Picture: JyellowL, RTÉ, TheFirstLight.co

After last year’s edition, the Emerald Isle continues to gear up for another Late Late Show Eurosong special. Over the course of several days, radio crazy Irish broadcaster RTÉ has now been releasing the six competing entries. On Wednesday, it was time for two more: JyellowL with “Judas” and Isabelle Kearney with “Let Me Be The Fire”

Ireland is releasing this year’s Eurosong entries one by one on the popular radio programme The Ray D’Arcy Show. JyellowL and Isabelle Kearney’s entries are number three and four out of six to be played on RTÉ’s Radio 1. On Thursday and Friday, we will hear the remaining two songs. 

Eurosong 2024: JyellowL and Isabelle Kearney

Born in Benin City, Nigeria, JyellowL is one of the most ambitious rappers on the Irish music scene. In 2013, while studying for his Junior Cert at age fifteen, he was featured in a RTÉ television report in which he made a rap song about his exams. His debut album received the nomination of Irish Album of the Year at the RTÉ Choice Music Prize.

JyellowL – whose name is pronounced as “J-Yellow-El” – is also a BLM activist. In 2020, he acted as one of the organisers of one of the biggest rallies in Dublin following the murder of George Floyd. 

Isabelle Kearney, meanwhile, grew up on the other side of the world. Born and partially raised in Australia, the 31-year-old has written for Eurovision alumni Guy Sebastian and Jessica Mauboy. 

Now based in singer-songwriting capital Nashville, Isabelle Kearney has been signed to Sony/ATV as a songwriter. Next to that, she has lent her voice for advertisements and commercials. 

JyellowL – “Judas” (Audio)

About the song that features vocalist Toshin and that was co-written by Gavin James, JyellowL told RTÉ

“It’s an absolute honour to be one of six shortlisted acts.”

“I would love nothing more than to represent Ireland as a force to be reckoned with on the world stage.”

“I will be looking to carry the Eurovision ambitions of the country on my shoulders and I will do it with pride. I’ve always set out to bring Irish music to highest heights.”

Isabelle Kearney – “Let Me Be The Fire” (Audio)

Talking about her song, Isabelle Kearney told RTÉ

“I think there is a tendency when you are suffering with anxiety and depression to feel alone and disappear into it. We wanted people to feel it’s ok to go through something difficult and we’re here for you, supporting you.”

“It’s always been a dream of mine to represent Ireland in Eurovision. It was such a big part of my childhood watching it with my mum, and I always wanted to make her proud by entering.”

“From the moment Let Me Be The Fire was written, I felt like it could perfect for Eurovision. I feel like as a songwriter, Eurovision is such an exciting opportunity. Some of the best writers in the world have had songs participate and I just felt proud that I could be a part of that.”

“Also, I think Ireland needs a win in Eurovision and the Irish community is ready to send a world class song,” 

What is your favourite among these two Eurosong 2024 entries? Do you think JyellowL will the Irish national final? Or do you think that Isabelle Kearney will represent the Emerald Isle in Malmö? Let us know in the comment down below!

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Ria NL
Ria NL
8 months ago

The only songs I like are from Erica Cody and Next in Line. I don’t like the other songs.

Leendert Jan
Leendert Jan
8 months ago

Nah… neither of these would stand a chance in hell in Malmö

Des Murphy
Des Murphy
8 months ago

Song 5 Linda Martin duet with Dana “terminal 4 flight delayed”
Song 6 Niamh Kavanagh singing “what’s another flop” duet with Johnny Logan

8 months ago

Bambie Thug- Mic drop. Wow!!

8 months ago

These songs are both very radio friendly, i love that they don’t sound like they are written for the contest ( a part from the duration ) and i have a sligh preference for JyellowLSo far a very nice collection of songs for Ireland. Ailsha’s song stands out, but I’m not sure it is for the right reasons. Looking forward to the last two songs,……..

Eurovision fan
Eurovision fan
8 months ago

I could see Isabella win, not bad song at all! Reminds me of the song from Eesti Laul last year: I don’t miss you, I don’t wanna be with you…

8 months ago

I haven’t enjoyed any of the songs released by Ireland so far, (three bad ones…and a fourth that sounds as if it was produced by Brooke Scullion’s team, with their hands tied behind their backs) however, if leaks are to be believed, Ireland’s best shot is still to be released…so even if things seem a bit bleak to me right now, I’m hopeful.

8 months ago
Reply to  Briekimchi

Bambie Thug is on the way. It is capable of doing very well at Eurovision if it get’s through. I am hoping that the Ailsha Stans at the moment will favour Bambie Thug as I think it is a better package.

8 months ago

Not quite on topic, but something to ask for any Irish people (or RTE viewers) reading- has there been some kind of scandal at RTE? I know Ryan Turby is no longer hosting the Late Late Show, was he overpaid? And what was the general opinion of him? I’ve seen clips of him hosting stuff, and he seems kinda awkward, not suitable for a chat show host-even Jonah Hill of all people once pointed out how nervous he seems? I did catch on the radio at work this morning that he’s now on Virgin Radio, which seems like a better… Read more »

8 months ago
Reply to  HarpyDarper

I mean last summer only a few weeks after Eurovision there was a massive scandal at rte which dominated the news for pretty much the entire summer being that RTÉ werent transparent about wages of their top earner (Ryan Tubridy), and their wasteful approach of spending the taxpayers money on things like tickets to matches, flip flops (that was a whole thing) and how the toy show musical that they promoted for over a year turned out to be a massive flop and ofc with that wasted 2 million on that project alone. I honestly haven’t paid attention to who… Read more »

8 months ago
Reply to  HarpyDarper

Important to say though, he was one of Ireland’s most popular TV presenters, so he certainly didn’t leave because he wasn’t considered a good fit for TV or anything like that. There’s a reason he presented RTÉ’s flagship prime time Friday night show for years.

8 months ago

It’s like Ireland finally read the memo. I have a feeling we’ll see them in the Grand Final this year.

8 months ago

Up to this point there’s nothing too bad but neither something outstanding that would give fight in a contest. “Go Tabann” might sound terribly produced and noisy but I’m starting to think that it is better sending something completely out of the frame and just wait to see what happens.

8 months ago

Honestly, The Irish selection is better than last year.

I really like the songs of Erica Cody and Isabella. The rapper I hate.
Ailsha’s song is just sublime!

It seems to me that the last two remaining are a boy band and a girl with a rather particular universe.

I’ll bet on Ailsha or the girl.

8 months ago

Not sure we’ve heard a Eurovision winner but omg this is lightyears better than last year’s selection. At least three of them are actually fresh and original-sounding. I don’t even care about the result at this point, I just want confirmation that RTÉ understands the approach so far was a dead end…

The Voice of Reason
The Voice of Reason
8 months ago

I like the idea of sending rap but having his whole bio around a political event that happened years ago ain’t the move. The same was the case with the first woman. They appears to be their ‘selling point’. When that becomes more of a thing than your music, you know that their actual music isn’t very good.

8 months ago

Erica-Cody is a pretty established young artist, I don’t follow new music very closely but I had heard of her and not because of the BLM connection.

8 months ago

Check your privilege if that’s all BLM means to you.

And it was one sentence in his bio. The part that stood out to me is the rap he wrote at age 15 about his exams that got featured on TV, and his debut album nominated for a music award.

The song speaks for itself. I hope people can just listen with open minds.

The Voice of Reason
The Voice of Reason
8 months ago
Reply to  Essie

I listened to his song and wasn’t impressed by it. End of story.

The Voice of Reason
The Voice of Reason
8 months ago
Reply to  Essie

Oh and btw I’m part Irish and we were put on the same racist signs in my country back in the 1900s. I’m also autistic and disabled. There: Check my privilege!

Purple Mask
Purple Mask
8 months ago

“Judas” – This song is not to my taste. Best wishes and good luck.

“Let Me Be The Fire” – This song’s melodies and structure are all solid (up until the point the radio playback cut). It’s a bit safe at the moment, and not very “Irish” sounding, but it has the potential to be that way with a different arrangement.

8 months ago
Reply to  Purple Mask

it doesn’t need to sound irish lol

Leo M
Leo M
8 months ago

No and no. JYellowL’s song is not for eurovision, and Isabella’s is that safe generic song again.

2 more songs to go, one was leaked on spotify and is nothing special, and then there’s Louis Walsh’s boyband.

At this stage, take a risk with Go Tobann. We’ve got nothing to lose.

8 months ago
Reply to  Leo M

The “not for Eurovision” mindset is what leads to generic songs existing.

8 months ago

So far, nothing is beating Ailsha’s Go Tobann in my opinion.

It’s the only song that doesn’t sound generic or outdated.

8 months ago
Reply to  Thallo

Agree! Alisha’s entry is transgressive and disruptive, and I love that!

Eurovision fan
Eurovision fan
8 months ago
Reply to  Thallo

Yes, but it sounds like 2 minutes of pure noise, like, do you all really think someone would spend their money to vote for that song at ESC? Come on…

The Voice of Reason
The Voice of Reason
8 months ago
Reply to  Thallo

She give it a revamp and she’s good to go!

8 months ago

Or are they just going with the best songs they received that also happen to show the diversity in Ireland

8 months ago

Isabelle’s entry is the better one of today’s tracks imo

8 months ago

I love Isabella’s song, great vibe

8 months ago

Are your thoughts really your thoughts, or what the media thinks?

8 months ago
Reply to  Jonas

The media literally glorifies BLM

8 months ago
Reply to  Yuarith

You disagree that Black Lives Matter? I fail to understand how anybody could ever say they don’t. Rhetorical question, your reply would probably only depress me.

8 months ago
Reply to  Jonas

Perhaps, if by “media” you mean the dreaded MSM, so feared by far right cheerleaders. FoxNews, Joe Rogan, GB News etc. to give examples of English language ones are ALSO media, and help radicalise people such as yourself. Sad.

8 months ago

“Are your thoughts really your thoughts, or what the media thinks?”

A timely question, I like JyellowL’s lyrics.

8 months ago
Reply to  Jonas

And are they media’s thoughts really the media’s thoughts? A lot of them barely have any thoughts.

8 months ago
Reply to  Ari

Independent thought is a dwindling force. Why public broadcasting remains important. Murdoch-style media is nothing but a brand.

8 months ago
Reply to  Jonas

And sadly, even those have terrible shortcomings and bias.

The Voice of Reason
The Voice of Reason
8 months ago
Reply to  Jonas

Murdoch style media is dying.

8 months ago


Purple Mask
Purple Mask
8 months ago
Reply to  Ari

Haha, thanks Ari. 😛
On heavier deadline days, it was sometimes easier not to think too much. But a lot of thought, planning and reviewing always went on. It was almost always busy.

Purple Mask
Purple Mask
8 months ago
Reply to  Jonas

I worked for the media for almost nine years. My thoughts are still my own. 🙂
I suppose it’s different being someone who actually wrote and edited, compared to those who only ever read/listen/watch.
Technically speaking, Wiwibloggs can be seen as a form of media too. Does Wiwibloggs control your thoughts? (Spookyyy)

The Voice of Reason
The Voice of Reason
8 months ago
Reply to  Purple Mask

It is because Wiwibloggs has journalists like any other blog or news site.

8 months ago
Reply to  Purple Mask

I don’t tar all media with the same brush, but essentially outlets like Fox or GB News are just propaganda machines. Same with many others. They are waving a hypnotiser in front of their audience’s eyes, brainwashing and radicalising them. You are too nice to do a thing like that.

The Voice of Reason
The Voice of Reason
8 months ago
Reply to  Jonas

Same with the Guardian, or CNN or whatever Israel spews. It’s all the same.

8 months ago

I can’t wait to watch the Irish NF. Watching the Late Late Show car crash has become a nice tradition. You gotta admire that they’re still doing it. “This time we got some real winners on our hands with Wild Youth”. I love good comedy in Eurovision and I expect nothing less this year.

8 months ago
Reply to  Ari

There is nothing to admire about Late Late Show: the only country that organizes worse national final than Ireland at this stage is only Moldova (production wise).

The Voice of Reason
The Voice of Reason
8 months ago
Reply to  Aga

Nah Moldova knocks out of the park compared to THIS

Purple Mask
Purple Mask
8 months ago
Reply to  Ari

Yeah, I’ve gotten used to it myself over the past few years. I’m probably old enough now to be in the show’s actual audience demographic.

8 months ago
Reply to  Purple Mask

It might be different this year, who knows. Patrick Kielty is the new host.

8 months ago
Reply to  Ari

Look I get that our broadcaster doesn’t care about Eurovision and weve essentially become a laughing stock with our abysmal qualification record this past decade or longer but I think its weird to revel in countries struggling at esc. There’s lots of Irish esc fans who’ve wanted to see our country do well and have wanted changes in how we pick our songs but we haven’t been listened to.

8 months ago
Reply to  Escfan

would you like me to cry for you watching the Late Late Show?

8 months ago
Reply to  Ari

It’s not about that and you know its not, its about almost wanting to see the car crash that is Ireland having a crappy selection that fans have continuously asked to change and almost revelling in how sht weve been.

I personally always root for countries to do well and if they send a song I dont like then I try to make peace with it and hope 1. I’ll change my mind about it and or 2. Wait till the following year to have a sing that I prefer.

The Voice of Reason
The Voice of Reason
8 months ago
Reply to  Ari

I also found Johnny Rotten and that old side host the funniest and most entertaining! That side host should host it instead of Ray!

8 months ago

I like both songs. I think the staging will be the decider. The Isabelle Kearney song is an ear worm and is stronger than Erica Coady if we are comparing two female pop tracks.

I am just waiting for Bambie Thug who needs to be the Irish entry.

8 months ago

halfway and through and the selected songs sound so much better than last year. Of the two songs today i prefer Isabella. This and Erica Cody lead the race for me

8 months ago

Ireland giving us all the genres this year – and I’m here for it! Loving Isabella though – a bit of a revamp and this could def qualify!

8 months ago
Reply to  Paddy

I think the chorus is quality and a little revamp to the verses could really polish this. I don’t know anything about the artist but if she has the voice and the swag, I’m excited.