A new young singer has bloomed and made their country very proud. Junior Eurovision 2024 saw 17 acts taking to the stage, but by the end of the show it was Georgia’s Andria Putkaradze who emerged as this year’s champion with the song “To My Mom.”
With four wins under their belt, Georgia has now reclaimed the title of the most successful country in Junior Eurovision history.
Andira takes the trophy from France’s Zoé Clauzure, who won last year with the song “Cœur“. However, since this was France’s third win in four years, they decided to relinquish hosting rights for the 2024 contest. As a result, Junior Eurovision 2024 took place in Madrid’s Caja Mágica.
Guiding us through the show was Ruth Lorenzo (Eurovision 2014), Marc Clotet and Melani García (Junior Eurovision 2019).
Junior Eurovision 2024 results
The final result will be determined by a 50:50 split between the votes of the national juries and the public.
Overall results
- Georgia – 239 points
- Portugal – 213 points
- Ukraine – 203 points
- France – 177 points
- Malta – 153 points
- Spain – 144 points
- Albania – 126 points
- Armenia – 125 points
- Italy – 98 points
- Netherlands – 91 points
- Germany – 71 points
- Poland – 61 points
- Cyprus – 60 points
- Estonia – 55 points
- Ireland – 55 points
- North Macedonia – 54 points
- San Marino – 47 points
Jury vote
Georgia received 12 points from Italy, Estonia, Albania, Armenia, Cyprus, Spain, Netherlands, San Marino, Ukraine, Portugal, Ireland, Malta
Armenia received 12 points from France, Georgia
Ukraine received 12 points from North Macedonia, Poland
Portugal received 12 points from Germany
Public vote
- Portugal – 117 points
- Ukraine – 81 points
- Malta – 79 points
- France – 74 points
- Spain – 64 points
- Georgia – 59 points
- Germany – 57 points
- Netherlands – 57 points
- Cyprus – 50 points
- Armenia – 49 points
- Poland – 48 points
- Italy – 46 points
- San Marino – 46 points
- Albania – 44 points
- Estonia – 41 points
- Ireland – 40 points
- North Macedonia – 34 points
JESC 2024 running order
Click on the song titles to read the lyrics of each entry
Italy: Simone Grande – “Pigiama party”
Estonia: ANNABELLE – “Tänavad”
Albania: Nikol Çabeli – “Vallëzoj”
Armenia: Leo – “Cosmic Friend”
Cyprus: Maria Pissarides – “Crystal Waters”
France: Titouan – “Comme ci, comme ça”
North Macedonia: Ana and Aleksej – “Marathon”
Poland: Dominik Arim – “All Together”
Georgia: Andria Putkaradze – “To My Mom”
Spain: Chloe DelaRosa – “Como la Lola”
Germany: Bjarne – “Save the Best for Us”
Netherlands: Stay Tuned – “Music”
San Marino: Idols SM – “Come noi”
Ukraine: Artem Kotenko – “Hear Me Now”
Portugal: Victoria Nicole – “Esperança”
Ireland: Enya Cox Dempsey – “Le Chéile”
Malta: Ramires Sciberras – “Stilla Ċkejkna”
Did you enjoy Junior Eurovision 2024? Do you agree with the results? Let us know in the comments.
imagine being a person who bullies a kid for winning a song contest
Georgia song are beautiful since the first listen, Portugal too.. but I already have feeling that in live performance Georgia will one step ahead and for me it’s true.. I am so glad they made it again this year..
Hey, guys, I just created a quiz on Sporcle looking at countries that won either Eurovision or Junior Eurovision and Both or Neither contests. Test your knowledge: https://www.sporcle.com/games/Badw00lfgirl/winning-countries-in-eurovision-and-junior-eurovision
Got all correct! 🙂
Thanks for making the quiz. I’m a passionate Sporcle user! 😉
You’re welcome. I’m thinking of making more quizzes, particularly a 12 point series, but I’m having issues trying to get my 1975 quiz right because I want it a certain way but every time I test it it doesn’t go right.
this quiz is how I want the quiz to be, but I can’t figure out it settings. https://www.sporcle.com/games/AbeKabibl/best-film-foreign-setting
I paid no attention to this year’s contest, but I did watch the winning performance. It had me in tears.
Me too, i couldnt believe that such a bad song won, I was so angry and in tears hahaha Sarcasm. You have to be of the lowest possible intelect to be moved to tears while listening to a child singing in a language you don’t undestand. I would understand if you said that for Malta, because his background story is definitely sad, but Georgia? Hell no!
If you don’t understand emotions, don’t judge people who have them. (And I’d advise you look up the word “intellect”.)
What the hell, imagine getting this riled up over JESC? You’re a sad excuse for a human.
congratulations georgia!
It is strange that no one mentions this victory for a country that recently saw the pro-European party fail in the legislative elections…
For me, this is a shot in the arm, a way of telling Georgia that its future lies in Europe… so not really deserved
I think juries are even more important for the junior contest.
How do you expect literal children to appreciate lyric content in so many languages?
Georgia’s victories are often not predictable and surprising in their respective years, I mean: Bzikebi 2008 nobody expected this one to win, Candy music 2011 Mzeo 2016 To my mum 2024 Not under the radar at all before the contest, ignored by the fandom, not being among the favorites but manages to win brillantly at the end, same happened with Oh Maman France 2022. These are not songs fitting the eurofans standards and that rightfully makes them stand out the most I think…and it proves again that the eurofans have no power on the results at the end, you can… Read more »
And I would add to manage to win without being among the favs is again more impressive from these children, I mean even if you’re not into their songs you can still not ignore that, it’s even more impressive than a predicted potential winner and you shouldn’t reject these winners just because they are not your winners. I can really see a Lissandro situation again with Georgia this year, and the fandom being disgusting towards these children for years…without thinking about the consequences on these children who asked for nothing but to participate to a song contest simply and their… Read more »
I remember the commentary that year that “Mzeo” was the favourite to win. I’m surprised with what you wrote here.
Not just Georgia’s record 4th win, but also Georgia became the only country to win JESC in 3 different decades now.
I didn’t think of that. 2008, 2011, 2016, and now 2024.
2016 and 2024 were one of the most boring songs of those years, but jury awarded the vocals and neglected everything else. Lets hope they will wither cancel the jury voting next time, or rethink it’s percentage strenght. Jury is clearly not capable at both Esc and Jesc
Jury can work if there is stricter criteria in place for awarding points, if they had to award points for each important aspect of the entry added this up to get an average from each juror then averaged these scores to create the jury score for that country I think it would be fairer, like you could have a country score highly for song lyrics/composition but be marked down for poor vocals. Vice versa.
And they were deserving to win so many other times, 2020 and 2021 certainly among them. I wonder if we’ll see some of those youngsters at the ESC eventually.
I’m so done with the juries. Power to the people!!
I’m so done with the public. Power to the jury!!
We’re Children of the universe!
My personal top 5:
My personal fave was Portugal and I’m glad she won the public vote. Georgia had a beautiful performance but them winning felt a bit random to me. Very happy for Andria though, such a great singer and he was so happy! He will definitely remember this evening for the rest of his life!
I luuuved the stage! It was very colorful and well designed! Host were pretty ok, Marc is hot, but seriously, he should have taken few English lessons before! His Spanglish accent was unbearable!
Georgia with its 4 wins now excelled France now… both countries are now on a black list of Eurovision fans now haha
One of the best vocals won, and that is a shame, because this is a SONG contest, not SINGING contest. Clearly juries are good to go from the next year!
The annoying thing about it is that they clearly only bothered to think about vocals when their job should have been to consider all aspects of the entry: song lyrics, composition, choreography/staging and vocals, not just the vocals, they were totally blind sighted by them and the massive discrepancy between when the public placed Georgia and the juries shows that.
Juries pick the winner yet again
I’ve been saying from the beginning that Georgia would win, but after all the comments here, I kind of started to believe it wouldn’t happen after all.
im mad
The jury/televote system needs to be redesigned. While juries had a spread of 179 points (180 for Georgia and 1 for San Marino) the public had a spread of 83 points, less than half. In other words, juries can concentrate all their points in one song, while the public can’t. The same goes for the least favorite songs: public give way more points than juries for the last placed songs. This strongly favors songs that do well with the jury, while the public points prevents very low scores, such as zero points, almost what San Marino would have. This is… Read more »
I had the feeling that Georgia could get a really high place, even though I expected Ukraine to take the win in the end.
The song, to me, felt like Mzeo on steroids, and Andria had great vocals.
I personally wanted Ukraine or Portugal to win, and I think it would have been better if the public vote, for once, had decided the winner instead of a landslide jury vote, but I’m not mad.
1: Italy was amazing!!! Such a catchy bop and a perfect opener. And what an amazing staging. The song I first went to listen to again on YouTube. I actually prefer this staging to the staging of “La Noia”. OK, vocals weren’t perfect…but pretty much everyone had shaky vocals (with exception from the winner). 2: Spain was a blast. Such an infectious hook in the chorus. It still does sound too much like their 2004 winner, but still very good! In my opinion Italy or Spain would have been a better winner overall, but Georgia was pretty well staged, and… Read more »
Am I the only one who is not remotely surprised by this win? I was seriously shocked to see SO many youtubers immediately dismiss it. This was far and away the highest quality package of the night. I never got on the Portugal hype train but I’m very happy with her result. Overall a good year.
It was a good show… with some questionable choices. The AI, sadly, is here to stay, you better get used to it. On the other hand, let’s hope that the new results system will be an experiment and nothing else.
It’s important for the contest (junior and adult) to try new things, but it’s equally important that anything that doesn’t work, like the scoreboard, are dropped quickly.
The new result system is interesting. HOWEVER: If they had put the countries in the televote format (i.e. when the televote was announced, 10 countries on the left, 7 on the right) and then presented the 1,…,8,10 points awarded with the constant updating of the ranking then it could look better; In alternative, instead of putting the countries displayed horizontally, they could put them as a list and then proceed to award the points as they were doing it (and perhaps, updating the ranking as they were being awarded). After all, the spokesperson aren’t reading the points 1,…,8,10; they only… Read more »
That was horrendous how they revealed the jury points, you found it hard to keep up and see what was actually happening on the scoreboard, definitely was done to cut time.
Calm down, it’s a show aimed at kids and teens. No one was robbed, nothing was rigged. The kids all cheered for each other and left happy doing what they loved. That is what the contest is about..
The only thing I did not like was the scoreboard. Please do not try it again. I had no idea how many points someone got or which country gave scores.
At the very least, turn the scoreboard vertical so you can see it better.
Hehe. If only I got it:)
Could not understand it before they metioned all the 10 points and adderad them all
This kid was flawless today and I think it’s well deserved winner. The greatest vocals of all the contestants!
Georgia and Portugal were both incredible and either would have been a worthy winner, but looking at the detailed voting results, I guess Portugal deserved it more.
Regardless of how you fell about the winner, look at the positive: for the first time in Eurovision history, a Eurovision show was held in Madrid that ended with a clear-cut winner 🙂
Oooh, good one!
Good 1969 callback!
Ok Jesc season 2024 done, now time to focus on Basel/Berne 2025! Let’s hope we won’t have the same way to present the votes in the adult contest too, imagine the mess…
Don’t even think about it! It was horrid…
I hope not, but I don’t think it can be implemented there because there are a lot more countries voting than they are at junior vision, and it would just get too confusing, especially if they’re presenting it horizontally not vertically.
Oops it’s not Berne but Bâle sorry I was tired.
My god the AI postcards looked so uncanny.
I didn’t like them. Should have been properly animated.
Still cannot tell if this is a boy or a girl
Is it important to you?
what a mess honestly, it’s just so anticlimatic to have a winner that got half the public vote points of another contestant, especially when everyone in the arena clearly wanted someone else. juries need to be phased out.
Portugal won the public vote with almost 12% of the points available. Georgia was only 6th…
Not a fan of JESC, but tuned in for the voting…what the hell was that scoreboard all about? And the way of announcing the points…nope. Didn’t work at all. And didn’t the spokespersons look like they had been pre-recorded? No interaction with the presenters at all.
The EBU often tries things out at JESC first before introducing them to adult Eurovision, hopefully this way of voting will never been seen again at any ESC show.
This is a children’s contest. Nobody was robbed. The competition element isn’t the most important thing. No need for blood, sweat, and tears. It’s just a shiny happy fun occasion for under 14s.
We don’t need to be like crazed parents screaming from the sidelines of an egg ‘n’ spoon race.
Yes, let’s not act like Karen parents.
It was a good show , I guess the juries go for the best vocals . I think it was fair , although I was routing for Malta or Portugal . As for the voting sequence , please don’t have this in the main ESC. I’m dyslexic totally totally lost !
A well deserved victory for Georgia the song is very beautiful. I am also happy for Portugal and Malta with their good result
They were my other favorites
I didn’t listen to the entries before. After hearing Georgia, I knew this would win the juries. Didn’t thought it would be clear but ok. I’m surprised that people didn’t see that coming lol. I voted for France and Malta too. I was impressed by Maltas visuals, they were amazing, like adult Eurovision worthy.
Everyone saying Portugal should have won, Georgia performed incredibly well, the songs message was also a great song and had more of an atmosphere for me personally. It deserved to win
Giga Kukhianidze as a songwriter once again, this is even worse than Sweden’s Melodifestivalen with it’s writers.
This contest is nothing but jerk circle for few.
Jerk circle my but. It’s time the EBU limit adults’ involvement in writing songs for Junior Eurovision to no more than 50%.
That would be better, but still, same man behind every song; these children are products for Georgian broadcaster.
It seems like only France and Georgia can win now since they are good at getting the jury vote
Just a fact France esc 2024 4th, France jesc 2024 4th.
Ukraine esc 2024 3rd, Ukraine jesc 2024 3rd.
Australia ESC 2024: NQ, JESC 2024: NQ 🙂
Lol hard to qualify when you don’t participate 😉
Juries either need to be given less power or be given instructions to spread the votes out. That vote dump for Georgia was ridiculous when there were a good array of other songs to pick.
Maybe have them award points for each criteria, so 1-12 for vocals, 1-12 choreography/staging, 1-12 composition, 1-12 vocals so that everything is getting judged, then they get an average from adding up all the points from those criteria’s.
Sorry but that is not a winning song. The jury scoring system needs to change, again they solely determined the winner. No excuse for such a landslide victory, and no excuse for a song like the Netherlands scoring so low. Well done Portugal!
Totally agreed
The juries need to be toned down. The public can’t compete cuz the public is usually more torn. The jury seems to always have a favourite they all gravitate to and then nobody can catch them.
the public isn’t torn, they simply force you to vote for 3 countries, thus spreading out the results more. if we could have 5 votes to distribute however we want be sure it’d be different.
I honestly thought we could vote for five countries here, not three, but that was my stupid mistake
It should be 80% televoting and 20% jury. A small number of jury voters shouldn’t have that much power.
Especially in a children’s contest
Portugal was indefinitely robbed tonight. Georgia’s sing although endearing and sweet, I did not think anything of.
Silver linings – I am extremely hopeful for a great Festival da Cancao in a few months as I hope this second place result for Portugal can galvanise them for Basel.
By the way, it’s the 5th Eurovision show in a row, starting with JESC 2022, when juries decided the winner single-handedly. France won the televoting at JESC 2023 too but the differences in televote top 3 were much less than France jury lead over everyone else.
Overall, 2024 year set new records of the lowest televote places ever that the overall winners got (5th for adult Eurovision and 6th for the junior, even though the JESC just repeated the record of 2017, but the points were bigger there)
France in 2022 was still top 3 in the public vote, so it’s not as it was only the jury who decided…
Yeah but again, the jury lead of France was bigger than any differences in the televote, that year they were extremely close, with the televote winner having only 80 points, a lot of ties (like Armenia, Portugal and someone else with 70 points) and so on
It was one of the BEST junior shows.I loved the postcardas..Very original.Ruth wonderful and Abraham mateo amazing.The change of voting system IS not fault of spanish organization
Postcardas hahahaha good attempt to hide you are Spanish but didn’t work ??
If this is a show for kids, why 3 out of 5 members of each jury are adults? Kids/Teens should be the majority.
This contest looks anything but a kids/teens show. What’s the point of sending junior songs like Spain or Italy, or appealing songs to the teenagers like Estonia, if you won’t be rewarded in the end?
Sure, Georgia’s participant can sing and he gave a wonderful performance. But out of all the 17 songs this afternoon, it was the song with the least junior appeal
Children need responsible guardians.
Did you see the number of “guncles” in the audience? This is a show for Peter Pans. I bet no one in this comment thread is aged between 5 and 15.
Mixed feelings. Georgian song was beautiful, do it deserved the win. And… Portugal was robbed.
I’ve voted Malta and Malta being 3rd in the public vote proves that even small countries can do it.
Honestly, that surprised me, but good for Malta. Heck, they actually finished higher in the televote than the jury. I publish the results breakdown later.
Yep top 3 public!
Going last probably helped.
The show was an uncomfortable AI mess, with a stage that didn’t work at all and once again the public’s favorite is not winning. Spanish people might blame EBU but it’s them that had such a messy AI generated show