s lyrics are about the freedom of being who you want to be, the difference is that in the first one most people didn’t understood that it was not poetry that the lyrics were funny but lazy just like this year’s winner, but in english. On the other hand Sara’s song was beautiful but the look and lights were very loreenish, last think Finnish people wants to bring to Eurovision is to be a… Read more »
Erika did not had terrible vocals and honestly Kaarija was awful live but no one seemed to be bothered, yet you’re bothered by Erika’s vocals?
Erika had a super catchy banger that was memorable. The windows act is so desperate for attention and screams ‘Kaarija copycat’.
exactly Erika was amazing. This is not.
Win95Man has been long before Käärijä!
Finns rather send disabled people screaming and roaring 2015 than copying. Nothing similar in Sara’s perf. except background at the end bit like Tattoo. Light ball on the other hand taken from Arcade, was very effective.
This is so bad on so many levels. But then again cha cha cha was also bad and ended up 2nd. So who knows what will happen with this one.
I disagree. Cha Cha Cha was an instant earworm – it was addictive and catchy. I am glad it did not win but let’s be honest.. the moment we heard Cha Cha Cha we said this is it and it sticks to your head.
The Windows song is not memorable and it is over the top on stage. The singers are not even likeable. The votes will be split when the Dutch entry is announced.
This is awful…
Even “no underwear” would make this worth watching (let alone singing). No song, no singing. Welcome back to 1990’s “Irelande Douze Pointe” days. As Salvador Sobral rightly said, “let’s bring music back (to ESC)”.
Flooding the contests with ballads and female pop singers with backup dancers almost destroyed it in the 1990s and 2000s. Sometimes something silly is welcome.
Yeah. This is what music was like in the 90s. This is a throwback.
Seriously? I don’t remember the music being like that in the 90s. Give me some examples of songs that sounded like that.
You’re in wrong decade or lived 90’s in a barrel hearing nothing? xD
Lol. Can you name one song from the 90s that sounds like this?
It’s mix of lot of songs eg. Sash/Equador (start) and E-type to mention a few.
Lol. You must be kidding. Songs like “Here I go again”, or “Primavera” and “Encore une fois” sounded nothing like this. I was a big fan of Sash! and E-Type in the 90s and comparing this with their songs sounds hilarious. This is a parody of the sound of the 90s, not a nostalgic tribute.
If You can’t hear they’re (other one) singing, where’s Your ears?? Dustin the Turkey speak, not singing. There’s a difference!
I expected that the juries are gonna destroy this entry. I support juries. Juries are cool.
This isn’t even funny. I am sorry Finland. I guess you got pissed off last year and went for an “Irish turkey.”
That Irish Turkey was a chad
Dustin the Turkey is still mentioned after all those years. Other songs that ended higher are forgotten while Dustin is still remembered. So I don’t see it as a bad thing. At least people will remember it. More than the next generic ballad that will be forgotten in a few years.
Being remembered isn’t neccessarily a good thing. Just think of „Cry Baby“ or „Sameach“.
Hey hey, Sameach was a piece of art ?
Dustin just speak, they (other guy) sing, there’s a difference!
This is 1000 time better than cha cha cha. 9/10
Exactly. How can anyone even compare the annoying mess of ChaChaCha to this great tune.
It was absolutely expected the Finnish people would desperetaly looking for a Cha Cha Cha no2.
And even though last night we saw a dreadful final, they did it in the worst possible way.
Let’s be honest, it’s not funny or cute. It’s pure garbage.
One man’s trash is another man’s treasure.
No they didn’t seek Käärijä replacement, there weren’t options exept Sara unfortunately was off key.
Desperetaly looking??? Please! XD
May I say that I am very disappointed?!
Looking at all the staging from this year’s UMK… what happened? Some rather… choice camera angles, basic props… it just feels way different to the past few editions. I liked Sara’s staging a lot, and I thought she would win. Not surprised to see Sini last- I always thought that a song like hers would be tough to stage. At least Cyan Kicks decided to not give people vertigo and headaches this time!
Jesse’s was my personal favourite, but congratulations to Windows95man!
and don’t get me started on Erika and Käärijä’s performance being the best part of the night LOL