We’re heading towards the end of November and — unlike in previous years — no broadcasters have revealed their selected artists for Eurovision yet. But that doesn’t stop rumours emerging. Social media buzz is building around the folk-pop duo Eva + Manu, who are said to be the artist who will compete in Finland’s UMK 2019.

The hype started earlier in the week when the duo made a post to their Facebook page. Along with the couple posing in their casual cool style, it included the caption: “Already looking towards Spring 2019 becaaaause…”

Already looking towards Spring 2019 becaaaause… ??? #evamanu #comingup ? @nadihammouda

Posted by Eva + Manu on Friday, November 16, 2018

Lots of nice things happen in spring, but as every Eurovision fans knows, that’s also when the song contest happens.

The band aren’t confirming anything, but there have been enough 😉 emojis dropped in the replies to suggest that something is going on.

Eva + Manu are a French-Finnish folk-pop duo, made up of the Finnish singer, pianist and guitar player Eva Louhivuori and the French  singer and guitar player Emmanuel “Manu” Laudic.

The pair met while studying at the prestigious Berklee College of Music in the United States and have been performing as a duo since 2010.

Sadly there’s no NAVIBAND or Madame Monsieur kind of romance behind Eva + Manu. Or rather, there used to be, but after seven years together, the couple decided to end their romantic relationship. However, they still remain friends and colleagues, committed to their musical life together.

Eva + Manu have released two albums, both of which reached the top five in the Finnish album charts. They also have a new album planned for early 2019. And fans are wondering if that album have three or so songs under three minutes long that could make up the national selection UMK 2019?

In September, Finnish broadcaster YLE confirmed that it would again internally select an artist who would perform three songs in the national final Uuden Musiikin Kilpailu (UMK). While details of UMK 2019 have not been confirmed, it is likely that the winning song will be selected by a combination of jury vote and televote.

What do you think? Should Finland send Eva + Manu to Tel Aviv? What sort of song should they send? Share your thoughts below!

Read more Finland Eurovision news here

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6 years ago

they’re so cute!!! yes please

Polegend Godgarina
6 years ago

Meh, folk-pop is very 2013 and the chance of the result being boring is higher than the chance of it being good… so I’ll confide in the fact that this is a rumor.

6 years ago

It’s a “hit or miss”. If they have a good song, why not?!

6 years ago

Mikael Gabriel, YOUNGHEARTED, Sanni, Evelina, Robin or eetu would be great!!

It's the BBC's fault, not the UK's
It's the BBC's fault, not the UK's
6 years ago

I’m not sure if Indie stands out at Eurovision, but a chicken won this contest. Just shows the music taste of Europe…

6 years ago

you seem like a stupid person..

It's the BBC's fault, not the UK's
It's the BBC's fault, not the UK's
6 years ago
Reply to  finesc

Not really. We all know that Toy wasn’t actually meant to be taken seriously. Fuego was a real song, that is a feel good summer hit. Most of the countries in the final should’ve won instead of Israel.

Sorry but Toy was a mess and was mainly a comedy song

It's the BBC's fault, not the UK's
It's the BBC's fault, not the UK's
6 years ago
Reply to  finesc

To be fair, some of the folk that comment on here really don’t take to other peoples thoughts. Indie is a risky genre to send to Eurovision (a bit like heavymetal from Hungary this year). I’m not saying there’s a problem with indie or heavymetal, it’s just Eurofans voting for the gimmick, in which it should be the music alone that counts.

6 years ago

If just Eurofans voted, then we’d have 26 Fuegos in the Grand Final.

6 years ago

As a Finn I can confidently say that this would be a bad decision for UMK. Not necessarily because of a potential bad or a good result in Eurovision as you don’t need a big name to do well in the contest but for the Eurovision brand in Finland. Last year UMK got much more attention in Finnish media than in previous years and there was a certain buzz around the contest among the normal citizens, so to say. The result was a slight flop but the hype was just what we needed to keep the public from completely abandoning… Read more »

6 years ago
Reply to  Sami

I would also like to add that big names that would sway the vote for their country’s favor are really few in the participating countries. You have to be someone like Ed Sheeran, Dua Lipa, Sia, Zara Larsson or someone legendary such as ACDC to win only with the name. Also a popular former winner could somewhat do the trick ( Norway won their semi-final this year ). Finland doesn’t have such artists apart from Lordi who won partly due to their looks , so for Eurovision result it has little or no influence who we sent as long as… Read more »

6 years ago

Folk pop? Let’s do it Finland. I don’t think they can win, but it’s good to have this kind of music in the contest.

6 years ago

I really like them. But at the same time I think they sound “too indie” for the eurofans’ bubble. It would be nice if Finland take more risks after playing too safe this year. No more rumors about Tarja? I actually never believed those, but a girl can dream!

6 years ago
Reply to  Sabrina

Every year someone is too something for eurovision. It’s usually not true.

Hungary’s Kedvesem didn’t seem too indie for the public, by the way. It was adorable. <3

It's the BBC's fault, not the UK's
It's the BBC's fault, not the UK's
6 years ago
Reply to  Gin

Hungary 2013 was so overrated

6 years ago

The word “overrated” is overUSED to be honest. Like stop using it, what even is that word? If you don’t like a song, you just don’t like it. That doesn’t freaking mean it’s ”overrated”. Hate that word.

It's the BBC's fault, not the UK's
It's the BBC's fault, not the UK's
6 years ago
Reply to  Weißbrot

What else should I say then. Here’s the word overrated on the Collins website:


PS: I can use whatever word I want to use, so please…

6 years ago

I know very well what that word means, thank you. It’s just that I think it shouldn’t exist, because our opinion shouldn’t decide on if something “deserves” the succes it’s receiving… If it receives succes, it does for a reason, so in my opinion barely anything out there is “overrated”.

It's the BBC's fault, not the UK's
It's the BBC's fault, not the UK's
6 years ago
Reply to  Weißbrot

Well, you chose to answer me back, why does it bother you what word I use anyway? A word is a word at the end of the day. Smh

6 years ago
Reply to  Gin

That’s why I mentioned the bubble. Some fans tend to gravitate around the same kind of artists/songs and those acts who break the mold end up being the most interesting to me. Thankfully the general audience has been much more open to risky choices.

6 years ago
Reply to  Sabrina

Oh, sorry, my eyes must have skipped over the “bubble” part. I agree with you completely.

6 years ago
Reply to  Sabrina

Always on the same page 😉

6 years ago

Such a much more interesting act than Saara. Really promissing, if it falls through. Go Eva + Manu! Go Finland!

6 years ago

No, please not them. They are not well-known in Finland, as Saara Aalto is

6 years ago
Reply to  Lianatar

You don’t have to be famous to succeed in Eurovision. The recent winners of the contest were nobodies in their countries before going to Eurovision.

Let’s not be pessimistic, please. These guys look very talented and I’m sure they won’t bring something generic to the contest just like Saara did last year and we saw where she ended up. We don’t know the song, but I already feel like they’ll stand out.

6 years ago
Reply to  Lianatar

BOY, literally no one cares if your country sends an act that is famous where you live… You can’t vote for your own Country, and since you’re literally the only people who know that oh-so-famous act, you don’t benefit from their fame in any Kind of way. Not even the slightest bit. Also, what Kind of example were you trying to present with Saara Aalto? After all she still came 25th. If you’re satisfied with that result, then please… Keep on sending “famous acts”.

6 years ago
Reply to  Weißbrot

I meant, that they have been advertising “well,-known artist or band” here in Finland. I don’t think Eva & Manu suit that. Personally, i don’t care if it’s not a well-known artist. But they shouldn’t say that, if they don’t mean that. I hope you get my point here 😀

6 years ago
Reply to  Lianatar

Yes okay, but you can’t just write a comment and later say that you meant something completely else. That’s not how it works. 😀

6 years ago

Please bring back UMK with an actual choice of artists.
Because….based on that song, these guys would probably come last.

ESCFan2009 (male, 22, German)
ESCFan2009 (male, 22, German)
6 years ago

My review of Cinnamon Hearts. Positive: Really cool melody, Manu’s English is very good (for a French, I mean, normally you hear more accent). Negative: His dancing. Please, don’t do this. And her voice is sometimes a bit weak… Top or flop? The song will decide…

6 years ago

This will either be an epic success or epic fail- nothing in between.

6 years ago

They look amazing. :$

Norwegian esc lover
Norwegian esc lover
6 years ago

Girl, I’m more than ready